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@SimpleArt $\sum_{i = 0}^n F_i^2 = F_nF_{n+1}$ where $F_i$ is the $i$-th Fibonacci number
Approximate this sum with +/-0.1 error for all n
$$\sum_{k=1}^n\frac1{\sqrt k}$$
@Krijn Thanks, I might do that :3
Or $\sum_{i = 1}^n 2i = n(n+1)$ has a nice visual proof
@Krijn I think more advanced
Building on that, prove that $\left( \sum_{i=1}^n i \right)^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n i^3$ ?
You can motivate some simple group theory stuff with counting problems I guess?
Draw $n \times (n+1)$ dots
Then look at the triangle with 1, 2, 3, $\ldots$, n dots
Numbering the maximal amount of regions you can form with $n$ straight lines ? How many are bounded ? How many triangles do they form ?
The other triangle is also the same triangle and they hold $\sum_i i$ dots both, so $\sum_i 2i$ dots in total
I ask this because I've recently made a small chat room full of random people, and I've decided I'm going to have some questions and try to get them to touch on a lot of random topics.
@Krijn Gauss :-)
@SimpleArt Close, but simpler than his method
But I seriously think I can introduce harder concepts than that @Krijn like the gamma function.
Mhm... maybe I should ask them how to define fractional values of the factorial :D
It requires quite a lot of pre-reqs to some extent
@sarcopsy I'll have to learn that XD
@Astyx The gamma function?
These are not so random people I figure
I think they all know calculus/integrals, and we're not going to do anything crazy
@Astyx Oh no, they are random :D
The amount of people who know calculus/integrals is not that big
Isn't it a compulsory thing?
That does not mean much
What's compulsory? Learning? Probably
@TheGreatDuck Hi totally random person :-)
Ah... anyways...
well yeah I am very random right now. Incredibly eratic.
dont get in my way right now. I'm in the process of purging my inappropriate questions.
@Astyx and @SimpleArt I guess.. haha
@PVAL-inactive A bit aggressive.
Cameron is very nice.
The camera?
Whats aggressive?
So, at university I work in a room with 4 other Masters students and sometimes I need to look up a silly definition, like "automorphism". Out of shame I will google it on my phone instead of my laptop because the others will think I'm hella dumb. Today we found out that all five of us are doing this.
@Mike What's aggressive?
@Krijn XD
@Krijn everyone does it
I've no idea what an automorphism is
@Krijn I do it so very often
@PVAL-inactive Me saying cameras
I always look it up too
@Astyx :P Have you taken real analysis?
I haven't
@Mike Cameron is unbelievably nice.
@SimpleArt gonna lose about 100 rep but I think if the questions have sat dead for this long unanswered they should be deleted. (referring to questions from last year).
@Mike I've read you were going to Cambridge ?
@Astyx Do you know about groups and group isomorphisms?
i figure more than 50 questions is a bit... excessive
He's usually in his office all day available all the time and always willing to discuss things.
I sure do @SteamyRoot
@TheGreatDuck Nah, don't delete
You are probably referring to products and integrals?
just random silly questions
No, don't
Oh, okay.
like "why does the multiplication operator change shape"
that like ruins the system
Just leave it mate...
if they're unanswered it doesn't matter...?
@TheGreatDuck :|
I come across plenty of unanswered questions
and they can still be of value to me
And I broke 800 rep today finally
what? I cannot clean up old questions that I find no longer useful to me personally and that in a lot of cases attracted downvotes?
Hm, what do you guys think?
Tim Burton on Kevin Smith (after Smith jokingly accused Burton of stealing the ending of Planet of the Apes from a Smith comic book): “Anyone who knows me knows I would never read a comic book. And I would especially never read anything created by Kevin Smith.”
Kevin Smith on Tim Burton (in response to “I would never read a comic book”): “Which, to me, explains fucking Batman.”
@PVAL The proof by Lagrangian.
@Astyx I'm here for this week.
You know what
Oh is it only one week ?
I think I'm either going to show my chat buddies some fractional calculus or divergent series
David Cronenberg on M. Night Shymalan: “I HATE that guy! Next question.” (@MikeMiller would like this)
man-bat the best
do you know what I was referring to?
@MikeMiller Here's a more ridiculous one. $H^1(T^n) \ne 0$ as $T^n$ is a Lagrangian inside $\Bbb R^{2n}$ and by Gromov there are no such exact Lagrangians.
@TheGreatDuck Maybe... man-bat is a thing though
I have a 2 page paper with a nice little result. Should I send it to Arxiv? will they accept?
Do you have an adviser?
@ForeverMozart ArXiv isn't about "accepting".
Or anyone you are reading research with?
care to guess?
You need people (as in, academics), to vouch for you
yes I have advisor, but this is just something I came up with over the weekend
Ask her/him.
then it's probably garbage atm, no offense.
nothing that special happens over a weekend. :-)
@SteamyRoot to post on archiv I need someone to vouch?
Werner Herzog on Jean-Luc Godard: “Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film.”
If they think it might be novel and interesting enough to prove, do a thorough search through the literature to make sure it is actually novel.
@TheGreatDuck actually its a result I've had for several months... I just found a way to fully generalize over the weekend
And definitely talk about this with an advisor before submitting.
@TheGreatDuck What? All the special things happen on the weekend
Like the realization that you still haven't finished your homework
If your adviser isn't sure about the novelty, you might want to email an expert or two in the area (ideally one you have had contact with) to ask them.
@SteamyRoot oh wow I did not know that thanks
@SimpleArt i finish my homework the day it's handed out.
even if I have to stay up all night to do so
@TheGreatDuck I do that unless its history. Then I put it off till the day its due
well if I get it done early then I can just pretend it isn't done and then I have an excuse to work on "other things".
i.e. weird axiomatic garbage
@TheGreatDuck What about staying up all night and all day long the day after ?
Godard is my favorite filmmaker
@Astyx No, weekends are about sleep. Sleep, sleep, and math.
@Astyx I don't take that long to finish my homework.
(note my profile picture)
(and my name)
I thrive to do the same as you, but sometimes too much simply is too much
@SimpleArt no the weekends are about never needing to sleep and pushing one as far as possible.
just like the regular week
i only sleep when I have absolutely no homework left
Weekends are for realising you slacked off too much during the week and need to catch up on work.
otherwise I am being irresponsible
Herzog never made a good film that wasn't a documentary, so...
@BalarkaSen Have you seen Hail Mary?
@SimpleArt the point of homework is not to finish by the due date. It is to finish it immediately. It doesn't matter if you have two weeks to do it. You finish it that day. Period. Otherwise, you don't sleep till it is finished.
im not joking, man.
That sounds terrible.
Cuz, who wants to finish their homework?
Also, Shymalan sucks compared to Cronenberg!
Because, you'll eventually get projects that you can't possibly finish in one sitting.
@ForeverMozart Nope. I plan to watch something by Herzog at some point
@SteamyRoot I don't need sleep. I rarely do regardless of homework.
I only like one or two films of Shyamalan. The rest is a pile of crap
oh, Hail Mary is by Godard
Also, taking your time to properly think about something, discussing it with others, etc, can be very valuable.
Ya, I was responding to two messages at once
It's not just about sleep. It's about concentration and inspiration too.
@SteamyRoot most of the time, I'm the one having to help explain it to others cause they either have no clue what they are doing or need help.
and I'm doing quite well so I must be doing something right. :-)
Pierrot le Fou is possibly my favorite movie
so amazing
There also seems to be harsh criticisms of Godard by Bergman.
I thought he was a fine guy, huh
I found Pierrot le Fou very weird
I mean, Godard and Bergman are like polar opposites
In what sense? I am interested, but I haven't seen anything of either.
@Astyx the first time I saw it, I hated it.
That must explain
@BalarkaSen Bergman is very serious. Godard is very playful.
@SteamyRoot The way I figure, one should never stop working on homework. When you run out, you find something else to work on.
hm, I see
I'm not sure what you count as "homework".
@TheGreatDuck Time will come when you have too much
all of Bergman's films are kind of morbid
excellent, but morbid
@Astyx if I have so much that I cannot finish it by the deadline then I am doing something wrong.
That's not the point : you have to sleep by the deadline
alright fine
but i shouldn't do anything in between that except eat
Being hardworking is good. Working too hard isn't
and go to classes, obviously
what else would I do?
and just twiddle my thumbs? No thank you.
Resting is very important for learning
and i do sleep
I only learned the joy of napping when I was like, 20.
I'm 21
napping makes me feel sick afterwards
like literally
i get a headache
i mean, cause then I get too much sleep
Seriously, though, with your (compulsory?) work drive - how do you handle writing a large project or thesis?
i was exaggerating about no sleep. I meant normal homework like a sheet of problems
i couldn't possibly stay up /that/ long.
id pass out
if you don't sleep after learning, the learning effect gets demenished
if you play videogames or watch tv afterwards it's really bad
@Socrates I do sleep every night. 8 hours. Though everyone tells me I need to sleep for 10 or 12
idk why.
taking a nap after a learning session is the best
your brain needs this to order the stuff
well I don't watch tv
and i don't play video games.
i just move onto the next subject.
wut, 8 hours?
How do you cope with holidays also ?
i still play Mario Kart to relieve stress every now and then
@Astyx I relax all day like normal people.
I probably sleep an average of 6 hours during the week. 7-9 on weekends.
running over people is very fun
and relaxing
I slept 16 hours yesterday to fix my sleep schedule, feels good
there is memorizing and learning tho
i'll take learning any day
16 hours???? are you sick?
@SteamyRoot I don't tend to have a lot of difficulty in my homework. Usually it only takes me about an hour or two. However, if I feel like having alone time then it usually ends up "taking" 5 or 6 hours.
but that's only when I have nothing left
@ForeverMozart No, I was too lazy to get up haha
@TheGreatDuck Are you mass-unaccepting answers and flagging them?
@sarcopsy that can actually damage your brain.
I was sleeping too late so I decided to fix it
Its not like I do this on a regular basis haha
@SteamyRoot I've unaccepted a few of my answers. Not that many though.
and there were 3 or 4 which I flagged once again as they were still there even though they were definitely not answers.
(like, blatantly not answers)
@SteamyRoot to be honest, I work on homework like any other normal person. It's just that early in the semesters a lot of the homework only takes maybe 10-20 minutes.
so in reality me staying up late at night or whatever is just me making up BS reasons to stay up late cause I'm not tired.
Partial answers are allowed (and encouraged) according to meta, though.
Either way, your call. It's just that a load of answers on your posts popped up in review
@SteamyRoot no I mean like, "assuming x is true, prove y is true"
And that you have 71 questions with only one of them having an accepted answer
their answer is "x is false, therefore y is false. your question is garbage"
@SteamyRoot they never really did have accepted answers. I only had 3 or 4 questions with accepted answers.
why are you looking at that, anyways?
Because one of my answers was unaccepted; and I was going through the review queue
it was probably one of the two or three that were answers to inappropriate questions that now need to be deleted. I cannot delete questions with accepted answers.
Doing certain actions en masse (flagging, unaccepting) may trigger some website stuff.
You can't delete a question with upvoted answers.
@amWhy you called?
@SteamyRoot well 99% of my questions are absolute garbage anyways. I need to get of them.
That's not how MSE works.
no i mean I made them intentionally vague
that seems like a strange way to ask questions
It seems like something that would attract many downvotes or close votes.
it does
@robjohn Hi!!!! Haven't seen you around too much (you'd help at more life to the math mod chat!) Yes, I'd like to know how to adapt an avatar/gravatar etc with another image. You've done some creative things, in this regard. Perhaps you've even written code to do so (e.g., pumpkin). For now, I'm wanting to "wear" the cheese head hat in honor of the Green Bay Packers.
The preferred action would then be to edit and improve your question(s).
Either way, I can't be bothered with this anymore, but if you keep flagging answers unjustly you're likely to get suspended
And, well... it's incredibly ungrateful to anyone who put time and effort into answering your questions.
That's a lot of stars on this very subject
Right, back to actual work now. I get too worked up about this.
@robjohn Or maybe the above that my avatar can wear?
@amWhy any particular reason why you chose to keep this question closed? math.stackexchange.com/questions/1539433/… I'm curious. :D
(I was looking through stuff and noticed it. Thought I'd ask since you popped in.)
@robjohn ... or maybe I should simply replace my "standard" avatar with an image?
@TheGreatDuck why did you get suspended?
@Socrates hmm?
"this account is temporarily suspended"
not sure
i hadn't seen
i got a message from the mods
none of your business. :p
hadn't noticed that though
been busy yakking in here i guess
Hey everyone, is this proof below a rigorous enough way to show that $0$ is a limit point of $(0, 1) \subset \mathbb{R}$ with the standard topology?
Take $A =(0,1) \subset \mathbb{R}$ with the usual topology on $\mathbb{R}$. Then take $U$ to be a neighbourhood of $0$. Fix $\gamma > 0$ and $\epsilon > 0$, then every $U$ is of the form $(0 - \gamma, 0 + \epsilon)$, and thus for every $U$ we have, $U \cap A \neq \emptyset$, and $U \cap A \neq \{0\}$.y
A neighbourhood does not have to be an open interval
@Socrates Probably cause I asked so many close-worthy questions and horrible answers.
It only has to include an open interval in which the point lies
Else it seems fine
@Astyx Thanks for the verification, but in Munkres book he uses the convention (which I've also used above) that a neighborhood of $x$ is an open set containing $x$, not the other convention that some use where a neighborhood of $x$ merely contains an open set containing $x$? Which is the standard convention?
Well, I've gotten this far, @Robjohn (see my current avatar)!
To my knowledge a neighbourhood is the later, but I've heard the first too. As long as you make clear which one you use, there's no problem here
well technically an open set in the standard topology is not an open interval either, but a union of open intervals? I think
If it is a union of open intervals, it contains an open interval
yeah, but the typed out proof says that 'every neighbourhood is of the form (open interval)'
just being pedantic >_>
Oh alright :p
but its a distinction i guess
You're right
Can someone help me to prove this
Why $(C_{E}A\times B)\cup (A\times C_{F}B)\cup(C_{E}A\times C_{F}B)=(C_{E}A\times F)\cup (E\times C_{F}B)$
What are the variables supposed to be
Is there an other way of checking that $(GL_2(\Bbb Z/2\Bbb Z), \times)$ is isomorphic to $(\mathfrak S_3, \circ)$ than actually giving an isomorphism ?
Oh yeah there is
If you want to prove there exists something, the best way is to construct that something.
can someone help me
Since there are only two groups of order 6 (up to isomorphism) my question shrinks down to "Is $GL_2(\Bbb Z/2\Bbb Z)$ abelian ?"
@Vrouvrou Please explain your notations
@Vrouvrou What are $C_E$ and $C_F$ and the other variables
Hi @Hippalectryon
$C_{E} A$ is the complement of $A$ from $E$ @sarcopsy
where $E$ and $F$ are two spaces
@Vrouvrou the first and last term of the LHS merge into the first term of the RHS
And the second and last into the last
i don't understand what you say
$(A\times B) \cup (A\times C) = A\times(B\cup C)$ by writing it down
Does this help ?
then $(C_{E}A\times B)\cup (A\times C_{F}B)\cup(C_{E}A\times C_{F}B)= (C_{E}A\times F)\cup (A\times C_{F}B$
this don't help me
Why not ?
i hace to find $(C_{E}A\times F)\cup (E\times C_{F}B$
Hint : $A = A\cup A$
we write $(C_{E}A\times B)\cup (A\times C_{F}B)\cup(C_{E}A\times C_{F}B)=(C_{E}A\times B)\cup (A\times C_{F}B)\cup(C_{E}A\times C_{F}B)\cup(A\times C_{F}B) $
@Astyx Yes, only this week. There's a workshop.
Cool. You don't live in england otherwise, do you ?
$A=A\cup A=A\cap A$
@Astyx thank you
@Vrouvrou my pleasure
@Astyx hi, how are you?
@Socrates Hi (we've been in this chatroom for some time today, haven't we ?), I'm fine and you ?
@Astyx that is good to hear. I feel ok. We are some time here, but I can't recall that we greeted us :D
We didn't, you're right
Oh, @Astyx, another Linear Algebra question: Prove for any square matrix $M$ that $\det(I + M) + \det(I - M)$ is an even number.
why is the 0-vector a thing to check for subspaces? isn't closure under scalar multiplication enough?
@Steamyroot $M\in M_n(\Bbb Z)$ ?
since that implies that the 0-vector is in the potential subspace
Uh, yeah, indeed.
Should've definitely mentioned that.
No, it ensures the space isn't empty @Socrates
@Astyx ah, then that was the thing, so it could have been any other vector too
@Socrates Absolutely not.
to check if it's not empty?
@Fargle Why not ?
Oh I see what you mean
I don't see it
Well $0$ is in any subspace
Any other vector isn't
Well, you can find any other element to check if it's not empty, but the zero vector is the only one that automatically determines whether a subset is a subspace or not.
It's true that $0\in V \iff \exists x\in V$
@Ted Is there a totally real 2-sphere in $\Bbb C^2$?
but 0v=0, so scalarmultiplication rules that?
@Socrates If the set is non-empty, yes, but $0 \in V$ is a much easier condition to check.
$\begin{bmatrix}2 \\ 1\end{bmatrix} \notin V$ doesn't tell you much of anything. $0 \notin V$ tells you everything.
so {(a,1)} with a in a field, will never be a vectorspace
@Socrates Indeed. There is no zero vector. (Also, scalar multiplication by anything but 1 takes you outside the set.)
@Astyx No, I live in California.
@MikeMiller Right. I would have warned you about brexit, but if you're only there for a week, I guess you don't care that much
ok, and what tells us $0\not\in V$?
That it isn't a subspace
I'm certainly aware of Brexit.
mmh, I see
so, apart from the nonemptyness {} fullfills the axioms?
or not, because there exists no identity?
I need help with this question. Let $Y$ be a Poisson $\lambda$ random variable, and define $X=I_{[Y>0]}$. How to fine the mass function of $X$
@Simple $I_{[Y\gt 0]}$ is an indicator variable?

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