I think a general rule of thumb for mods in these chats though is to not ban people every time an 'offensive' comment needs to be deleted. It's not different than in ordinary chat. We don't ban people every time irrelevant or annoying or mildly crude posts get deleted so that future readers aren't offended. I think the same needs to be true in these chats.
i mean, if mods weren't so ban-heavy then those flags would've only accomplished in removing 'offensive' content which really shouldn't bother anyone. I mean, unless it ruins the transcript.
Whenever I watch a horror movie I think "please don't be ghosts, please don't be ghosts" and then when it's not ghosts "please don't be aliens, please don't be aliens"
When I had that foreign exchange student staying with us, she wouldn't stop talking about it. She thought it was a major blockbuster,(and it probably was in France) but not many people had heard of it over here.
I mean ordinals are well ordered by $\in$ by definition, so you need to show that $\omega^2$ is an ordinal, but that isn't that the order type of $\omega\cdot\omega$ with the lexicographic order?
If you're doing high-energy experiment, the scale/costs of the experiments can be so large that the only way for them to proceed is via big research collaborations and gvmt support.
However, what that doesn't take into account is that not all of the light which reaches your ship will have left the planet's surface at the same time.
Did Balarka leave? Something homology-y happened in the news, though I'm not sure how much I understood
There were headlines saying we discovered 11-dimensional structures in the brain. Which doesn't make sense. And apparently that's not actually what happened