@BrianMScott Yes. For instance, it's especially hard to answer (sincere) queries like: "How did you think of using that identity for factorising $x^2 - 4$?"
(Mariano's comment to a poster) "if that is the case, please make it explicit in the question. Explain what you have tried, how you have handled the previous parts, &c: show that you have actually done your homework." -- What does &c mean?
This happens too often: You're reading paper X and notice it has a reference to paper Y, and it looks interesting so you google paper Y and every single search result is for X.
Apparently, people used to end letters with: "Yours, &c." expecting that the addressee could fill out the rest for themselves. Doesn't sound too much of a respect to me. ("Ah, you can fill it up yourself.")
I still didn't quite figure out how to solve the polynomials using $\theta$-functions. But I didn't get up to that point yet since I still need to verify the polynomial.
@JonasTeuwen I mean, you were talking about how to use theta functions to solve polynomials, right? I remember pointing you to Umemura's paper. You said the book that had it hasn't been transferred to Delft's main library.
@AsafKaragila flaggers gonna flag... regardless of chat rules. Two of your posts were flagged... I think people just need to lighten and not flag everything just for containing one word, which isn't even offensive in its current context...
You should be aware, even though I am a set theorist, which generally classifies me as a logician, I know nothing about the name of the rules. I just have a list of axioms of FOL (or other system I use often, which is usually just FOL) and I use them.
@Skullpatrol yes, I'm aware he had his accounts deleted. He had other issues that were evident in that MSO post, which you probably aren't aware of and probably cannot read since it's deleted. In any case, it wasn't an insult, and people shouldn't be on the internet if they have skins thinner than a soap bubble...
@AsafKaragila probably not. AFAIK even moderators cannot cancel flags against their own posts. It requires another moderator to do that (although, this doesn't apply to the main site)
@AsafKaragila no, you can't. Sure, you can ban someone, but that would be only for serious offenses and it blocks them from the entire chat system. The alternate route would be to make a room "gallery mode" and then you have a set of whitelisted users who can talk
Perhaps won't go down too well if you made this primary room a gallery room, but you're always free to create a new room and only allow specific users there
@AsafKaragila if someone is personally annoying, but not really a nuisance in the room, then you can ignore that user, which blocks all their messages from being displayed to you
@yoda All I know is that we have lost an excellent contributor to this chat room sir, and I would like it to be made known that you played a major role in insulting QED enough for him to delete his account.
@Skullpatrol you're welcome to believe what you wish, but I stand by what I said earlier today – that you probably haven't seen the MSO post in its entirety, so should refrain from talking about it as will I.