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Bon appétit @Ted
@TedShifrin That's right.
@Danu: I'm very naive. I really do think the best of people.
Don't be too disappointed :P
see you Ted, thx for the advise
take care..
Imma go too, bye everyone
I'm also leaving. Cheers everyone. I guess I've found a place to talk with some people, that's really cool. Later :)
how would you explain that the following is always positive: $s^2+st+t^2$
See ya @FaraadArmwood
its part of a proof so I dont want to do another proof, just need a way to describe it
take care..
@Astyx, see ya take care..
@Aksel'sRose $s^2 + t^2$ is larger then $st$ I think, in absolute value
makes sense
Hi @semi
hi @Semiclassical
@Null I feel conflicted about that.
@Semiclassical i am allowed to prove stuff for myself. But i am not allowed to use, for example Pascal's rule out of thin air. That's how he meant it.
On the one hand, it's hardly unreasonable to ask that a given problem be approached a certain; the point isn't just to offer a proof, but to develop your understanding of the method.
But if they don't say "do it without using X" I feel a bit awkward saying "you did it wrong."
I finally fixed my computer :D
@Semiclassical it involved a limit approximation of 1/n (which was 0). But we didn't even have limits yet in the seminar. Altho i seriously wonder how you determine the infimum without limits. Well..
What was the question, more precisely?
i look it up@Semiclassical
@Semiclassical Determine the infimum of
$\{\frac{1}{2^k}+\frac{1}{n}|k,n\in\mathbb{Z}^{+}\}$, which has no minimum btw (easy to check)
and the set itself is obv a subset of R
Why is the infimum not obviously 0?
Oh, without limits, right
For any other positive number you can easily give one that's beneath it, technically without limits
Eh. You've got $1/2^k>0$ for all integer $k$, and similarly $1/n>0$. So the set has zero as a lower bound.
@Semiclassical so it is left to show that for any positive number c, i can find one between c and 0?
Yeah, that works.
That's not hard, either. There's some smallest integer $n$ such that $1/c>n$ i.e. $1/n <c$, so use that $n$
that is Krijin statement lol^^
(but i came with it too)
And then pick $k$ so that $2^{-k}<c-1/n$.
That gives you a value which is smaller than any given $c>0$, so no positive number can serve as minimum of this set.
Hence infimum is zero. (Not clearly stated here, but i'm too lazy to be precise.)
@Semiclassical but how do we know then that 0 is the highest lower bound?
@Null Because as has just been shown, any number $c > 0$ cannot be a lower bound, because there are $\frac{1}{2^k} + \frac{1}{n}$ lower than it.
ah so it's actually a two in one argument. no minimum and a infimum at once :)
@TheGreatDuck to your question about mathjax in MSE: you can use \newcommand.
Hello @TheGreatDuck.
yay! i proved something on my own :)
@TheGreatDuck you asked wether it's possible to use packages in MSE. it's not possible. but with \newcommand you can mimic this
Because $1/2^k+1/n$ definitely can't be negative.
...when did I ask this?
eh, but that just means it can't be higher. nm on that
@TheGreatDuck some days ago. i made a thread about it even. but i deleted it because -rep haha
better point is just that, for any possible lower bound $c>0$, the argument just sketched shows that you can find a value in the set which is smaller than this.
back later
@Semiclassical see you later
how can I use newcommand to create custom symbols through mini-images?
@TheGreatDuck ah, I thought you only wanted to use normal symbols just with another syntax. i really don't know then.
I was just curious about whether full latex could be used
@TheGreatDuck latex and mathjax are different things ;)
you can search the differences if interested
easiest example would be \\ to get a wordwrap
I thought the chat posts were in latex
Hi @Alessandro, I'm having some trouble with this problem:

We observe the subspace known as $U\subset \mathbb{R}^{3\times 3}$ that is spanned by the following vectors:
1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & -2 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 3 \\
$, $
0 & -3 & 0 \\
0 & 2 & 0 \\
0 & -1 & 0 \\
$, $
0 & 0 & 1 \\
0 & -2 & 0 \\
3 & 0 & 0 \\
$, $
0 & 0 & 0 \\
-1 & 2 & -3 \\
0 & 0 & 0 \\
Choose a basis for $U$ and show that $
it just happens to be that mathjax is quite latex compatible
hi chat
anyone kind enough to help me check my work on this exercice ?
Q: Surface integral

Kasmir Khaan1) Find the area of the surface: $Z= x^{2}-2y^{2} ,x^{2}+4y^{2}\leq 1$ I need detailed solution because it is the first problem in my problem set,if I understand it well I can figure out the rest by myself. the more detailed answer the better it is. Thanks in advance

if I have a quarter and want to know how many attempt I need before it lands on heads x times in a row, what math function am I supposed to use? I completely forgot what its called
I was not expecting W/A to be so stumped: m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=find+k+in+2+choose+k+%3D+m
@steve are you still there?
Hmm, pretty: m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=find+n+in+n+choose+3+%3D+m&x=0&y=0
Hey, what's up ?
Yo @Semi, chat
Has Sqrt(3), Root(3, 3), 3^(2/3), 3^3, 3^0 and 3^(2+3) several times in the formula.
What ?
A real ode to (0, 1, 2, 3) powers and roots
Please explain
@Fargle hi
How goes it?
i want to prove exponents grow faster then polynomials. But that is quite much to understand.
so im frustrated haha
@Null show that at some point a polynomials $n$-th derivative becomes constant
@meow-mix that was my thought
or, alternatively, use induction
on the degree of the polynomial
but that is basicly l'hopitals argument or not?
You can do it without calculus.
Look at the sequence $a^n/n^k$, e.g., $2^n/n^5$.
@TedShifrin then observe that they diverge. And therefore the reciprocal has to converge to 0?
Yeah, better even to work with the reciprocal.
Well, maybe it's not so obvious. I was thinking of a different question.
@TedShifrin mmh, is there a geometric approach to this?
Well, one standard thing is to prove $(\log n)/n\to 0$ using the integral definition of $\log$. What exactly do you know at this point?
@PhysicsGuy ?
Something's wrong
@Null: You have the binomial theorem, right?
@TedShifrin yep
Then $2^n = (1+1)^n \ge 1+n$, for example.
Then, if you're tricky, using $2^n = 2^{n/2}\cdot 2^{n/2}$, you should be able to prove that $2^n/n \to\infty$. You can modify this for $2^n/n^k$.
BTW, hi @Fargle
@TedShifrin well, the first terms of $(1+1)^n$ are 1+n, so the inequality follows from that
Right. Now figure out how to do the rest of my hints.
@TedShifrin why exactly $2^{n}$ btw and not some base >1?
Yeah, I don't care. I was giving you something more concrete to start with. Then you can easily generalize.
@TedShifrin ah ok ;)
Sometimes that's a good approach to figuring out mathematics, by the way.
@TedShifrin yup =)
Hey, is there a formula to know to what number does a non-geometric series converges ??
@Maks do you have a specific example?
@Null I cant find it :(
It was kindda like $ (\dfrac {1} {5})^n + 5n + 3 $
hi @ted :)

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