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@AkivaWeinberger sorry. Just goofing around. :-)
Then, we define $\omega+1$ to be the order type of $\{0,1,2,\dots,\omega\}$, with $\omega$ greater than all of the other elements
And $\omega+2$ is the order type of $\{0,1,2,\dots,\omega,\omega+1\}$
(You can think of it as the orderings $\{0,1,2,\dots\}$ and $\{\omega,\omega+1\}$ stuck together; those have order types $\omega$ and $2$, hence, $\omega+2$)
And we can even continue to $\omega\cdot2=\{0,1,\dots,\omega,\omega+1,\dots\}$
and even to $\omega^2$, and $\omega^\omega$, and $\omega^{\omega^\omega}$, and …
$\omega^{\omega^{\omega^{\dots}}}$, with an infinite power tower, can even be defined. It's called $\epsilon_0$.
Because $\epsilon$ usually means a small number.
In any case, it keeps on going, each one representing another well-ordering.
$\{-1,-1/2,-1/3,\dots,0\}$ from before has order type $\omega+1$.
All of the ordinals I've mentioned so far are countable.
There's a natural ordering on the ordinals; the first uncountable ordinal is the order type of all of the countable ordinals.
The Continuum Hypothesis says that it's equinumerous with $\Bbb R$. This has been proven to be independant of ZFC.
@AkivaWeinberger questions regarding the mathematical continuum are best asked to users on sci-fi stack exchange
...or is that the space-time continuum I'm thinking of.
@AkivaWeinberger Good lord...
Yeah I do not endorse this
You have a fanbase, lol
Infinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. The first says, “I’ll have a beer.” The second says, “I’ll have half a beer.” The third says, “I’ll have a quarter of a beer.” Before anyone else can speak, the barman fills up exactly two glasses of beer and serves them. “Come on, now,” he says to the group, “You guys have got to learn your limits.”
Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Do you all want a beer?" They respond, "I don't know," "I don't know," "Yes."
@AkivaWeinberger What's equinumerous with $\Bbb R$?
The first uncountable ordinal (assuming CH)
Written $\omega_1$
An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician are staying in a hotel. The engineer wakes up and smells smoke. He goes out into the hallway and sees a fire, so he fills a trashcan from his room with water and douses the fire. He goes back to bed.

Later, the physicist wakes up and smells smoke. He opens his door and sees a fire in the hallway. He walks down the hall to a fire hose and after calculating the flame velocity, distance, water pressure, trajectory, etc. extinguishes the fire with the minimum amount of water and energy needed.
@AkivaWeinberger I didn't
@AkivaWeinberger Is there anything special about $\omega_2$?
@AkivaWeinberger nvm, I thought you meant $\omega_0$ for some reason
lol @TheGreatDuck
It's consistent with ZFC that it's equinumerous with $\Bbb R$ instead, I think
or just $\omega$
@Brody I thought $\omega=\omega_0$?
I think it's been proven that ZFC proves that $|\Bbb R|\le\aleph_{\omega_4}$
That's the cardinality of $\omega_{\omega_4}$.
That's, um... ok then
But is there anything interesting about $\omega_2$?
@SimplyBeautifulArt right
Wait, no, I stated it wrong
Does Well-Ordering Theorem mean that all sets can become well-ordered or only ordered sets?
@Jasch1 It means all sets can be well-ordered. (It doesn't matter if we're talking about ordered sets, because we're giving it a new order anyway.)
Also, you need the axiom of choice for it.
Fun fact: Without the axiom of choice, you can't prove that $P(\Bbb R)$ (the power set of the reals) can be ordered at all, much less be given a well-order.
Does the set of perfect squares have the same density as set of naturals?
Sorry for so many questions, I'm just looking back on a paper and I'm confused about some stuff I wrote
@Jasch1 How many perfect squares in the first 100 positive integers? How many up to 200 and so on?
i get that the size of the sets are the same
Sorry, you mean natural density or something else?
natural/asymptotic density
The cardinality of the continuum can be pushed to basically any cardinal. The only obstruction is cofinality @AkivaWeinberger
I remember there being some theorem involving $\aleph_{\omega_4}$, though
yah, I think I have seen what you are talking about, but I think there are other things going on and I don't remember what it is
Do you know the density of $\Bbb N$? @Jasch1
You're not wrong.
Im not?
What proportion of the first $n$ positive integers are positive integers? And the limit is obvious. :)
Oh, OK: If $\kappa<\aleph_{\omega}$ implies that $P(\kappa)<\aleph_{\omega}$, then $2^{\aleph_{\omega}}<\aleph_{\omega_4}$
1.Let f : [0, 1] → R satisfy |f(x) − f(y)| ≤6 |x − y| for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]. Show that f is continuous and that for all ε > 0, there exists a piece-wise constant function g such that sup x∈[0,1] |f(x) − g(x)| <6 ε.
2.For all integers n > 1, let un = $$∫^1_0$$f(t) cos(nt)dt. Show that the sequence (un) converges to 0.
That first bit is independent of ZFC, though.
I have problem with part 2
any hints?
And we want to show $u_n$ goes to zero?
I assume $f$ has to satisfy all of the conditions of the first one?
Ah yah. It is sort of funny you can have the continuum be $\aleph_1$, $\aleph_{\omega_1}$ but you cant have it $\aleph_\omega$
Hm. What's $\int_0^1\cos(nt)dt$? It might be relevant
Like, without the $f$
I tried this @AkivaWeinberger
$$Let \(\epsilon>0,t\in[0,1],n>1\)
\[|\cos(nt)|\le 1\\\Rightarrow|f(t)\cos(nt)|\le |f(t)|\\\Rightarrow \int_0^1|f(t)\cos(nt)dt\le\int_0^1|f(t)|dt\\ \Rightarrow \left|\int_0^1 f(t)\cos(nt)dt\right|\le\int_0^1|f(t)|dt\]$$
apply Cheb. polynomial and integrate?
$\sin(n)$ @AkivaWeinberger
So $\int_0^1\cos(nt)dt=\sin(n)/n$, which goes to $0$ as $n$ goes to infinity.
@aquire Off by a factor of $n$
i see
Hm. What if $f$ is positive everywhere?
Thanks @AkivaWeinberger
I mean, it probably isn't, but what if
Call its maximum $M$. Then $0\le\int_0^1f(t)\cos(nt)dt\le\int_0^1M\cos(nt)dt=M\frac{\sin(n)}n$?
It has a maximum because it's continuous and defined on $[0,1]$
Oh, wait, that doesn't work
The middle inequality doesn't have to hold.
Is how to generate a satisfying tuple from an index (1 giving the lexicogrraphically least tuple, 2 the next, etc) a math.se question? Or would it be more cs?
$\cos(nt)$ is sometimes negative, so $f(t)\le M$ doesn't imply $f(t)\cos(nt)\le M\cos(nt)$
I try to teach my stuff to a yellow duck on my desk made of plush. Maybe, just maybe, you should do the same?
So, never mind @aquire
Ah finally found the theorem, Easton's theorem @AkivaWeinberger
we can deal with absolte values @AkivaWeinberger
Ooh, probably
But we might need to know what $\int_0^1|\cos(nt)|dt$ is.
I doubt that that goes to $0$.
you are right
It's definitely less than $1$, at least
Just throwing ideas out there — maybe see what happens at $f(t)=t$?
Like, what's $\int_0^1t\cos(nt)dt$
Oh, never mind, it's complicated
What's the simplest example of $f:A\to B,\; A^* \subset A$ such that $f(A)\setminus f(A^*)\ne f(A\setminus A^*)$?
$\frac{\sin n}n-\frac{1-\cos n}n^2$
@Brody $A^*$ is any subset?
@AkivaWeinberger Yeah.
may be taylor expansion of cos might help
hmm, I have one that's simple but it doesn't involve $A^*$ empty
$f:\Bbb R\to\Bbb R,~x\mapsto x^2$, with $A=\Bbb R$ and $B=\Bbb R_{\le 0}$
$f(A)\setminus f(A^*)=\emptyset$, but $f(A\setminus A^*)=\Bbb R$.
I think we need to use the conclusion to part 1 @aquire
About the piecewise function
makes sense
Oouu, $\Bbb R_{\le 0}$ is nice notation
It's the same as $(-\infty,0]$
just like $\Bbb R$ is the same as $(-\infty,\infty)$
Yeah, it looks better than some alternatives
we use $\mathbb{R}^-_0$
e.g. apparently $\Bbb R^+, \Bbb R_0^+$ can respectively mean $(0,\infty), [0,\infty)$ or vice-versa depending on the text/region/etc.
Where I wrote $B=\Bbb R_{\le0}$ I meant $A^*=\Bbb R_{\le0}$.
that terribly confused me for a sec but I had noted :P
and the image of the set difference is a typo too
It should be $\Bbb R_{>0}$, shouldn't it
Are you going for the greatest disparity, so to speak?
I am very intimidated by the math speak here.
I like it.
By simplest I was thinking simple (co)domain or something like that, e.g. $f:{0,1}\to{0};x\mapsto 0$ and consider the subset ${0}$. The disparity is between $\emptyset$ and ${0}$.
Oh, the constant function, derp
as opposed to say between $\emptyset$ and $\Bbb R$, which though (no more or less) unequal than the above are indeed the most unequal in some sense @Akiva
That's a good example
domain $\{0,1\}$, latex derp
How about the function from robbers to the banks they rob?
The function on everyone but Robert isn't necessarily the same as all the banks but the one Robert robs
say, if someone else also robs the same bank.
barring that a robber may rob multiple places
Stopping Rob won't necessarily save his bank, essentially.
@Brody Assume spherical cows
I don't know how common that kind of serial robbery is irl. the cows perhaps needn't be that round
oh, and "Robert". lol
Little Bobby Tables, we call him
quite an unfortunate path he's gone down D:
We can say ${-1\over n}\le\int_0^1 \cos nt dt\le {1\over n}\\\Rightarrow \left|\int_0^1 \cos nt dt\right|\le{1\over n}$
That will do Thanks a lot @AkivaWeinberger
TIL my nose is a wave.
Latin is weird.
Is it possible to have an endofunction on $\Bbb R$ such that a subset and its complement both have images $\Bbb R$? Don't think so but could be wrong...
What's an endofunction @Brody
I just mean $\Bbb R\to \Bbb R$
Is it required to be continuous?
no restrictions
Oh, $x\sin x$. Positives and negatives.
Doesn't matter which one you put $0$ into.
Actually, any cut into $(-\infty,a]$ and $(a,\infty)$ would work.
(And same for switching open and closed.)
nice, thanks
this is an example where $f[A] \setminus f[A^*]=\emptyset$ and $f[A\setminus A^*]=\Bbb R$
hi chat
@Akiva So you have what's called an "endomorphism"
Which is a morphism from an object to itself
If you're in the category of sets with your morphisms being functions, then you get an endofunction
But you could also make that case for a homomorphism from a group to itself, continuous function, and so forth, depending on the type of object
What are the sine curves that pass through $(2,\sin2)$, $(8,\sin 8)$, and $(14,\sin14)$ other than $y=\sin x$
$\sin\left(\dfrac{2\pi}6(2-x)+x\right)$ works.
Ah, OK. Let me type up a thing with images:
When you take the dots $(n,\sin n)$ for integer $n$ and graph them, they form a wave… unless you squish the $x$-axis, after which they seem to form lots of waves.
It might be more apparent for $(n,\sin cn)$ for some $c$ — that is, for $y=\sin cx$.
Everything was graphed in Desmos.
Yeah, it very much becomes more apparent for $c\ne1$.
hi is anyone good with first-order-logic here?
You might want to just ask.
2 hours later…
Since I am trying to get the bounty room going, perhaps a reasonable thing could be to promote it here. So here is link to the relevant meta post and here is the room.
3 hours later…
@AkivaWeinberger how do you plot dots?
@DHMO You could type $([-50...50],\sin([-50...50]))$ into Desmos. The $[m...n]$ format makes a list.
Alternatively, you could type in $(n,\sin n)$ and $n=[-50...50]$.
@AkivaWeinberger I see, thanks
@DHMO Here it is for $\sin(2n)$ rather than $\sin(n)$.
As n increases, the ratio n^n : (1+n)^n goes to 1:e.
Can we prove that 1/2 + 1/12 + 1/30 + 1/56 + ... = ln 2?
That's $(1-\frac12)+(\frac13-\frac14)+\dotsb$, so use the well-known $\sum(-1)^{n+1}\frac1n=\ln2$.
@AkivaWeinberger can we prove it without going through a conditional-convergent series?
@Mahmoud wa-alaykom salam
@DHMO $:)$
I always like to say that math is not about computation, but when I come along something like this, I get both confused and disappointed.
@DHMO Well, it's easily shown to be convergent, by comparison to $\sum1/n^2$.
$\lim_{x\to 3} \frac{\sqrt{x^2-8}-2\sqrt{3x}+5}{\sqrt{x+1}-\sqrt{x+6}+1}$
Computation at it highest limits, unless someone comes up with a miracle to avoid it.
@DHMO Any ideas not involving multiplication by the conjugate ?
@Mahmoud That's clearly $\infty$.
Divide top and bottom by $\sqrt x$.
@AkivaWeinberger It turns out to be $24$.
Oh, wait, $x\to3$, sorry
I didn't see that
Hm. I would substitute $u+3=x$ so that we could get the limit to be at $0$.
So $\lim_{u\to 0}$ ? First time I see it.
@TedShifrin I apologize, you were right, after I read those notes with the concrete example of $\lim_{x\to 3} x^2=9$, I began to understand it, please forgive my haste. $$\text{Concrete}\rightarrow \text{Abstract}$$ Is a good rule to keep in mind.
We'll get $0$ in the denominator @AkivaWeinberger
You're right. Hm…
Oh, OK, I think I see what to do. Rewrite the denominator as $(\sqrt{x+1}-\sqrt{3+1})+(\sqrt{x+6}-\sqrt{3+6})$
and do conjugates on that
Just on the denominator @AkivaWeinberger ?
Also the numerator, but I haven't worked it out yet
The denominator becomes $\frac{x-3}{\sqrt{x+1}+2}-\frac{x-3}{\sqrt{x+6}+3}$
Which is $x-3$ times something that goes to $\frac14-\frac16=\frac1{12}$. Hopefully, the numerator also is $x-3$ times something that goes to some finite value.
In that case, they'd cancel out.
Yes, @AkivaWeinberger.
Numerator is $(\sqrt{x^2-8}-\sqrt{3^2-8})-(2\sqrt{3x}-2\sqrt{3(3)})$
I mean, $(\sqrt{x^2-8}-1)-(2\sqrt{3x}-6)$
So do conjugates on that as well?
First term looks annoying, though.
@arctictern Your bird just came up on the tv show QI that I'm watching
Can we have a bijection from a countable union of finite sets to an uncountable set?
What an interesting bird
mine is an allusion to a joke on whose line is it anyway (US version)
@logical123 a countable union of countable sets is countable
Oooh I like that show
Scenes from a hat, mostly
yeah that's what I read but does that imply the bijection can't exist?
@logical123 there are no bijections between countable and uncountable sets
it must be very early, I know this stuff lol
thanks for confirming
@Krijn QI is great
Yeah and Sandy is a great replacement
@Mahmoud I have to run. Good luck, though.
Yep, she is doing great
And as a fellow Dane, I appreciate her Randy Scandy segment
It's a bit pushy at times
Alan is much funnier this season
Bye @AkivaWeinberger
hey @TobiasKildetoft could I ask some quadratic forms stuff ?
There is a proof I want to make sure my understanding for it is correct.
@Mahmoud Yeah, that plan should work. The numerator becomes $\frac{x^2-9}{\sqrt{x^2-8}+1}-\frac{12x-36}{2\sqrt{3x}+6}$
which is $\frac{(x-3)(x+3)}{\sqrt{x^2-8}+1}-\frac{(x-3)(12)}{2\sqrt{3x}+6}$
And we divide by $(x-3)$
So it's $x-3$ times something that goes to $\frac62-\frac{12}{12}=2$
So the numerator was $x-3$ times something that goes to $2$, the denominator was $x-3$ times something that goes to $\frac1{12}$
Cancel out the $x-3$, and we get $\frac2{1/12}=24$.
Which is what you said the answer was.
@Mahmoud اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ
nvm I get it
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
How are you doing,you just started limits?
Shalom aleichem
@AkivaWeinberger aleikhem shalom
Yes @Ramanujan.
I'm a bit confused, I need to re-order my thoughts and make sense of everything.
Limits is deception and we need to get correct answer…
(as I think)
I don't know why limits are called that.
Because firstly everything looks indeterminate form,but from some where we get answer
hi chat
Typically, something which 'looks indeterminate' ceases to be so when you actually plug in numbers which are near the value of interest.
What you get may be surprising or counter-intuitive, but hardly deceptive.
@Mahmoud why would you not multiply by the conjugate?
@DHMO :|
Because I am the conjugate
@Mahmoud Just use binomial expansion?
Define $A: l^2 -> l^2$ by $Ax = (\frac{1/i}{x_i})_{i \in \mathbb{N}}$ for $x = (x_i)_{i \in \mathbb{N}}$. Then the $A$ is self-adjoint and injective but not surjective. I can't see why it is not surjective?! Anyone know why?!
@SimplyBeautifulArt That's an infinite series, for $\sqrt{x+a}$. I doubt he's learned that yet.
@eurocoder I don't see an answer off the top of my head, but evidently you need a sequence $x$ such that $\sum_i \frac{1}{(i x_i)^2}$ is convergent but $\sum_i x_i^2$ isn't.
Which, in fact, seems pretty easy to arrange.

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