Ok, that makes sense, I misread Mike's remark as emphasizing "smooth" instead of "manifold", but I couldn't see how could that be a problem with manifolds (since it's not :P)
You only need simple connectivity to guarantee that every holomorphic function has a primitive. But, for example, $z^k$ has a primitive on $\Bbb C-\{0\}$ for all $k\ne -1$.
@TedShifrin if we consider a linear transformation from $\Bbb R^n$ to $\Bbb R^{n-1}$,are the images of elements in $\Bbb P^{n-1}$ (1-dim subspaces of $\Bbb R^n$) points?
@GFauxPas: I don't have any clue where that function makes sense. Are you just arbitrarily making up these questions? I think you should move on and learn important things in complex analysis.
why is the definition of absolutely convergent for complex summations $\sum_n |a_n|<\infty$ instead of $\sum_n |\Re a_n|<\infty$ and $\sum_n |\Im a_n|<\infty$?
@AliCaglayan Chain complexes form an infinity-category. When G is a topological group, the natural notion of a G-action on a chain complex (up to homotopy) is best phrased in terms of functors between infinity categories. I need some of the basic theory of complexes equipped with G-action.
People in this part of the world doesn't talk much in English. We just use some common phrases and proverbs, as @Krijn saw in one of the movies I recommended him (which he still hasn't finished, I think).
@AliCaglayan Ok wait, I want to know what I have to do I dont know what its asking me, do I have do find an x to replace in the formula $\dfrac {1} {1-x}$, does my answer have to be of that form ? What do I use that formula for ?
@Krijn Been too pressed with exams. Not much Dostoyevsky on my plan yet, but let's see (I want to read Brothers Karamazov at one point). I hope to get a poetry collection by Arseny Tarkovsky near Christmas, and watch Bela Tarr and Angelopoulos.
"There will be time, there will be time / To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet / There will be time to murder and create /And time for all the works and days of hands / That lift and drop a question on your plate / Time for you and time for me / And time yet for a hundred indecisions / And for a hundred visions and revisions / Before the taking of a toast and tea." yet "And indeed there will be time / To wonder, “Do I dare?” and, “Do I dare?”"