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00:00 - 18:0019:00 - 00:00

Muhaah. I just have to translate this and I have less work for tomorrow!
@N3buchadnezzar I simply used $u=\log(x)$ and it was not too difficult. I just tried to put everything in terms of $\int\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\log(x)}$ (a term for which I know there is no closed form integral).
@robjohn Seems a tad more complicated than parts
@N3buchadnezzar You still have to use parts...
$$ \int \left( \frac{2}{u} + \log(u) - \frac{1}{u^2} \right)e^u \, \mathrm{d}u $$
Oh you guys have to be sio nitpicky sometimes!
I meant using this substitution seems more cumbersome than my method, that is using integration by parts at once.
&=-\int e^u\;\mathrm{d}\frac{1}{u}\\
I missed the edit by a second...
that is supposed to be $x\log(\log(x))$ in the third line
I think a website filled with proofs and mathematical problems with solutions would be really cool. As this site seems to be more about you already having a problem and wanting a solution for it. Not looking up new problems to solve, or proofs... But Yeah, I do not know.
I should really start to sort my clothes by their topological propperties!
Wikipedia, MathWorld, PlanetMath, ProofWiki ....
@KannappanSampath Be careful with using expletives. There seems to be a mixed opinion about their usage on the site, and your message did just receive a flag. I marked it as invalid, since I don't care about their usage so long as they are not directed at other users, but some 10kers / mods will mark them as valid.
That's just silly.
@anon I agree, but the community is very much so divided on it.
Was the flag in chat or on the main site out of curiosity?
Just wanted to give @KannappanSampath a heads up
@anon chat
Wait, so is this N3bu or Kanna you're talking about?
Expletives are a mixed bag for flagging. Depending on the room you're in, and who is around, they may or may not get flagged.
@anon my bad :P thanks
Depending on who responds, they may or may not be marked valid.
I doubt the regulars here would do that, generally we don't care about things like that, but who knows. Good thing for you to give heads up, thanks mate. (I distinctly recall someone calling a formula I used a "random shitty identity." I just lol'd.)
@anon no problem
it's the same at gaming
We really don't care, so long as you don't direct them at users (in a non-joking way), but they occasionally still get flagged depending on who happens to be around.
(Perhaps I should also add that @Kanna is new to chat, AFAIK.)
ah nifty
I swear all the time, I've never been suspended, but I know a few users who have been for it. Our mods will normally reverse it though.
Anyways, just wanted to give you a friendly heads up :)
@robjohn I'm having trouble interpreting the phrase: "The lengths in feet of three ropes are consecutive multiples of 3." I think of it as x, 3x, and 6x but this is wrong; it should be x, x + 3, and x + 6. Could you explain to me why please?
the positive multiples of three are, in order, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ...
In order for them to be consecutive they need to be spaced by exactly 3, or else there will be multiples of 3 in between them and they won't be consecutive
How would something like {2,6,12} be consecutive multiples of three?
@anon That makes sense, thanks.
Ah, we had a pony in here. Kannappan swearing doesn't make as much sense.
@anon How about 3x, 6x, and 9x?
@SKull: What about them? Do 3000, 6000, 9000 look like they are multiples of three without any multiples of three in between them?
hey hi, @all, I just wanted to say goodbye. I might not come to chat for some time in the future (to the extent I can help it). Hope to meet you all later.
Well this feels quite sudden.
Hope to see you soon Sri.
@anon See you, anon.
Bye, Dylan!
@anon No.
@anon It only works for x = 1
@Srivatsan Something happened?
@Srivatsan See you Srivatsan, enjoy your visit to your home country.
@Tim Well, to be frank, I don't have the time to explain, Tim. I am hurrying with the packing for tomorrow.
@Srivatsan Wish you the best!
Thanks, @Tim and @Skullpatrol. See you guys!
@Srivatsan It has been a pleasure chatting with such a humble and intelligent person like you.
Thanks, Skullpatrol. Likewise.
Minus the intelligence for me ;-)
come on, don't say that.
@Srivatsan I'm sorry to see you go. First we lose QED and now you ...
anon surreptitiously places a tracking device on Srivatsan
@Srivatsan Just as a joke can you transfer your reputation points to my account, pal? ;-)
i'm not yet gone forever, you know? =)
@Srivatsan I know, It was just a joke to lighten up the atmosphere ;-)
@KannappanSampath The cops were here because of your message.
Cherries and blueberries.
@Skullpatrol I did notice. May be I will apologize to whoever flagged it because they found it offensive!
@Dylan Hi! I wanted to ask you if this is true:
$\operatorname{Aut} A_n=S_n$
@KannappanSampath Heh. You're asking the wrong guy. But it seems like the answer is almost always?
@Srivatsan Well, that's sudden. Hopefully you're having an adventure.
@DylanMoreland Oh, I did not consult wiki!
And, do you have any idea about these $\operatorname {GL}(\mathbb F_q)$
I mean the order of elements in this group @Dylan
What do you mean? Calculating the size of that group? That's a fun exercise.
You mean the order of the group? That's classic and is on MSE a few places.
Err, do you mean $\mathbb{F}_q^n$? Otherwise it's not fun.
Ah, I didn't notice the lack of an $n$.
Who flagged earlier. I didn't read the actual exchange until just now. Completely harmless and isolated.
modding is sometimes a pain...
I meant the order of elements. Are there elements of all finite order that dic=vides the cardinality? I do know the cardinality of the group in question!
@anon @Dylan
Talk to you later!
@robjohn -hello, may i ask a question, that is about why the domain and range of this problem can't be complex number: math.stackexchange.com/questions/104786/…
@Kanna: Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't $\mathrm{GL}(\mathbb{F}_q)\cong\mathbb{F}_q^\times$? Or is there an $n$ in there?
@anon- Do you know why?
@Victor: The function is well-defined on $\mathbb{C}$, the complex numbers. The problem is just asking you to restrict your attention to the function defined on the reals $\mathbb{R}$.
@anon - Shouldn't the problem have say that the complex number is not x?
Or wait. If $q=p^r$ is a prime power, $r>1$, then that might not be the GL. scratches head
@Victor: It probably would have been better, but most people would automatically understand the question is talking about R in my opinion so it's not vital or anything.
@anon - Will the complex number case also work?
What do you mean by "work"? It's still a well-defined problem I think.
@anon - i mean can the problem still making sense if x can also be a complex number?
That's what I just answered.
@anon, that isomorphism does not work
Can $\sqrt{a+bi}=d+ci$?
hm... what is GL(F_q) ?
@Mariano: Aren't the linear maps on a field just scalar multiples by nonzero elements of the field?
I don't know what GL(F_q) is supposed to mean here (I know one meaning, but it'd then be an infinite group...)
@anon, it is true that GL(K, 1) \cong K^\times, yes
The group of invertible linear maps, with F_q viewed as a one-dimensional vector space over F_q, in my interpretation. What did you think GL(F) meant?
that is written by most people as GL(F,1) or GL_1(F)
GL(F) is usually the union of all the GL(F,n) as n varies
@anon- Thanks
(with GL(F,n) seen inside GL(F,n+1) by adding a 1 on the bottom right corner)
So GL(F) is like GL(F,infinity), basically? I was not aware of that convention. I wonder if that's what Kanna meant above?
Wait where the hell did he go. He was just here.
(IOW, the group if infinite matrices which have finitely many non-zeroes outside of the main diagonal, finitely many non-ones on the diagonal, and the dets of sufficiently big principal minors starting on the left top corner is non-zero)
Okay, I see it.
you have to be careful
GL(F,infty) would usually be taken to be the group of automorphisms of a vector space of countable dimension
and that is immensely bigger than the group I described
sorta like how direct sums only involve finitely many nonzero components, while direct products have no such restrictions, right?
hi all. Is my point correct in my last comment here?
and I'm wonder if someone can take a look of the correctness of my English here
«I will post just another approach» $\leadsto$ «I will just post another approach»
«a open» $\leadsto$ «an open»
«there existS»
and at the end you have to many «the»s.
It is rarely a good idea to use abbreviations like s.t. in anything but personal communications
Apart from that, everything is perfect
Well, not perfect :)
One good rule to follow is to never start a phrase with a formula
The last sentence of your proof, right before the QED, has, in between the commas, a complete phrase which is just an equation. That's a no-no :)
«for all $x$ we have that $blah$, and thus $bleh$.»
And a little pedant observation is that your two first sentences in the proof start with Since.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez I imagine it is. Thanks for doing it.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez, gracias! :-)
What can I use instead of "since"?
You could join the two first sentences as follows «Since $blah$, there exists an open set $G$ in $R^n$ such that $bleh$ and, as its [or: the] complement $G^c$ is closed and $K$ is compact, we have $\delta\dots$.» (The location of the commas is important! :) )
Or: «Since $blah$, there is an open set $G$ in $R^n$ such that $bleh$ and we have $\delta=blah>0$, because the complement $G^c$ is closed and $K$ is compact.»
You can probably guess how painful the process of writing my thesis was... :P
yes, I can Imagine that. Someone did read you thesis for you? To find mistakes of that sort
a sensible advisor always reads advisee's theses
(You can also imagine how much fun my students have :P )
and you know good english when you write you thesis
My thesis is written in Spanish
really? where did you study?
I did my thesis in Buenos Aires
(but I did all the work half here and half in Paris)
I see
But papers are mostly written in English, as you know, so it is good to be good at that :)
hmm, froward is a word...
I mean, I was looking in a thesaurus and I have just learnt that froward is an word
it looks dyslexically equal to forward
and what does it mean
Fro-Ward: The department in an asylum dedicated to those with outlandish hairstyles.
right beside the afroward
froward: (of a person) Difficult to deal with; contrary.
good night all. @MarianoSuárezAlvarez thanks a lot by your help
rotating line segments with axes located at vertices of a triangular tesselation
hi @all
hi @anon
watz up
dubstep solves everything
Top of the horror to you, etc.
@anon : that was a terrible waste of time for me (considering my slow internet connection).......Some piece of crap for retards !
Good Morning @MattN
Sometimes I feel Asaf has a program that just hooks his chat account up to cleverbot.
Hah. Sometimes I feel that I am a cleverbot.
@anon, Yes that $n$ indeed was missing. Sorry about that.
@AsafKaragila You don't fool me for one second, cleverbot.
@anon The important thing is that you agree that I am clever. :-P
And here comes @Kanna responding to a two-hour old conversation like it's only been seconds :P
@Asaf: No, I only agree that you're official name has the word "clever" in it ;)
And, I'd like to know if that was really bad to have exclaimed that his claim was rubbish! @anon @Asaf
@anon : why did you post that video ???
@anon Perhaps he's a schizophrenic which suffers blackouts and for him it really feels that it's only been a few seconds??
@anon @Asaf
it is for clever Bots i guess !
@anon Which makes me clever, since it's really clever to put the word "clever" into ones name.
@KannappanSampath Whose claim? What?
I like how my chat screen fills up with orange @anons all over the place. Like it's halloween.
Why? You eat oranges on Halloween?
The thread starting from here will make it clear, I guess
@Asaf @anon
@KannappanSampath I don't intend to read the backlog. I have enough to do as it is.
I need to finish preparing the file for today's class. I promised to send it via email before the class...
@Rajesh: I thought it was a funny joke about dubstep. @Kanna: Hey, I wouldn't put it past some people to great there professors with "Yo yo" and such.
So, I thought he claimed rubbish things, so, I remarked that way.
@asaf May be some other time that you consider will be ideal for this.
I disagree with the claim it is necessarily bullshit, I also should point out it was probably a joke anyway, and ultimately there was no point to your being flagged so rest easy.
Question title "Lagrange multipliers" Oh, I can do this! Question begins "Suppose $(M,g)$ is a Riemannian manifold." Okay, nevermind. slumps back in bed
Fine, I think he would have flagged it that's fine. But, it makes me feel guilty.
Don't feel guilty. We don't even know if it was N3bu who flagged it. (Actually Asaf might know that...)
I go away from keyboard for a minute to make some coffee and all hell breaks loose in here. @KannappanSampath Which message got flagged?
It's on the side panel right now: "hah, bullshit"
This part of the transcript will give you some idea, @MattN
Also, damn, how long does it take you to make coffee? The flag is eons old in internet time.
@anon Thanks for pointing out so quickly. =)
That makes no sense, why would anyone flag that?
For future reference, you should be able to defuse any mod attention by attending expletives with smiley faces.
As in, "fuck :D"
I don't see any reason too. :-(
Neither do I, but that's the game.
@anon Oh I wanted to ask but you gave an example. Thank You.
Nobody ever upvotes this time of day, I should just go to sleep.
Do they not?
@anon : Whats it got with upvoting ?
perhaps you feel happy counting them as and when they happen ?
Later folks.
@RajeshD I guess, anon says, there is no point writing out a long detailed answer for no purpose
Bye Matt
@Matt: In my past-four-days-of-experience, not really.
they may do it later......ofcourse they would
No Sri from now for like two months, too boring, No?
Yes, I was waiting patiently for +1s last night and then decided to turn in for the night. When I awoke I was capped.
Is Sri not going to have an internet connection or something?
No, but he may not be able to spend substantial time doing this, probably.
He said that he will have a very poor internet connection and will be busy with real life
rather He's got 'real life"
Hmm. I see.
like the one i am having now
What is this real life thing about?
I think it's a television series.
things you do without an internet connection !
thats real life
I love that 1-liner @RajeshD, hence the star.
1 hour later…
It's actually written on two lines 8-).
Is there a way to have mathematica expand $|a + b|^2$ in $|a|^2 + |b|^2 + 2 \text{Re} \overline a b$?
@Jonas: what about Grothendieck's thesis?
Best I could do was verify `FullSimplify[(x + y) (x + y)\[Conjugate] ==
Abs[x]^2 + Abs[y]^2 + 2 Re[x\[Conjugate] y]]`
@robjohn How did you manage to omit the name 'Jonas'?
any idea where Gortaur is ??
fellow Russian
Does anyone here know of a reference for metric groups-groups with a metric on them such that it is left invariant and so on....
@RajeshD I have no idea, why are you looking for him?
just like....no particular reason..............He once told he was going into financial math side....i guess they do not have time to spare for chatting
@RajeshD you think he is making money now somewhere?
@Ilya My guess is that if you start the comment with `` backquoted text, it omits the name.
@Ilya Or it is the fact that the comment is two lines long.
@Ilya another test
It has to be the multiple lines
Hmm... try quoting it
does not work
never mind
@Ilya All work and no play make Ilya a dull boy.All work and no play make Ilya a dull boy.All work and no play make Ilya a dull boy.All work and no play make Ilya a dull boy.All work and no play make Ilya a dull boy.All work and no play make Ilya a dull boy.
forbidden magic!
stop your mantra ))
I don't know what happened.
@Rob: Rajesh is desperately looking for Gortaur. Maybe you could help him?
@Ilya If you haven't seen him here, then I don't know where he could be...
@robjohn I haven't. It seems that we never appeared in this chatroom at the same time
this may lead one to an idea that I'm him :D
@Ilya That's too bad; I think you would have really liked him.
@Ilya He was before your time.
@Rob: he seemed to be quite arrogant, from what I've seen in the transript
@Ilya :-D yes, quite
Why does math have a way of making people arrogant if they are good at it?
@Srivatsan Bye! Let's see how long you can last without SE : )
@robjohn Will that work with complexer expressions like $|a + b + c|^2$? 8-).
@Ilya Teddybear has suggested it to me.
@robjohn The Shining! :D.
@JonasTeuwen why the shining?
@Ilya Here is the last I've seen of Gortaur.
@Ilya : what is your age group roughly ?
@Ilya "All work and no play make Johnny a dull boy" is a phrase from the movie "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson by Stanley Kubrick.
@JonasTeuwen you don't put links
Sorry, what do you mean?
@JonasTeuwen the arrow to the left of this message
@robjohn I didn't mean that link :D
@Rajesh I am 24, dunno which group is it
@Ilya There... both kinds :-p
cool..good for you
@Ilya The age group of the 24-year olds 8-).
@robjohn "_"
@JonasTeuwen "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
@robjohn Right 8-).
I have to go and walk Lilly early so that I can head into UCLA to proctor a midterm.
are any of you guys on FB ??
@robjohn Bye!
I'm really impressed by this handwriting to LaTeX tool: webdemo.visionobjects.com/equation.html?locale=default
@JacopoNotarstefano Is it better than detexify?
It's different, it translates entire equations
I'd say its performance on a single character is comparable, if not better
Yes, I see that, but I don't like the translation.
And it does not like my handwriting 8-).
doesn't like mine either
the greek alphabet has a lot of 8's in it..
$(_{bd}^{\alpha c})$
My integral sign is a "1" :D.
Ok, ok... I guess he likes my handwriting much better than yours.
wow, he is foxy ))
he don't know matrices but he can express them as $$(^{ac}_{bd}) $$
foxy stuff :D
No hebrew letters, apparently. Also matrices seem to be not supported.
it sucks
the link by Jacopo
they are just waste time and money
@JacopoNotarstefano he knows your name :) that's co cute
I think that we need this technology. Imagine scanning a paper and getting tex code back!
@Jacopo : The task you have said is trivial with the current technology !
@JacopoNotarstefano So that plagiarism becomes easier?
So that papers can be easily digitized, and we won't need big libraries and big publishers. (eventually)
Most of them are available in pdf, no?
@JacopoNotarstefano and free love will come!
Might be useful to get the command for a symbol you don't know the command for.
@Ilya yes! (eventually.)
@Jonas are you here?
@Ilya Yes.
@Jonas are you aware of harmonic measures?
@Ilya How do you mean aware? I know what they are, but that is about it.
@JonasTeuwen in this sense?
I usually work with kernels meaning that this are functions $K:\mathscr X\times \mathscr B(\mathscr X) \to \mathbb R$ on some measurable space $(\mathscr X,\mathscr B(\mathscr X))$
so $K(x,\cdot)$ is a measure for each $x$ and $K(\cdot,B)$ is a measurable function for each $B$
there are lots of this kernels that correspond to the initial stochastic kernel and most of the are useful for the analysis. So since harmonic measure is $$ H:\mathscr X\times \mathscr B(\mathscr X)\times \mathscr B(\mathscr X)\to\mathbb R$$
namely, $H(x,A,\cdot)$ is a measure for each fixed $x,A$. I would like to rather call it the harmonic kernel since I need this dependence and want to lead to a confusion. So my question is - is it appropriate to use such notation?
maybe I should ask it on main
Sorry, I'm not really aware of what is common notation in that field :-).
ok, thanks ^_^
Please ask it on main, I'm also interested in the answer.
@Jonas: done
Hi guys!
@Dan hi
Is there a standard notation for Godel numbering of computable functions/Turing machines?
How are you doing, @Ilya?
@Dan: I'm fine, thanks
how are you?
Good. Although it's quite cold, -28C
@Dan here it's not hot anymore, about -10C
finally it changed
is it good?
(that it has changed)
@Daniil my gravatar
Oh, I better reload the page now
Cool, it's kinda dark blue-ish
aha, my old one
I like it
Cool, -28 degrees : ) Here it's only about -5.
Just about starting to have the weather and temperature of my natural habitat.
@MattN heard about the earthquake. had you feel it?
@Dan are you here?
$e^\left(\frac{2}{x-1}\log\left|x-1\right|\right) + 1 \neq 0$
I must consider also the absolute value? Or can I ignore it?
@Ilya yeah
@Ilya No, I didn't know we had one. (Didn't hear your ping : /)
Ah, so you used the partnership program to study in .nl? That's quite neat.
@Daniil nope )
Also: Volgograd is one of the best universities in Russia to prepare experts in the field of international relations. [Citation needed]
aha )
Wait, but you've studied in that uni?
no, it's very hard even to learn about such programs because usually all places are given to... 'special students'
@Dan, yes and get my BSc. Then moved to Sweden for MSc
@Ilya good job, re: moving to Sweden for MSc
If Volgograd is one of the best universities in Russia to prepare experts in the field of international relations, how come it looks like crap on the pictures?
aha, fortuantely that time the education there was for free
@Daniil don't speak :)
@Ilya That time? I thought that Sweden is a socialist heaven with free healthcare and education
the former is still free, the latter is about to change
Let's hope they reserve the free education system, at least for citizens.
for citizens it's not too expensive even here
1k per year - that's can be compared with prices in Volgograd university
even cheaper
and that is for Master
while for non-EU it is about 8 times higher
Nope, sorry, I don't read arabic.
I thought the picture by itself means smth
but now I've translated his comment in google and there is a story
never mind
@AsafKaragila is unusually quiet today.
00:00 - 18:0019:00 - 00:00

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