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yeah, phase volume was in integer multiples of h or hbar
One thing to note is that if you don't have the 1/2, you still have $S_{n+1}-S_n = h$.
So the volume enclosed does need to go up in steps of $h$.
But if you want to get the right z-p energy, one needs $S_0=\frac12 h$.
let me do a quick calculation
suppose $\omega=1$ then $H=\frac{p^2+x^2}2$, so the volume of phase space so that $H≤r^2$ is $\pi r^2/2$, if you want this to be $h$ then $r=\sqrt{2h/pi}$. Now calculate the expectation
$$\frac{2\pi\int_{0}^{\sqrt{2h/\pi} } dr \, r \frac{r^2}2}{2\pi \int_0^{\sqrt{2h/\pi}}dr\,r \cdot 1}$$
That's a semicircle in phase space.
It should be a full circle since the orbit goes forwards and backwards.
Though if this is what Planck did I'll wait.
I dont know what planck did, only what the lecturer told us in the correction was he did
why is this a semicircle?
$\pi r^2/2$.
but $H= (p^2+x^2)/2\equiv r^2 /2$
Oh. So $p_{max}=x_{max}=r\sqrt{2}$.
...which would give the volume of the ellipse as $2\pi r^2$ :/
I think I'm a bit confused, though. Is $H\leq r^2/2$ or $r^2$?
If it's $H\leq r^2/2$ then $p_{max}=x_{max}=r$ and $\pi p_{max}x_{max}=\pi r^2$.
the volume of a circle of radius $r$ is $\pi r^2$
if $H≤a$, then this corresponds to a circle of radius $\sqrt2 a$
so volume $2\pi a^2$
kind of embarrassing that I cant do that lol
If $H\leq a$, that's a circle of radius $\sqrt{2a}$ with volume $2\pi a$.
I meant something wrong :P
if you do the correct integral correctly you get $hbar/4$
over 4
Wait, you changed it since I looked.
Writing $R=\sqrt{2h/\pi}$, I have $\int_0^R dr r^3/2 = R^4/8$ and $\int_0^R dr r=R^2/2$.
when did I become this stupid
So the ratio is $R^2/4=2h/4\pi=\hbar$.
R should be $h/(2\pi)$
So you want $H\leq h$?
Oh, wait. I'm being silly.
I feel like we're getting confused, though.
Let's start from the top. We've got $H=\frac12 (p^2+q^2)$, and we want a certain volume in phase space to be $h$.
Which volume are we specifically after?
let me write out what we even want to do:
Let $a$ be so that $\Lambda_0:=\mathrm{Vol}\{(x,p)\mid H(x,p)≤a\})=h$. Now $\frac{\int_{\Lambda_0} H }{\int_{\Lambda_0}1}$ is what we want to calculate for the zero point energy
Okay. That'll be a circle $p^2+q^2=2a$ of radius $\sqrt{2a}$ so volume $2\pi a=h$.
sorry $\Lambda_0$ is the set, not the volume, oops
Ah. I was wondering about that.
$2\pi\int_0^{\sqrt{h/2\pi}} r^3/2 dr =h^2 /(16\pi) = \hbar\, h/8 $
divide by $h$ to get $\hbar/8$ instead of the $\hbar/2$ we want
interesting if you take $H=p^2+q^2$ you have $a=h/\pi$, then the upper integral becomes $h^2/\pi^2 /4$, if we divide this by $h$ we get $\hbar /2$
Let's turn it around a bit. If the radius is $R$, then the integral becomes $\frac{2\pi\cdot R^4/8}{2\pi \cdot R^2/2}=\frac{R^2}{4}.$
so you want $R^2= h/\pi$
That was too quick for me.
The zero-point energy should be $E_0=\frac{1}{2}\hbar$, yes?
wrote $2$ instead of $\pi$
Ah, okay. So $\pi R^2=h$.
Note, though, that if you want the first excited state $E_1=\frac32 \hbar$ you'll need $\pi R^2 = 4\pi\cdot \frac32 \hbar = 3h$.
So while this may end up reproducing the z-p energy it won't get the first excited state (or any past that) correct.
no, you misunderstood how the higher levles work here
Is the desire that the increase in area be $h$?
yes, but the energy $E_n$ is the expectation over the difference of area, not the entire area
do you know what I mean?
its the expectation of an annulus of area $1$
Hadn't expected that.
im really sort of surprised that it doesnt work right now
But, anyways. If $\pi R^2=h$ then it's a circle of radius $\sqrt{h/\pi}$ corresponding to energy $H=\frac{h}{2\pi}$.
because I dont see any difference inthe formulation to what we did
Something seems goofy, yes.
I'll write it out on paper later today and update you with whats going on
right now im gonna go to the store to get some food
see you, sorry for being incapable atm^^
kk. I think I still prefer Bohr-Sommerfeld for now :P
Mostly because $S=(n+\frac12)h$ comes out so simply.
(conceptually I think the planck method is very nice, but apparently its not as easy as i thought!)
hi fellow members of the chat
is it possible to link a question one has posed on this chat or is it considered incorrect use of the chat?
how do i find the multiplicative inverse of a mod b without taking all values from 0 to b-1 and waiting when the result 1 comes?
@Monolite As long as you're not interrupting an ongoing conversation and you don't spam the chat with links, it should be fine
@defalt Is $b$ prime ?
@s.harp just finished writing out the calculation for generic energy levels, and I'm surprised to find that it indeed works :/
@Astyx it may or may not be a prime number
lets consider b as prime
If b isn't prime you're not guaranteed to have an inverse mod b for a
But it's enough that they be coprime
By little fermat it would be $a^{b-2}\pmod b$
If $a$ and $b$ are coprime you can use the extended euclidean algorithm, otherwise there is no inverse
@Astyx is it a^(b-2) mod b?
i think those symbols don't work in chat
some symbols work
You have to activate mathjax in chat
See the link in the top right
See the room desc
@s.harp my hypothesis right now is that the two calculations are doing distinct but related things which happen to coincide for the harmonic oscillator
With mine, I'm choosing the orbit such that the volume enclosed is (n+1/2)h and taking the energy of such orbits as the level.
With yours, the relevant volume is that of an annulus with inner/outer areas of nh,nh+h respectively. (Hence my circles always are within your annuli)
And then you take an average over that range of energies
should i start chatJax or render MathJax?
Start chatJax I'd say
Read the description to know what the differences are
And chose whichever suits you best
I recently proved the following: If $A$ and $B$ are compact subspaces of the Hausdorff space $X$, then there exists disjoint open sets $U$ and $V$ containing $A$ and $B$, respectively. So, I am trying to find an example illustrating the necessity of the Hausdorff stipulation on $X$. Would the following work? Consider $\Bbb{R}$ with the following topology: $U$ is open if and only if $\Bbb{R}-U$ is countable or all of $\Bbb{R}$. This is not Hausdorff, since every pair of open sets intersect; and
because of this, it is clearly impossible to find open disjoint sets covering disjoint compact subspaces.
Does this sound right?
Hi guys, could someone explain why this polynomial? expands like this?
@user193319 im not sure it is correct, but i think $\Bbb R$ and $\phi$ compact in your space.
Basically I have to square the terms/constants and group them, trying to find out why actually. EL15.
$\emptyset$ is defintely compact; indeed, it is compact in every space.
yea ,im not sure about $\Bbb R$
use the distributive property,
You may be familiar with this as "FOILing."
@Liad Suppose $\Bbb{R}$ were compact. It isn't immediately obvious why it would be a counterexample.
@arctictern gotcha, the square was what was tripping me up. Also are polynomials like this perfect squares?
@iKlsR polynomials like what? If it's of the form A^2+2AB+B^2, where A and B are algebraic expressions, then yes it factors as (A+B)^2.
@Liad And anyways, the theorem requires that this is true for all pairs of disjoint compact sets.
For instance 4x^2+12xy+9y^2 = (2x)^2+2(2x)(3y)+(3y)^2 = (2x+3y)^2.
But I am still curious to know whether $\Bbb{R}$ in this topology is compact.
@arctictern was referring to the link I posted but I got it now, thanks!
Very helpful. :)
@user193319 you are right, i thought you tried to prove something else.
Hey everyone!
@Daminark hi!
Hi @Daminark
How's it going?
Good and you ?
Hi fellow mathers
Doing alright, thanks!
Hey guys! I have trouble in getting intuition for homology :/ how do u think about homology?
@mathvc_ homology = hom-ology = home-ology. It's obviously the study of homes. Or is it Sherlock Holmes. I'm not real sure...
$x,y\in \mathbb{R}$. For inequality $|x-y|>|x+y|$, is it valid to take square of both sides to conclude something about $x,y$?
@iKlsR Good avatar.
@ArtEze fight me irl bro.
My S3 main. Thanks! Tho the day I quit that cancer led to the most productive year of my career.
@iKlsR Keep it up.
@AbdullahUYU if $a>b>0$, then $a^2>b^2>0$
So squaring both sides is legitimate.
yeah, i realized just after wrote it
It's a good thing to be paranoid about
i am sure my last sentence is gramatically wrong
It works because $f(x)=x^2$ Is strictly increasing for positive $x$
Howdy chat.
and we can consider we have positive $x$ in both sides
i know varibles coincide
So what conclusion do you draw?
Right. And that can be split further.
Dumb question: In differential equations (and other places) say we have e (euler's number) raised to some arbitrary constant. Why is it acceptable to replace this by C denoting an arbitrary constant in the real numbers? I don't think I ever explicitly learned this, just used it as a tool, but feel like it's connected to e being transcendental. Since the constant is arbitrary, and in R, we can make e^(constant) span R? So, replacing e^(constant) by an arbitrary constant (C) in R is equivalent?
@Pythonista Well, e to a constant is just another constant, so, yeah, for the most part.
We can write $(x>0 $ and $y<0)$ or ($x<0$ and $y>0$) if we want.
Right. So the inequality holds in the second and fourth quadrants, and nowhere else.
If you write $C = e^A$, then you do assume that $C$ is positive. But apart from that, you can easily "convert" back from $C$ to $e^A$ by $A = \log(C)$.
@Pythonista What "gaps" ?
Nevermind, did not think that through
Right, the caveat is that the new constant is understood to be positive.
There is a bit of slipperiness in that to get C<0 you'd need a complex a
Because $e^K$ can never be negative for real $K$.
And C<0 is certainly allowed as part of a solution
@Semiclassical If we're talking solutions to $y' = ky$, then I'd say any $Ce^{kt}$ for $C \in \Bbb R$ is a solution, but that falls out of absolute values and the fact that the $0$ function solves it.
my take is that complex C is allowed, it's just usually not consistent with the initial condition
It would be more precise (pedantic?) for me to say that there are 3 families of solutions: $y(t) = 0$, and each of $y(t) = \pm Ce^{kt}$ for $C > 0$.
@Semiclassical Ah. I was just self-reconciling the fact that there are solutions with negative function values with the fact that $C$ must be positive.
But I think this can't be settled unless one indicates the codomain of y.
I mean, there are contexts where the codomain would be vectors rather than scalar so.
Hello there
testing $\frac{1}{2}$
In which case you'd even more freedom in solutions
You need to enable Chatjax, @FryanBury. See the link in the room desc
oh thanks
$f(x) = \frac{1}{x}$
I think often times when you see e^a be replaced by c in a solution to a diff. eq.
the value with negative c is still a solution
(Fun fact: if your numerator and denominator are single characters, you don't need the brackets. E.g. \frac12)
you just assumed something or didn't think about all the possible complex solutions
when you solved your de.
@Semiclassical Also, things of the form \... do not need brackets. E.g. \frac\pi\phi
Don't you need brackets in TeX
Pretty sure you still need brackets in Tex
even if not in MathJax
Only if its multiple characters and not some \ command
Hm, probably
One way to avoid such issues, if memory serves, is to always do the integration as definite integrals
TeX generally requires more specific syntax then MathJax
That builds the initial condition right in.
Back, and hey @Alessandro!
Also @PVAL, @Semi, @Fargle, @Steamy, and @Simply!
also, RIP climate
So for instance you'd directly get $x=\ln(y(x))-\ln(y(0))$
No sign ambiguity there since the ratio is definitely not negative
Did Trump leave Paris?
I mean if America stops using its military to keep the lines of oil to Western Europe clear it wouldn't really be bad for the climate.
It would probably completely destroy
Europe's economy and that hurts the NYSE so I doubt that will happen.
which oil lines to Western Europe?
The ones from the Persian gulf
Howdy @Daminark
There are huge deposits of crude in North and South America, but much of Europe is importing its energy (and a whole host of natural resources).
The majority of oil in Europe comes from Russia.
If the US somehow cut the lines, that would only allow for Russia to expand its influence over Europe.
@AkivaWeinberger Have you seen the answer with the half-iteration functions?
I just wanted to see if I got something. Let $B_N = {a_N, a_{N+1}, \dots}$ and $\limsup a_n := \lim_{n\to\infty} (\sup B_n)$ and $\liminf$ defined the same way. Then for $a_{2n-1} = \frac1{2^n}$ and $a_{2n} = \frac1{3^n}$ and $b_n = \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}$ then $\liminf b_n = \lim_{n\to\infty} (\frac23)^n$ because for all $n$ we have $(\frac23)^n < \frac12(\frac32)^n$ then the inf of every $B_n$ will be of the form (\frac23)^n. The same holds for sup B_n and terms of the form \frac12(\frac32)^n. Is all this correct?
@AlessandroCodenotti I meant to ask: When you it's not clear, do you mean on the formal side or to how everything is justified?
I might be able to say something about the formal derivation but on the rigor side of it I probably can't say a thing
Hi chat
hi @Lozansky
did you have your exam today?
I sure did
How'd it go?
I think I got 5 out of 6 questions right
There was one with a Euler equation that I didn't know how to solve
Don't suppose you remember what it was?
I think I do
I'll write it down
$\rho (\dfrac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t}+(\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla)\mathbf{u}) = - \nabla P$, where $\rho$ is the constant mass density, P the pressure (scalar field) and $\mathbf{u}$ is the velocity field. Show that the density moment vector $\rho \mathbf{u}$ satisfies the differential equation $\dfrac{ \rho \partial u_i}{\partial t}+\partial_j T_{ij} = \mathbf{0}$
Where $T_{ij}$ is a tensor of rank 2 (the tension tensor)
I think that's how it was formulated
Yeah, that seems pretty nasty.
Yeah, I just wrote some nonsense that I hope render me some points...
Though, that'd amount to showing that $\rho(\mathbf{u}\cdot\nabla)\mathbf{u}+\nabla P$ is the divergence of a rank-2 tensor?
Yeah that's what I was aiming for
But my expression for it got quite messy so I just stopped
Didn't have too much time to mess with it
Well, term-wise that's $\partial_j T_{ij}=\rho u_i\partial_i u_j +\partial_i P$
For the second term it's enough to write $\partial_i P=\partial_j P\delta_{ij}$.
I was going for something like that but couldn't remember if that was right
It's the quotient rule or something?
Nah. It's just the fact that the derivative of P*identity matrix is basically just the derivative of P.
Also, I wrote it wrong above: Should be $\rho u_j \partial_j u_i$ for the first term.
BTW, you might wanna use $(\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla)\mathbf{u} = \nabla(|\dfrac{\mathbf{u}^2}{2}) - \mathbf{u} \times (\nabla \times \mathbf{u})$
I forgot to say that $\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u} =0 $
First part of that is fine. It's the second term I'm not sure what to do with.
Which is important
I tried to somehow get an expression of the kind $\partial_i (...)$ but didn't prove succesful
In indices, we've got $\rho u_j \partial_j u_i = \partial_j(\rho u_j u_i)-u_i \partial_j (\rho u_j)$
But that second term is again a problem.
You can use $\partial_j u_j=0$ to write that last one as $u_i u_j \partial_j \rho$.
But that seems...eh.
Oh, wait. Isn't there a condition on $\rho$ as far as imcompressability goes?
Or is that for $\mathbf{u}$ itself?
It's constant
That's about ti
Ahah. If $\rho$ is constant, then we're in business.
That means I can ignore $\rho$ in all of the above.
So then it's just $u_j \partial_j u_i = \partial_j (u_j u_i)-u_i \partial_j u_j =\partial_j (u_j u_i)$.
Oh wow
So $\rho u_j \partial_j u_i +\partial_i P=\partial_j(\rho u_i u_j+\delta_{ij}P)$.
And hence $T_{ij}=\rho u_i u_j+P\delta_{ij}$.
How could I not see that
Eh, exams are exams.
First time I saw such a problem but still... seems kinda obvious now
Doing it in terms of indices helps.
runs away from indices
And having the presence of mind to do integration by parts.
Yeah, that's what I did, but I mostly messed around with vector identities trying to get a nice expression
Plus, I'm pretty sure I've had to use that $\partial_i = \delta_{ij}\partial_j$ trick before
Definitely remember that
The main reason I'd avoid vector identities here is because it's a divergence of a tensor field, not a vector field.
And I don't know the identities for those myself.
But I do know how to do index gymnastics.
Right. I don't think we covered tensors a whole lot so I wasn't very comfortable messing with that
It's been a while since I did them, but doing grad-level physics pretty much forces you to get at least some range of comfort with them.
I think I remember doing these kinds of manipulations for a second semester stat-mech / transport theory course, for instance.
Which isn't surprising, given how hydrodynamics fits in there.
Not to mention E&M
The second part question was a bit more difficult I think
Given $\mathbf{\omega} = \nabla \times \mathbf{u}$ show that $$\dfrac{\partial \mathbf{\omega}}{\partial t} - \nabla \times (\mathbf{u} \times \mathbf{\omega} )= \mathbf{0}$$
ahh, vorticity?
I wrote two pages trying to solve it
I guess my first inclination is to put on my E&M hat.
I'm sure you can solve it in two lines
Take it off :P
And to think of $\omega,\mathbf{u}$ as analogous to $\mathbf{B},\mathbf{A}$.
The equation shown then becomes $\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}-\nabla\times (\mathbf{A}\times \mathbf{B})=0$.
I'm not saying this as "do this" so much as I'm wondering what it's equivalent to in E&M.
To make the analogy work, I need to be in Coulomb gauge so that $\nabla\cdot \mathbf{A}=04.
Change to B in first term
Ah, yes.
What the hell is Coulomb gauge? Should I know?
Well, do you know what a gauge is?
Basically it's a condition you put on your vector potential in order to get a unique result.
What course would cover that?
E&M, junior-level probably
Undergrad E&M?
Then I should know
I think. But it wouldn't do much with it, tbh.
It's not until grad school that you become really seriosu about gauge stuff.
Matters a hell of a lot for QED.
Also, should've been $\nabla\cdot \mathbf{A}=0$ above.
Yeah that makes sense
It's the vector-potential equivalent of "if I add a constant to my electric potential, I'll get the same electric field"
Except worse, b/c y'know. vectors
All of this is, of course, rather silly. I'm just curious what it amounts to.
Sure :)
Could use Faraday's law at this point: $\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}=-\nabla\times \mathbf{E}$.
And you'd get $\nabla\times (\mathbf{E}-\mathbf{A}\times \mathbf{B})=0$, huh.
I have no idea why that's true at the moment, but it's a neat statement :)
I'm going to be heading out, but I just realized I'm being potential being silly here.
Loool, that's not their approach
But if it works, it works
Well, no. Of course not :P
Another way to get one vector field as the curl of another in E&M is Ampere's law
Any easy way to prove that affine varieties over complex numbers containing infinitely many points are always unbounded?
in which case $\nabla\times \mathbf{B}=\mu_0 \mathbf{J}$.
(in the absence of a time-varying electric field, mind)
So I could instead have taken $\mathbf{u},\omega\sim \mathbf{B},\mathbf{J}$
Hrm. That reminds me of the flow of temperature, where $\mathbf{J} = - \lambda \nabla T$
Then $\nabla\cdot \mathbf{B}=0$ is just Gauss's law for magnetic fields, and $\nabla\cdot \mathbf{J}=0$ is presumably just a statement about the continuity equation.
So we want a scenario where there's volume current density but no accumulation of charge.
That'll be directly analogous to the conditions given.
Okay, enough rambling I need to head out
positionlessness of graduate school graduates brings disappointment to these graduates

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