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Flips sheet over
@user400188 I suspect you have the axiom of powerset with you, not the definition
I forgot there was a difference again
@user400188 The definition of power set tells you what the power set is
The axiom of power set declares the existence of such a set
Couldnt we just take the axiom; then write $A\subseteq B \equiv$ Axiom ?
+ for any set
@user400188 ??
oh I need equiv in that subset symbol
No you can't
The axiom of power set states that "for any set X, its power set exists"
ah i see the distinction now
What is your question @user400188 ?
I think I will have a go at defining it now
@ShinKim DHMO answered it for me; but If you like I could repost a full version here.
I took the time to edit it earlier to make it neat. It should read well
@user400188 Can you complete this statement? $Y = \mathscr P(X) \equiv \cdots$
I'm attempting it now. There are some things I need to think about first to answer it though.
@user400188 and what are those things?
@user400188 and are you convinced that $1+1=2$ is not the same as $1+1 \iff 2$?
Only by the definition of = we had in the Axiom of extension.
which was = is defined as $\forall Y(A\in Y \leftrightarrow B\in Y)$
No, axioms do not define equality.
The axiom did not; but I looked up the definition of = on another site
the equals was defined that way to make the axiom readable
@user400188 so you're still not convinced that objects do not have truth value
Yeah sorry I am not..
but I can think of them as not having one so I can continue as if I belive it is true
@user400188 can you show me an object that has a truth value?
a statement is itself an object actually.
Fair enough
but why isn't an object a statement?
every sequence of symbols without semantics has no truth value.
@user400188 not all objects are statements
$\{\}$ is not a statement
Guys , Why does $|\frac{G}{HP}| divide |\frac{G}{P}|$ ,where $P$ is a Sylow p subgroup of $G$ and $H$ is normal in $G$ ?
@user400188 are you convinced that $\{\}$ does not have a truth value?
I'm convinced that we have not assinged one to it yet. But I fear that we could easily do so and nothing would go wrong or break in the math.
@ShinKim how can you convince him that $\{\}$ does not have a truth value?
Well, I would say $\{\}$ is not a logical statement.
@ShinKim I've tried saying this
Oh, you already did.
Well,, I'm not sure.
@ShinKim Please follow this cringey conversation
I still feel embarrassed about that...
@BAYMAX If $A\ge B\ge C$ (groups) then $[A:B]$ divides $[A:C]$. In fact, there is a $[B:C]$-to-$1$ map between coset spaces $A/C\to A/B$ given by $aC\mapsto aB$.
@user400188 so are you convinced now?
i will think of objects not having truth values becuase they are defined that way.
Thats the best I can do
Please don't be embarrassed @user400188 :))
Ok that clears ,its nice @arctictern
Anyway: in responce to the things I was thining about; I was pretty sure that I would need something along the lines of:

There exists (a thing) such that (a thing) is in X (where X is a set). Howver I need to write that in such a way that putting the thing in X puts a piece of the set in X and not a single element.
@user400188 what?
You asked earlier what I thought I would need to define the powerset.
I know what I asked you
what is a power set?
Simply put, predicates are like atoms of logical language and by connecting those predicates you get a statement.
suppose we have a set. THe powerset of it would be a set for which all its elements are in the first set. However it is not a requirement that all the elements in the first are in the second.

Which would read:
$P(X)\equiv \exists X \forall Z [Z\in X]$
@user400188 wrong
A predicate is a statement too btw.
It isn't a valid formula, @user400188
The only definition of valid I know is that in every case where the antecedant is true; the consequent must also be true.
He didn't say valid argument, he said valid formula.
@user400188 $\mathscr P(X)$ is an object
$\exists X \forall Z [Z \in X]$ is a statement
In that case I'm not sure how to write them. What is meant by valid formula? @ShinKim @JackDon
@DHMO Sorry About missing hte distinction just then.
Do you mean for me to write a definition that does not inlcude statements?
It means that the syntax of the formula is wrong.
@user400188 No I don't, and I said that your definition is wrong
before you included the formula
Do I need the Y= at the start?
Both syntax and the definition is wrong, @user400188.
Define it via topos theory.
What is wrong with the syntax in this case?
@user400188 "There is an X such that for all Z, Z in X" is what your formula is saying
That was was I was trying to produce
that is wrong
As @DHMO have already mentioned, you can't connect an object and a statement with logical connective.
I meant that there is a set X; such that there is another set Y in which every element in Y is also in X (where the elemts in Y are labled z)
@user400188 "every element in Z is also in X" is not "Z in X"
and I said that it is wrong already
YOUR STATEMENT "THe powerset of it would be a set for which all its elements are in the first set." IS WRONG OK?
May I ask you to define the power set of a set, @user400188 ?
That was the original question which I seem to be getting wrong all the time.
Maybe give an example, give us the power set of $\{1,2,3\}$
What about {1,2}?
A subset of it would be {1,2}
I just considered that maybe the powerset was the list of all subsets
so I hesitated in that last comment
@user400188 indeed
Where these all live in?
@user400188 so can you define power set now?
I'll probaly make the same mistake of using a statement and an object in the same line.
the list -> the set, to be precise.
They live in a set, so the set of all subsets, and don't forget the emptyset.
(And the subset doesn't need to be proper)
@user400188 then don't make it
Can you just write out $P(\{1,2\})$ so I can see that you are 100%
@user400188 wrong
I included brakcets I didnt need?
The brackets were good
"and don't forget the emptyset."
I haven't come across the empty set yet in math; so I'm not really sure hwo to write it or what its properties are (appart from beeing in every set)
Just write $\{\{\},\{1\},\{2\},\{1,2\}\}$ then for the time being
And that's the last time you make the mistake of confusing "in" with "subset"
Where $\{\}=\emptyset$
so while the empty set is not "in" every set. It is a subset of them?
Are there powersets of powersets?
@user400188 yes
the axiom of power set declares it
Am I'm still waiting for your defintion
@user400188 Can you write "Every set has a power set" using symbols? You're allowed to use the symbol $\mathscr P$ to denote power set.
where S is a set: $\forall S \exists \mathscr (P (S))$
oh the script disappeared
still wrong
$\exists$ can only be used for variables
adding parentheses don't help
I know I just did that for completeness
so how can you correct it?
I need to figure out a way to assert the existance of the powerset without using a symbol that refers to variables.
@user400188 and?
I'm tempted to write $\forall S (\mathscr P (S))$
even worse
$\mathscr P(S)$ is not a statement
In "$\forall S: \cdots$", $\cdots$ must be a statement
But to be honest I was looking up the definition of a statement in wikipedia
and then?
@user400188 How would you write "the power set of $\{\}$ exists"?
I dont have a concept of "every" or "exists" outside of the for all and exists symbol. So I am stumped on how to write these things.
@user400188 Hint: "there exists a Y such that Y is the power set of $\{\}$"
$\exists Y: Y=\mathscr P (\{\})$
I feel as if I am missusing the sybols again
@user400188 why?
becuase I have the exist sysmbol in the same line as $\mathscr P ()$ which is not a statement.
of course statements contain objects that are not statements
but $Y = \mathscr P(\{\})$ is a statement
@user400188 correct
So was that the correct answer? If so would the definition of the power set be:
Powerset$=[\exists Y : Y=\mathscr P(\{\})]$ ?
@user400188 you can't equate an object with a statement
you are saying that "Power set is equal to the fact that the power set of {} exists"
which is nonsense to me
and should also be nonsense to you
I must ask; when we write: $\exists Y (Y)$ are we are not asserting the existance of an object here; but a statement?
You are using a statement to assert the existence of an object
but the object is not equal to the assertion
you can't say "the power set of {} is the assertion that the power set of {} exists"
Sorry I noticed that the first part was wrong after I posted but I wanted to know if the formate was right. If the P() part was a statement that defined the properties of the powerset; would it be correct?
what do you mean?
Hi there.
appart from the P() part; is the syntax correct for defining something?
Say I had a statement that would only be true for a set which contained all the subsets of some other set. If I substituted that statement for P(); would the rest of the syntax be correct for defining the powerset?
@user400188 what the hell is P()?
$\mathscr P()$
Sorry I'm still getting used to the latex for it
what the hell is $\mathscr P()$?
the powerset of something. I suppose I should write $\mathscr P(x)$ I just didnt want to use x beucase I thought i might run out of symbols. In the future this is what i will use.
@user400188 You would say that $Y = \mathscr P(X) \equiv \cdots$
A statement relates two objects
I have a question about induction: Generally, we prove some property for $n = 1$, then we take as hypothesis that it holds for some $n$ (for example, $a(n) = b(n)$ Eq1.). And finally we want to prove the same property holds for $n+1$ (for example, $a(n+1) = b(n+1)$ Eq2). My question is: It is rigorous use the Eq2? For example, we could say $a(n)-a(n+1) = b(n) - b(n+1)$.
I don't think this is rigorous, since, actually, we don't even know what relation there is between $a(n+1) = b(n+1)$. It shouldn't be there an $=$, it should be something like $a(n+1) \square b(n+1)$.
What do you think guys?
@Topologicalife you can use equivalence
What do you mean?
for example, if you want to prove 1+1=2, just as an example
normally, you cannot start with the statement you are trying to prove
but if you use equivalence, you can start with the statement you are trying to prove
by saying $(1+1=2) \iff (1+1-1 = 2-1) \iff (1 = 1) \iff \top$
But actually we don't know what type of relation there is between the sides of the $n+1$ case.
@Topologicalife you can prove that $a(n)-a(n+1) = b(n)-b(n+1)$
So we can not say $a(n+1) = b(n+1)$.
and then prove that it is equivalent to $a(n+1) = b(n+1)$
@Topologicalife as long as they are equivalent
That's okay.
you can say that:
$a(n+1) = b(n+1)$
$\iff \cdots$
$\iff \cdots$
$\iff \cdots$
which is evidently true.
But it is kinda different of asumming the case $n+1$ is true and then use it as I said.
@user400188 have you given up?
I'm still trying to figure out how to write a definition wthout using a statement in the same line as an object.

I dont know how its possible.
@user400188 Start with "The power set of X is a set Y such that <insert statement containing X and Y>"
would that read $\mathscr P (X)=Y:$<insert statement containing X and Y> ?
it seems that we would be anding our object with the statement in the above
I have made another attempt with the following. I have spotted a problem with my attempt but so far I am not sure how to fix it:
$\mathscr P(X)=Y: (Y\leftrightarrow \forall a(a\subseteq X))$

The problem with it is that writing $\forall a(a\subseteq X)$ will not produce a set containing all the subsets.(I think it will instead produce the same set we started with (if the syntax here is even allowed)).
I belive I can fix this problem now by addopting the syntax from the Axiom. If I instead write:
$\mathscr P(X)=Y:\forall a(a\in Y\leftrightarrow (a\subseteq X))$
I will ensure that the elements of Y are subsets of X
@user400188 you replace ":" with "$\equiv$"
@user400188 you do not "and" an object and a statement
@user400188 you cannot connect an object (Y) and a statement ($\forall a[a \subseteq X]$) with $\iff$
@user400188 you cheated in the end, but do you understand?
I figured out the first part myself; but yes I had to cheat in the end.
I understand the formulation of the final answer; but there are some things in your last cpmment that I dont
First ill will explain why the answer works; then I will ask about your comments.
The difference between P(X)=Y≡(Y≡∀a(a⊆X)) and P(X)=Y≡∀a(a∈Y≡(a⊆X)) is that in the first one; the "∀a(a⊆X)" part will be true for a set that contains only the elements of X. this is not what we want beucase the intent is to create something that is only true for the power set of X
in the second one: we have created a set Y that has elements which are subsets of X. This is true for all a so the set will contain all the subsets
Why is it 'bound variable', not 'bounded variable' in mathematical logic?
I have always taken it as the variable somehow binding itself; while a bounded one would be bound by some external factor. But I don't have a hard definition of bound variable and I have avoid questions that use the term on SE.
@DHMO Does my explanation of why it works make sense?
@ShinKim bind~bound, bound~bounded
bounded means having boundary
@user400188 The thing about "Y≡∀a(a⊆X)" is that Y is an object that does not have a truth value
it says "Y is equivalent to the statement that for all a, a is a subset of X"
That was one of the questions I was meaning to ask about your comments: What is the definition of $\equiv$? I have one for $\iff$ which is $A\iff B$ is $AB \lor (\lnot A)(\lnot B)$ but I dont have one for $\equiv$.

I think if I did I would be able to understand the difference between objects and statements.
@DHMO What does it mean to say something is optically active? The definition I have is rather vague.
Eg, why's the (+)-tartaric acid optically active whereas the meso-tartaric acid isn't? What's the fundamental difference?
@BalarkaSen its mirror image is superimposable on the original thing -> optically inactive
@user400188 $\equiv$ just means $\iff$ here
Ah, I see
@DHMO If $\equiv$ means $\iff$ why can we not connect an object with a statement using it? But we can using $\equiv$ ?
@user400189 an object doesn't have a truth value
By superimposition you of course mean superimposable through orientation-preserving rigid motions in R^3, right? (rotation/translation)
So does the $\equiv$ sign have another property in that it lets us connect objects to statements? In this way is it different to $\iff$ ?
@BalarkaSen and that's what happens when a topologist studies chemistry
but yes
lol. Gotcha, thanks.
I just like to speak my own language.
Suppose $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac {B_n} {n!} \cdot z^n$ is a convergent power series whose pointwise limit is $f(z) = 1$ when $z = 0$ and $f(z) = \frac {z} {e^z - 1}$ when $z \ne 0$. How do you show that the radius of convergence is $2 \pi$?
@HarryEvans |e^z| < 1
If we cant do that; what are we doing when we write:
$\mathscr P(X)=Y\equiv \forall a(a\in Y\equiv (a\subseteq X))$
$\mathscr P(x)$ is an object, and the rightmost side is a statement. Have we not connected them just now using it?
@DHMO, can we use Hadamard's Formula or the Ratio Test to prove it? Or do we show divergence outside of $|z| < 2 \pi$?
@HarryEvans no idea
@user400188 I see where the confusion stems from
$[\mathscr P(X) = Y] \equiv [\forall a[(a \in Y) \iff (a \subseteq X)]$
Ah now I see it. $\mathscr P(X)$ is an object; $Y$ is an object. $\mathscr P(X)=Y$ is a statement, and $[\mathscr P(X)=Y]\equiv A$ is a statement. In this we never connect objects to statements. Just object to object and statement to statement.
@user400188 do you understand the definition?
I think I do now. And I also think I finaly understand the distinction between objects and statements.
@user400188 try to write "for every set X and Y, their union exists"
I have an answer without objects in it so I think it is incomplete for now. But The stataement part of the answer would look like:
$\forall X\forall Y(\exists Z[(X\cup Y)\leftrightarrow Z])$

Somewhere before or after that I belive I need to make a statement that contains objects and set that statement to equal what I just wrote.
@user400188 you cannot use $\iff$ to connect objects
I havent used an object yet. Although i did think that when wrote it Z would look like an object
variables are all objects
Really? In propositional logic we have statements that are represented by a single letter. And those statements can be continualy broken down until we arrive at atomic ones.
not with variables
If in set theory a single letter is regarded as a variable (which is an object) then I have been doing things wrong for quite some time now.
not just in set theory
have you ever used $\forall$ in logic? @user400188
I have used it in excerscises but I have never answered a question on SE that involved it. This is becuase I have been afraid of using anything that I dont understand.
I have looked at it definition on wikipedia but it seems to define it through examples
and from the examples all I can gather is it takes a bunch of statements: Then AND's them togther. In this way the truth value of a statement containing $\forall$ will only be true when all the statements it AND's togther are true.
aren't the variables that follow $\forall$ objects?
Until now I did not know what an object was. Hence my confusion
Objects wont have a truth value so the for all thing wont and together statements with truth values.
So my previous definition must have been wrong
@user400188 can you write anything involving $\forall$ that you meet when learning logic?
After what we have discused I don't belive I can write anything (althogh I did before). I know some of the rules for for all and can find logical equivilances for it. but thats it.
so can you correct your answer?
I feel like i'm cheating again becuase now I have written that first half; it looks very similar to the axiom of pairing
@user400188 just write it
don't be so confident
hang on; would not X∪Y be an object? ${1,2}\cup {2,3}$ is ${1,2,3}$.
if it is then I would be connecting two objects in my first answer
so does that mean that the answer is correct?
@user400188 you cannot use $\iff$ to connect two objects
must I use =?
In that case I will try $\forall X\forall Y(\exists Z[(X\cup Y)=Z])$
now, can you do it without using $\cup$?
just to confirm: would it be correct to insead say :
$\forall X\forall Y(\exists Z[\forall H(([X\cup Y]\in H) \leftrightarrow (Z\in H))])$
oh part of it disipeared
one sec
that should be better
yes but I think you mean $\forall H[H \in X \cup Y \iff H \in Z]$
Yes that is what I meant. Did I get the brackets wrong?
you reversed the operands of $\in$
ah yes you are right.
Also to replace $\cup$. (I fear I have a fundamental misconception again) could I not just OR the two sets together?
that's the last time I say you cannot OR two sets together
you probably confused with $\{x | p(x)\} \cup \{x| q(x)\} = \{x | p(x) \lor q(x) \}$
I have not seen that before actualy. At least not in that notion (the | symbol is something I dont have a definition for)
How are you?
@user400188 Have you done any set theory before?
No I have not done any set theory before. The closest I have come to it is from paying attention to the sets attached to functions.
@Ramanujan I'm feeling ok; but Im kind of killing myself over how little I know / slow I learn at the moment.
then why are we doing formal set theory now @user400188
we should do informal set theory first!
I just happen to like the formal stuff to be honest. But from what I have seen so far jumping to the formal stuff first has been a terrible way to learn it.
A loan of 5100 $ has to be repaid in two equal installments in 2 years. if the interest is charged at the rate of 4 %
whatever floats your boat
Per annum, compounded annually
@user400188 so what are we doing now?
, find the amount of each installment
Thats a good question. Im not sure where to start informally.
@user400188 set!
is {{apple, orange}} and {apple, orange} equal?
from my prejudice of sets been constructed by OR'ing two objects or statements together. :/
oh sorry I missd the {{ at the start
are {apple, apple} and {apple} equal?
any good reference for the proof of this theorem "Let $H$ be a normal $p$ -subgroup of group $G$ ,then $H$ is contained into each Sylow $p$ subgroup of $G$",i could not find after googling ??
To me they appear to be
in that first one by the way: one had two objects while the other had 1.
@user400188 {apple, orange} union {orange, banana} = ?
{apple, orange, banana}
no there is only one object
i mean the {{apple, orange}} and {apple, orange} example
{{apple, orange}} had one while {apple, orange} had two.
each set is a single object but
one contains two objects while the other contains 1
of course the one that contained 1; had a set inside it which contained 2
@user400188 {apple, orange} intersect {orange, banana} = ?
Good Morning :)
Good morning Junlikon
P({apple, orange}) = ?
I'm not sure on that one.
P(x), where x is {apple, orange} ?
i mean power set
oh. { {},{apple},{orange},{apple , orange} }
can you prove that |A| = n => |P(A)| = 2^n?
does someone now the difference between $|Map_{surj}[(1,k),(1,n)]=n! \cdot \stirling{n}{k}|$ and $|Part_k(X)|= \stirling{n}{k}$? I know, the calculation is different. My problem is that I do not know in which task I have to use which one. For example, if I have 10 Students and make 3 Tutoriums where no one is empty, which to choose?
I need a 10 k user to do me a little favour.
By magnitude I'm sure you mean (how many elements are in the set?)
we say cardinality
oh sorry - yes I need the cardinality of possibilities
I was talking to @user400188
oh, sorry again haha
@Secret Exercise: prove that $\forall X \forall Y: \exists A: \forall u: u \in A \equiv u \in X \land u \in Y$!
I know that the process of making the power set involves re-writing each element of the first: giving us n elements; followed by taking one element away from the original set and and writing it again; giving us n +1 elements. We do that step n times. And we do those n times n times to get each combination.
I'm just not sure how to write that out in a proof
@user400188 P({a,b,c})=?
{ {},{a,b,c},{a,b},{a,c},{b,c},{a},{b},{c} }
lookig at what I just did what I wrote previously is wrong
not even mentioning that I forgot the empty set
indeed it was wrong
we add the empty set, re-write the original set; then the remove one element n times and add those new sets. Then we remove 2 elements n times and add those.
so it seems with add n things n-1 times. Then add two things

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