Let $n\in\mathbb Z_{>0}$ and $a\in\mathbb Z$.
a) Prove $\overline a=\overline{-a}\iff \overline a=\overline0.$
b) Prove that
1. if $n$ is odd, then $\overline a=\overline{-a}\iff\overline a=\overline0,$
2. if $n$ is even, then $\overline a=\overline{-a}\iff\overline a=\overline0$ or $\overline a=\overline{n/2}.$
c) Prove that if $n>2$, then $\phi(n)$ is even.
I've shown a) and b). Here $\phi$ is the Euler function, defined by
$\phi(n)=\#\{a\in\mathbb Z\mid1\leq a\leq n, \gcd(a,n)=1\}$.
However, I have no clue how to use a) and b) to prove this. Could someone give me a hint?