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@DanBrumleve - what are you actually getting at with the question? Why is there special significance for you in the fact that zeta(2) and sqrt(e) are so close?
short definitions is all really
i also found the logzeta(n+(2/3)^(n-1))~2^-n formula, if that is what @dider was trying to explain i didn't understand
also i think my own answer explains some of the significance although i didn't have that in mind when i wrote the question
one reason i think it is significant is that it is a closer almost-equality than pi ~ 4 and i think there are good explanations for that one.
there are plenty of examples but how to quantify it is part of the question.
it is an open-ended question but i think it is a "real question". could have gotten a better answer than the one i was able to cook up.
Yeah, it's kind of assuming there's a good reason. A bit like asking why pi is close to sqrt(10). Unless it's part of a pattern, I don't think there's a good reason for there to be a good answer.
I hate it when the OP accepts my answer moments before I figure out that it is completely rubbish.
Yeah, you can always delete it when that happens though, can't you?
Accepted answers can't be deleted by the author.
Oh, I didn't realise. That's a bummer; I guess all you can do is put a comment rescinding it.
Or ask the OP to undo the acceptance.
@HenningMakholm You can flag for mod attention.
Should be settled in no time.
Or is it just the "oh damn" thing. You realise that you've made a mistake, and now it's suddenly a whole lot harder to undo.
Yes, some things in life can't be undone that easily.
Just the oh damn.
Or maybe oh no my answer is wrong and now I will be severely downvoted.
Downvoting is painless. All you do is go answer another question somewhere. One upvote cancels out 5 downvotes.
But just do a rep recalc after removing post and all is good.
I get upset by downvotes only when I know I'm right, and the downvoters give no explanation.
@DavidWallace Not exactly painless though, 2 is a positive number.
I used to not downvote, and then after seeing so many downvotes everywhere, I started downvoting too.
Yes, but what does it really hurt. Reputation is a meaningless number. It's not like it translates into money, or anything.
At first I commented, but after seeing many poor answers on say ELU I thought there was no point commenting on every single downvote.
@DavidWallace Well, in the same way there are things in life which may matter other than money.
Might be important to some people.
Sure, I guess I'm just arrogant. Like I believe that my answers are NEVER poor (at least, except for the ones where I realise afterwards I've goofed), and if someone downvotes they MUST be wrong; and if I see a comment, I can tell they WHY they're wrong. :-) So it's my arrogance that is driving my need to see the comment.
Sure, I think about Jon Skeet over on Stack Overflow. He said somewhere he tries to get 200 rep points every day. I think about how much time this must take him, and realise that SO is a significant chunk of his life.
To the point where there was a joke on MSO which said that the rep cap was for people to get a life outside SE.
Hehehe. I didn't hear that. So true though.
Of course I also believe that my answers are not wrong like you.
But the more you answer the more downvotes you get.
Sometimes it's just a matter of difference in perspective, especially on ELU.
Math is more objective of course.
Well, the acceptance is gone now. I'll let the faulty answer linger as an example of what doesn't work -- at least until it reaches a score of ±3 and I can earn a badge by deleting it. :-)
@HenningMakholm Nice trick to earn a badge!
Well, it would be cheating to write nonsense deliberately, but now it's there ...
But seriously I think it should not be there. It is misleading.
Maybe convert it to a comment to point out whatever it is?
This is of course if we are sticking strictly to the view that answers should be answers and not other stuff.
The bad reasoning itself is struck out, so it's not as if anybody will be fooled by it. And I still carry a feeble hope of finding a way to patch it.
Ah OK, maybe in 5 min it will be edited to become the better solution.
Has a correct answer to the question been posted?
No idea, I did not even take a look. :-)
If not, then you could leave your post, but put a comment saying "I know this is wrong, but maybe it will help lead someone to a correct solution".
@DavidWallace No. (It's here, buy the way).
If there IS a correct answer there, then I would suggest that your post should be deleted.
OK. I just took a look. I think you've made it quite clear that your first attempt at an answer is not to be taken seriously.
I flagged some joke answers that were not answers but the mods chose not to remove it, probably because the joke was too well received.
I guess the mods are hoping that the REAL answer(s) will rise to the top.
ANd you know some of these jokes actually get very high rep.
What did I just say, about rep being meaningless?
I once gave an answer that was not a joke but because it looked like a joke it was downvoted!
Did the downvoter actually say that was why it was downvoted?
Nope but I can understand the downvote.
Either the perceived joke was not funny
Or he thought that was not an answer at all because that question is a bit weird
Maybe it was downvoted for a completely different reason. If the downvoter didn't comment, there's no way you'll ever know.
I think downvotes should be reserved for outright wrong answers only.
Sometimes people don't fill in the blanks. That does not mean the answer is wrong.
An answer can still be unhelpful without being wrong, if it leaves gaps that it is evident that the asker won't be able to bridge by himself.
I'm not so sure. Their purpose is to ensure that the best answers move upwards on the page. Of course, they're just half of the equation. To vote on a question, I think one should decide whether to do so by pushing a good answer up, or a bad answer down. I also think it's rude to do both.
In such a case I would leave a comment instead of downvoting so that the answerer can edit it.
But if there are lots of good answers, and only one bad answer, it's worth a downvote, no matter whether it's bad by being WRONG, by being INCOMPLETE, or by being not a match to the question.
There are different ways to vote. Sometimes people cast their vote to move the relative position of the posts.
I cast + to what I like and - to wrong. So it's different.
Umm, my "I'm not so sure..." was a response to Jasper's "I think downvotes...", not to Henning's comment.
We should not penalise an answerer who answered correctly just to move the relative positions.
Umm, @HenningMakholm, I agree 100% with this; except for the case where the answer helps another person to bridge the gap.
Sure, if the answer is correct and matches the question, it should not get downvoted, no matter what.
In any case, it is not my impression that we have a real problem with spurious downvotes.
There's some random background noise of drive-by downvoting, but it's very rare, considering that downvotes are anonymous and this is the internet.
Yeah, I might be currently grumpy because just today, I was the victim of a swarm of downvotes on ELU.
My remarks about rep being meaningless are addressed as much to myself as to anyone else, if that makes any sense.
A swarm, even? If it's all on different answers, you could flag one for moderator attention to ask them to wand over it with the suspicious-voting-pattern detector.
No, there was one question that received (IMO) 1 wrong answer and 2 correct answers. The wrong answer got accepted, plus quite a few upvotes. My answer got 4 downvotes and the other correct answer got 5. Only one downvoter commented.
It all seemed to happen within minutes.
However, it's wrong of me to move that discussion here, particular when it's not even maths related.
I was really only commenting on my current grumpiness.
I need to go outside in the sun and kick a football around, or something.
It's not like there seems to be a big crowd here all waiting to discus non-commutative cohomology.
I need to go to sleep. Later, everyone who might be listening.
Yes, but some of the people involved are likely to drop around here later on; and it could escalate into something nasty. I should be trying to avoid that.
what's ELU?
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez english.stackexchange.com I think
"English Language & Usage"
I hate the name of that site
I am sure it means English Language and English Usage but...
Too many words in it :)
@DavidWallace Not wrong but nobody will be discussing it with you!
@DavidWallace Sounds like a good idea!
@HenningMakholm Goodnight!
Sorry, Jasper, what's a good idea?
@DavidWallace I see you are not aware of the left and right arrows in SE chat rooms!
@DavidWallace It seems like they downvote much more liberally on that site.
Hover over the right of the message you wanna reply to. Click the arrow there to reply. CLicking on the left arrow links backwards.
Many, many people don't know about these arrows!
Cool! I noticed the grey shading earlier, and wondered what it was about.
@DylanMoreland Indeed.
I don't see left arrow link, just flag as offended, click for reply and star as like
@DylanMoreland - yeah, they seem to. Not as fiercely as Stack Overflow.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Then it will be ELEU instead!
this chat thing is surely shiney enough to be able to cause epileptic attacks on subseptible people...
Maybe the difference for me is that in Stack Overflow, if I answer something wrongly, I can see immediately that I've done so. The problem is to try and edit it quickly, before the downvotes swarm in. On ELU, things aren't as obvious.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Did my ping give you a heart attack?
@david I know which question you are referring to by the way, I just took a look.
Also, because there are so many varieties of English and different ways of speaking, one person's correct answer may be wrong in another person's dialect.
Yeah, I realised that soon after I posted my comment above, about being grumpy, my answer got an upvote :-)
I was surprised that there aren't more references on "ELU". I've only been lurking there for a few days but it seems like every question will get 3-5 conflicting assertions in response.
Thanks if it was you, Jasper.
@DavidWallace I have not voted yet!
@DylanMoreland - you're right. More responders need to quote more reputable sources. However, I'm one of the worst offenders in that regard.
@david I have to say I think a comma should not be there, but I am not voting on any posts there.
Often though, when it's a non-English speaker asking something that's easy for a well-educated native speaker to explain, it's easy just to do so. And quite hard to find sources to back oneself up.
That seems fine. I don't look at those questions so much.
@Jasper, that's OK. I think this one might come down to a matter of opinion.
It just seemed really nasty to have got so many downvotes so quickly.
Just to add, the comma is the most difficult punctuation in English!
True dat. If anything, I err towards over-using, rather than the other way.
But the one about commas, which is the one I think you're talking about, was interesting. There's a real issue there, and both options seem strange for different reasons. I would welcome an appeal to authority!
What post are you talking about?
Hang on! Jasper said we weren't going to discuss it here.
Q: Where does the comma go?

TomDoes a sentence like this need a comma where the question mark stands? Sunshine is an app for smartphones, tablets and computers [?] that lets you track and post weather news to blogs, social networks and other services.

@DavidWallace Just to let Tim know.
@tim Are you a native speaker of English?
@JasperLoy Thanks! Do I look like one?
@Tim Nope.
@JasperLoy :)
@Tim OK I am heading back to ELU chat room now. I have not found the way but am still trying. I hope you find yours too.
@JasperLoy Bye. Thanks!
if one puts the comma there, people will think that one is German
no one wants that
I would rather be thought German than misunderstood.
In fact, I believe I am actually 3/16 German :-)
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Howdy, good weekend to everyone
everyone's out partying
math.stackexchange.com/questions/108388/… this is an interesting question
Top of the morrow to you all, and whatnot.
New season of Sherlock came out last month right under my nose.
Like lines of cocaine!
Sherlock isn't that good.
But he'd often use cocaine.
Ah, this is true.
I have found a radically new solution to the problem I was editing! @anon
You know, last night I had linked the infamous $\aleph_1$ answer in an answer I wrote. I wonder if you'll ever sit through and understand it, @anon.
Ah, that explains the upvote earlier. I was quite distressed to see it become tied as my top question when I haven't in fact really sat down and read it :(
@Dylan Hi, Good day
I wonder when I'll get to Guru for that, or for the Russell answer.
@anon There, now you have a bit of gaining from that top question. :-P
Hi @Dylan
@Asaf Heh, thanks. :D
@Kanna: Oh, the F5 decomposition one?
@AsafKaragila in the TV series?
@anon are you talking about Season 2?
Yup, of the BBC. (You realize there are many TV series of SH?)
Well, I assumed you were talking about the latest, with that cute guy, set in the modern London
I haven't watched the series.
It passes the time.
I think it's good.
@anon I mentioned that here right before it came out.
@AsafKaragila I thought your space invaders comment yesterday was great. I had to star it. Made me smile.
You and three other people!
woah, jdh there in the comments
Yeah, he's also an admin of cantorsattic.info/Cantor%27s_Attic
There's a community of logicians in boolesrings.org and JDH is one of them.
What type of maths do people study here?
All of them!
like.... ?
how about maths in other disciplines like physics?
Hmm, not so much...
BSc? PhD?
Doctor Phil?
professor? lecturers? students?
Henning is in computer science.
What is a Henning?
Asaf is a student of some sort. I think Mariano's had some serious education...
Anon: what about you?
Why does it matter?
I have a high school diploma and some college credit...
It doesn't matter.
I was just making conversation
Then why ask?
Just curious the level at which people are at.
That is how you make conversation?
I'm sorry if I offended you Asaf.
I'm not good at conversation :(
Woohoo, I have exacty seven cubed answers!
Does anybody study statistics?
I'm not offended, just making conversation.
I love statistics.
I used to like math competitions.
I'm sorry if I interrupted a good conversation :(
I don't think anyone here is particular to stats. Math competitions were fun but not nearly as fun as real math.
What is real math? You mean like analysis.
That's one specific area.
Well, maybe not so specific...
What does "cf." mean?
i think it means example of references
Confer. Go and see.
or it means an approximate date
yeah confer. see the following referencces
ca. is date. circa
Also "cofinality" in set theory.
good one asaf!
high five
Thanks @JG, @AsafKaragila
@anon Yes on that direct sum problem.
@anon Are you around so that we could fix that once and for all?
Now it is time for me to split like a short exact sequence of free Abelian groups.
sort of. I'm watching a show... (lol asaf)
but I'll do a cursory check if you want. have you made a revision to the still deleted answer?
@AsafKaragila Lo...Behold, Asaf Speaks Algebra. Voila!
@mk Do you know of a good reference for elementary ring Theory?
@KannappanSampath: Herstein? No idea really.
No forget it!
@mk Not the kind I was searching for!
haha different levels all around.
hi =)
1 hour later…
@anon I would like to apologize for including you in this awkward moment. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/36?m=3343870#3343870
Maybe because I stayed up till 7am but I'm not sure I understand what you mean. That's a link to my comment, not yours...
Oh, moment, not comment. nvm
no it's cool
@anon Did you get my last few messages.
@Kanna when? about what?
@anon About those $\mathbb F_q^5$
I don't remember. You said something about a radical new approach but then left the topic alone and I don't remember the title of the question it was on.
@anon Yes, because I had to be away. It is about the number of complementary subspaces
my brain is minutes from shutting down... what about it.
@anon I have found that the number of complementary subspaces for $W$ is in bijection as sets with $Hom (V/W,V)$
is there an explicit bijection?
I'm not seeing it at the moment..
It's a natural bijection. :p
@ZhenLin Yes it is! :)
@ZhenLin And, my mentor led me to it, rather than I! I felt bad after I learnt it!
But I don't think it's supposed to be the whole set Hom(V/W, V).
Yes it is $Hom(V/W, W)$
@Zhen Argh, I am sorry!
That's also unlikely. What does the zero map correspond to?
that's what I was wondering!
@ZhenLin ???
Put it this way: the set of all complementary subspaces is not naturally a vector space.
@ZhenLin Yes.
Hom(V/W, V) is.
But, they can be in bijection as sets!
Then it's not a natural bijection. :p
"natural" is a term of art.
categorical term
Haha, but it is natural enough, atleast after I knew about it!
The problem of enumerating complementary subspaces amounts to enumerating split short exact sequences $0 \to U \to V \to W \to 0$.
bah I'll think about this later. I have to sleep.
@ZhenLin I have no idea about these sequences! (In groups, a bit!)
There is a natural bijection between the set of complementary subspaces of $W$ and linear maps $V \to V$ which are idempotent and annihilate $W$.
This is, of course, a subset of Hom(V / W, V). But it is a proper subset.
@ZhenLin Yes, This is something that makes sense to me!
@ZhenLin And, I claim this subset is $Hom(V/W, W)$
@ZhenLin Why so?
If $\pi : V \to V$ annihilates $W$ and is idempotent, then $\operatorname{im} \pi \cap W = 0$.
@ZhenLin Yes. I am lost though. What does this mean?
So how could a linear map $V / W \to W$ yield any useful information?
@ZhenLin Let me rethink my bijection before I make any comment. Shall we talk about in a few hours?
Here's an explicit counterexample. Consider 3-dimensional space over $\mathbb{F}_2$. Any 1-dimensional subspace has 5 complementary subspaces.
5 is not a power of 2. So there is no chance of being a bijection with a vector space.
@ZhenLin This convinces me if the count is right. I counted that for a 2-d space, there are 4 complementary subspaces, before I concluded this was the formula
(In the same vector space)
Yes, that's correct. But there's no reason to expect the counts to be symmetric.
@ZhenLin I think there are only four of them.Let's take an example
The complementary spaces are:
$\{0, 010, 001, 011\}$
Ah yes, I counted an extra one. Sorry.
$\{0,110, 101, 011\}$
Guys, I have a problem
A and B are friends. They decide to meet between 1 PM and 2PM on a given day. There is a condition that whoever arrives first will not wait for the others for more than 15 minutes. Find the probability that they will meet.
My calculation suggests that the answer is 1/4, is it correct?
@ZhenLin No issues!
But anyway, 2 is a bit too special. You should look at other primes before making a conjecture.
@Foool Main site is the best place please!
@ZhenLin True, For a finite field, I guess the count is $q^{k(n-k)}$
You guess? You said you had a bijection.
(I think so, after looking at $F_2$)
@ZhenLin The bijection I thought was looking at the map at identity. I am drawing blank now, but with some pain, I can get that thing.
@Foool What is your smallest interval of time? A minute or a second?
@Sullpatrol:a second.
Let $N(n, q) = (q^n - 1) \cdots (q^n - q^{n-1})$. Then the number of decompositions of $n$-dimensional space over $\mathbb{F}_q$ into a $r$-dimensional piece and a $(n-r)$-dimensional piece is $$\frac{N(n, q)}{N(r, q) N(n-r, q)}$$
For one $r$ dimensional subspace, you need to divide this by $N(r,q)$, right?
No, $N(r, q) / r!$.
@ZhenLin Why? I don't quite understand.
$N(n, q)$ counts the number of ordered bases of $(\mathbb{F}_q)^n$.
@ZhenLin Is it not just the number of linearly independent $n$-sets in $F_q^n$
No, it is ordered.
And actually, sorry, you want to divide by $(q^n - 1) \cdots (q^n - q^{r - 1}) / r!$.
I am thoroughly confused!
@Foool So if A arrives 1 second after B leaves, they do not meet. But if A arrives at the exact moment that B is leaving then they do meet?
It's a straightforward exercise in enumerative combinatorics... if one is being careful. (I haven't touched this in years.)
@ZhenLin So, where should I learn this from, I am doing this as an Amateur does.
I got it
There are lots of places to learn enumerative combinatorics. Just search.
Hm, but I must have made a mistake somewhere because I am getting fractions in my answer...
Where did you learn these things from? @Zhen
@Foool Is 1/4 correct?
I don't remember. It was many, many years ago when I was still in school.
See the isomorphism, $W' \to V/W :: w \mapsto w+W$ for $w \in W'$
@ZhenLin I admire you! You learnt these structures when you were still in school?
No, I learned to count. :p
This is all just counting.
So, we just need to count the number of isomorphisms from $W'$ to $V/W$
OK, now I think I have the right formula. Let $B(n, r, q) = (q^n - 1) \cdots (q^n - q^{r-1})$. Then the number of complementary subspaces to an $r$-dimensional subspace of $n$-dimensional space over $\mathbb{F}_q$ is $$\frac{B(n, n, q)}{B(n, r, q) B(n - r, n - r, q)}$$
it's 7/16
I'll need time to even see how was this arrived at? I'll talk to you later. Will you reply if I write an email?
I should probably get on with real work... I'll let you work this out on your own.
@ZhenLin Fine. I'll tell you if you're around some time later!
Oh, and it turns out that formula simplifies to $q^{r (n - r)}$ as you claimed.
I still maintain that the bijection isn't natural though.
@ZhenLin How did you arrive at that Giant?
It's easy algebra to get from my formula to your formula: just expand and cancel.
@ZhenLin No, I am asking about that formula in $B$.
That's straightforward counting. $B(n, r, q)$ counts the number of ordered $r$-tuples of linearly independent vectors in $(\mathbb{F}_q)^n$.
Let me think! Thank You @Zhen
1 hour later…
Hello, is there a name for functions, homogeneous of order 0?
You mean $f(rx) = f(x)$?
I think "homogeneous of order 0" in not well-used
I call them constants.
It's so brutal to call, say, a gradient of CES function a constant
2 hours later…
What the... why is there a Miami university in Oxford Ohio?!
@AsafKaragila All Glory to the Hypnotoad!
@KannappanSampath What?
What has that got to do with Hypnotoad?
@JasperLoy Just joking, Jasper. Asaf is a kind of ..., and he believes in these things or so atleast he shows... :)
Should this and this be merged. I don't see the point of the same user posting two answers, merely containing links. When one is sufficient!
@KannappanSampath I guess the reason to merge would be to make things cleaner, and the reason not to merge would be to have one book per post. But since the latter is not really followed, we might as well merge everything from the same user.
@JasperLoy But how do we execute it? Jasper
@KannappanSampath In a particular case we can flag for mod attention or comment to the answer. Actually no big problem. I would just leave the whole thing alone and not worry about it.
@JasperLoy I'll keep my mouth shut as well. The answerer seems to be a expert in Surgery Theory. We'd love to have him around rather than drive him off! :)
@KannappanSampath Oh, I have not even done surgery on frogs in biology classes!
@JasperLoy :)
@KannappanSampath Anyway why is Bill Dubuque suspended again?
@JasperLoy He was allegedly involved in quarrel with Paul, another user over Paul's answer that was not rigorous!
But, it was not all badly flawed.
(The answer I mean)
Throwing in a few words would have done the deal
@KannappanSampath Well if it is a debate over an answer suspension seems serious.
@JasperLoy But, I think the patient needed it.
@KannappanSampath It's just a Futurama joke.
@AsafKaragila I know this! And my reference to belief is your subscribing to believe these things. :)
I don't really believe in that, or in anything else for that matter.
@AsafKaragila Alright there was also a clause that said, "he shows blah "
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