@tb You know, one of the recent albums by Testament was designed by an Israeli guy named Eliran Cantor. He's the great-great-grandson of Georg. I know because I once met Eliran's father which told me that.
On 8 April 1991, Dead committed suicide in the house owned by the band. He was found by Euronymous with slit wrists and a shotgun wound to the head. Dead's suicide note notably read "Excuse all the blood, cheers." and included an apology for firing the weapon indoors. Instead of calling the police, Euronymous went to a nearby store and bought a disposable camera to photograph the corpse, after re-arranging some items.[9] One "
What's awesome that in the "THE FORMATION OF DAMNATION" cover he used faces of Israeli metal sceners for the angels. In particular it was a birthday present for the guy whose face appears on one of the angels relatively close (I think the one holding a shield).
Well, I never really got the hang of this music. I have maybe a dozen of those albums, but it was more like an excursion towards the more extreme. Nowadays my taste has mellowed down a lot.
@tb Thanks. I hope to finish this in like three days... this way I can get uberwasted on Saturday (St. Patrick's!) and waste the next week on grading the resit (yes, we didn't finish grading yet! It's been like three weeks!!) and then hit the thesis with all my might.
That's not a comment, it's a message to you. Your connection to the chat boinked out temporarily so your comment of ": D" didn't go through. The 1 sec thing was probably so it could sync up again or whatever.
I think if you have enough rep on one SE and go to another you get a 101 start on the other, and a +100 boost to your global rep. There might be differences between normal SE sites and betas though.
If you post your comment as an answer, people (e.g. me) will flag it for mod attention and then a mod will swoop down from on high and convert it to a comment free of charge. You don't want to do that regularly though :)
@Ken Try going to math.stackexchange/reputation and click rep recalc at the bottom.
check the box next to the documents you want to share on the gdocs main page. then click the "Share" button above the list. after that you have you open a doc you want to share and copy the url and give it out. I haven't used gdocs in few years though...
@Jeff No. I am just adding substantial material to Atiyah. It is dense for a beginner like me that I have to think so much and end up seeing more general things that could be a Lemma, from which seeing the proof becomes an easy task.
Oh, yeah, but it comes down to the same as the one Martin was giving (for characteristic functions of sets) but I was rather answering Jonas's query about proving Tietze in metric spaces without having to resort to the usual onion shell method. (and debunking Kaplansky's claim, of course :))
A colleague of mine asked a question about piecewise-affine bijections on MSE; there are 5 upvotes but no hints at all. We were talking about that problem with her (about bijections, not about upvotes) and I don't know how to help. Maybe some of you have an idea?
I also didn't dare to edit the OP since she would realize that it's me who edited and I would need to explain here, why I've deleted exclamation marks for example :)
There are people who suggest edits removing thank yous and stuff as only modification. This is one of those very annoying things spilling over from SO. There's nothing wrong with being polite!
It has been said that the use of multiple exclamation marks is the sign of a deranged mind. I think whoever said this just meant "person who thinks differently from me".
Sorry, I understand better now. Don't anyone bother responding to my last remark. It just needed a few minutes to sink into my old, tired brain. tb's edit helped.
So let me type up the sequences again: We want to show that assuming $0 \longrightarrow \operatorname{Hom}(M'',N) \xrightarrow{\bar{v}} \operatorname{Hom}(M,N) \xrightarrow{\bar{u}} \operatorname{Hom}(M', N)$ is exact
then $M'\xrightarrow{u} M \xrightarrow{v} M''\rightarrow 0$ is exact
we already established that $f \circ v \circ u = 0$