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@Eric I wonder if today's difftop class drove a wedge between us all
Badum tsss
If we're doing wedge jokes: "Old MacDonald had a form, $e_i \wedge e_i = 0$"
Oh that's beautiful
I shall treasure it
Hey @EricS!
And @Akiva
Guys, still about this $k$-regular proof; they say "By Hall's marriage theorem, $G'$ has a decomposition into $k$ edge-disjoint perfect matchings." Do they mean there are $k$ different perfect matchings we can make for this graph?
Sounds like it, yeah
Hey @Riker!
I popped in because I was going to ask a quick math question, but I solved it already
pls no @Daminark
other users always comment on my 'lel's and 'kek's
The definition of the cross product cited in this problem makes my head hurt: math.stackexchange.com/q/2273362/137524
> What does the book means? Please explain.
sounds about right
@Riker kek
omgoodness @Semi
what is wrong with those people
oh wait
they say "can be considered as"
you confused me by calling it a definition :P
Still... wai tho
Yeah, I guess that's a bit misleading.
But that construction is just...ow.
And @Eric kek, you know I live for puns
@Daminark lol
I have massively more keks and lels than you though :P
I have 273 lels and you have 10
and 49 to 35 keks
Yeah I'm gonna need to up my game a good bit
Demonark's just a lel-ophyte, it would seem.
@Daminark ..... kek
(Also I only just now learned how to create hyperlinks in response to yours so thank you)
Hey @Astyx!
@Daminark fwiw, if you're interested: the problem I was working on was "express |a+b|-|b| without absolute value signs"
treating each case separately
Ah, I see
What's up ?
not much here, what about you?
Not too much, finally seeing forms in the proper generality (and also I know why determinant is unique)
Exams exams exams
And being tired of them too
Why is the determinant unique ?
Oh also, to anyone who knows this, one of the problems on my manifolds pset defines $OX = \{(x,v)\in NX : \|v\| = 1\}$ where $X^n\subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$, then talks about the projection map, and says to show that $X$ is orientable if and only if $OX$ is connected. Shouldn't this be disconnected? My idea is that you take a path $\gamma$ between $(x,v)$ and $(x,-v)$, then $\pi(\gamma)$ is a loop that reverses orientation
How do I get mathjax on my phone ?
In the representation theory of Lie algebras, what does "isotropic subspace" mean?
Back to graphs are we @Sha ?
@Astyx Good luck, I don't know if you can get mathjax on your phone, and the idea is to define $\Lambda^r(V)^*$ to be the space of r-linear alternating forms on the vector space $V$
(Form meaning maps to $\mathbb{R}$)
Now, the dimension of this is the dimension of $V$ choose $r$
So that if $r = \dim(V)$, it's a one-dimensional space
So $\lambda \det$ is unique :)
Thus, the determinant (which is an alternating, n-linear form) is unique up to a constant, so you declare the standard basis to map to 1, so that you... determine the mapping
I've seen some nice applications of this result in differential equation theory
Concerning the Wronskien if I'm not mistaken (not sure about terminology, at all)
Hello all :)
Hello, @Astyx
I don't think I've heard of the Wronskien @Astyx
@Astyx lol yea someone asked me this question, and I couldn't let go of it:P
but I haven't solved it:(
I've contacted my teacher about it
like, I'm not supposed to be able to prove Peterson and Hall's Marriage.
that's impossible
I don't really understand wikipedia's definition of a parametric equation?
I came across the term here
but I don't really see what a parametric equation really is
like, what's the different between a parametric equation and a regular... i dunno, function?
@Daminark when you has a homogeneous differential equation on a vector space of dimension n, you have a set of n solutions $s_1, \dots, s_n$. If you take the determinant of these, you'll find by differentiating it that it's derivative is a n - linear 1 n to symmetric for of the solutions, so you deduce it is equal to the Wronskien, thus it's an exponential @Dami
"That's impossible" ? @ShaVuklia
(Sorry if my maths typing is messed up, I am struggling with my phone)
@Astyx it's not realistic:l like, we don't have the tools to prove this.
and if we really were supposed to be using those theorems, then it would have been subquestions
@ShaVuklia Normally, you'd have y in terms of x, or z in terms of x and y. In a parametric equation, instead of y = f(x) or z = f(x,y), you have x, y, and z all in terms of some other variable or variables, in this case s and t.
with the actual proof being the last subquestion
What is it you're trying to prove again ?
So, for example, $x = t, y = t^2$ would be a parametric representation of $y = x^2$.
Do you think this question is too long?
It's called a parametric equation because you give all the coordinates in terms of some independent parameter(s)
@Fargle so technically, in a parametric equation, everything depends on a certain set of variables?
it's the independence that's key here
i see
right, it makes a lot more sense now
No @Shaun
Hello!! For the deinition of the derivative we use the slope. When we have a linear function to find the slope we draw a triangle, right? What do we when we have a quadratic function?
Okay, good.
You differentiate @MaryStar
@Astyx What do you mean?
Or you draw the tangent to the point of which you want the slope and apply what you know on linear functions
Is it possible not to use the tangent? Or is this the only way? @Astyx
I would not be surprised if I've said something goofy amid my answer here: math.stackexchange.com/a/2273402/137524
Do you have an mathematical expression for you function ? @MaryStar
@Fargle So in the case of the equation for a circle, $r^2=x^2+y^2$, we have two variables that are depended of each other. But say $r$ is fixed, then we might as well say that $x$ is our only variable.. so is this really a good example?
Eh. Keep in mind that unless $x=1,-1$ there's not just one value of $y$.
oh right
@ShaVuklia What I think you mean to say is that there's in some sense only one degree of freedom, and I agree.
Knowing the angle uniquely specifies the point, but the x-coordinate almost never does.
On the other hand, knowing the x-coordinate and the sign of the y-coordinate is enough.
This fact falls out when you use the parametric representation $x = \cos t, y = \sin t$, and notice that this representation is one-dimensional.
@Semiclassical So $y$ depends on $x$ in the sense that it is "restricted" now
@Astyx At the point x_0 the res function has a specific slope. Is there a possibility to draw an other quadratic function (i.e. the green one) and find in that way the slope?
ohh, riight, thanks!
another way to put the point is that there's two functions for y(x), one with y>0 and the other with y<0
@semi are you not integrating 1/t around 0 there ?
And if you want to go smoothly around the circle, you'll have to change which one you use when you pass through (1,0) or (-1,0)
In my possibly goofy answer?
Keep in mind that t is a parameter, not the integration variable. (or should have been)
Do you have an idea @Astyx ?
Fixed. @Astyx
(also, I find it funny for a question by "TheQuantumMan" to be answered by "Semiclassical.")
Does a function always have independent variables tho?
so I'm not just talking about expression/equations
Not really @MaryStar
it's not much of a function if it doesn't have a domain.
yea, I'm just talking about functions
like, are they always parametrised expressions technically?
not sure what you mean by that.
@Semiclassical Haha I hadn't noticed the username :p
Is a function a parametric equation?
I guess I'd say that a parametric equation is just a function whose domain and codomain aren't R.
If it's got n parameters, then the domain is R^n.
why can't the domain be $R$?
If there are m equations, then the codomain is R^m.
Hmm. I think it's just a matter of terminology.
It depends what you mean by parametric equation
No point referring to it as 'parametric' if it just maps one variable to another.
@Astyx lol I'm trying to figure out what a parametric equation $is$
but it's technically a parametric equation, right? @Semi
You can write $y_0 =y (x, t)$ to designate the set of $(x, t)$ verifying the equation
@ShaVuklia I tried to give the definition earlier--a representation of a set where the coordinates are given in terms of some non-coordinate quantities, instead of in terms of the other coordinates.
just so that I know I understood it
Yeah, I guess.
That may be the better one, though.
One way to get a surface, for instance, is as $z=f(x,y)$.
Is that a parametric surface or not?
i know it's not
because I just read that :P
but alright let me think
Well, the tricky thing is that you can cast it as something that's 'obviously' parametric.
Namely, $(x,y,z)(u,v)=(u,v,f(u,v))$.
huh, I don't understand that expression
oh wait
I see something
It's intended as $x(u,v)=u$, $y(u,v)=v$, $z(u,v)=f(u,v)$.
For instance if you have two orthogonal nonzero vectors u, v in the plane, the orthogonal space of u is $\{w, \langle u, w\rangle =0\}$ and $\{\lambda v, \lambda \in \Bbb R\}$, the first being a parametrised definition, the second an explicit one
I see it
(Took way too long to write)
It's just a rewriting, really, but one is explicitly parametric and the other isn't.
In fact any vector subspace has both parametric equations and a explicit definition as the span of something
I'd tend to avoid calling $z=f(x,y)$ a parametric surface, but I think that's actually just personal taste.
Okay, I won't bother you too long with this, but I'll try one last time:
(Which, I find, is a nice fact)
(sorry @Astyx I don't see why the one is parametrised and the other is not)
so say we have $z(x,y)=x^2+4y^2$
is this one parametrised or not?
I think I'd go with yes, at this point, though part of me wants to say no.
A parametric equation is an equation of the form $f (x) =c $ where the unknown is x
lol well, I think if even you are unsure about it, I'll just let it go
In saying that, though, I'm being influenced by Wiki's definition here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametric_surface
I'll try to act like a physicist, and just do math intuitively :P
including the first example
You mean pretend to do maths
Namely: "The simplest type of parametric surfaces is given by the graphs of functions of two variable."
A physicist with a strong background in math is love :P
I'll leave before semi lynches me
you do that.
honestly, even the best of our teachers (like Erik Verlinde) don't have a good enough background in math (if you ask me)
Though, I would be curious if there's anything obviously silly now about that one answer I gave.
It depends on how one defines 'a good background in math', is part of the problem.
lol yea, that's why I added "if you ask me" :P
like, it's good enough for him to do his work
but it's not good enough for me to have the math explained :P and that's my no 1.,2,3,4,5,6,... frustration in physics
I think most mathematicians would tend to discount a lot of the math you see in a physics course. (e.g. bessel functions, separation of variables, etc.)
lol of course!
As just being computational and classical.
I find that to be a bit annoying.
dude, I refused to do physics for 5 months because of the lousy maths
but I finally understand the real math now, and now I'm doing physics again :P
and I'm LOVING it :P
It is true that the more math you have, the more you appreciate physics.
To a certain point, at least.
yea of course
For me, the maths tells me what are those magic steps is being used to go from one step in the equation to another
and it also makes quantum mechanics easier because it is basically linear algebra
true. like, the concepts in physics are already difficult enough. if anything, the math should not be the problem
Seems fine to me @semi
@Secret Mostly.
like, if you're struggling with the math, you're not really doing the physics you're supposed to:/
If you're doing finite-dimensional problems, that's all it is.
(Your answer)
@ShaVuklia Eh, depends on the problem. Struggling with Bessel functions is the nature of the beast
yes, for the continuum, you need functional analysis (which I still have to catch up because (obviously) my uni undergrad cut that off completely, thus I have to self study for it)

and also more complicated things like spinors, group representations etc.
There are some computations that, simply put, are just a pain in the arse.
okay true, but as far as the first-year courses go at uni, it holds :P
And even in those problems, there's usually two steps.
1) Convert the problem into an integral. 2) Simplify said integral as much as possible.
Usually the first step is not too hard.
lol true
Figuring out how far one can go with the second step is what's hard.
except for classical mechanics though
you don't always need the integral
because the problems are so easy
but with electromagnetism, it's literally just that
Tell that to action-angle variables, lol.
Is it possible to say something about the slope of a quadratic function (we don't know the formula) when we know an other quadratic function?
I've found that the more advanced a subject in math or physics is, the more likely it is to use $\chi$. It's like the gatekeeper of all forbidden knowledge, and I flee in terror when I see it.
and with quantum too, as far as I've seen
@Fargle Come to think of it, you're right.
and vibrations and waves seems to be all about solving differential equations?
That's why we have MSE isn't it ? To make others solve our integrals :p
I struggle with electromagnetism because of the byzatine number of assumptions I need to put into the formulae to get the answers they want or to even progress
$\chi$ in stats means "nope, I don't understand what's going on"
@Secret Yeah. That's especially true in stuff like radiation problems.
Far-field versus near-field, Fraunhofer diffraction vs. Fresnel
A right pain.
@Waiting Great, how are you ?
and I actually think more like a mathematician (which is why I actually struggle a bit in physics) I don't like assumptions because they make things inaccurate
Hi @Hippalectryon
$\chi$ in physics means fluctuation-dissipation theorem, for me, and I hate that.
so what I lack is a physicist's mind to do physics
lol @Hippalectryon you and Waiting are really having a "fractured conversation" :P like, one day one person says hi how are you, the other day the other responds by "hi I'm good you"
@Astyx o/
($\chi$ can also just mean susceptibility, but I don't find that terribly intuitive either)
To me $\chi$ means what you wrote your answer Semi
Yeah, that's the math one
@ShaVuklia I know, it's because my computer is often on even though I'm not in front of it :-)
You don't see that in physics much.
You're more likely to see the Heaviside step function $H(x)=1$ if $x>0$ and $0$ otherwise.
I recall when I first learnt about waves reflected by potential barriers, I treat the whole thing as if it is an ordinary ODE and solve it step by step. The problem:
I learned about Airy's function today in my exams
It turns out I need to introduce a physical assumption that stuff don't blow up to infinity to kill off two of the arbitrary constants
oh lawd, airy functions
Are they famous ?
@secret yep. an incident wave produces a transmitted wave and a reflected wave
eh, I've run into them before.
You need the asymptotics of the Airy function for the textbook presentation of the WKB method.
Assumptions are never straightforward to me unless I do enough problems, they don't have that nice structure as mathematical objects that you can derive one assumption from a given one in some systematic fashion
And it's really annoying. (Hence why I don't like that approach.)
In fact, to me, thinking what assumptions I need to use in a physics question is as nontrivial as remembering all the steps you need to e.g. renew a car license
Wkb ?
The issue being that the Airy function satisfies an ODE with an irregular singular point, and that makes it weirder than the usual examples.
Werner-Keller-Brillouin, I think? Hang on
Yeah so I figured in my exam :p
nuts. Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin
The issue I have with these thinking methods is that there is no pattern that logically connect step i to step i+1, thus you cannot derive the whole series from just information in one step
Almost what you said
From the Wikipedia description: In mathematical physics, the WKB approximation or WKB method is a method for finding approximate solutions to linear differential equations with spatially varying coefficients. It is typically used for a semiclassical calculation in quantum mechanics in which the wavefunction is recast as an exponential function, semiclassically expanded, and then either the amplitude or the phase is taken to be slowly changing.
The linkage to the Airy asymptotics also appears on that page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WKB_approximation
e.g. Say you need to travel, if you forget to bring your passport, nothing among the things that you have remember to bring will let you derive that you forget to bring your passport
In my own work I've tended to rely not so much on the WKB approximation per se but rather a certain result that you can derive from it.
But in maths, if there is any missing things, the existence of that missing thing is easily inferred from the underlying rules
Mostly because I hate having to deal with the actual approximation.
@Secret Or the impossibility thereof.
Fair enough
Hence I should probably emphasize the 'classical' part of my name :P
Put it in bold maybe ?
Yeah, so maths fits me more because everything including the steps between are well explained, but reality itself, all the daily life skills that we all need to survive, while have a strict ordering, has no (obvious) logic between the steps
Not sure that would work as a username though
i.e. there's no master mathematical object that allow you to derive all daily life skills, otherwise, life will be MUCH easier
and it's not worth it regardless.
I'm not sure if I've ever seen so many bad yet highly upvoted answers as there are to this question.
Evidently :p
These are fine are they not @MarkMcClure ?
@MarkMcClure Which of those answers would you accept, out of curiousity? (if any)
@Astyx See my comment on the accepted answer.
@Semiclassical I like this answer the best.
Ah I see, yes these are not expliciting it's a convention when they should. However they are giving good arguments
While this might provide some reasonable level of intuition for beginners, this answer is ultimately completely incorrect. How do you define $g$, for example, if $f(x)=\sin(\sin(x))$? Perhaps by $g(x)=\int_0^x f(t)\,dt$. So, what is $g(0)$? — Mark McClure 24 mins ago
Actually do all continuous functions must have an antiderivative (even if it is nonelementary)?
Continuous -> Integrable
oops, yes
@Secret Correct, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus - that's the point.
The point, as I take it, is that one shouldn't need to know anything about $f(x)$ away from $x=a$ to declare that $\int_a^a f(x)\,dx=0$.
@MarkMcClure The very last answer is good though
Or at least it does specify it's a convention
@Semiclassical I agree with you. Also, though, you can't decide that $\int_a^a f(x) dx=0$, because it equals $F(a)-F(a)$, when you've defined $F(x)=\int_a^x f(t) dt$.
This one @MarkMcClure
not following you.
@Astyx I'm not sure what the last answer is. The answers don't always appear in the same order.
@Astyx That's basically the same as one of the comments, though. (Not clear which one came first, mind.)
Sure. It's still a correct answer
@Astyx Ahh.
I'm not so keen on leaving answers in comments
But eh.
I find questions like this just kinda tedious.
For posterity
I agree, the OP is asking to mathematically justify a convention, there are no better answer than : it works
I think there are reasonable arguments to be made, I just don't find it interesting.
@Astyx That's a cool answer that making use of only the symmetries of the function itself and no other considerations
I always like these abstract algebraic approaches to calculus, because they are simpler to understand due to no need to assume anything except the bare minimum about the nature of the functions
I agree with that @Secret
sooo I gave the online copy of a book to be printed at a xerox shop, and that book was Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus
and they only printed the first 30-ish pages of that book and mistakenly replaced the remainder of that book by some Algebra book's pages someone else must have given to be printed
I've paid almost four dollars for printing this entire book and this is so annoying
Hey small beginner question here...I want to show that a convergent series is a null set, now my idea was to find a k such that I can put my first k-1 points into their own cubes, and the rest in the k-th cube, of course I had to watch out that they don't intersect, but I could easily make an estimate for it. What bothers me is that I get something like this:
$k*s^n < \varepsilon$ with $s > 2* \Vert x - x_k \Vert$ e.g. s is the length of my cube, but now I have a like two variables dependant from k....Any hints how to express s and k?
morning, @MikeMiller
@Felix.C What's a null set ?
@Astyx A set with measure $0$, I believe.
Oh so he means the set of the terms of a convergent series
It's countable
And there are only finitely many $\gt \epsilon $ for any $\epsilon \gt 0$
If I understand what you are going for @Felix.C
@Felix.C Yeah, you can just use its countability. Because a single point has measure zero, and because measure is countably additive, you have that any countable collection of points has measure zero.
@Astyx In german it's called a Jordan Nullmenge e.g. a set where you can find cubes so that your set is a subset of those cubes and you can make the volume of those cubes as small as you want
I'll quickly write down the definition we used
That corresponds exactly with the notion of a null set w.r.t. Lebesgue measure, but I see you don't have the machinery of Lebesgue measure here.
See what I wrote above, if it helps you @Felix.C
Ans what Fargle said too of course
@Fargle He's using the Jordan (outer) measure
(which isn't actually a measure)
I had a quick look on the Lebesgue measure, what I never encountered so far, and it seems to me as it uses a infinite number of cubes, I need a finite amount
Ahh. Remind me not to take myself too seriously when I've just woken up.
You're right, @Felix, that's my bad.
You can fix a small cube (as small as you want) around 0, and then there are only finitely many points remaining outside that cube so you can just add one small cube for every point @Felix.C
Does someone knows product of 25 positive consecutive integers which is a perfect square?
@DarthVader1056 $0 \times 1 \times \cdots \times 24$, but I guess you're not looking for that...
@Astyx Not really...I need to show that if I have a convergent series $(x_n) \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ then we can find a finite number of cubes $W_i$ such that $(x_n) \subset \bigcup_{i=1}^n W_i$ and $\sum_{n=1}^n W_i < \varepsilon$ for any $\varepsilon$
@DarthVader1056 Oh, you said positive. I don't think this can happen if the top integer is $\geq 29$.
Yes, so use what I said and that should work, I haven't done all the work for you @Felix.C
And it can't happen below that, because any interval containing 23 would have to contain 46 as well, which means it has to contain 29, and it fails.
ok, thank you!
Glad to help, don't hesitate to ask if you misunderstood something
Well, now that I think about it, it could happen if you find 25 consecutive numbers which are all composite and have between them an even amount of each prime factor.
@Fargle Yes any product with a prime such that p<=n+24<2p will not be so.
Can you not build such a sequence with factorials ? (Just an idea, I don't have any paper to work with so I might be saying nonsense)

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