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Indeed, the rigorous statement is $\Bbb{Q}$ is dense in $\Bbb{R}$. A few minutes ago, however we are talking about how mathematical objects are illustrated when communicating them to the public
which is why the discussion tone becomes the intuitive tone
I wonder if any software can plot the following discontinous everywhere function:
If you're implying that "communicating to the public" should mean you can just do everything "intuitively", I heavily disagree. Whatever you say or show to the public can be intuitive or in an intuitive tone, but you should be able to back everything in a mathematically rigorous way.
That's what I am thinking. Intuition first, then the rigor (since past experience they tend to get either bored or scared of the rigor if presented first). I am still learning how to do the balance...
@Secret linearly plot all the rationals on a line?
Can you plot them quadraticly?
@Secret Actually, no, this is what I disagree with.
Rigour first, then explain it in an intuitive way.
I would say that it depends on the branch, and that intuition can also be important.
@SteamyRoot But how to keep them from getting bored (or even scared) because you are showing equations first on the screen?
@Secret You don't have to show the rigorous part.
Oh, it's about communicating to the public. In that case, I would say that it depends on the audience.
You can leave it all behind, but you need to have done it for yourself.
You can also biject the rationals (in an order-preserving way) to the set of intervals "missing" from the Cantor set. (Meaning, the connected components of its complement of finite length)
Every rational?
That's interesting.
It's easy to biject it with the dyadic rationals ($\frac n{2^d}$)
@SteamyRoot Ah I see, I initially thought you mean to do both the rigor and the intuition in front of the audience
but it turns out that you can biject the dyadic rationals with the rationals in an order-preserving way as well
(You can derive this by staring at the Ford circles. The bijection is called the Minkowski question mark function.)
@Secret Ah, no. That definitely won't go well with certain audiences.
@SteamyRoot which is why sometimes when I think about how to communicate maths to the public and make them not so scare of it and realise it is interesting, I get my brain tied to knots
@AkivaWeinberger ?
@LeakyNun Indeed.
because you don't want to go all intuition because people will otherwise see you as handwavy, but you also don't want them to be scared away by formulae and stuff
@Secret Well, it's okay to be handwavey sometimes. But if a question from the audience comes, you have to be able to justify it.
If you draw Thomae's function with the vertical line segments, you can write the name of each rational on top of its line
and then it looks like you just have a bunch of line segments pointing from the name of the rational to its location on the real line
@LeakyNun I suspect that will not work, because there are always a rational between any two rationals, so you still basically plotting more or less a dense set (I think the rigorous version will be, the image of the rationals under the map $x\mapsto x^2$ will still give a dense set)
(You could draw the labels at different sizes in such a way to fit them all)
(Specifically, translate each Ford circle upwards by the value of Thomae's function at that point, and make sure the label fits inside the corresponding circle)
@SteamyRoot Of course, if one is going to be doing a public presentation, they will be ready both intuitively and rigorously
@Secret you took it seriously... it was meant as a ridicule on the choice of word "linearly plot"
In any case, I don't see any good way to visualize the _ir_rational numbers other than just saying "the limit points of the graph of Thomae's function"
Dirichlet function anyone?
I mean, in practice, I just imagine a dotted line of some sort. Maybe drawn in a very dark ink to show that it's measure $1$ per unit.
What happens if we attempt to plot the following (known to be nowhere continuous) graph:

$$f(x)=\left\{\begin{matrix} 1\text{ if }x=0 \\0\text{ if }x=\frac{p}{q},gcd(p,q)=1 \\ x \text{ otherwise}\end{matrix}\right.$$
That's just $x$ times Dirichlet's function?
@AkivaWeinberger no, it's 0 at rationals
...and x at irrationals
@Secret you get a graph of y=x... juxtaposed with a graph of y=0... and the point (0,1)
Oh, redefined at the origin
41 mins ago, by Akiva Weinberger
@Secret As I mentioned, the set of isolated points in any subset of space is countable. So an approach along the lines of Thomae's function is guaranteed not to work.
The $\gcd(p,q)=1$ adds nothing.
Basically, I swapped some of the lines in the definition of the Thomae function, and noting that this new function should be nowhere continous since wikipedia gave a proof that a continuous at rational but discontinous as irrational function is impossible
More explicitly:
and I think Leaky is correct in what the resulting graph might look like
(so that is not helpful in visualising the irrationals...)
Nice way of writing the letter $x$
That is in my top three favorite ways of writing the letter $x$ in math
@Justwinbaby long time no see. :-)
@Secret how is it going?
I just considered a break from work (8 hours or so of ceaseless work)
Is there only one way to define the square root function on the positive reals such that it is a group morphism ?
Hello @Waiting :-)
@Justwinbaby how are you doing these day? :-)
Nothing much:
1. Chemistry: Have read how to use a 2nd program in my PhD, and I just sent some calculations in, hopefully they will run smoothly

2. Chat crawling: Currently at 13/2/2015

3. Maths: We are discussing higher dimensional geometry, then discuss about communicate maths with public and now the structure of irrationals and how to visualise them, as well how a maths person should balance between rigor and intuition
@Astyx How else would you define it?
@Astyx Well, if you specified the function, then there is only one way
I mean, you basically told us what each element maps to.
Fine thanks @Waiting how are you?
Oh, you haven't specified the group operation.
It's strange how we jumped from visualizing the fourth dimension to visualizing the rationals (or irrationals)
$\sqrt{f_1(x,y)} = f_2(\sqrt x,\sqrt y)$
I meant : does there exist a unique group morphism R from the positive reals to the nonzero reals such that R (x)^2=x
It seems plausible that the functional equation above has infinitely many solutions @Astyx
@Astyx oh...
$R:\Bbb R_{>0}\to\Bbb R^\times$
@Secret Intuition means a lot to me. Actually I think it's even more than that, sometimes I feel the mathematical thoughts come to me in a special way but don't ask me to give you more details, I feel mathematics.
@Astyx No, because $R[\Bbb R^+] = \Bbb R$, and then I don't know what negative elements are supposed to map to.
@AkivaWeinberger Because they both fell under the same umbrella: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/38217000#38217000
@LeakyNun The range could be a subset of the reals
@Waiting I have intuitions too, though most of them are visual. What I lack is non-visual intuition, and I suspect as I continue to expose to more fine art and practice, I think I will soon get that
Chat crawling? @Secret
@AkivaWeinberger oh, sorry
@Justwinbaby Not that bad, thanks. I'm working around some mathematical ideas of approaching some new integrals, never done before in the literature.
cool :-)
But yeah, Secret essentially said that the only math topics that the public likes that they can't visualize are higher dimensions and infinity. I said that's nonsense, you can totally visualize infinity.
@Secret Yes, exposure is definitely mandatory. I agree with what you said.
@AkivaWeinberger and then Akiva showed me rationals representations I did not knew previosuly
I'm basically asking wether there exists a morphism $\Bbb R \to \Bbb Z /2\Bbb Z$ unless I'm mistaken
Yeah. And then that's where we are now.
and that's how we end up in irrationals as according to my mind's tendency to wander to topics in the direction of increasing mind screwiness
@Astyx Group morphism? Ring morphism?
@Secret I also think you have to work continuously without skipping days. I mean one has to work very hard daily and profoundly.
@Astyx Probably not without the axiom of choice.
@SteamyRoot Group, on $\Bbb R_>$
Or on $\Bbb R$, they're isomorphic
@Waiting Consider I dream of maths a lot, I think I am not worried about that since even my sleep is utilised for maths and my other subjects
Only the trivial morphism then, no?
That's my question
@Secret That's nice.
Why is there no other morphism ?
Try to map something to $1$ and check if it's still a morphism
Oh, yeah
Yeah, if $f(x)=\bar1$, then $f(x/2)=?$
Waiting: For example
This is for the domain being $(\Bbb R,+)$
Damn I'm dumb
@Secret Then you have to be extremely powerful mentally. No matter what you choose to do, there is that possibility to hear that what you do is something silly, stupid.
Thanks for the help
No prob
@Astyx Nah
Same goes for Q then I guess
I guess the way to write this is ${\rm Hom}(\Bbb R,\Bbb Z_2)=0$
@Waiting I am not terribly worried about that. My true self is the ability to convince ordinal people to join me into the world of bizarre and weirdness
(ordinary, too many ordinals in my mind recently...)
(or $=1$, they're the same in group theory anyway)
@Secret lol!
@Secret That's great.
@AkivaWeinberger Technically, you write $0$ for abelian and $1$ for non-abelian.
For example, division by zero algebra is pretty much the most nosensical possible thing one will hear in the maths community, yet a couple of professors and my friends found my work quite interesting
@SteamyRoot Same group, though
@Secret Turn every hit you get into power to reach more and higher objectives.
Different categories, but whatever
But $\operatorname{Hom}$ is in general a groupoid rather than a group, so usually we refrain from either and use $\{0\}$.
Yeah, I guess that makes sense
Always remember, ideas mix, and always remember, I have 6 years of track record of infecting my weirdness to many people I have interacted with real life or not
@Secret it's not just silly motivational text, this is if you want to reach a top in anything you do. Very, very powerful mentally.
It's a pretty standard convention for the $1$ and $0$ being Abelian and non-Abelian, though. It's not uncommon to see exact sequences like $0 \to \mathbb{Z}^2 \to \Gamma \to S_3 \to 1$
This is like that nonsense with $D\sharp$ and $E\flat$
And finally $\Bbb Z/p\Bbb Z $ ?
@SteamyRoot O_O
What's $\Gamma$?
@Astyx I feel like $\Bbb R\to\Bbb Z_3$ should be doable…
Well, any group that fits the exact sequence. I just took an example of my research where I use $\Gamma$ alot :P
then I am already doing it daily. It's part of my nature already
@Astyx Map something to $1$ again?
@AkivaWeinberger not really nonsense if you don't use equal temperament.
@LeakyNun Huh. Never thought about it like that.
That explains double sharps as well, I guess
indeed it does.
And… triple sharps?
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that that never happens
(ok now where was I in 2015... Will deal with irrational visualisations later...)
$$\sum _{k=1}^{\infty } \sum _{n=1}^{\infty } \frac{\Gamma (k)^2 \Gamma (n) }{\Gamma (2 k+n)}((\psi ^{(0)}(n)-\psi ^{(0)}(2 k+n)) (\psi ^{(0)}(k)-\psi ^{(0)}(2 k+n))-\psi ^{(1)}(2 k+n))$$
No, I refuse
@AkivaWeinberger never seen it. No keys require it natively.
Do not want
Harmonic minor uses both flats and sharps occasionally, which is interesting
@AkivaWeinberger Then you can use it, say, to take a selfie with it ...
Here's a fun scale, if you care about such things @LeakyNun
@AkivaWeinberger I do.
The harmonic minor is white notes starting on A but with a $G\sharp$, yeah?
@AkivaWeinberger yes
Do the same but starting on $E$
so $E,F,G\sharp,A,B,C,D,E$
Dominant Phrygian, I think it's called. Sounds very Eastern European.
Despite the major third, it sounds very minor
So it's like a minor scale but with a flat second and sharp third
because of the minor second?
Wait I made a silly confusion for Q, since the group of squares of Q^* is not isomorphic to Q itself
@Justwinbaby .
21 hours ago, by Secret
2 days ago, by Secret
(NB For those who wonder why I am digging up very old messages: I am currently backing up all my messages left throughout the SE network in order to prevent another information loss disaster similar to the fall of Mos Eilsey to happen)

:: We _*cannot* tolerate anymore information loss! ::
What happened to Mos Eisley?
The chat or the fictional city?
I guess there are more than one square roots for Q
@AkivaWeinberger The chatroom. There was a flame war broke out involving some abusive users, and the SE team decided the room has to be deleted
@AkivaWeinberger Oh I know why it sounds very minor: it's just $A$ harmonic minor starting from $E$
@LeakyNun Also, $E,F,A,B,C$ makes a pentatonic scale. Not the pentatonic scale, but a pentatonic scale. It (and modes of it) sounds very Japanese.
so the scifi SE started a fresh chapter with a new chat
(Modes meaning just starting on a different note in it, so like $A,B,C,E,F$)
@AkivaWeinberger Fun fact: the five black keys form a pentatonic scale.
There are as many square roots on Q as there are primes
Since my rep is not high enough to see deleted chat rooms, the messages and ideas I temporary stored there is basically lost
@LeakyNun Yup
Now on to $\Bbb Z/p\Bbb Z$
It's really just the same for the $p = 2$ case.
$\varphi(px) = p\varphi(x) = 0$ for all $x$.
It's not very disastrous though, since I only have stored 2 ideas in there and I recall what they are, but imagine, for an unspeakably small probbaility it happens in the h bar or the maths chat, that's a year worth of my highly unique ideas loss in the drain
@SteamyRoot Oh. Duh.
So $\varphi(x)=p\varphi(x/p)=0$.
Right. So no maps from $\Bbb R$ to torsion-y things.
(NB, people cannot really steal my ideas except the time travel theory because all idea ideas of mine are unreadable/illegible without the weirdness personality of mine (even with explanation), which is possess by only a handful of people who have interacted with me long enough)
I'm asking for a morphism $(\Bbb Z /p\Bbb Z)^{2*}\to (\Bbb Z/p\Bbb Z)^*$ where $^{2*}$ means the group of squares right ?
Well, no surjective morphisms at least.
The set of notes $B,C,E,F,A$ sounds really interesting to me for some reason
(Same octave, so going up in pitch)
I kind of like how there are 12 keys. That makes nice groups.
Oh, and of course $G$ is a generator, which makes it a cyclic group.
(Well, duh, it's just the $\Bbb Z_{12}$ group.)
@LeakyNun Microtonal music is a thing.
People have divided the octave into other amounts (like 15 equal pieces) and played music with it
It sounds… weird
If you want to listen to a good microtonal artist, look up Sevish.
(He's got a channel on YouTube)
I'm out, maybe return in a few days, very hard work here is still needed to finalize some ideas (actually to turn them into practical tools).
@Justwinbaby bye
Hm, idea for LaTeX musical notation: superscripts say number of beats, subscript says which octave
$A_3^1 C_3^1 E_3^1 G_3^1$
that might conflict with currently accepted usage of subscripts if I recall (which is to precisely notate which note in a (forgot word) scale you are at)
$F^1~E^1~C^{1/2} D^{1/2} B^{1/2} E^{1/2}$
@Secret Oh, didn't know that
Scientific pitch notation (or SPN, also known as American Standard Pitch Notation (ASPN) and International Pitch Notation (IPN)) is a method of specifying musical pitch by combining a musical note name (with accidental if needed) and a number identifying the pitch's octave. Although scientific pitch notation (SPN) was originally designed as a companion to "scientific pitch" (see below), the two are not synonymous, and should not be confused. Scientific pitch is a pitch standard—a system which defines the specific frequencies of particular pitches (see below). SPN concerns only how pitch names are...
To be precise
@Astyx It's been a long time since I last read up Markov inequality. Could you elaborate a little on exactly how you're taking the exponential?
Bye @Waiting nice chatting with you :-)
I just can't seem to get enough of this song
Hi @SoumyoB ! Yeah so the problem I was talking about specifically was about random walks, that is $S_n = \sum_{i=1}^n X_i$ where each $X_i$ follows a Rademacher random variable, and all are independant. The using Markov inequality on the $e^{tS_n}$ for $t\in \Bbb R_+$ we get upper bounds that work wonders to prove some results. (eg $P(S_n \ge \epsilon) = P(e^{S_n} \ge e^{\epsilon}) \le \dots$).
I get we have to take the exponential to apply Markov since we need something positive. But it's seems magical too me that it works so well
A quick subjective question: Suppose I want to produce a square with the same perimeter as the unit disk.
That's not hard; the unit disk has perimeter $2\pi$, so a square of side-length $s=\pi/2$ will have the same perimeter.
I say that, but then I produce the result in Mathematica:
I have a quick question about a certain term, but here is some context: Let $X$ be compact Hausdorff. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a collection of closed connected subspaces of $X$ that is simply ordered by proper inclusion.
@Astyx gimme some time, I'll be back and will see your question
My question is, what exactly does "simply ordered by proper inclusion"?
No matter how I look at that, I can't convince myself visually that the two figures have the same perimeter :/
@user193319 for every pair of sets $U$ and $V$ in $\mathcal A$ either $U\subseteq V$ or $V\subseteq U$
with both holding iff $U=V$, so we actually have a linear (simple) order
@AlessandroCodenotti So, if I wanted to show that $\mathcal{A}$ has the finite intersection property, then I could just take the set among a finite collection that is contained in all the other ones and show that the intersection is simply equal to the smallest set?
(I should learn how to read, I missed the "finite" part :P)
@AlessandroCodenotti Haha! Don't worry: I have a tendency to read things too quickly, too. Thanks, by the way!
@SoumyoB Alright, thanks for your time !
What does uncertainty in uncertainty principle mean?
@Abcd "the more precisely the position of some particle is determined, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa"
Uncertainty would be referring to the fact that you cannot know a quantity precisely.
@LeakyNun Thanks. I had created a room for us. Did you see that?
@Abcd I didn't
@LeakyNun I got confused because its denoted by delta
@LeakyNun :( . I had invited you.
I found it
@LeakyNun Please send me the link. I am unable to find it
I remember.
Q: When is it ok to use \newcommand and \DeclareMathOperator?

T. GunnAs some of you may know, you can use \newcommand and \DeclareMathOperator to create new TeX macros. For example, $\DeclareMathOperator{\cosine}{cosine}$$\DeclareMathOperator{\cosine}{cosine}$ allows you to write $\cosine$ and see $\cosine$. Unfortunately, using either of these commands affects th...

@LeakyNun Could you explain a question related to it to me? I know how to solve and get the answer but don't understand what the question means.
@Abcd just ask; don't ask to ask
@LeakyNun I an atom, an electron is moving with a speed of 600 m/s with an accuracy of 0.005%. What is the certainty with which the position of the electron can be located?
Do you know the uncertainty principle?
@LeakyNun Yes. $\triangle x\triangle p = \frac {h}{4\pi}$
and do you know any quantity in the equation?
@LeakyNun delta x is uncertainty in position delta p is ....in momentum
$\Delta x \Delta p = \frac h {4\pi}$
@Abcd and do you know any of those?
@LeakyNun I know how to solve> I just want the explanation of the question
@LeakyNun I know how to solve
I'm not sure whether that is $\pm 0.005\%$ or $\pm 0.0025\%$
@LeakyNun former
@Abcd then that's what it means
@LeakyNun There's a crucial assumption in uncertainty principle derivation: electron travels with speed of light. Is that acceptable? Is it correct?
the precision is 0.005%
@Abcd really?
@LeakyNun sorry sorry sorry. I meant in De broglie's wavelength
I got a series problem if anyone wants to try.
It's going to be rather hard for an electron to travel at the speed of light.
Show that $f(s)$ is analytic on the entire complex plane where $$f(s)=\lim_{x\to-1^+} \sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{x^{k+1}}{k^s}$$
@Abcd what does it have to do with this problem?
@LeakyNun It's a separate question.
@Secret That's the same use that I was doing (although they change octaves from B to C rather than from G to A)
It says which octave you're using, not where in the octave you are
Ah ok
So I guess the only real difference is that I was adding superscripts for note length
I think so, I don't recall classical notation has numerical superscript
I was saying that was my addition
$A_3^1~C_4^1~E_4^1~G_4^1\mid F_4^1~E_4^1~C_4^{1/2}D_4^{1/2}B_3^{1/2}F_4^{1/2}$
(is the thing from earlier but switching it so that octaves change on $C$ instead of $A$… for whatever reason…)
If they're all from $A_3$ to $G_4$, I don't really need the subscripts, to be honest
$A^1~C^1~E^1~F^1\mid D^1~F^1~A_4^1~G_3^1$
Oh. Oh, one of those notes is wrong, whoops.
and I suspect by note length, you mean something like this?
In music notation, a note value indicates the relative duration of a note, using the color or shape of the note head, the presence or absence of a stem, and the presence or absence of flags/beams/hooks/tails. A rest indicates a silence of an equivalent duration. == List == == Variations == The breve appears in several different versions, as shown at right. The first two are commonly used; the third is a stylistic alternative. Sometimes the longa or breve is used to indicate a very long note of indefinite duration, as at the end of a piece (e.g. at the end of Mozart's Mass KV 192). When a stem...
Yeah. So a quarter note is $1$, and eight note is $\frac12$, etc
Cookie to whoever can sing/play the above thing and see which note is the error.
Then repeat the first two measures and add $A_4^1~G_4^1~F^1~D^1\mid E^2~A_3^2$.
@AkivaWeinberger the $G$?
Which one?
Oh, I messed up the octave, didn't I
Fourth measure should end in $G_4^1$, not $G_3^1$
That's not the one I was thinking of
Hmm, I can see how an advantage of this is that you don't need the harmony package to type music in latex, and also that the note value becomes a number makes it more flexible.

However part of the aesthetic of music and how people recognise it is musical writing came from the way the notes are written, though I guess that's a minor, cultural thing and that the society just need to adapt to a new convention so it shoudl be fine
It's not about throwing away the old convention, it's about how MathJax doesn't support proper music notation and that makes me sad.
So this is an alternative.
Makes sense
Ooo, uncertainty
I mean, I suppose I could just record myself singing in Vocaroo and post the link?
You know what, major improvement, specificy what scale you're using and then just use numbers
so if I specify I'm in a minor scale, the root minor chord would just be $1^1~3^1~5^1$.
(Broken chord.)
that's quite compact and concise
And then the dominant phrygian thing I mentioned earlier is $1~2\flat~3\sharp~4\mid 5~6~7~8$ (again with the numbers in a minor scale)
what is middle C in this scale? (I usually rely on middle C to find where I am)
Rests are… $\emptyset$, maybe?
Do we use $0$,$-1$ and so on?
@Secret Well, this would move around based on key… but if you're doing it in $A$ minor (which seems a natural choice) it would be $3$
@Secret Not sure. Maybe $7_{-1}$?
(Or I'd you're doing it in $C$ major it would be $1$)
Let me just double check, so suprscript is note value, subscript is which octave, and the base is the note pitch?
Minor scale: $1^{1/2}5^{1/2}~\emptyset^{1/2}5^{1/2}\mid 6^{1/2}0^{1/2}2\flat^{1/2}3\sharp^{1/2}$ repeat from start a bunch of times
ok, so using the 12 (forgot name) scale system, the base can only be 1 to 8, thus I think the number 0 is free to be used as a base, we can thus use that to denote rests and then the superscipt will be note value of the rest, consistent to how superscript used in this notation
(Warning: That's stupidly difficult to sing for some reason)
I just used $0$ as the note before $1$ there.
If I recall, each octave has 7 distinct note pitches. Since we have subscripts to deal with octaves, it means we only need 7 symbols for the base
(Minor scale $02\flat3\sharp$ is a diminished chord, for the record)
@Secret Fair. Though if it doesn't move around a lot we could use $0$ and $8$ to save space or clutter
Right, then $\emptyset$ will be a good rest notation then
oh, and hi chat
4 mins ago, by Akiva Weinberger
Minor scale: $1^{1/2}5^{1/2}~\emptyset^{1/2}5^{1/2}\mid 6^{1/2}0^{1/2}2\flat^{1/2}3\sharp^{1/2}$ repeat from start a bunch of times
Only repeat three times, add a $1^12\flat^1\mid3\sharp^14^1$ climb, and then modulate up a fifth and start over
(And then climb back down)
In other news: My calculation does not seemed to save an archive file after it finishes, or I don't know where it is inside the whole computer cluster

This is why I really don't like to navigate witin supercomputing clusters, all these data structures are so confusing
I'ma gonna chat crawl this month and then cool myself off with ordinal collapsing fnctions
I just got my music theory book for next year. As you can imagine, I'm pretty excited
@Semiclassical What?
What music instrument do you play?
Music theory is on my list of things I should learn
(And voice, if you want to count that)
Ah same, I played the piano roughly 10 years ago, before uni kicks in and I stopped
I don't do piano as much as I should
though my music sense is still retained
I've gotten much worse
it's true that $S \ ^ n - \{x\} $ homeo' to $S \ ^ n -\{y\}$ for all $x,y, \in S \ ^ n$ ?
i think it is but im not sure how to build the homeo'
i proved that $S \ ^ n - \{(0,\dots,1)\}$ is homeo to $\Bbb R \ ^ n$ and now i want to conclude that $S \ ^ n -\{x\}$ is also homeo' to $\Bbb R \ ^ n$.
Just rotate them into eachother?
yea. how :P
By... rotating.
Like, take the plane spanned by the origin, $x$, and $y$.
Chemistry: Ok, I think I knew what is going on. The script said if any error is encountered in the run, all contents are dumped to dev/null, that is why I don't get my archive file. The issue is then I need to figure out how to make a copy of the script so that I don't end up modifying the global, communal one
How do you get $x$ to $y$ ?
rotating it :P
how can i write it down explicitly? @SteamyRoot
@AkivaWeinberger I was hearing the other conversation re: uncertainty
Uhhhh... Picking a decent coordinate system would probably make it easy.
Start with the plane I mentioned, and build the other coordinates around it.
@Liad There's a general theorem saying all connected manifolds are homogeneous, though that's not necessary here

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