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By Erdos, no string of consecutive positive integers will be a perfect square.
Hey everybody!
@Fargle By no string you mean product? Can you give a link
@DarthVader1056 Yes, I mean product, my bad. renyi.hu/~p_erdos/1939-03.pdf
(quadratfrei = square-free)
"The dot-product with the normal vector of the surface kills all non-radial contributions."
aren't physicists amazing creatures? :P
@Fargle Oh thanks a lot, the paper seems elementary enough to be read. Thanks again man.
No problemo! I learned something today.
Annihilates would be more appropriate, or perhaps exterminates. @ShaVuklia
lol :P
Lol I say "kill" all the time
Actually in the REU there was this one time where I talked about how you'd "kill" off the term, and Laci was like "Kill is not an arithmetic operation"
yea, but this was an official text written by a physicist :P
Ohai @Steamy
@Steamyyy !!:P
I'm always happy to see you, because we are neighbours :P
Some choose to live in harmony with terms, others chose to declare war on them
Hahaha, so we are ^^
Yeah, I dunno, I guess we're just... not on good terms
Woo ('-')/
Hey @Semi!
@Semi! I actually just needed you for something, but it got solved in the physics chat:P
@Astyx I prefer 'annihilates' because in physics we talk about creation/annihilation operators in quantum mechanics.
"And then we sentence this mathematical object to capital punishment"
We will even destroy its entire family (of functions)
e.g. $x+\frac{d}{dx}$ annihilates $e^{-x^2/2}$.
I've heard people talk about "kill" often in maths too
Usually, they're the same people who refer to variables or constants by "this guy" and "that guy"
@Steamy I do that
yea I just like to make fun of physicists, just to feel a bit like a mathematician again :P @Steamy
And you end up with classes where "this guy kills that guy..."
I had a professor even use "defungere" regularly for terms which got simplified and the like, which is the archaic version of "to die" in Italian, I can't really translate it in English though
Hai @Alessandro
@ShaVuklia Oh, did you figure out the envelope business? I can give a simpler explanation.
@Semi to be honest, I left that for today:P I've been reading on surface integrals and I'm now doing electromagnetism. The envelope business is vibrations and waves, which I'll do maybe tomorrow or the day after
"defungere" already existed in Latin :D
or actually
I'm not doing much now anyways
And lol that's always amusing when these itsy bitsy mathematical objects are (presumably violently) killing each other off
I'll do that then as my last thing for today
let me reread what you wrote @Semi
Actually, let me try something else first.
There's a better explanation than the one I gave.
@SteamyRoot a lot of latin words survived unchanged in modern Italian
yea sure!
So, you had $x(t)=e^{-\gamma t}C\cos(\omega t+\phi)$.
Is there a general methodolgy to find solutions of a differential equation of the form $y''(x)+p(x) y'(x) +q(x) y=0 $ ?
Completely unchanged? :o
Now, here are two questions which sound similar but aren't the same.
It always seemed to me like the "tail" of words had undergone rather significant changes
I tend to just use "goes away," I think
Or "disappears"
One: At what times does $x(t)$ achieve its max/min values, and what are those values?
But, maybe it's not the same with verbs... do they (nearly) always end in "ere" in Italian too?
those are the roots of $x'(t)$?
(Hm, sounds like a euphemism they'd use in a dystopia)
I forgot their values, but you gave them yesterday
@Steamy "nearly always" meaning measure zero? :P
one sec @Semi
Two: If I pick a certain time and consider different phase angles, what's the max/min values possible?
Now I'm imagining Daleks going around variables shouting "Exterminate! Exterminate!" - thanks
Most Italian words have latin roots, but most words were changed a bit
lol here they are :P
@SteamyRoot the infinite tense of every verb in Italian ends with either "are", " ere" or "ire"
@Semi uhh let me think
To see why that's worth thinking about, consider the following picture
@AlessandroCodenotti I see...
This almost makes me want to study languages again.
Sometimes I think I should start studying/practicing my German again, weil ich fast alles vergessen habe
@Semi hm, intuitively, I would think the max/min values are still the same
da ich, maybe?
So if I look at, say, t=2, then I'll get very different values depending on what $\phi$ is.
The question is what the range of values is.
@AlessandroCodenotti Interesting. In Spanish, it's "ar", "er", or "ir".
well if we can shift $\phi$ as much as we want
we just get the "actual" max and min value?
(No love for "or(e)" and "ur(e)", apparently)
Well, that's not entirely obvious.
@AkivaWeinberger we strongly like vocals at the end of words
The two questions are in fact different, but to see that it's helpful to actually do the math.
They're mostly interchangeable
For that, we should think of $x=e^{-\gamma t}C\cos(\omega t+\phi)$ as a function of $\phi$ not of $t$.
(@AlessandroCodenotti "Vowels", not "vocals")
We pick a value of $t$ and ask how big it can be as a function of $\phi$.
@AkivaWeinberger Latin's verbs were all "are", "ere", and "ire" (with there being two types of "ere" verbs depending on whether the first "e" is long or not; they conjugate differently)
@AkivaWeinberger Woops, it looked wrong, thanks
well, if $t$ is fixed, then we find the appropriate $\phi$ such that $\omega t+\phi=k\pi$
for some $k$
Then $\frac{\partial x}{\partial \phi}=-e^{-\gamma t}C\sin(\omega t+\phi)$, which vanishes when $\sin(\omega t+\phi)=0$.
@Alessandro I've definitely gotten that vibe. I used to know a few words of Sicilian back in Brooklyn (a kind that I'm pretty sure is not spoken much anymore) and I remember thinking that it was interesting how the language had a lot of vowel endings
Equivalently, if the sine vanishes, then the cosine is $\pm 1$.
In Hebrew, all the infinitive verbs start with "L"
Hence if we plug that $\phi$ back into $x$ we get $x=\pm e^{-\gamma t}C$.
Hey @Mike!
Interesting @Akiva
yea, I agree
With that in mind, let's add that to our plot from before:
How's it going?
it's ok
i need to do stuff but am unable to force myself to
Now, if you compare the expression we just got with the one you quoted above, what's the difference?
in Palpatine's voice doit @Balarka
the one that I quoted is always smaller than this one?
i know 0 star wars
To see why, let's zoom in on one of those oscillations
so we took two derivatives?
one with respect to $t$, and one w.r.t. $\phi$
I can try to say that in Mystery Man's voice, just for kicks.
Lol I've only seen episodes 4 and 5, though they're pretty good, would recommend watching if you need a break from stuff
Oh, you've finally watched Lost Highway?
@MikeMiller That was the first Lynch movie I ever watched. Did I forget to tell you?
That's the one with Rammstein music isn't it?
(btw it's 21.45 here, and I'm at the university library that closes at 22.00, so I maybe have +- 8 minutes left @Semi)
@ShaVuklia Yeah. Moreover, with one we held time fixed and varied phi, whereas we did the opposite with the other.
What you can notice from that is that the envelope curve isn't actually intersecting the maximum. It's hitting a bit to the right and below of it.
so the envelope curve corresponds with fixed time?
you pick the max phase for a fixed time?
Eh, it's more subtle than that. Let me describe it for here.
it's also how I got introduced to Outside (the beginning and ending track is from that album) :P
brilliant movie anyhow
The reason is that, while the peak is the max value over time for that value of phi, it's not the max value of x over different phases at that time.
@ShaVuklia You talk to Waiting? I think Waiting accidentally put me on ignore. Could you let her know about it so that she can unignore me? Thanks.
@BalarkaSen That was intense
If I were to slightly decrease the phase, the other curve would peak a bit earlier and therefore have a slightly higher value at the other curve's peak.
@Daminark I have to do stuff but I am in your house right now.
@ShaVuklia You call her him? LOL. OK, you can call her whatever you want.
like that.
gulps @Balarka
The blue curve has a slightly different phase (larger, actually---I had it backwards) and it overshoots yellow curve's peak value.
the scene scared the shit out of me because i watch movies with headphones in
@Semi uhm I just don't really see where the shift comes from mathematically:(
that laugh tho
@Daminark look at a random wiki page in Italian and see how many words end with a vowel :P
Well, mathematically I'd say it comes from the fact that if you differentiate w/r/t phi, you only differentiate the cosine part of x(t). but if you differentiate w/r/t time, then you have to use the product rule because e^{-\gamma t} carries time dependence at well.
Lynch manipulates his scare scenes too well
@ShaVuklia I talked to Waiting a lot in this chat under different accounts in the past. =) That was long before you appeared.
@JasonBourne She's had a bunch of different ones over the years.
Is waiting the one who keeps changing her username ?
@Jason oh right, I just assume genders :P
@Semiclassical Just like me. =)
Whereas I just stay the same :P
I may watch that movie
I've seen lost highway in a small cinema and enjoyed it, ereaserhead on the other hand was rather terrible, or maybe I just don't understand surrealism
@Alessandro If you want to know game theory you'll need to start learning that
i should watch eraserhead
@Jason can I ping her another day then? because I don't want her to read that I assumed her gender XD
Aaanyways. That picture in some respect illustrates the issue: The envelope curve doesn't pass through the max value of the yellow curve.
@Daminark what
watch blue velvet
@Semi haha I'm soo sorry.. I wil have to read this slowly
I'm also slightly stressed because the library is about to close
@BalarkaSen I wouldn't suggest it to be honest
I'm sorry
Game theory uses surreal numbers! (Conway-style)
No worries.
really, usually I can keep up
but here I just don't see it
I promise I will come back to it :P
it was not for nothing :P
@ShaVuklia OK. I assume you are the beautiful girl in the picture, so I will call you "she". My real name is not Jason Bourne, but it is one of my favourite movie characters. =)
It doesn't help that you have to really zoom in on these pictures.
yea but especially the closing of the library is making me stressed :( @Semi
like, I can't concentrate
@JasonBourne That's not your real name??? gasps in betrayal
Read it when you have a chance, then.
@Jason oh haha, cool!:P and thanks:)
I'll ping her tomorrow, ok?
@MikeMiller I am surprised you watched that movie, LOL. I watched it too. I also watched Blue Car and Blue Desert.
@MikeMiller Yeah you recommended it. I got it in the very top of my list :)
yes I definite will, @Semi I appreciate it a lot that you wanted to dive into this with me
@Alessandro Hmm. Why did you not like it?
see ya @all!
@Daminark My username also used to be Will Hunting and James Bond.
Is it because of the heavy surrealism, the plot, the body horror, or something else? Just curious.
If it doesn't make sense later, there's another example I can give. Buuuuut another time.
I was counting on your identity being those characters and having shifted around
Bye sha
sure! @Semi bye!
See you @Sha!
I don't think Blue Velvet is suitable for @BalarkaSen. It's quite a blue film, LOL.
i have seen worse
I am just really surprised MM recommends it. It's the kind of movie only I watch.
we all like david lynch, that's all :)
@BalarkaSen I recommend Blue Car.
makes joke about those who don't like him being lynched
@BalarkaSen absence of structure, absurd and disturbing imagery mostly, which are both trademarks of surrealism, so I guess the first option is the right one
I like Blue Car because I am in love with Agnes Bruckner.
wait a minute. Blue Car. when was this released

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