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@SteamyRoot :P I don't know much coding languages
Well, first thing that strikes me, is the while loops.
:P I think they be properly done
you're making it iterate while your index is larger than the length of the array
(also, most programming languages start indexing at 0, not 1)
I know. Its not supposed to look at the first term
I just needed to add one extra zero to the end
@MatheiBoulomenos: I believe it's proved explicitly in Hardy and Wright.
Oh no, they don't do the case of 11.
Hm, still buggy @SteamyRoot
well, another remark I have is overwriting your input a, which is not recommended
also, you seem to have a comparison with "=" instead of "=="
@TedShifrin Thanks, I'll have a look at Hardy and Wright
I retract my statement, @MatheiBoulomenos. They do a bunch, but not 11.
Oh, that's too bad
Also, you can easily get stuck in an infinite recursion loop like this...
@SteamyRoot Thanks!
Don't worry, I know what I'm doing (as far as the mathematics)
I am getting the chills.
In a sick way.
I've been there, Zach. Cough and sinus stuff, too?
@SteamyRoot repl.it/GrFZ/6
:-/ Now where's the nil coming from?
@MatheiBoulomenos: Googling led me to this paper. Have you seen it? algant.eu/documents/theses/simachew.pdf ... I don't know if it answers your specific question.
@Ted Throat stuff.
Yup, Zach, this is how it starts. ...
Probably won't be going to school tomorrow.
I suggest you let your parents know :P
@TedShifrin Thanks, but it doesn't seem to answer my question
Oh well.
Have you searched Math Overflow?
It's still marked as a duplicate, but it's not closed.
@SteamyRoot repl.it/GrFZ/6 Any idea why this returns nil if everything equals zero except the first argument?
Isn't it prime number related when general group (for any subset of integers) happens to be non-empty on the primes?
Q: I think I invented something: polynomial automorphisms of prime numbers.

Fruitful ApproachLet $P = \{2, 3, 5, \dots \}$ be the primes and $S_P$ be the set of all their permutations. Let $f(X,Y,Z) = f(\bar{X})$ be the polynomial form say $f = XY + Z$. Define $\phi \in S_P$ to be a polynomial automorphism of primes asscociated with $f$ if $\phi$ commutes with $f$ at all primes: $$ a,...

The funny thing is, i don't even need to go to jail, my room is my jail.
@Alucard Is that a good thing?
Better than to pick up the soap, if you ask me.
Should we delete this?
Q: On arithmetic progressions

Dhruv AroraEach year a tree grows 5 centimetre less than that it did the preceding year if it grew by 1 metre in the first year in how many years will it have ceased growing?

How is this -1 ?
let's vote it to the sky
Please ask any questions of interest
Q: Find a pair of analytic functions?

mickFor $ 0 \leq x $ , Find Pairs of analytic functions $f,g$ such that 
 $$f(x+1) = 2 f(x)^2 + 3 g(x)^2 + 4 f(x) + 5 g(x) + 6$$ $$g(x+1) = f(x)^2 + 7 g(x)^2 + 8 f(x) + 9 g(x) + 10$$ hold simultanously. I know some stuff about complex dynamics and I know people who know alot more than me about it....

Where do I find luck?
In Thailand
@Hippalectryon was referring to a real grid. Also, what is an infinite matrix.
Oh my lord, that's a tough one per pedes-
Ah finally infinite matrices again
@MeowMix, @Hippalectryon one can think of a matrix as a discrete function of the indices over some range. So the natural thing to think is what would happen if it went from integer indices to real number indices. I can think of how to represent matrix addition and multiplication. I just cannot seem to determine how the determinant would work. I think it would have something to do with real powers of -1... but I'm not 100% sure.
im wondering if it might be relevant to analysis in some way. For instance, if the determinant were a familiar looking function then we might be able to use linear algebra theorems to prove complicated analytical statements.
(or at least expand discrete linear algebra into a real linear algebra)
@anyone who was watching, I fixed it!
@SteamyRoot And I think no infinite loops
@SimplyBeautifulArt I've got no idea what that code is, but it throws an error for me :/
@Hippalectryon Oh, whoops, didn't save
Here it is?
oh, still didn't save
everything ok?
Here we go @Hippalectryon
@TheGreatDuck sorta
gotta go!
error >.>
why did it go from 7 to 23?

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