@mercio, is this correct
Let $f$ be continuous on a domain (open and connected), $D$. Now suppose that for every $z_0 \in D$, there exists $B_\delta (z_0)$ such that $f(z)$ is constant in $B_\delta (z_0)$. Show that $f$ is constant in $D$.
I don't know if this is correct, but allow me to share my thoughts. If $f$ is continuous on $D$, then $f$ is continuous on every $z_0 \in D$. Define an open ball, $B_\delta (z_0)$, such that $f(z) = K$, for all $z \in B_\delta (z_0)$.
Since $D$ is a region, it is connected, then $D\ne S_1 \cup S_2$, where $S_1 \cap S_2 = \emptyset$. Then, $D$ is the un…