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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Il Dear Sir, let us meet here tomorrow. Exactly in 11 hours from now. You've chosen the weapons: banhammers. Sincerely yours, Skullpatrol. $\stackrel{\stackrel{\searrow\hskip{6pt}\swarrow} {\huge\bullet\hskip{8pt}\huge\bullet}}{\hskip{1pt}\huge\frown}$
$\stackrel{\stackrel{\searrow\hskip{6pt}\swarrow} {\huge\bullet\hskip{8pt}\huge\bullet}}{\hskip{1pt}\huge\frown}$ !!!!****!!!! $\stackrel{\stackrel{\searrow\hskip{6pt}\swarrow} {\huge\bullet\hskip{8pt}\huge\bullet}}{\hskip{1pt}\huge\frown}$ !!!!****!!!! $\stackrel{\stackrel{\searrow\hskip{6pt}\swarrow} {\huge\bullet\hskip{8pt}\huge\bullet}}{\hskip{1pt}\huge\frown}$ !!!!****!!!! $\stackrel{\stackrel{\searrow\hskip{6pt}\swarrow} {\huge\bullet\hskip{8pt}\huge\bullet}}{\hskip{1pt}\huge\frown}$
The term banhammer began as a satirical term for the power wielded by an administrator to ban or block users of internet forums, wikis, online games, or other internet media. The term is often used as a nickname for the actual anti-cheating software in video games that performs the banning action. The banhammer was actualized into a physical object in 2009. Overview Punishment is usually a form of ban from the service, either by deleting the guilty party's account or suspending it for a period of time. In extreme cases, the person's IP address may be blocked from the server to prevent the...
that feel when you post an answer and leave for a few hours, realize in the interim that it was utterly useless, and then come back and two people have upvoted it.
hey everybody
some day here someone say that it can't be a vector space with exactly six elements. So why?
@anon ?
Ask yourself what the characteristic of the base field can be.
4 hours later…
Wowzers. Who died in here?
looks like anne=banned now.
I flagged it with the comment it feels spamy.
I was just about to post a comment telling her to take it to a blog instead of a QA site (leaving alone the fact it was cranky as all hell). Oh, and learn to write English better.
Why are you awake @Jonas?
I could have sworn the user was deleted before that question came about...
No, the users differ.
ah, you're right
@anon This should not surprise you.
Well. The exam is in 40 minutes.
I know two full solutions, so there is a 66% of getting 20/20 and there's a 34% chance for 12/20. Either way... I'm good.
@anon This very much fits with your username.
Good luck Asaf. What, Dylan?
@AsafKaragila What sort of exam? On HEPs and ANEs? :)
@anon "That feel" is something I associate with 4chan. Not sure if that's accurate.
The third question I was supposed to study was that $H_1$ is the abelianization of $\pi_1$ but the proof is just too long to study in one sitting the night before the exam.
That's a crummy exam problem.
Well... we chose that.
yes, the "that feel" meme originated, afaik, with 4chan.
The course while being grad level has only two grad students and four undergrads in it. The undergrads solved most of the problems and said it's not a hard problem and we didn't argue so it's a bit our fault for having that.
Either way, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
Now I have to go and head out to the university. I'll see you guys in a bit, writing one page solution shouldn't take too long.
Hope the right ones are on there.
Oh, all the three are there. We can only choose one, though, and we don't know which question is the 100% and which are the 66% and 33%.
So I hope the ANE/HEP is the 100% :-)
Wait, what? Even if you perfectly remember the proof you choose, the grade is up to chance?
You are supposed to remember exactly three proofs. If you forgot one, then you still have a chance at scoring something.
The exam is only 20% of the final grade. It's not a big deal.
@AsafKaragila Because I have to teach.
He left already?
Morning everyone.
Quick question: If something is better suitable for MO, do we flag it for mod attention to be migrated?
Or are these things to stay on SE?
I flagged it to be migrated.
Hello, guys (and gals).
Down voting out of spite, now on me?
Q: Vector space over finite field

AspirinLet's $\mathbb{F}_{p}^{5}$ is $5-$dimension space over $\mathbb{F}_{p}$, where $p$ is prime. How many ways can be decomposed the space $\mathbb{F}_{p}^{5}$ into a direct sum of two subspaces of dimension $2$ and $3$, i.e. present as $$\mathbb{F}_{p}^{5}=V_1\oplus V_2,$$ $$\dim V_1 = 2,~~~\dim V_2...

I answered this question!
Hm, I don't know why somebody would want to downvote you :[
"I pressed your calculus ki points, your integral will be solved in three days"
@N3buchadnezzar Meaning?
@Daniil Did you go through the answer?
@KannappanSampath Ah, it was a meaningless joke ^^ I upvoted btw
I guess neither of you have read Hokuto no Ken
@N3buchadnezzar Thank you, man! I would like to see why is it down voted? They don't explain as well!
@KannappanSampath briefly
I don't have the authority to completely verify it, but it looks right to me.
@Daniil Did you find something erroneous?
@KannappanSampath no, not really, but I don't think I fully understand it
intersecting trivially == intersection is zero vector?
@Daniil Yes. That's the convention
@N3buchadnezzar Haha! I don't understand the language, thanks to subtitles!
I laughed so hard reading that manga. The hero punched some guy in the face and said "I hit your secret ki points, you will die in 3 days" and then he did. Most ridiculous manga ever!
The manga is way better, still ridiculous as hell though. Thats what makes it epic
oh, I now understand the joke!
I also like the part where they drive around on bicycles in leather jackets.
@MattN good morning. I don't know if they can migrate
@Ilya Please help me fix this Ilya.
I wrote an answer. But, people say it is wrong!
@Kan I'm not into number theory, sorry
@Ilya No it is not number theory.
It is about some finite dimensional vector spaces!
@KannappanSampath for me it's the same I guess
but I will take a look in a minute
I am sorry to disturb you @Ilya.
Hey guys
I have one problem, easy one: a, b and c are real positive numbers satisfying

$1/2 \le ab+bc+ca\le 1$


$abc \ge \frac1{27}$

What is the minimum possible value of (a + b + c)?
@Foool Lagrange multipliers? :)
@Kan: not a field of my expertise, so sorry - I can't say why is it so. Anyway, I would suggest you to prove your statement formally
@Ilya: Elementary inequalities.
I think the the answer is 1/3...
just wondering if it is right
@Ilya Oh thank You!
1 hour later…
@Ilya I was at your faculty to teach analysis 2 (calculus) 8-).
$\stackrel{\stackrel{\hskip{1pt}\large\diagdown\hskip{6pt}\diagup} {\huge\bullet\hskip{7pt}\huge\bullet}} {\huge\smile}$
That is my dueling face ...
Let it never be said that Skullpatrol backed down from this DUEL.
@Skull Dear Sir, let us meet here tomorrow. Exactly in 19 hours from now. I've chosen the weapon: this is a banhammer. Sincerely yours, Ilya T. - 19h ago by Il y a
@Skullpatrol Ilya will eat you alive!
@JonasTeuwen Unfortunately, sir the appointed hour has past.
@Skull Dear Sir, let us meet here tomorrow. Exactly in 19 hours from now. I've chosen the weapon: this is a banhammer. Sincerely yours, Ilya T. - 20h ago by Il y a
@JonasTeuwen Would you like to take his place?
I will skin you alive.
Yummy ... skinned and eaten alive.
@JonasTeuwen Choose your weapon sir.
Anyone here ?
@N3buchadnezzar Excuse me? We are in the middle of a duel, please wait your turn you can duel the winner N3buchadn.
Brings fort the the great Chaos sword of calculus!
Swings it around like a mad man
The duel is now settled !
@JonasTeuwen The Ban hammer is still available fools-gold.org/wiki/index.php/Banhammer
I'll just use my claws.
The winner has to take on the great Chaos sword of calculus! wielded by N3buchadn.
Sheesh, I leave this room and it becomes brutal...
@JonasTeuwen Are you sharpening your claws?
@N3buchadnezzar Kenshiro is badass.
@JM Kenshiro is the badass, nobody can scream like a little girl and kick ass continously for 10 minutes
@MattN You can't migrate stuff to MO. At best, all you can do is nudge in the comments.
@JM Could you help me with some Big O notation proof?
@N3buchadnezzar If it's not too complicated. The last answer I wrote tired my brain out... :D
Prooe that $x^m = O(x^n)$ as $x \to 0$ where $m>n$
This is totally obvious to me, however I do not know how to prove it.
You can recast that as the evaluation of a limit, right?
@N3buchadnezzar First try spelling "Prove" not "Prooe" not that it really matters ;-)
$$ \large \lim_{x \to 0} x^m = \lim_{x \to 0} x^n \qquad \qquad m>n $$
Try $\lim_{x\to 0} \frac{x^m}{x^n}$...
That's pretty much the definition of "big O" that I use...
@JM I didn't know that. I did get a helpful flag though : )
Gotta pop out now.
@Skull unexpected circumstances forced me to be late, I apologize
I had a phone call from Paris
@Ilya Apology accepted.
@Ilya It appears JonasTeuwen is willing to take your place in the duel.
@JonasTeuwen Have you finished sharpening your claws?
@N3buchadnezzar Don't put your great Chaos Sword of Calculus away yet.
@Jonas: I'll buy a beer for you :)
Puts forth humongous pencil sharpener
Puts Great Chaos Sword of Calculus into the pencil sharpener
@N3buchadnezzar severe Norse pencil sharpeners :)
Oh No ... He's sharpening up his Calculus!
A duel is an arranged engagement in combat between two individuals, with matched weapons in accordance with agreed-upon rules. Duels in this form were chiefly practised in Early Modern Europe, with precedents in the medieval code of chivalry, and continued into the modern period (19th to early 20th centuries) especially among military officers. During the 17th and 18th centuries (and earlier), duels were mostly fought with swords (the rapier, later the smallsword, and finally the French foil), but beginning in the late 18th century and during the 19th century, duels were more commonly...
@Sir well, I have two questions to you
1. what is the reason for your duel? (I remember the reason for the duel with Sir Jonas, but now with you)
2. how will it look like?
Whenever you answer this questions, we can proceed with a duel whenever we meet in this chatroom. To apologize for me being late today, I shall also grant you the right of the first shot (that also makes me free of the necessity to think how the duel should look like)
"No hitting below the belt."
@JM well, it's XXI cent. now. We can live with it
@Ilya Answer to question number 1. unknown. Answer to question number 2. unknowable.
@Skullpatrol seems that you're not as serious about this duel as you should be :(
@Ilya Should I be?
make an educated guess
I am uneducated.
@Ilya Or, if you prefer, I am educated enough to not guess.
but you're not a guess as well
the guess should be educated, not you
How does one go about educating a guess?
@Skullpatrol I leave you this question as a homework. I need to leave, bye.
@Ilya Bye, thanks for the homework.
I came here for a duel and I get a homework assignment :-(
so guess, who won in our first meeting :)
Beer? 8-).
certainly :) when it'll be warmer, let's go someday in the city
@Jonas: are you coming to Aula to listen about boson?
4pm, boson. Let me see.
I thought, you've inspired me
I'd like to come buy I have a lot of work left. Let me work a bit harder then :D.
2 hours later…
@AsafKaragila How did your exam go?
@Matt apparently he has passed and now drinking arak
@MattN your noseless smile is pretty charming
Thank you. : )
@MattN Meh.
@AsafKaragila Hi there! And?
@tb Yay! Again : ) Didn't really believe you'd show up two days in a row : )
I'm not really here...
@AsafKaragila And how was your exam.
Did you rock?
It went meh.
Meh. : /
Arak and beer time, then?
No... I have to prepare a paper+45 talk about Whitehead problem; and submit the homework in algebraic topology.
Don't drink @Asaf.
Oh, well, then, don't let us keep you from doing that...
Iyengar went over the edge on meta.MO
(Because a drunk Asaf won't answer my questions equally well.)
@tb Well, it's not you as much as it is chicken invaders 4.
I don't believe.
@MattN You'd be surprised how well drunk Asaf can answer questions.
You don't believe in what?
How can you play the same game every day without getting sick of it?
@AsafKaragila I don't believe in many things.
I have a talent for repetition.
@AsafKaragila I have no clue what chicken invaders are (all those chickens you bathed and bragged about in here strike back with a vengeance?)
@tb It's a silly space invaders clone where you shoot chickens in space...
Oh, okay. I know how addictive these things can be...
@tb So you're preparing for a marathon? Or, iron bear, even? (-> running around all the time)
Bears are warm during the winter, so it would be a good idea for tb to be one; but I think that iron will not be as useful in insulating one's body.
Oh, no... I'm not much of a runner. Just an awful lot of things to take care of - whence the running (not literally, though)
I was being silly.
Just making conversation.
I asked Uri about the summer conference. He said that they don't have much money and that they won't even pay for his flight.
Not that I'm any good at that. : )
@AsafKaragila Uri Geller?
No. Uri Abraham, he can force spoons to bend.
Oh, okay. I once shared my office with a marathon runner. I figured he did take care of my lifetime share of running, too, so I can just keep my lazy a... planted on my chair.
@AsafKaragila but isn't he partly working in US?
I prefer the sofa.
@Ilya No?
Is it just me, or am I just failing to find any interesting questions on this site?
@AsafKaragila the question are you Jewish? since you are answering by asking, won't make sense, I guess :)
@tb go MO )
@Ilya Why wouldn't it?
@tb Indeed.
Neat! My last reply to tb has a cool message number.
@tb I first misread 'addictive = additive' and was a bit confused
3331333? @Asaf
@AsafKaragila get?
A life?
@KannappanSampath Yes.
@Ilya MO is even worse these days...
@tb We had the interesting ones removed so you come to chat instead of answering questions : )
Ah, very good. I was about to answer the Gödel stuff :)
What Gödel stuff?
@MattN That's right, I think! I was a part of the team that looked into this!
The ones that were deleted?
@tb I don't check it out. I cannot find any website (of these two) where I can ask about the potential theory in discrete time :( Byron can't help also
@AsafKaragila Shush.
@AsafKaragila I can't seem to find them... Matt removed them efficiently...
Yes, but those were what I meant.
@MattN 0_o7
why don't they show up in the mod tools?
Real freakin, how did you get the links? @Asaf
@tb User marked as spammer, I guess. Nuked it off everything.
@KannappanSampath I flagged both questions, so I have links in my flagging history.
@AsafKaragila deservedly so, I guess.
@AsafKaragila Haha, I see!
@tb I know. Note the close user numbers. One account deleted, the other just popped up seconds later. Then deleted too.
Will any of your students have to take a resit examination? @Asaf
Spammed as in what sort of spamming?
I hope all of them passed the exam, with extremely good marks as they learnt from a man living in a set theoretic world! @Asaf!
@KannappanSampath I know that one came unprepared and left shortly. I have no idea about the others. I hope they won't be taking the resit, since I would be grading that one :-P
@MattN Canned pork.
nonsensical blathering while fishing for a flame war. "thus ZFC outlaws itself thus ZFC contradicts itself"
Sounds... boring.
@AsafKaragila I see! So, writing up notes for the Calculus class you'll have to instruct?
yep. Now spread that out over two screenful...
@KannappanSampath No. I'm gonna do what I did last year, print out those theoretical and complete exercises off the course website and just study that mid-classroom.
That's automatic, I have them mirrored.
@AsafKaragila Read that aloud standing in the mid class-room, you mean?
Come to think of resit: I hope the force will be with me on Tuesday.
I'll have to head out again. I probably won't make it here tomorrow, so have a nice week-end you all.
@tb And you!
(I just wanted to try what the opposite of a shattered heart looks like)
Okay, I really must go now. Bye!
@KannappanSampath No, understand them in mid-classroom.
@AsafKaragila That will make you the worst GSI ever, I think. No?
And I'll be doing some more set theory. See you later!
Graduate Student Instructor, I had in mind that!
I'm a TA. I should solve a few exercises and that stuff.
Asaf are you preparing for you Algebraic Toplogy Exam?
It was today.
Oh, you are relieved from this semester's chore, then?
We'll see.
@AsafKaragila Means?
You're going to be off?
I still have to submit two assignments in alg. top.
Hi, is it true that diam(TA) = |det T| diam(A) for nonsingular matrix T and a set A?
I think that it isn't true, we can use horizontal shear mapping [ 1, m; 0, 1] and a set A = [0,1] x [0,1]
guys, how should I type in latex $\liminf$ if I would like to have an underline instead of $\inf$?
\varliminf :)
heh, thanks @Nimza. how is your Hausdorff measure doing? :) I was amazed by this concept few years ago but didn't have a chance to study GMT :(
@tb If you're a good boy and return to SE we can talk about putting them back on.
Hello @JM : )
Hi Matt!
@MattN tb rather seems to be a Really Bad Guy :)
@Ilya Where did that come from?
My favourite room is about to freeze. </3
@MattN how many hearts do you have, my dear? 0_o
@Il y a, it's ok, i'm amazed by GMT because it helps me to re-understand foundations of some basic features. And why you didn't have a chance?
@Ilya Zero.
@MattN my chaotic mind
@MattN now, indeed :D
@tb I wanted to cut down on answering questions, but it has turned out that the site is giving me excuses to do so... ;)
BRB, dinner time!
because I was
1. writing by BSc diploma on the triangulations
2. working in the industry
3. studying Financial Math
4. working now on stochastic systems
it's quite a dense schedule and I can barely devote time to topic in maths which are unrelated to my bread and water
Asaf is a living breathing stochastic system...
@JM why is that?
Have you ever managed to figure how Asaf will behave the next day?
@JM don't tell me that you think about that :) you know better then all of us chemical reactions in his body which predict his behavior a.s.
I gave up many months ago... ;)
Is there an easy way to enable LaTeX in blogger without using mathjax which is slow?
@JasperLoy With the qualifier "easy", I don't think so. There used to be a number of hacks, but that was a long time ago...
@JM Ah thanks, nice torus!
Was that drawn with LaTeX?
@JasperLoy You're welcome, and thanks for the compliment! I built it in Mathematica.
@asaf I saw your chat rules. Wow, I must say they are pretty strict!
is there a good website which lists video lectures in mathematics?
@Nunoxic What level are you looking at?
Undergrad : Calculus Linear Algebra onwards (looking at them for review)
@JM Wot? But he's always the same.
@Nunoxic I don't know about lists of lectures but you can try youtube for the MIT opencourseware.
@MattN He's always nuts; that's probably the only constant. How he'll be nuts on a particular day, however...
Any good series for Real Analysis other than Harvey Mudd's?
@Nunoxic There's one from NPTEL
God no
@Nunoxic Depends on what you mean by real analysis?
(By a professor from IIT-Kharagpur/Kanpur)
S K Ray
@Nunoxic Why?
if i am not mistaken
@Nunoxic Yes.
I couldn't figure what book he is using
and he won't reply
its not baby Rudin
@Nunoxic He won't reply to what?
@JasperLoy, I mean rigorous Calculus
My mail asking him for book reference
...and that's it for me. Later, y'all.
(I didn't expect him to anyway)
@Nunoxic And you want a video lecture on that?
@JM See you later!
@Nunoxic I think he is following the book by Limaye and Sudhir Ghorpade!
Never heard of it.
@Nunoxic Not a famous one, true. These people are profs at IIT-Bombay.
@JasperLoy, yeah. I mean, I would prefer to 'relive' the portion of the lectures where the lecturer introduces rigour by stating why it is required
@mk How are you?
He doesn't touch connectedness and compactness etc does he?
@Nunoxic Hmm I can't recommend any video lectures to you because I don't use them myself!
@Nunoxic Who?
SK Ray?
Why not just read good books to learn from?
I think no!
I think S K Ray lecture is pretty good though.
OK, One more question : Which first : Hoffman and Kunze (Linear Algebra) or Multivariable + Fluid Mechanics (div grad curl)
And, have you heard of the book by Kenneth Ross? @Nunoxic
Read it
But it barely touches any Real Analysis
@Nunoxic Either one will do, though linear algebra is used in multivariable calculus.
@Nunoxic What do you mean by Real Analysis?
Metric spaces?
I want to understand stuff in SIAM journals :P
Or Analysis on Real line using open and closed sets?
I am an engineer by background
@Nunoxic You see, it does not work that way!
I know :( I have to un-learn the Math of Engineers and Re-learn it again
To learn Mathematics for something can be motivation learn Math but not a aim in Mathematics Education
@Dylan Hi!
@mk Are you still around?
OK. I must have the following background: Linear Algebra; Calculus (SV ); Calc MV; Prob & Stats and Proof Based Calculus/Real Analysis. What order should I put them in?
Proof based real analysis
Calculus SV
Linear Algebra
Calculus MV
Prob before Calc ? Doesn't prob involve weird improper integrals and erf(x) and all that?
@Nunoxic Whoof, You'd like to do random vectors and stuff like that?
I thought just combinatorial methods would do!
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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