So I have this bundle $\Bbb CP^1\to Z\to \Bbb M=G_2/SO(4)$. Fact: $H^*(G_2/SO(4);\Bbb Z)=\Bbb Z[g_4^M]/(g_4^M)^3+\Bbb Z_2[u_3]/u_3^3=0$, i.e. infinite cyclic in degrees 0,4,8; 2-torsion in degrees 3,6. Fact: $H^*(Z;\Bbb Z)=\Bbb Z[g_2,g_4,g_6,g_8,g_{10}]/(g_2^2=3 g_4,g_2g_4=2g_6,g_4^2=2g_8)$, i.e. free in even degrees, with the given relations between powers of generators.
What I'm looking to do is find $p_2(Z)$ to get a hold of $c_3(Z)$. To figure out the Pontryagin class, I use $TZ=\pi^*M\oplus T\pi$, where $T\pi$ is the vertical tangent bundle (of rank 2). Fact: $c_1(T\pi)=g_2$, i.e. $p_…