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it is a k-algebra
With the definition I was given extensions can be just rings, weird
@Balarka did you see the question I posted
ring extensions can be rings, field extensions are fields
You don't need the extension to be a field to talk about minimal polynomials though
@MikeMiller I did. I didn't read your answer though.
thought you'd like it is all.
Is it true that (real-coefficient) polynomials form rings while power series form fields?
(I believe we just call both of them extensions in Italian, I wasn't aware that field extension implies that the extension is a field in English)
@MikeMiller It's a neat question. I don't have much experience with symmetric products so didn't understand the line of approach (I know the statement of Dold-Thom theorem, but that's it).
I just got that fact from the comments.
Heh. Ok, I blackboxed it and read a bit; that looks really nice at a glance. How did you compute $H^k K(\Bbb Q, 2n+1)$?
Oh, just think of $\Bbb Q$ as a direct limit of $\Bbb Z$'s, and compute termwise.
That's not going to work, at least not without serious pain. First prove that the integral cohomology agrees with the rational cohomology. This follows because the space is rational (all its homotopy groups are rational vector spaces); its homology with $\Bbb F_p$ coefficients is always zero. From this and some algebra you can conclude that its integral homology is also always rational vector spaces.
Eh, I guess I don't think that's necessary.
It's just an inductive spectral sequence argument on the fibration $K(\Bbb Q, n+1) \to \mathcal PK(\Bbb Q,n+1) \to \Omega K(\Bbb Q,n+1) = K(\Bbb Q, n)$.
@arctictern Yes, but people these days are becoming too dependent on calculators
Not even being able to add on their own
That's not an exaggeration
@MikeMiller Ah, ok, I see.
Calculators can prevent people from understanding the mathematics
@SirCumference there is a difference between 2-3 (I've seen my students put that into a calculator) and computing sin(39) by hand (the thing that sparked this discussion).
@arctictern Yes, but learning how to compute sine on one's own can be helpful
In general it just exercises the mind
one could make the same argument for multiplying ten digit numbers mentally. but not being able to do so is not something to lament. failing to multiply one digit numbers mentally is something to lament.
@arctictern Perhaps it's not lamentable, but learning it should be encouraged
encouraged to multiply ten digit numbers mentally? waste of time.
party trick
@arctictern So give people a calculator instead of exercising their mind?
That's like giving crutches to people who can walk
Their legs will get weak
encouraging people to multiply ten-digit numbers is like forcing them to run every day
waste of time
@DHMO Don't you think that'll make them stronger?
@SirCumference yes, but it is pointless
Walking is basic. Multiplying ten digit numbers mentally or computing sin(39) accurately by hand is not. Your exaggerations are so ridiculous I think I'm wasting my time talking to you, either that or you're trolling me.
@MikeMiller Hello, do you know something about the following theorem: if $f$ is an application from a compact submanifold $M$ to $\Bbb{R}$, and if $f^{-1}([a,b])$ has no critical points then $f^{-1}(a)$ and $f^{-1}(b)$ are $C^1$-diffeomorphic ? thanks
multiplying 10 digit numbers isn't doing actual mathematics
Multiplying ten-digit numbers might not be particularly useful, but learning how to do tricks in your head can help you improve your ability to do mental calculations
@JeSuis yes.
@SirCumference so we're in agreement
@JeSuis That's a theorem of Morse theory, yep.
There are better exercises than multiplying 10 digits numbers, sure you should know how to do is (and if you can multiply 2 digit number, you have the method to multiply 10 digit numbers) but spending time speciffically on 10 digit numbers is only tiring and does not bring much improvement
But I should chicken out because I don't know Morse theory...
@DHMO I never advocated for specifically encouraging people to multiply ten digit numbers. I'm talking about mental calculations in general.
3 mins ago, by Sir Cumference
@arctictern Perhaps it's not lamentable, but learning it should be encouraged
@DHMO In general, mental calculations should be encouraged
@MikeMiller@BalarkaSen do you a reference for that ?
Milnor, "Morse theory"
I never once said ten digit numbers
@SirCumference it was a response to this message:
4 mins ago, by arctic tern
one could make the same argument for multiplying ten digit numbers mentally. but not being able to do so is not something to lament. failing to multiply one digit numbers mentally is something to lament.
@DHMO You know what I'm trying to say.
No, I don't.
I'm just a harmful DHMO molecule
The point is about mental calculations vs. using a calculator
Often the former should be encouraged
@JeSuis You flow along the gradient vector field.
only if there are actually tricks
learning how to do squares of X5 (e.g. 65^2) should be encouraged
but not reciting the first 100 squares
@DHMO You can do the first 100 squares easily if you know the tricks
@DHMO The point I'm making is that people are becoming too dependent on calculators
@Krijn but not memorizing
@MikeMiller ??
I like to know I could multiply 10 digit numbers of calculate sin(39) or pi by hand if I had to, I just think that's boring
Practicing calculating sine by hand a few times isn't necessarily a waste of time
Could help them understand the function
that is how you prove the result
devising the method to, say, compute pi and then get a computer to do it is interesting
@SirCumference Why don't you go calculate sin(39) by hand and come back to this discussion when you're done.
@MikeMiller I think you're missing the point. We're teaching people how to plug numbers into a calculator, not use mathematics
@MikeMiller ok
I think the point is that there are interesting calculations, and there are boring calculations.
I think maths is more than just multiplying ten digit numbers
@SirCumference not everyone wants to know how to compute sin(39) by hand
@Sir Well, that's precisely what he's asking you to do: use the mathematics and calculate that instead of plugging it into the calculator.
and not everyone needs to know how to compute sin(39) by hand
If the calculation amounts to just grinding out an algorithm through N steps, that's pretty boring.
Now, understanding -why- that algorithm works is valuable.
@DHMO Not everyone has to.
But having a human being act like a computer is just silly.
@SirCumference Taylor's theorem is mathematics. Plugging numbers into it is just arithmetics
Calculators are a replacement for performing needlessly tedious calculations. While I agree that using one to find out what 7*13 is (it's 91) would be ridiculous, it's also equally as ridiculous to expect people to be able to perform complex operations on the fly.
@SirCumference You said "We're teaching people how to plug numbers into a calculator, not use mathematics" meaning that the educational system is teaching people to depend on calculators
@teadawg1337 On the other hand, recognizing that 7*13=(10-3)(10+3)=10^2-3^2=91 is rather nice.
@DHMO Essentially
You're using a specific example, with sin(39)
@SirCumference so I responded by saying that not everyone needs to know how to use mathematics to calculate sin(39)
I'm talking generally
for example?
To the extent that mental math is used to build an appreciation for algebra, I'm fine with it. To the extent that it tends to elevate arithmetic over actual reasoning, I find it silly.
But essentically this is how society has been evolving, there is no point in being good at calculating 10 digits numbers any more
@DHMO Do you think we should teach children all the derivative rules in calculus? Or just show them how to plug it into a calculator?
@Semiclassical wow, i just memorized it all these years...
Since any computer can do it for you
@SirCumference derivative rules are not "numbers"
@DHMO I have never once seen a teacher explain how the calculator figures out the sine of an angle
Derivative rules != arithmetic.
> We're teaching people how to plug numbers into a calculator, not use mathematics
Because being able to compute such numbers is not something that is required to make maths advance. Being able to improve algorithm so that machines can do it faster is
@SirCumference because that is what calculator industry teachers teach
@DHMO I mean plug formulae into calculators, press a button, and get the derivative
the general public is not supposed to know how a calculator works
@DHMO Don't we lose something from that?
"not supposed to know" makes it sound rather conspiritorial :/
@Semiclassical i don't care
I think it is valuable to appreciate the huge role that algorithms play
but it is not valuable to know how calculators work
knowing the taylor series for sine is good, but knowing how a calculator calculates sine is pointless
@DHMO I'm not talking about how to build a darn calculator
Eh. "valuable to whom"
2 mins ago, by Sir Cumference
@DHMO I have never once seen a teacher explain how the calculator figures out the sine of an angle
@Semiclassical the general public
@DHMO What do you mean by "how calculators work"?
General public is, by definition, a broad phrase
It seems like you're talking about how to electrically build a working calculator
Very little is meaningful to the entire 'general public'
@SirCumference exactly what you mean by "how the calculator figures out the sine of an angle"
@Semiclassical but education is for the general public
@SirCumference firstly they mod the angle by 2pi (this also needs explanation)
This is extremely tedious. I agree with anon.
@DHMO I'm saying we should learn how to calculate sine angles for ourselves
As a final note I guarantee everyone you're arguing with as thought about pedagogy significantly more than you have.
@SirCumference that isn't what you said
@DHMO I obviously meant that
That's what this discussion is about
Relying on calculators vs doing calculations on one's own
I'm a bit unsure.
@SirCumference but you obviously didn't say that
@MikeMiller who is anon?
@SirCumference Isn't this usually done in introductory calculus courses? $\sin(x)=x-\frac{x^3}{3!}+\frac{x^5}{5!}...$
The thing is, there's no god-given algorithm for how one calculates sine.
@Sophie Yes, but you don't need to delve too deep into calculus to explain that to algebra 2 students
@Sophie but we do not usually plug numbers in
@Semiclassical It's approximated through the Taylor series
One can use the Taylor series, but I dunno if that's the algorithm that a calculator uses
That's not necessarily the algorithm it uses.
I think it is
@Semiclassical Regardless, it's still useful to teach
@Astyx have you built a calculator?
Right now kids are left in the dark regarding how to calculate sine
Not really
As in : no
My point more broadly is that there can very well be a difference between a simple but inefficient algorithm and a more subtle but also more effective one.
@DHMO Imagine you were never told how to take the derivative, and never learned all those rules because they were "a waste of time"
Now I'm curious, though.
You just learned how to plug a formula into a calculator and press the derivative button
Anyway when doing math who the hell ever computes $\sin(39)$ ?
That's the equivalent of not explaining the sine Taylor series
@Astyx Don't be so specific
Looking at the first sentence of that, I think that article could be interesting
I'm not being specific, but all the examples you give seem silly to me
"Almost every calculus teacher I ask answers the question, “How do calculators compute
sines and cosines?” with the words, “Taylor Polynomials.” It comes as quite a
surprise to most that, though it is reasonable to use Taylor polynomials, it is really
a method known as CORDIC that is used to compute these and other special functions..."
Why would you want a specific value of $\sin$ ? Why would you want to compute the product of 2 10 digit numbers ? And so on
@Astyx Just so you can use your own head when you don't have a calculator.
Sine is pretty specific, but there's a point about learning how to do these things on your own
CORDIC (for COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer), also known as Volder's algorithm, is a simple and efficient algorithm to calculate hyperbolic and trigonometric functions, typically converging with one digit (or bit) per iteration. It is therefore also a prominent example of digit-by-digit algorithms. CORDIC and closely related methods known as pseudo-multiplication and pseudo-division or factor combining are commonly used when no hardware multiplier is available (e.g. in simple microcontrollers and FPGAs), as the only operations it requires are addition, subtraction, bitshift and table lookup...
I don't see it honestly
For special functions in general, I think it's more important to know what kinds of approximations one makes.
@Semiclassical The calculator probably approximates sine with the Taylor series
e.g. $(1-x)^p\approx 1-p x$ if $x$ small is something any math student should know
No, it probably doesn't. See the article I just linked; that's the point of it.
Any physics student too
@SirCumference did you read the text above?
3 mins ago, by Semiclassical
"Almost every calculus teacher I ask answers the question, “How do calculators compute
sines and cosines?” with the words, “Taylor Polynomials.” It comes as quite a
surprise to most that, though it is reasonable to use Taylor polynomials, it is really
a method known as CORDIC that is used to compute these and other special functions..."
@SirCumference Nobody disagrees on learning to do things on their own. I don't even understand what your issue is.
Any good technique to graph in $ R^3 $ ? Its fucking my mind
@DHMO Missed that
@maks Depends on what you're trying to graph.
@Maks then enjoy it
@Maks Depends on what you want to graph.
@BalarkaSen The fact that people never learn how to figure out the sine of something, for example.
jinx (almost)
@Semiclassical You beat me by a second.
I have never ever felt the need to compute the sine of something other than ${\pi\over2}, \pi, \dots$
@SirCumference Well, given that we've proven our ignorance (mine included) of how calculators -actually- compute sine...
@DHMO I dont like it hahaha @Semiclassical @BalarkaSen simple vectors (x,y,z) with real numbers
@Astyx Sine is plenty useful
@SirCumference I'd need to reconsider my life decisions if I ever found myself being forced to calculate $\sin(39)$ by hand. In any practical setting, everyone would pick up a calculator for that. Why spend a good 30 seconds (at the very least) approximating it by hand if a calculator can give you the first 12 digits in less than a second?
@Sir Knowing how to compute sin(0/30/45/60/90/etc) is important. Other than those, nobody ever needs to know anything like computing sin(e) or something.
Astronomers use it all the time, for example
@BalarkaSen heh, sin(15) and sin(75) are good
I think it is reasonable to ask, though, if a math student can, in a reasonable amount of time, estimate a sine function from arithmetic alone.
knowing sin(36) is also good
i.e. addition/subtraction/multiplication etc.
@Semiclassical I think it is possible
I think so as well.
Those can be obtained from the addition formulas etc from what I said.
It's useful, but not at specific values. At least it never has been to me
It's a bit like asking about digits of pi.
@BalarkaSen not sin(36). it's a special angle that one forgets
Do I really care what the 10000th digit of pi is?
I fully agree with @Semiclassical on this
@Semiclassical I've asked a bunch of high school students to give any definition of pi they can
I don't care what the nth digit of pi is. Do I care that algorithms exist which -can- compute it? Yeah, that's interesting.
None were able to
@SirCumference i don't expect high school students to say "the period of sine"
@DHMO It could be as simple as "the ratio between the circumference and diameter for any circle"
@SirCumference I do find that a bit disappointing.
@SirCumference then you also are not able to
it's the old definition
Just anything would be nice
@DHMO have you an idea about this : math.stackexchange.com/questions/2017179/…
Or the proportionality factor between the area of a circle and the square of its radius.
@DHMO I sure as hell don't know sin(36).
@Vrouvrou no idea, sorry
Isn't sin(36) from a 3-4-5 triangle?
It's related to the golden ratio, if memory serves.
@DHMO Enlighten me?
@teadawg1337 no
@teadawg1337 Nooo.
@SirCumference look above
@DHMO Oh, huh
@MikeMiller then derive it
Actually would be nice to know
Can you elaborate?
sin(2pi/10), and solve a polynomial. I don't know how to do it simply.
I will speak in defense of sine(36) for one reason: 36 degrees shows up in the interior angles of a pentagon.
@SirCumference sine is (re)defined as the series x-x^3/3!+...
I don't care much either.
@DHMO 'Course
then using real analysis we can prove that it has a period
is it 36 degrees or 36 radians ?
and then we define the period as pi
@Astyx radians
@DHMO Yeah
Right :p
@DHMO Is that the formal definition?
36 degrees, I meant.
@SirCumference I believe so
That's the real analysis definition.
You'll get a solvable quintic that you can solve with some tricks. I remember working this out before at some point of time.
@DHMO I don't see anything saying the "circumference:diameter ratio" definition is inacurate/outdated
@MikeMiller then what is it?
I don't care
@SirCumference it is circular
@DHMO How?
@DHMO He's referring to the "then derive it" message
@SirCumference how do you find its circumference?
@BalarkaSen oh, lol
@DHMO No pun intended?
Too many conversations at once.
@SirCumference no pun intended
@Semiclassical people who don't use reply tags
can we please stop discussing arithmetics and go back to mathematics?
we are discussing mathematics
And most of them not really worth having, imho @Semiclassical
contradiction in terms :P
"the old definition of pi is circular" is related to mathematics
@Balarka The part of that answer I was really proud of was the argument that the group had to be divisible and the calculation for Prufer groups.
I think that sine(36) is a reasonably interesting question, but only because it can be interpreted in terms of a regular pentagon.
No, we're mostly discussing semantics and wrong-headed pedagogy.
@DHMO Even if you can't measure the circumference, it still has a definite value
Pi is the ratio between it and the diameter, isn't it?
Sin(37), by contrast, is just not that interesting.
@SirCumference in mathematics we don't measure (except in topology). we find using integration.
@DHMO Yeah, realized
@Semiclassical you can find sin(1) from sin(36) by solving cubic equations
yes, but you wouldn't.
Regardless, there's probably not a single definition of pi
but there is a non-circular definition of pi
Of course there is
@Astyx Care to share?
@robjohn please have you an idea about this :math.stackexchange.com/questions/2017179/…
Why would one have two definitions of pi ?
@Semiclassical thanks
@Astyx Ok, how would you define it?
@Astyx there are 5 definitions of e^x
all of which are equivalent
Different definitions needn't be incompatible.
Have to go
Or, more to the point, seemingly-different definitions can in fact be equivalent.
But all are the same intrinsically
Bye @SirCumference
Sure. But if you're going to write down a definition, you need to pick one.
Not necessarilly
If you prove they are equivalent before defining it
Why ?
Depends on the context. Some important theorems hinge on showing that two seemingly different definitions are equivalent.
you can establish one as definition and the other as properties
it would be less confusing
@MikeMiler Ya, I was looking at the computation for the Prufer p-group. Lots of neat ideas, but I wouldn't claim to understand it in detail.
But at least you would have one, unified definition
Pi is, of course, the first positive root of the unique solution to f'' = -f, f(0)=0, f'(0)=1
Anyway, not that interresting a discussion
Two definitions being equivalent can be boring, or it can be interesting. Problem is, it's sometimes not at all obvious which definition is the better starting point.
@MikeMiller that is an equivalent definition
If someone was to ask for a formal, rigorous definition of pi, I might give the one Mike just gave. But if someone was to ask me for intution, I'd give the geometric one.
@Semiclassical I would just say "the period of sine"
and give the formal definition of sine
At which point an introductory geometry student would stare at you and say...okay?
That's exactly the definition Mike gave
A definition can be true and useless, depending on the context.
@BalarkaSen Mike gave f''=-f,f(0)=0,f'(0)=1 as the definition of sine; I gave a taylor series
they are equivalent but not equal
You probably want "the smallest period of sine" or something like that
@Alessandro period in english is automatically the smallest
The definition of it as the period of sine would, in all likelihood, not be useful for someone in high school
Not every periodic function has a smallest period
i agree
Because they'd then ask why on earth you'd define it that way.
@Alessandro then it is not periodic
Yeah, I'm not seeing how you'd have a periodic function without a period.
Well, aside from a constant function.
I don't know what it means to say two definitions are equal but ok. I am not going to discuss semantics anymore
The indicator function of the rationals surely is periodic, f(x+q)=f(x) for every rational q
@Alessandro right
Hmm, fair enough.
Continuous periodic function, then.
@Balarka Do you know what a cohomology operation is?
oops, too long
@MikeMiller A functor between $H^n(-; G)$ and $H^m(-, H)$, I suppose?
yeah, I've seen that (though not read it in detail)
basically they just keep restricting the domain until the theorem holds
Sorry, natural transformation, I meant.
Yes, but as sets. Doesn't need to be a homomorphism.
I see, gotcha.
So if I tell you that every element of $H^*(K(\Bbb Z/p^h, n);\Bbb F_p$ is 1) an F_p-cohomology operation applied to the fundamental class, or 2) a special element Qi, we see that if you kill the fundamental class, you kill everything of type 1.
That was my point. So the colimit is sero ezcept possibly along the Qis.
@MikeMiller I suppose by the fundamental class you mean the generator of the cohomology of the specific grade you are looking at? (1) is an interesting fact.
But actually it should not be surprising. This is just the Yoneda lemma or something.
Does anyone know about Knuth's algorithm for the 5-step mastermind game ?
Which is to say $H^m(K(\Bbb Z/p^h, n); \Bbb F_p)$ is $[K(\Bbb Z/p^h, n), K(\Bbb Z/p, 1)]$, which is once again in 1-1 correspondence with natural transformations between $H^n(-, \Bbb Z/p^h)$ and $H^m(-, \Bbb Z/p)$ I guess.
The algorithm here states that the first guess has to be 1122 to minimize the number of steps required. I do not understand why that is, since when I computed the "score" of each combination 1123 had a better score than 1122. What do I miss ?
@BalarkaSen Right, but I'm saying most of them come from natural transformations after the "canonical one" coming from the homomorphism Z/p^h -> Z/p.
@MikeMiller I think I buy that.
All but one of them, even.
why is the gradient theorem like so: $\int_a^b \nabla f \cdot dr = f(r(b)) - f(r(a))$ I see $\int_a^b \nabla f \cdot T~ds \to \int_a^b \nabla f \cdot r'(t)~dt \to \nabla f \int_a^b r'(t)~dt \to \nabla f [r(b) - r(a)]$ I think I am missing something.
$\nabla f$ isn't independent of $t$, for one.
i think $\nabla f = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_2} + ...$ for all components of the vector $f$ is a function of but does that change $\int_a^b \nabla f \cdot r'(t)~dt$
No, that's not the definition of $\nabla f$.
$\nabla f$ means $\nabla f(r)$.
hmm so it's more like $\nabla f = \frac{\partial f(r(t))}{\partial x} + ... $, then?
Hey, who can help me with this ??
I have the points on $ R^3 $ $(3,1,1) (-1,2,1) (2,-2,5) $ which are the vertices of a triangle, and I have to find the angles of it.
I saw that $ (3,1,1) $ and $ (-1,2,1) $ were orthogonal, so I figured it would be a rectangle triangle, but $ a^2 + b^2 \neq c^2 $ as $ 6 + 11 \neq 33 $
What am I doing wrong ??
Look at SemiC's message
$$\nabla f = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}\hat{x}+\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}\hat{y}+\frac{\partial f}{\partial z}\hat{z}$$
need those vectors in there, because the gradient of a scalar field is a vector field.

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