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Well I'm bad at most topology soooo
Does that cut any cases?
algebraists are out
Wait damn
No keep algebraists
what is an algebraist
@s.harp it's a space sloth lol
is it some kind of food for analysts to eat?
cause I'm hungry
@EricSilva A sadomasomathematician
@Eric a procult revolutionary group who writes vulgar things and passes it off as interesting math
Hi chat, what's going on?
Algebraists are analysts who made better choices somewhere early in the road
@Daminark t r a s h
"The Vulgarization Functor"
Or perhaps it's better to say analysts were algebraists who screwed up somewhere
One which transfers beautiful geometric object into infinitely vulgar $\infty$-stuff
I don't like analysts but I like them better than algebraists
Lexicographically, algebra > analysis
Draw a commuting diagram which resembles a picture of the object in question
Just gonna point out that we reached the 7 billionth person around late 2011/early 2012
and now we have 7.5 billion people
That's insane
I think people think the 7.5 billion mark was reached a few weeks ago
@Balarka in irl
Obviously we don't know exactly when
@Daminark there are people who arent on MSE?? what r they doing with their time???
productive things?
@Daminark real life is boring
They expect 8 billion by 2025
@EricSilva Obviously a joke
especially since the likelihood of someone being born or dying in the span of this conversation is pretty good
@Daminark You have a grammatical error
@EricSilva I mean probably not being productive either
I think every second one person dies and two are born
Right I meant to say in real irl
what is productive?
These figures might be outdated though
I actually do have a math question I should try to figure out, but it's more Lambert-W stuff
@Hippa yea I have to leave it for now, I'm sorry. I don't have time.
specifically, more branch-structure / real-imaginary part madness.
We'll die before 2100 anyway
Guys, where do we use $\cos\omega t\sin\omega t$ in $\vec E_1\cdot\vec E_2$? I only see "like" terms, like $\cos\cos$ and $\sin\sin$.
@Balarka i give us till friday tbh
@BalarkaSen No i wont
Won't those show up in the expansion of 9.9?
Schematically, you've got $(A_1\cos \omega t+B_1\sin \omega t)(A_2\cos \omega t+B_2\sin \omega t)$.
@Krijn one does not simply contradict stephen hawkings
And that multiplies out to four terms, two of which are sin cos
@BalarkaSen Yeah you do
He's a physicists
He doesn't know about this stuff
(The point being that you won't end up with the $A_1 B_2$ or $A_2 B_1$ terms after time-averaging.)
uhm okay let me see
right, I had completely forgotten that I can expand it
anyone know the function that maps Q to the natural numbers off hand?
right, sorry, that was quite a stupid question. but I've been studying since this morning, so that might explain it :P
heh, it happens.
stephen hawking's face is slowly turning into butter as time evolves though. but at least he's alive and predicting our death
ugh, I need to stop listening to this song. it's a very good/effective song, but it always leaves me in a down mood.
you should listen to the song we dug up yesterday or something
which one was that?
it's infinitely catchy, so definitely going to remove song-cache from your head
I should watch one of those bad lip reading videos.
Look up "Tweeted Love"
Though so far this song seems more like 90s memes.
'tis funny
How infinitely?
@BalarkaSen I just tested my life expectancy online, and I will make it to 2096 :(
God dammit
depend show old u r that might be rather impressive
you will become dead
@Faust7 $\aleph_{31}$
@BalarkaSen I am become Death, destroyer of worlds
Rip in sad react
can you integrate something thats nowhere continous?
Riemann integral requires continuity almost everywhere
$\chi_{\Bbb Q}$, no ?
Riemann integrable iff continuous almost everywhere in fact
but there are other ways to integrate
for Lebesgue ur fine
or w.e
Lebesgue integral requires measureable which gets you a good deal more functions
i have never in my life encountered a function which is not measurable
Me and my classmates made one of those "who are you? I'm you but stronger" memes with Lebesgue and Riemann
nobody was stronger than riemann
Lebesgue integration theory is beautiful imo
except tuberculosis
i dunno any of it :(
@Daminark although sometimes when people say "integrable" they want the integral to be finite but idk how wide spread this is
I had a conversation with a professor over how sad it is that Riemann died so young
@BalarkaSen You don't know Lebesgue ?
the things that man saw...
@EricSilva it is consistent with ZF that every function is measurable
only superfically, @Astyx
Ah right, you probably know as much as me then :p
i remeber a formula that we had to use a wierd integralfor
from a dif geo class
Yeah our TA thought of integrable as finite integral. Though thanks to Marianna I'm even chill with functions that are valued on the extended reals
cuz ur TA is one of the soug disciples probably
anyone know of good book to explain it?
there's this book by wilcox
Yeah she is
called fourier series and lebesgue integration or something
Functions to the extended reals make a lot of measure theory theorems nicer
it's a quick read
and nice
for more read like royden or something
I used mostly Rudin, I think
oh ya and rudin real and complex
although i didnt care as much for it
@s.harp that got dark quickly
its funny that most geometry colloqium talks at my universtiy start with "actually riemann was thinking about something similar to this when he did this and that"
there are a few mathematicians who were thinking leaps ahead of their time
Riemann is one
the guy died when he was 39 years old
let$ f(x)=: x if x \ in mathbb {Q} f(x)=-x if x \in \mathbb {R\Q}$ how do i show that f(x) is continuous at 0 (assuming it is)
Galois is another
I mean I mostly just rolled with my professor's lectures
That plus TeX'd notes, which my friend would occasionally add on Rudin stuff when Marianna wasn't completely clear
@Faust you can squeeze the limit
rhs and lhs both aproach 0 and is 0 at 0
Oh @EricSilva someone did find a book called Evans, which seems a bit more​ Marianna style
L.C. Evans?
It's called measure theory and the fine properties of functions
ya same dude, he's written a lot of things
from that statement its hard to tell if thats a good thing or a bad thing
Is he the one who did the PDE and variations book you talk about?
I see
and a book on weak convergence methods i took a couple whacks at back in winter
@Daminark are ur grades up
I'll check
mine aint
@ShaVuklia alright :-)
Odd, did evals and my grades in a few classes​ have already been decided
Likely sent to the register
I mean they're just a mess, remember add-drop
I'm grateful for that delay because people posted memes about it being late, which then gave me time to hop into core bio
oh i didnt know
i just had to drop this year
I was aiming for a specific core bio section which closed 30 seconds after I got it
As it stands I'm registered in Nori's complex, that bio class, and Shotton's algebra
I'll have to pink slip into logic
And find what to replace complex with. It seems like Smart's section was slow by the standards of most complex professors, but even Nori is likely to be mostly subsumed by bootcamp
Villani will probably be my deputy
is deputy a government thing
Equivalent of MP in the UK
I don't know about the US
idk what mp stands for
Congressman, I think?
oh makes sense
Member of parliament
MP should be Minister of Parliament if I remember right
what party did he run for
Oh I see, lol that makes more sense
u guy live in the old country?
En Marche
ohhhh weird
i wonder why he's doing political things
I guess he's bored
Or he lacks attention
what is en marche's political leaning
is it like neolib
like our dem party
Mmm I don't know what I'd compare it to
I've heard it described as liberal/center
smells like neoliberalism to me tbh
Your statement smells like disapproval
is the power set of a countably infinite set uncountably infinite?
@faust7 the power set is always strictly larger than the orginal set
Yeah, specifically $\aleph_1$
that halfanswer my question
It bijects to the reals
i think your saying yes?
@Daminark the reals do not necessarily have cardinality $\aleph_1$
ok thx.
Oh lol I roll with generalized continuum hypothesis
@s.harp dami has this bad habit of assuming (G)CH
@Daminark there's good and bad, I don't disapprove necessarily, but I don't approve either (I'm a latin american, how could I be fully approving given the history of how neoliberal policies have affected latin america)
no im good thanks.
I see @EricSilva, makes sense. I haven't yet read up on it much but I've heard that the economic policies were merpy at best
@AlessandroCodenotti it's not a bad habit!
that's debatable
that's one of those things where there are super good arguments on either side
It's a good and deliberate choice! Harumph
that is whether or not assuming (G)CH is good or bad
idk anything about them though
jus that people are on either side
If we get into that in logic at all I'll let you know
Though idt it gets too deeply into specifically stuff that you can add to ZFC
ask smart
It's probably more general model theory
he's a closet logician
Oh nice
Lol he's got tenure now, right? No need for the closet
he very much does research in PDE
the "closet logician" comment is how he described himself to me at some point
he started in logic in grad school and switched later
We do need more logicians, we've only got 2
Ah, makes sense
I've actually considered going the logic direction, we'll see how this goes
we are young, we can explore
This is true. Life of the auditor intensifies
that looks more like a gator to me
A caiman
it doesnt look that much like a caiman
at least not the caimans that lived around me growing up
I have this great pun that only works in french, feel my frustration
Mmm all the caiman that lived around me growing up looked like that
the caiman near me were kind of small and derpy i guess
that's oglaf if anyone's wondering, a (very NSFW) webcomic
derpy ?
they kinda cartoonish and weird
oh you know what, the one in the comic looks like a black caiman
from the amazon basin, although unsure if that's actually a caiman or just called a caiman
but those basically looked the same as all the alligators that lived around me so idk
oh yeah, i forgot, the teeth that poke up are important
Could anyone help me to diagnose my solution to a question?
Q: Homology of two 2-genus with identified their boundaries

mathvc_Compute the homology groups of the space $X$ that is the union of two similar 2-genus ($M_2$) such that their boundaries have identified via the identity map. Here is my solution which I am not sure. I have considered the pairs $(A\cup B, C\cup C)$ such that $C$ is the boundary of both them. So ...

@Daminark I won't allow you to become a logician
@s.harp Link for comic?
Why not? :'(
@Daminark couse, your better off doing other things, even algebra is better than logic
Plus all the deep questions of logic are answered, all else is philosophy
I mean that isn't quite true, there's work to be done in logic (especially mathematical logic). Plus I'm chill with philosophy.
I know your chill with philosophy that's why am concerned about you...
ok, let me try to explain this
You tend to seek the most abstract and sterile parts of math, which is not bad but
The people who blaze the trail , tend to work in more applied areas
For example, set theory was born out of work on the Fourier transform
Grothendieck work was born out of work on several complex variables
[citation needed for set theory]
And I mean I don't really have the talent to be much of a trailblazer
I just want to think about dank stuff
You don't need talent to be a trailblazer, you need talent to learn dank stuff, trail Blaise's only need to be philosophically minded
Anyway here is your citation, it doesn't strictly support what I said but there is a great deal of overlap
That's like, pretty false, you have to be creative to come up with new things
Creative is nothing but to have philosophical mindness
Oooooooooh, this looks like a fun debate.
you and I have different definitions of fun
Eh. I find debates about creativity pretty dull, for the simple reason that they generally don't create anything.
everything I say in here should have an assumed sarcasm tag
The "ooooooooooh" made it sound more genuine than you intended
I don't think I've been genuine since 2009.
Oh well, suum cuique.
This isn't a debate about philosophy or creativity, I just wanted to note that the most abstract parts of mathematics have their roots in more concrete areas
Sure, but that doesn't devalue approaching pure mathematics from a pure perspective.
It just shows that there are multiple paths.
Am not taking about pure and applied mathematics
Am taking about mathematics and then fringe mathematics that tend to be highly abstract, like logic
I'm not entirely convinced that that's a particularly useful or fine categorization, though.
And I mean, that's what uncreative people do, if they can't create something they talk about creativity. But yeah I mean, people who create them often are inspired by something more concrete but the people who just follow need not be based similarly in more concrete things. It's there, just go for it
I agree
I suppose if all your interested in are technicalities then ignore my advice
I would also note that surely there are also many examples of the abstract informing the concrete.
I'm really likely to be more in the latter category, I want to be a person good at puzzles and coming up with new things and whatnot, I'd swap my currently self with someone who's good at that in an instant, but experience shows that I'm just not too good at it, so I've been pushing for stuff I can do better
Though I grant I know much less about mathematics than the average user in the room.
Says the 20 years old guy
I'll shut up now. :)
Bro your 20 , don't limit yourself
Uh, I wouldn't be surprised if Fargle is also 20 so which of us did you mean @Zee?
Ah, I mean I guess
oh god now i'm remembering that i turn 30 on the 21st
Lol our birthdays are close @Semi
Before I do shut up, I'd just like to agree with Zee on this one, @Dami.
@Semiclassical 30 is old, but then again you got people discovering things in their 50s
I have long considered myself, and have been considered by others, quite a gifted boi. Egotism notwithstanding.
I'd freak out more on this but I'm actually in my late day yawn stage.
Based on what I've seen, you're a faster learner and a more mathematical thinker than I am. Do not make the mistake of selling yourself short.
sell yourself short you'll put in more effort to catch up its better
Well, sure, there's a middle ground. Don't be me, humblebragging yourself up on online chats. >_>
I actually think hubris is very important to make big discoveries
The downside is if you aren't a genius you will sound like me and fragle
Why do I keep seeing the word "Genus"? I'm not even totally sure what that means
But yeah I mean, I'm definitely trying to get shaped up Laci-style, Hungarian mathematicians seem to just click with me best
My biggest problem is that I seem to lack some underlying mathematical creativity. You seem to have that in spades.
Haha, I mean, look at baby Weil chapter 2. You and Balarka are like "lol ez" and I just, ow, it hurts my head.
I didn't quite say that, I just got one exercise because I was trying to go for a very impolite solution that actually was in the right step
Maybe that's how I should approach math
"Ooh try this, it's abuse... Wait hold on crap..."
lel, well, maybe.
I wish there were a way to acquire that creativity. And maybe hard work could do it. But a life of things being easy doesn't exactly prepare someone for hard work.
This is true. I've mostly made it because of pregaming so far
That's bullshit, mathematical creativity is nothing more than mathematical maturity , self honesty and balls
Like, I knew what was going on in part of Rudin before taking analysis so the beginning was aight
@Zee Maybe so. The problem is, acquiring mathematical maturity takes work, and I don't have the human maturity to be okay with work.
I'll say that most of mathematical discovery isn't really creativity so much as, there's a methodical way of thinking about something but when it's explained, that doesn't appear
But some stuff is just black magic
fragle, then work on doing work
@Zee Here's the paradox: how does someone without self-discipline learn self-discipline through self-discipline?
Easier said than done. I'm also ridiculously lazy, and breaking the disposition requires not having it
just do work
eventually it will stop annoying you
But belly-aching is so much easier!
once that point has been reached you "have discipline"
Then your problem is not mathematics but self discipline
Short of paying somebody to force you, I would suggest developing a routine, surrounding yourself with hard working people ...etc
That's fair. I'm going to devote some time to actually doing that.
Bye chat.
One way to start is to find something that gets you carried away, work in a group, and have a specific goal. I'm hoping NT does that for me
Anyway, see you
hi @arctictern
hi everyone
hi @BalarkaSen
Q: If a parametric surface is continuous, is it reasonable to expect that an integer grid will also be continuous?

TheGreatDuckThis is somewhat of a follow-up to a previous question which asked in a roundabout way about how to walk upon a parametric surface approximated by triangular faces. Now I want to know is whether or not my proposed construction of the model itself will actually work in the way I imagine. Suppos...

im not sure if this is true, but if it were than it gives rise to the data structure I need to build my surfaces...
Q: Proof verification: Zariski topology is quasi-compact

AdeekI am solving the following problem from AM commutative algebra. I am solving commutative algebra in my spare time to get good grip in it. Prove that the Zariski topology is Quasi-compact. Here is my proof, I just want to make sure that I have everything correct. We want to prove that X is quas...

@arctictern if you find sometime in your hand
@Fargle When I mean ez I mean I can't really do it
but also don't want to [smug face]
I know a lot of math but I can't really do really tricky, original things. That's my main qualm with myself.
anything i come up with is just a patch up of things i have seen before :(
Well knowing which things to patch up should give you some pride no?
I don't know if it should but it doesn't. I feel like I'm stealing ideas.
or just saying things which everybody knows already
Well there's a sense in which no idea is original.
Human intelligence seems to be some kind of patchwork of analogies.
But, of course, that's Hofstadter's idea and not mine (heh).
Kek @Fargle

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