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@BalarkaSen I have a proof that uses Riemannian geometry if you're curious
Get a nice enough intersection for them to be convex subsets of the charts.
It's sketched in Bott & Tu
@TedShifrin probably knows what I'm talking about
Then convex contractible subsets of R^n are diffeom to R^n.
By the way @TedShifrin, I asked this before but didn't really get a clear answer: Is there a good reason why we talk about the "cocycle condition" for transition functions on bundles (other than that the equation looks the same as the cocycle condition I know from sheaves on Riemann surfaces)? Balarka mentioned somethingsomething sheaves too, but nothing cleancut. Do you know something?
@BalarkaSen Yes, that's actually the hardest part to prove, imo.
It's an exercise in Hirsch. No idea how to prove it for n > 2
I found two proofs
Yeah, @0celo. I've never actually worked that out myself.
@TedShifrin would you mind reading this then? math.stackexchange.com/questions/1869739/…
@0celo7 Not right now.
One proof is in an old Gromov paper
the other is in some French calculus book
yes, @Danu, it's still a Čech-cocycle condition for $GL(k)$.
@0celo7 Link me to it.
I'll look later, @0celo, but thanks!
Gromov is a cool guy.
@BalarkaSen The easier proof is in the post I just linked Ted.
I actually need to get out of here and work on a recommendation.
Lemma 4.
Sure, but I am interested in seeing Gromov's method.
Ok, let me find it.
I found the reference in Jeff Lee's geometry book
the other Lee that I recommended
Officially, @Danu, just as line bundles are $H^1(X,\mathscr S)$ for the sheaf $\mathscr S$ of nowhere-zero continuous, smooth, or holomorphic functions, there's an analogous description of vector bundles where you have the sheaf associated to $GL(k)$.
@0celo7 Wow, your proof of manifolds admitting good cover seemed to go in the same direction I sketched.
@BalarkaSen Wow?
Yeah you had the right intuition
Maybe it works with triangulations
But with Riemannian geometry it's pretty immediate
M. Gromov, Convex sets and Kahler manifolds, in Advances in Differential
Geometry and Topology, World Sci. Publ. (1990), pp. 1~38.
I'm shocked that Gromov would bother to do something that's so much folklore ...
I should note that I do not know for sure if the paper contains the proof
@0celo7 I don't think they are distinct, geodesically convex neighborhoods is how you get triangulations, if I overheard right.
Jeff Lee says it does
Gotta love the internet age. I now have a pdf of Gromov's article. :)
@BalarkaSen Oh?
Note that I dunno anything about that. I just overheard it.
My prof said the best reference for triangulations is Munkres "Elementary Diff Top"
Oh, I lied. There's a third proof in some German analysis lecture notes
@TedShifrin I never did learn that line bundles are classified by $H^1$ :\
I no longer have that book, either. It sucks giving away almost my whole library.
@TedShifrin A prof at my school is retiring, my advisor got like 20 books from him
A whole set of Spivak
It's a fancy way of saying bundles are determined by transition functions satisfying — guess what? — the 1-cocycle condition, @Danu. Nothing more.
I'm trying to cop a Vol. 1, although it's Vol. 2 that's impossible to get any more
I had people walking out of my office with stacks of books taller than they were, @0celo. So, yeah.
I kept my nicely LaTeXed Spivak, but gave away two sets of the old ones.
You* had several sets? lol
I don't know why Vol 2 is so hard to find
@Danu By $H^1$ do you mean sheaf cohomology? For singular cohomology, I learnt a neat proof.
Well, came up with a proof, more like, with sufficiently many hints from Mike.
Yes, @Danu. And Spivak didn't give them to me, although he gave me other books.
It does appear that Gromov proves the result for a $C^2$ convex diffeomorphism.
@TedShifrin Have you heard of Fernando Schwarz?
@TedShifrin Which page?
@BalarkaSen Sheaf
The conclusion is on p. 8, @0celo, but he uses a bunch of stuff before. I haven't sat down to understand it.
Ah, ok.
It's based on the Legendre transform. This will make @Semiclassic ecstatic!
Gromov is such a legend
I wish math. was a bit more accessible, like physics, so I could understand why people are so highly regarded
Physics is accesible?
@TedShifrin @0celo7 Take a manifold $M$, possibly noncompact. Cover it with a bunch of charts. Take a sequence of finite subcollection $C_i$ of charts such that union of charts in $C_i$ contains union of charts in $C_{i+1}$ (so you keep adding chart-after-chart).
@TedShifrin do you know if you can write in to Spivak's publisher and ask for the books?
Vol 2 isn't on Amazon
I'd like to have it...it seems easier than Kobayashi
Union of charts in $C_i$ is a submanifold with boundary of $M$, call it $W_i$. So $M$ is direct limit of $W_i$'s.
Spivak is his own publisher, @0celo (Publish or Perish). I believe Volume 2 disappeared from print years ago. You can google Publish or Perish and see.
@TedShifrin Why did it disappear?
Books go out of print. I think he quit publishing.
Homology preserves direct limit. And direct limit of countably generated stuff is countably generated, no?
@TedShifrin I mean why did that one go out of print but the others did not
@TedShifrin Oh, interesting thing. I was in the library the other day and needed some Riemannian geometry. So I went and grabbed Petersen (we've talked about this before). Turns out he flat out deleted a whole chapter on hypersurfaces in the latest edition
Here is the link. He's only got his relatively new physics book active on there and says to go to Amazon for everything else.
@TedShifrin, you asked earlier what I was drinking or smoking...
It seems like he cuts more and more stuff with each release of the book
So you get to choose which whisky I drink tonight
LOL, @Danu, now that you've eaten?
1. Ardbeg 10
2. Tobermory 10
3. Lagavulin 12
4. Springbank 10
Take a pick
Easy, 1.
I don't know any of those, sorry.
heya @Krijn.
@Krijn So mainstream ;D
@TedShifrin Pick one!
I'm more of a connoisseur of gins ...
@Krijn the laga 12 is really something---it's cask strength, too
What do the 10 and 12 signify?
@TedShifrin Years
so the 12 you should save for celebrating something special ... :)
ok, I pick #2.
Tobermory it is
One morning in a fit of pique / she drowned her father on the creek / the water tasted bad for a week / and we had to make do with gin
re "gin"
Wait long enough and the 12 will be an 18
Um, gee, thanks, @Balarka.
@Krijn age has got to be on the clock :)
So what's a good gin, @Ted?
I'm very interested in "understanding" high quality liquor
Ketel 1, obviously
Ketel 1 is jenever, no?
It is.
That's not the same as gin
The worst one possible, really
Kopstootjes! :D
Ooooooooooh noooo.
Hellllll yes
That was the last thing I remember from this weird night in november.
Excellent drink
Lots of options ... I buy more American ones these days. But I love Citadelle from France. Hendrick's from Scotland is amazing.
@TedShifrin Okay. What kind of flavors should I be looking for in a good gin?
Depends on your taste. I don't like floral; I like more juniper berry and herbal flavors.
Hendricks actually has a slight cucumber tinge, so it's good muddled with fresh cucumber (rather than vermouth and olives) :)
Right, I think I probably agree
Hmm, I like the idea of cucumber
I guess I need to come visit so we can test them all out? :D
Come on over to Munich any time ;)
Also try a kopstootje then
OK, I really must get some work done. Bye, guys.
Classic Dutch drink
Bye Ted
Dutch sounds so weird
You sound so weird
Terrible comeback, you don't know what I sound like.
(when trying to pronounce Dutch)
^but I do know that for certain
@Danu Oh, I don't disagree :D
If I try to do it as a German, it sounds weird
since I know nothing about Dutch it kinda looks like German with vocals to me...
If I try to do it as an American, it sounds stupid
Try it as a Dutch person
I am not a Dutch person
It's pronounced a bit like "cop stoat G"
More like
Yeah, I got the "cop stoat"
"cop stoat ch" where "ch" is as in "chips"
and a bit of an "uh" sound after the "ch"
Ah, I was trying to pronounce the j as in German
oh that's fine
But with a t it sounds a bit different
"(t)je" is the Dutch analogue of "chen" in German
Maybe if I did it in Pfälzisch it would sound better
Then I get a ch sound
@Danu Aww, Danutje
You'd have to add an extra u
I should probably figure out the homology of CW complexes
Do all uncountably infinite sets have the same cardinality? If I have an uncountably infinite set S, then surely even though it is uncountable the power set of S should be strictly greater than S itself right?
*cardinality of the power set of S should be stricktly greater than the cardinality of S
@0celo7 :)
@Krijn That's not true :P
This is not how it works for proper names, AFAIK
@0celo7 This is a really delightful topic
I am not enjoying it.
Mapping degrees, so nice
Everything by inspection (in dim $\leq 3$)
Oh, homology of CW complexes
hahaha you grump
I thought by topic you meant Dutch pronunciation.
@isaac9A no, $|\mathcal{P}(S)|>|S|$ for every set, actually there are so many cardinalities that the collection of all the cardinals ends up being a proper class in ZFC, but that's a topic I don't know too much about
@BalarkaSen Feel left out? ;)
Sort of kind of
So tell us something about your language(s)
It's weird.
Is there a difference in pronunciation in Dutch between a repeated vocal/consonant and a single one?
Mandarin Chinese does not really have one constant equivalent of the verb 'to be'. 我很傻 (I very stupid) is a complete sentence in Mandarin. There is a character 是 which at some times is roughly equivalent to 'to be' but it is not completely.
@Semiclassical Using the functional equation $\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-\pi n^{2}x} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{x}} \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-\pi n^{2}/x}$, it appears that $\vartheta_{3}(0,q) \sim \sqrt{\frac{-\pi}{\log q}}$ as $q \to 1^{-}$.
that's a verbless sentence though @isaac9A (which is interesting in itself since most languages need a verb)
its really relieving yo step onto one place among thousands where all chat subjects turns automatically into interreligious fight
We don't get inter-religious fights here a lot but we do get irreligious fights.
Russian leaves out words like "am", "is" and "are" all the times, I believe
@Krijn are there words that are spelt in the same way except that one has a repeated letter and the other one doesn't? (There is a proper term from linguistics for when repeated letters influence pronunciation like in Italian, but I can't remember it right now and it's something I find curious)
@Alessandro ok but it still a gramatically and semantically correct sentence in mandarin chinese
@Agawa001 what?
@isaac9A indeed, I wasn't arguing with that (also because I remember very little of Mandarin so I'm not really qualified to discuss it)
@Alessandro Usually, yes
@Alessandro Yup, many
"veel, vel"
"raap, rap"
Since we're sharing language fun facts, in Italian the subject is omitted if it is a personal pronoun (because you can work it out from the conjugated verb)
Hey guys, I've got a quick algebra question. Suppose somebody hands you the multiplication table of a (small) finite group. Is there a reasonable algorithm to compute (the multiplication table of) its automorphism group?
In Mandarin Chinese, there are two different words for aunt/uncle, depending on if the aunt/uncle is on your moms side or dads
The problem is really just listing the group automorphisms, since once you know those it's easy to compose them. But I don't know a better way to do this than some sort of backtracking search
@Alessandro I once read that Italian has certain rules to how to pronounce words (i.e. no trouble in English like with steak and beak) and that they therefore don't need a word for "to spell"
@krijn that's true, we use the English word "spelling" when we really need to
@0celo7 Not sure if you saw my proof of manifolds having countable homology.
I am quite certain it works.
also that is something I find very annoying about English, apart from the "i" whose pronunciation you can never guess, but how is one supposed to know that the verb "bow" is read differently from the "bow" with arrows? And sometimes read and lead rhyme with each other, but not always...
@Alessandro context :)
@BalarkaSen uhh
I didn't, sorry
ok, last language fact since this was a mathematics chat once, pen and pencil have completely unrelated etymologies
Yes, and pencil comes from the same word as "penseel" in Dutch @Danu!
This is a mathematics chat?
I prefer to call it a mathematicians chat
Then can someone explain this sentence to me please?

Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If R is not a member of itself, then its definition dictates that it must contain itself, and if it contains itself, then it contradicts its own definition as the set of all sets that are not members of themselves.
more specifically how does its definition dictate that it must contain itself
i thought its definition dictates that it cannot contain itself
@isaac9A this is known as Russel's paradox
@0celo7 Cover your manifold $M$ by countably many open sets (consequence of 2d countability). Index them by $\Bbb N$, and consider the subspace $A_i$ which is union of first $i$ of the open sets. $A_i \subset A_{i+1}$, $M$ is union of $A_i$ aka direct limit of $A_i$'s.
the point is that whether it contains itself or not you always reach a contradiction
it shows that the naive approach to set theory doesn't really work
@Alessandro yeah Im trying to understand the part "If R is not a member of itself, then its definition dictates that it must contain itself..."
You can replace $A_i$ by $B_i = \text{cl} A_i$ easily. $B_i$ is a compact manifold with boundary.
So $B_i$ has finitely generated homology.
Why is $B_i$ compact?
If $R$ is not a member of itself, then it is not a set that is not a member of itself, so it is a set that is a member of itself.
oops lol
oh, but that's easy to fix
@0celo7 Instead of $A_i$ being the whole chart in your open cover, choose it to be the unit open ball inside.
@isaac9A Just reduce it to strict logical operations: Language is tripping you up.
Assume $R$ does not contain itself.
Then, because $R$ must contain all sets that do not contain themselves, $R$ must in particular contain itself.
Oh, balls
Conclusion: $R\notin R\implies R\in R$
This is a contradiction
$R$ has as member every set which is not a member of itself, so if $R$ isn't a member of itself it must be a member of $R$
$B_i$ then is just homeomorphic to a closed ball :)
Yes, so it's compact.
And we have a countable number of them, right
What next
@Danu and @Alessandro Thanks yeah it was the language :)
In these simple questions it is often less confusing to "talk in symbols" :P
@0celo7 Sorry, I meant, choose $A_i$ to be union of balls inside the charts. Note that $A_i$ was union of first $i$ of the charts, not the charts themselves.
I understood that
But anyway, $B_i$ is compact.
$M$ is direct limit of $B_i$.
Yes, the directed set is ordered by inclusion
Homology of $M$ is direct limit of homology of $B_i$, because homology commutes with direct limit.
Homology of $B_i$ is finitely generated.
I believe you on that one
Direct limit of countably generated stuff in a countable directed set is countable.
Because it's just a quotient of direct sum of the stuff in the directed set.
Direct sum of countably many countably generated stuff is countable, hence so is any quotient.
Ambitious question of the day: Can someone explain eigenvalues and eigenvectors to me?
Everything I read online I'm like wtf
@isaac9A $Mv=\lambda v$
I have a basic understanding of linear algebra and undestand concepts like basis, linear independence and how they all relate to eachother, but I am by no means an linear algebra expert
@BalarkaSen I don't know how to prove that
@isaac9A Do you know enough about linear maps/matrices and vector spaces?
How much is enough?
Do you understand what I mean by $T: V \to V$
I understand the basics about what a linear transformation is and what a vector space is
Or $T(v) = \lambda v$ for some vector $v \in V$ and some scalar $\lambda$
How do I read those symbols?
do I need to install something to read TeX?
$T$ is the linear map, $V$ is the vector space. We apply $T$ to some vector $v$.
Ah yes, see the thingy on the right
$\LaTeX$ in chat: tinyurl.com/cfqcvpc
got it thanks
much easier to read now!!!
@Krijn you are saying T is a linear transformation from V to V
Also $\heartsuit$ is \heartsuit
@0celo7 It is sufficient to prove that countable direct sum of finitely generated groups is countable for us. $\{G_i\}$ be countably many abelian groups. Choose generators $g_1^i, g_2^i, \cdots, g_r^i$ of $G_i$. $\oplus G_i$ is generated by countably infinitely long tuples with $0$'s on each slot except the $n$-th one, which has any of $g_k^n$'s in it.
There are clearly countably many of such tuples.
Typo, apologies.
So eigenvalue/eigenvector is a corresponding scalar and matrix that when either is applied to the vector space creates the same resulting vector space?
No, no, not the vector space
@BalarkaSen Yeah, ok.
This proof pushes through for $G_i$ countably generated too.
But I dare not say it lest you get "confused" and ask me to be "rigorous"
Pushes through?
If we have some vector $v \in V$ such that when we apply $T$ to that $v$, we get $v$ multiplied by some scalar $\lambda$ (i.e. $T(v) = \lambda v$) then we call $v$ an eigenvector for the transformation $T$. @isaac9A
@BalarkaSen What
@0celo7 Synonymous to "works".
I see, and the scalar would be the eigenvalue?
@0celo7 See, this is exactly what I was referring to.
so eigenvalues are just scalars that would produce the same result on a vector that a corresponding matrix (eigenvector) multiplication would do?
@BalarkaSen Now I am confused
sorry my english sucks
I was not before
I am sleepy.
I speakaaaaa daaaaa chineeeeeeese
Anyhow, you're convinced about the proof?
@isaac9A Eigenvalues are always associated to their eigenvectors.
I could not reproduce it, but I'm about as convinced as I care to be, yes.
No, sorry, not always
OK, great.
@isaac9A geometrically you can think about eigenvectors as directions that are only stretched or compressed but not rotated by a linear transformation
The point was, indeed, second countability.
(thanks @TedShifrin)
I have to go to school tomorrow but I know I can never sleep, even if I try to. Suggestions? (no troll suggestions please, this is serious)
@balarka stay awake the whole night if it doesn't damage your productivity too much the following day and reset your sleep schedule tomorrow night
that's what I usually do at the end of holidays or such to get used to the school timetable at least
Drink warm milk, go to bed, read (something not too in depth) with just a small light for an hour, then turn off the small light and count sheep
@Alessandro That's impossible though, because I have to go to school.
I try to dream, and that puts me to sleep
I try to imagine some cool scenario or something
That keeps my mind occupied and then I wake up
Works most of the time
@Krijn, @0celo7 I'll try those out.
@BalarkaSen I replay movies or games in my mind
Doing things my way
I've been having crazy dreams lately
I had one strange one where my gf's brother was a super-genius spider
and we were best friends
but I got jealous of him and stepped on him
@isaac9A now if we denote with $T$ the square matrix associated to the linear transformation and suppose that $v$ is an eigenvector we have $Tv=\lambda v$ so $Tv-\lambda v=0$ and $(T-\lambda I)v=0$ where $I$ is the identity matrix with the same dimension as $T$
(by the way eigenvectors are nonzero vectors by definition) so this product is 0 iff the determinant of $T-\lambda I$ is 0, and that's how you calculate the eigenvalues, you literally compute this determinant and end up with a polynomial in $\lambda$, the so called characteristic polynomial
@0celo7 ...
@Krijn there was also a sexy nurse involved, don't ask how
I just remember the highlights
I feel I'm missing out now since I never remember my dreams
I'm off to see if I remember my dreams tonight.
good night
@Alessandro thanks man Im still dissecting your second response but the first one thinking about it geometrically is very helpful
you guys rock <3
@Alessandro so T is the matrix which is the linear transformation, v is the eigenvector and λ is the eigenvalue? So the linear transformation multiplied by the eigenvector is the same as multiplying the eigenvalue by the eigenvector?
that works in $\mathbb{R}^n$, but generally speaking the vectors in your vector space could be functions, matrices or other weird things where the geometric intuition doesn't really work
If $L$ is a linear transformation and $T$ is the matrix associated to $L$ in some fixed basis ,$v\in V$ then $L(v)=Tv$, they are different ways to write the same thing
to saying that $Tv=\lambda v$ is restating the definition of eigenvector using another notation
I was just copying and pasting what you wrote earlier about Tv=λv
yes, that's just the definition of eigenvector (since we assumed $v$ to be one)
I thought the eigenvector itself was T, the matrix associated to some linear transformation L, not the vector iteslf but I guess duhh the eigenvector is a vector not a linear transformation
Thanks for the clarification
@Alessandro so the eigenvalues are the roots to the polynomial T−λI ??
that is a matrix, the polynomial is the determinant of that matrix
and yes, the eigenvalues are the roots of this polynomial
the determinant of the matrix T−λI is just a number right? Where does the polynomial come from?
or do you get the polynomial because you dont know λ beforehand
Thanks for your patience
you treat $\lambda$ as an unknown
so you end up with a polynomial with $\lambda$ as variable
wait a moment while i figure out how to write matrices in LaTeX
so in the equation to calculate the determinant you will have to solve for λ
ok, let's use this matrix as an example \begin{pmatrix}
2 & 0 \\
4 & 3 \\
it is the matrix associated to the transformation $\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}^2$ that sends the generic vector $(x,y)$ in $(2x,4x+3y)$
if we subtract $\lambda I$ from it we get \begin{pmatrix}
2-\lambda & 0 \\
4 & 3-\lambda \\
and the determinant of this matrix is $(2-\lambda)(3-\lambda)$ so the eigenvalues are $2$ and $3$
Now im confused. How do the 2 eigenvalues work
hm, what do you mean?
how can we reconstruct Tv=λv
they have to submit a w2 form first
If T is the 2x2 matrix you outlined above, how would multiplying a vector by it be equivilant to multiplying a vector by either 2 or 3?
well, so far we only know that there exist some $v$ such that $Tv=2v$ and some other $w$ such that $Tw=3w$, but we don't know anything yet about $v$ and $w$
(3, 2) multiplied by 2 is (6, 4) where as by 3 is (9, 6)
@isaac9A nobody said multiplying by 2 and multiplying by 3 would be the same as each other
so the result means that some vectors multiplied by 2 will be equivalent to multiplying by the linear transformation where as others have to be multiplied by 3?
yes, and some other vectors (those which are not eigenvectors) will be completely changed by the transformation
so we solved for the eigenvalues, but we still don't know which vectors are eigenvectors? what was the point of that?
we are going to find the eigenvectors from the eigenvalues
it might seem to be backward but that's the easiest way
is there a harder way
why would you want to find eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors in the first place?
When you can just multiply the vector by the linear transformation?
seems like a lot of work to me just to find scalar multiples that when multiplied by a vector produce the same result as multiplying said vector by a given matrix of linear transformation
uhm, do you know what a diagonal matrix is and agree that computations with diagonal matrices are much easier than with normal matrices?
I dewwwwww
still seems like a lot of work to me just to find scalar multiples that when multiplied by a vector produce the same result as multiplying said vector by a given matrix of linear transformation
@0celo7 not that I know of, but life and maths are full of surprises
@isaac9A yeah, but can you apply a matrix 1000 times by paper? you can with eigenstuff.
@Alessandro It's not so much the "easiest way" as it is the "only way"
seems like a lot more computationally expensive than just multiplying the matrix of linear transformation with the vector
it turns out that if a linear transformation has "enough" eigenvectors than it can be rewritten in another basis as a diagonal matrix
having to solve for eigenvalues, then solve which vectors can be used with these eigenvalues
@isaac9A try calculating $M^{1000}v$ without using eigenvalues

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