@Semiclassical Should I first multply both matrices, i.e. D and R which will give me a result x. And then sum up all the elements of the result matrix x?
Any genius reasoning as to why $\frac{1}{r^2}\frac{\partial}{\partial r}(r^2 \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial r}) = \frac{1}{r}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial r^2}(r \psi)$, one of things things you blindly work out knowing it in advance, but going from left to right by inspiration is the question
I'd then write the $(\mu,\nu)$-th element of that matrix multiplication as $$(D_{i,j}R_{k,l})_{\mu\nu}=\sum_{\rho}(D_{i,j})_{\mu,\rho}(R_{k,l})_{\rho,\nu}$$
You'll notice two things. First off, there are two free indices $\mu,\nu$. That reflects the fact that we took a product of matrices and got another matrix.
My current suggestion would be: To implement the first sum in the denominator, do sum(sum(domainMat.*rangeMat)). To implement the first sum in the numerator, do sum(sum(domainMat.*domainMat)).
doing .* does element-wise multiplication of the matrices, and then the double sum finishes it.
This is my code:
arr = zeros(fx-10,1);
frm = frams(x).cdata;
for k=1:fx-10
for i=1:10
for j=1:fy
arr(k) = arr(k)+ abs(frm(k+i-1,j)-model(i,j))
Why the array receive only up to 255 value?
I try to define:
arr = zeros(fx-10,1,'int64');
and ...
Now, there's one issue I can see with the D you've picked: It looks like the two terms in the denominator would be equal in that case. I think it's because D doesn't contain any variation.
Hey all! Soft question - I've been taking undergraduate mathematics courses, many of which are introductory, and I've been doing quite well at them. However, I've found that when I try to read textbooks on my own, I can't seem to justify everything to myself -- many things seem to be assumed which appear trivial, but I always feel concerned that I can't seem to prove them.
At what point should I "move on" in a math textbook? Is it good to keep going and circle back?