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Then $(a + b)/2 = 0$. So now you can say $\int_{-1}^1 = \int_{-1}^0 + \int_0^1$.
@JonasTeuwen I posted this link recently.
And the first dude is equal to $-\int_0^{-1}$ and that in its turn is equal to...
@robjohn :D.
@JonasTeuwen The obvious thing is to do the substitution $u = b + a - x and then the answer just pops out, but I would like a geometric intepretation of that transform =)
I don't think that is the most obvious thing to do.
Well, its works ^^
Thank you, guys!
@N3buchadnezzar It would have to be anti-symmetric about $x=\frac{a+b}{2}$
Oh, that too 8-).
Or so called odd about x = (a + b )/ 2
Otherwise it is twice the integral from $0$ to $1$.
or do you mean symmetric about $\left(\frac{a+b}{2},f\left(\frac{a+b}{2}\right)=0\right)$
Hey, on the off-chance ... does anybody know of any good expositions of Mostow rigidity? (Other than ch 5 and 6 of Thurston's notes)
The what?
The off-chance that anybody in the room right now does know of any good sources.
Does anybody here use Mendeley?
Not strictly legal?
To use Mendeley on your hands?
Yeah. Publishing industry comes down on you hard for that.
I don't get it!
Do you think a calc 1 student would be able to solve $\int \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x^7 - x}$ ?
@N3buchadnezzar He must be able to do!?!
Not so clear. Which "tool" would a calc 1 student use?
@KannappanSampath ?
Hey, can I ask a quick question about algebra?
Yeah, it's a partial fractions problem. That's calc 2 material, isn't it?
$$\large \int \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x^7 - x} = \int \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x^7\left( 1 - \cfrac{1}{x^6}\right)} $$ Now simply use $\large u = 1 - \cfrac{1}{x^6}$
@MattN What did you remove? 8-).
Yes which is within Calc 1, no?
The point is wheter any calc 1 student would be able to spot it, or be able to solve it by applying partial fractions
@JonasTeuwen A non funny comment about Mendeley 8-)
@MattN Please tell me.
@IsaacSolomon Shoot. If it's a quickie, then someone of us might help or refer you to the main site.
Hi @Ilya
Are you happy now? : )
A calc 1 student wouldn't know partial fractions
@MattN That is indeed not funny.
user image
@Rob: hey, I was just passing by one house - there was some kind of Mario exposition. Take a look on this
But I'm happy now yes.
Thanks to Morangie, Glen too.
And since I'm stupid, maybe a calc 1 student would spot it.,
@JonasTeuwen I told you so.
Thanks. So I was reading about free modules, and apparently if a cyclic module is free, it has as a basis a single element. I'm curious as to why it can't be possible for a module to be cyclic, but with no one-element basis?
@Ilya Is this robjohn's uncle?
@Matt or Asaf's mother?
I appreciate the resemblance !
$$I=\int \frac{dx}{x(x^6-1)}=\int\frac{x^5}{x^6(x^6-1)}dx\\u=x^6-1\,=>\,du=6x^5\,dx\\I={1\over 6}\int\frac{du}{u(u+1)}={1\over 6}\int\left(\frac{1}{u}\,-\,\frac{1}{u+1}\right)\,du\\I={1\over 6}\ln|x^6-1|\,-\,\ln(x^6)\,+\,C={1\over 6}\ln\left|\frac{x^6-1}{x^6}\right|\,+\,C$$
@Ilya : D
Please stop integrating :'(.
I only want to see estimates.
Bound it from above.
I mean, I see why it is true over a domain...
@JonasTeuwen That integral is about the size of a large icecream cone, plus minus the frostings
I like cones and tents.
Tent spaces.
I have not even begun modules. It might be a quickie for Dylan or Zhen but they are not around.
I have never done it in a tent
@N3buchadnezzar wow. isn't it a private information?
Aha. Well, fair enough. Thanks anyway =)
@Jonas: hi, how are you?
I should start integrating in tents
@Ilya I'm fine. Have to teach a class tomorrow. How about you?
@Matt how is your presentation ;)
@Jonas: I'm fine too, have to give office hours tomorrow. Why are you happy/unhappy now? The transcript is unlikely to shed the light
@Ilya Because of the fact that MattN has told me a very stupid joke and that I have Glenmorangie.
Well, had actually. It is a goner.
@JonasTeuwen goner?
Yeah, it is gone.
that's a pity. I wonder, how do you manage to make so much things gone with a PhD salary ;)
@JonasTeuwen May be you must send a casket to Asaf.
What give it to @Asaf? That bastard devoured my Glen before.
@AsafKaragila hehe, you bastard
Well my bottle was empty. I reckon it must have been you, you were fancying my Glen before.
Last saturday I obtained large amounts of free beer actually...
@N3buchadnezzar White Bear?
@Ilya It was a box of beer or something, no Idea what it is called...
24 bottles
Why is there a huge LaTeX-noncompiled box?
@AsafKaragila ask him. it kills my furryfox (
@N3buchadnezzar Yes, that was that integral!
@N3buchadnezzar if you formula doesn't render, would you be so kind to delete it at least? we don't have a cleaning lady here (
Well it compiles here?
I flagged it for a moderator to delete it.
@N3buchadnezzar well it is a question?
Seriously not on my Chrome!
@AsafKaragila when you were in kindergarten, you were also flagging?
@N3buchadnezzar hah, photoshop
@Ilya you was?
Pheraps because I am using mathjax 2.0 ?
@AsafKaragila Aren't you the moderator?
Oh, I can not delete it.
@JonasTeuwen he is so addicted to procedures that he has to flag it for himself, submit it, accept it and so on
$2$ minute timeframe kills!
@JonasTeuwen No. I'm the owner. I make the rules and settle disputes about manhood and who gets whisky, but I cannot delete messages.
@KannappanSampath refresh the webpage
@Ilya Inexistent as of now.
@MattN at least it is unique )
@Ilya I did and asked Math JaX render and again, the same old story...
The render MathJax fails on me. I have to press it again for each new formula.
@badp Are you here because of the flag?
@JonasTeuwen Same for me.
It renders and goes to back to old $2$ here? Does it for you as well?
$\infty \hspace{-1.5cm} \infty$
It's because of the broken formula. Jerk.
@AsafKaragila Was that Jerk me?
Move it to a different room then =)
I can't. They took that option away from room owners.
Does my new Gravatar apply yet? 8-).
@KannappanSampath Not this time, but in general... sure.
By the way, we just got a new Indian postdoc last week.
I flagged this for moderator attention.
I will flag your mother for moderator attention </asaf>.
@AsafKaragila Who, name or something that I can look up?
@MattN Flagged what?
@KannappanSampath I think his first name is Miton or something like that. I'm not sure, and I don't know other details yet.
@AsafKaragila That crapped up latex code a Babylonian king posted.
It works perfectly here!
Cool. My gravatar has processed!
@MattN Ah. I also flagged it.
@JonasTeuwen Oh noes.
@AsafKaragila The more the merrier.
Jonas, you are no longer black metal.
I know.
I'm all classical now.
Now I need 80s sideburns.
Much better. (Not the 80ies sideburns)
Cool Gravatar.
Night folks, I need to go to sleep.
@MattN Sleep well.
@MattN Sleep Tight
@MattN Nighty!
I was finaly able to solve one of my tex problems =)
Making equations into hyperlinks
@N3buchadnezzar How?
Try clicking on any of the equations on page 7, I just added links for the first three or so.
I just need to give the equation a label, then I can reffer to it later as usual. Quite clever when one need to have solutions.
@N3buchadnezzar Beautiful.
@Brian How does the solution look now?
(that coefficient problem)
@N3buchadnezzar Just use hyperref?
@JonasTeuwen =) With some minor tweaks
Just a few more messages and the breakage will be off the chat log.
Then a refresh would solve the problem!
It worked!
Posts new long and complex integral
Does the 2 render propperly now?
It's better to wait before anyone should react.
$$\text{I should think so.}$$
Hm. It compiles, decompiles, and then recompiles manually.
I think it's time to try that ChatJax2.0b...
@AsafKaragila Exactly. I have to press that bookmark thingy everytime.
@AsafKaragila What's that.
robjohn made a plugin using the MathJax 2 beta version.
That is the one I am using =)
Where can I get that new one?
$\text{Let's see now...}$
Nope. Still bounces.
why does it only bounce for some people ?
I think it has to do with their sexual preference.
@Ilya Pretty close :-)
@AsafKaragila bounces?
The LaTeX compiles-decompiles and then compiles when someone sends another message, or when manually requested.
ChatJax is buggy, when there is bad LaTeX it "decompiles" everytime something new is said.
@robjohn How did your Gravatar come about? That thing by Ilya is so close that I suspect there is a general concept of which these are kids?!!?
@JonasTeuwen Looks good to me. Did the bad LaTeX go away?
@robjohn It works for me now.
@KannappanSampath mine came about simply because of this statement
I then drew the gravatar in Intaglio and that's it.
I see. Then, this is a big coincidence .
As far as I know.
I would like to know if that banner is connected to something.
@robjohn Which one?
I'd also like to know where Jonas thought up of his gravatar ;-)
The only related image on an image search in Google is that of Goomba!
@robjohn You may also do the image search.
@robjohn What do you mean? :-).
@KannappanSampath that would be the character. I had never seen it before, so I don't think I was subconsciously reproducing Goomba.
Hey guys...I'm doing some group theory homework and need to derive the order of the binary tetrahedral group from the presentation: <a,b,c | a^2 = b^3 = c^3 = abc>. I'm having trouble, however, proving that the generators a,b,c have finite order in the group (based on the given presentation). Can anybody help me with this step (and only this step) of the proof?
@Jasper greetings!
@robjohn Hey!
Does anyone get expired to ask a new question by a question? Apparently Some people do.
@JasperLoy I have removed the stars (and placed a different picture).
Hey Jasper
@JonasTeuwen I was wondering if it was another Jonas because I did not see the last name on the left.
@KannappanSampath Have you solved your texmaker problem?
Well I won't reveal my face or my life story for a few more years at least...
@JasperLoy Not fully. The people at TeX.SE gave me some pointers in Article class while I am having hard time doing it in letter class. Let's see. I'll mess around with it a bit for now.
@KannappanSampath I only recalled trying the bibliography environment in LaTeX itself. I never tried BibTeX.
You should not worry about all the menus you see there, just learn LaTeX from the tutorial I recommended first.
That should be more than sufficient.
Yeah, true. I am going on....
What's the time in Idaho right now?
Most people use Oetiker's A not so short introduction to LaTeX or the LaTeX WikiBook but I prefer the Indian TUG tutorial.
@AsafKaragila Asking Google these days helps.
@KannappanSampath Yeah? Why won't you tell me how it went?
And most people use pgf for pgraphics but I prefer pstricks as it has more support for 3D graphics.
@Jonas: How is awesome and Arch working out for you?
@AsafKaragila Like there are angels pissing in my mouth.
@AsafKaragila 16:29 Monday(MST)
@JasperLoy I see.
@JonasTeuwen Stop drinking from your catheter bag!
@KannappanSampath Thanks. Explains why I got such a quick reply on email.
@KannappanSampath There are two "families" of packages: pgf/pgfplots/beamer and pstricks/pst-plot/powerdot for pictures, plots, and presentations repspectively.
But note that the latter cannot be compiled directly via pdflatex. One needs to use latex+dvips+ps2pdf for example.
@JasperLoy Should I read the list as pgf or pstricks, pgfplots or pst-plot, beamer or powerdot?
Good night guys.
That is, is powerdot a replacement to beamer?
@JonasTeuwen Sleep well. :-)
@KannappanSampath Yes. There are three in each family for the three purposes.
No help for my issue with the binary tetrahedral group then?
pgfplots and beamer build on pgf.
@JonasTeuwen Goodnight Goldie.
pst-plot and powerdot build on pstricks.
If one uses pgfplots for plotting one may need to install gnuplot for more functions or speed of rendering.
@DanMKatz I am sorry to tell you that Main Site welcomes questions. Here, may be some quickies or conceptually those that require mouth lathering and whatnot.
If one uses pst-plot one may just use pst-math and pst-func for computations.
For amazing 3D graphics see pst-solides3d, essentially for 3D Euclidean geometry for which I believe there is no equivalent in pgf.
@JasperLoy I am like lost with so many names. They'll stick to my brain if only I see things in action.
Alrighty. I sometimes post here if I think it's a relatively quick question that isn't worth posting on the site for. Thanks!
Also note that pgfplots handles 2D and 3D plots. pst-plot handles 2D plots while pst-3dplot handles 3D plots.
@KannappanSampath You may read the documentation for these packages that come with a full TeXlive distribution!
@JonasTeuwen Sleep well!
Oh, so I should be proficient with pst-3Dplot
@JasperLoy I'll do so after exams and all that...
Closing votes are needed here and here and here.
I executed the second of these posts!
And a vote each to kill for the other two.
@AsafKaragila I beheaded the first one.
They’re all dead.
Good. Now to delete that first one too.
I need two 20k'ers. ahem ahem
I just looked and realized that I got more rep yesterday while at Disneyland than I have for a few days :-)
@AsafKaragila Where?
@Brian: The first post I linked. I voted to delete.
Also the third, which is boldly off topic.
Eh, the third has some useful information in the comments; I see no real harm in keeping it. The first does seem utterly pointless.
I didn't like how chessmath said that the Dedekind completion has no use nowhere else.
@BrianMScott I agree, but I don't have enough clout to delete.
@AsafKaragila Where did he say that?
@AsafKaragila where did he say that?
@BrianMScott :-)
@robjohn How come it took you longer, when I’m the one who capitalized it? :-)
@AsafKaragila That is a goner now.
@KannappanSampath: I actually voted to reopen now, the close vote was given before the question was edited.
@AsafKaragila Why so? Won't it be possible to close it as Exact duplicate then?
Also this comment annoys me.

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