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Hi.. I didn't know what a flag means, so I flagged a math question that I shouldn't. How can I unflagging it. I wanted to post it as Wiki but I see this option in the browser but not in Android app.
hey, anyone up?
trying this, and one challenge is (tan 60/cot 30)(24*2-36/3)*2-2^3 , I'm pretty sure that is 64, but either the thing is broken or I'm doing the math wrong.
tan 60 = cot 30, so that should be 1. (24*2-36/3)*2-2^3 should be 64.
2 hours later…
@BalarkaSen Try proving that a connected abelian Lie group is isomorphic to $\Bbb R^k\times T^l$.
4 hours later…
wow my typing speed has improved from 70 wpm to 86 wpm
dang bro
Ig it takes a programmer to beat a speed of 100 wpm
tfw I'm not a programmer
4 hours later…
In a game where two players alternatively pick and replace a number with one of it's divisors other than that number, how can I determine who will win?
first time in a chat... am I allowed to ask questions here?
3 hours later…
Is it true that for any $x\in[0,1]$ that $x^{x^{x^{\iddots }}}=1? (an infinite chain of $x$'s)
the chat won't let me edit that to add my missing \$ for some reason
1 hour later…
@Cbjork the sequence of partial tetrations should converge to a fixed point, i.e. a value $\alpha$ for which $x^\alpha=\alpha$. But $1$ is not such a fixed point.
Hey @Danu.
Good morning, tern :) G'day, @Balarka.
Oh hi @TedShifrin.
Did you see my message re: box and carets?
Oh and your high school exercise? Yes. I don't think I said boxes, but same idea :)
Pretty cool coincidence.
Yup. :)
Your high school is more interesting than I would have guessed from all your complaints.
Well, there's apparently big jump between middle school (grade < 10) and high school (grade > 10). I am enjoying it a bit better.
Good :)
How did your talk go?
It is yet to be. Wednesday.
Ahh, I see.
Hey @Balarka @Ted!!!
Long time no see, Ted
Heya @Danu. You an official mathematician now?
Yes! Well... Kotschick gave me some books to read over the course of August (kinda short!!)
After that I guess we can start talking about a topic
Cool, what book(s)?
Good ...
Huybrechts (complex geometry)
and G&P
(or Milnor)
Little Milnor? It's kinda terse but I like his style.
You can skim through a good deal of G&P because you've already had manifolds from a more sophisticated perspective. You need to understand transversality, intersection numbers, degree.
He didn't know quite what direction it'll go into, but something in those areas---I told him I want to work on smooth manifolds.
@TedShifrin Yeah, and I read part of G&P already
I got about 1/3 through before my actual topology course
Which, speaking of, I should sit down and figure out how much of transversality pushes through for self-intersection (immersion w/ double points).
Mike told me to look in Hirsch for relevant exercises ...
I was top of my class for topology btw :D
I'll give you the exercise one of my undergraduate mentors gave me when I was taking complex analysis and G&P at the same time. He asked me to prove that when you have complex submanifolds of a complex manifold, intersection numbers are always non-negative.
@Danu Excellent.
@TedShifrin I'll try to get to that in... about a month or so :)
@Danu Of course :)
I'm still studying for my exams...
@TedShifrin I am doing complex analysis & GP at the same time! But probably by complex analysis you mean actual Riemann surfaces.
Oh, poor baby :)
Math. gauge theory on thursday
So far everything has turned out really well though
No, @Balarka, I meant my first (graduate) course in complex analysis. Riemann surfaces was second semester.
Anyways it's nice to see you again Ted
Hmm, so intuitively there's no such thing as "orientation-reversing" maps between complex manifolds?
Likewise, @Danu :)
I was afraid you'd disappeared from the chat, just like Mike :\
Not holomorphic ones, @Balarka.
Which makes sense.
@Danu: I'm not trying to write a Ph.D. :)
@TedShifrin You can write mine, maybe?
Prove it for $\Bbb C\to\Bbb C$ for starters, @Balarka.
Maybe some nice exam about which courses to do next semester
@Danu: You can do far better.
Kotschick will be teaching Seiberg-Witten theory so I'll have to take that (and I really really wanted to anyways)
So I guess you're not complaining?
Then there are (i) algebraic geometry by Morel (who is supposed to be very good?) (ii) symplectic geometry
...and I'll probably have to do to the exam for diffgeo because I got a bad grade last time 'round (my first semester doing math :\ )
Do you have a graduate algebra/commutative algebra course already?
Not offered here
I think alg. geom. is basically commutative algebra
There are 2 courses
Ordinarily alg. geom. would start off assuming that, so check.
Well, I'm sure there is no "algebra" course here
I guess I can email the professor
But still they may assume prior knowledge.
I would encourage you to get a bit of breadth, but I know that's less the European style. ... Like analysis stuff is pretty important in geometry, too.
Like what kind of analysis?
Just analysis 101? :p
Functional analysis, PDE, etc.
Oh, right---I really hated the functional analysis course I had though
with a passion
Well, you may want to apply it sometime ...
PDE's I should maybe try, but I really don't feel like it :P
@TedShifrin Easy enough. If $f$ is holomorphic, determinant of $Df$ is the sum of square of the partials of the real and imaginary parts of $f$, which is obviously always greater than $0$.
This is just a straightforward application of C-R equations.
Yes, @Balarka, although you left out "sum"
Uh huh.
For Riemann surfaces, locally doing this proves that there are no such thing as orientation reversal. I dunno higher dimensions.
In any case
@BalarkaSen Very clever.
You can also do it by pulling back $dx\wedge dy = i/2\, dz\wedge d\bar z$ :P
I'm not looking to take even more courses than that
I was supposed to start focusing on my thesis...
I'm probably not even going to be able to fully commit to those courses I already mentioned
Speaking of thesis, @TedShifrin do you know what the typical "undergrad thesis" in the US is
OK, @Danu. I'm just encouraging a certain amount of breadth ... but I agree. Too bad there isn't actually a course doing Huybrechts.
@TedShifrin Yeah... this semester was supposed to have complex geometry.
@0celo: No, I don't. Very few schools have 'em. Some have honors thesis.
The prof left our uni about 2 weeks before the semester started, though :\
@TedShifrin Hah, true.
@TedShifrin Yeah, an honors thesis.
@0celo: Usually a glorified book report, although in some exceptional cases there's a little bit of independent research.
@Balarka: Well, make sure you do that approach, too.
How long, typically?
And what kind of book
Dunno, @0celo. I've (co)directed a few. One was as good as a masters thesis. It was pretty long. Others something like 20-30 pages.
@0celo: Don't ask me. Ask people at your university.
Yeah, I should ask my advisor
I'm a few years away, but I'm curious
My general advice has always been that it's more useful/helpful (in terms of getting into good graduate programs) to take Ph.D.-level graduate courses than to write an undergraduate thesis. But still some do both.
I highly doubt I'll go into math in grad school
And the thesis is mandatory for honors
@TedShifrin I am a bit uncomfortable with the $(z, \bar{z})$ coordinates, but doing this by identifying $\Bbb C$ with $\Bbb R^2$, this approach is not really different my approach...
It generalizes better to manifolds and higher dimensions, @Balarka. I didn't say it was distinctly different. We talked before about how the C-R eqns say $\bar\partial f = 0$, so $f^*dw = f'(z)\,dz$ ($w=f(z)$).
It's a consequence of $\text{det}(Df) > 0$.
@TedShifrin "It generalizes better to manifolds and higher dimensions" Oh, ok.
@BalarkaSen Don't write sloppy nonsense.
:( Did that twice.
Need to practice writing determinant before the matrix.
Differential forms are much more widely used in complex geometry. You already know (partly) why.
...why is that something that needs practicing
@TedShifrin Turns out my prof hadn't looked at Milnor in 10 years and greatly underestimated how much algebraic topology is required for it
Yes, it assumes a standard grad alg top course as background.
Although certain sections can be read independently of that.
Classic professors not caring about students :D
Like me, @Danu.
@TedShifrin He didn't understand the proof of one thing either
@TedShifrin You're a great exception!
@0celo7 because i missed it twice out of carelessness
He said to "give him a week" to think about it
Well, I hope he went and figured it out, @0celo. ... Ah, ok.
We meet once a week
Although I would prefer twice
I would not have to harass the chats so much
He's already being extraordinarily generous with his time, @0celo. I wouldn't complain if I were you.
Once a week is an amazing amount for an undergraduate
@TedShifrin Not really.
I'm paying for the course.
If I didn't have a scholarship I would demand twice a week
I met my professor like... 5 times? 6 times, maybe. While writing my (undergraduate) thesis over the course of a year.
"I would demand"? Are you serious?
@0celo7 Haha, you have no idea
@TedShifrin For $2000, yes.
And he would tell you to screw yourself and find someone else. Grow up.
He's not being paid a cent to "teach" you.
Then why am I taking the course?
Seems like a waste of money
that's for you to answer?
Ah, yes, education is all about buying a commodity. You've been Trumpified.
What does Trump have to do with anything?
I think he said that he voted for Trump once in the hbar.
I don't see what that has to do with anything.
I'm glad all the students I voluntarily did reading courses with appreciated the time I devoted to them, rather than having a "I am paying for more" attitude.
@BalarkaSen Somehow it all makes sense.
@0celo7 You did, though?
@Danu Of course.
But I'm apparently missing the joke here.
I do not disbelieve 0celo on that.
You're not as bright as you think you are, @0celo. I'll leave it at that.
I don't think I'm bright at all.
I will leave before I get more upset.
@Ted Don't leave
You're upset?
You can just ignore users, you know that right
What am I missing?
What have I done wrong?
Just go back to the h bar
I just said I wished I met him twice a week...
Can someone please explain?
You should sue your professor for neglect
@Danu That's ridiculous.
@0celo7 If you pay me for it, I would.
@BalarkaSen What?
@0celo7 What would Trump do?
@Danu I don't know what Trump would do, I can't read his mind.
Neither can you.
Well, I can, in fact.
He'd sue the guy.
Please stop ridiculing me over my political beliefs, it's childish.
Awww yeaaa "ridicule" "political beliefs" and "childish" all in one message
Maybe you should sue me
@Danu What have I done to you?
I'm so confused...
You chased away Ted, for one!
I don't know why!
Apparently my very existence chases him away!
No matter what I do, he leaves.
I don't get it.
Wait, wait, is there seriously a trump thing?
What does Trump have to do with anything?
Lol fyi "trump would sue the guy" isn't an opinion, it's statistical inference
@Danu Am I that horrible to be around?
Or mind reading
same thing
@0celo7 Have a guess.
Ponder your existence
@Danu neural networks are just ugly nonlinear systems that always have another trick up their roots anyways
I don't know if you're trolling or you actually mean it...
Can you please tell me what to fix, then
I'm humbly asking for help
@0celo7 It's straightforward, just help with implementing some of my processor designs
Please don't troll me
I've done nothing to you guys
Who's trolling? If you broke apart the power consumption / heat dissipation issue then everyone would love you
I mean, the thing is f**king hard to program but the compute and bandwidth are post-gpu
lol ok I guess I'm trolling at some level, but pls fix ty
2 hours later…
Outstanding result here that opens the gate to another integrals far far more advanced than all that have ever been posted on MSE.
@0celo7 Just wondering, $2000 on what schedule?
It's also very interesting to analyze the way you see the same stuff over the years by another type of maturity.
Amazing, outstanding, delightful.
(it cannot be explained by words)
BBL (trying to explore more my new result)
because if you're expecting 4 to 5 hours out of the guy twice a week... well, are you paying that figure every week?
@MickLH Two hours per week for just over two months
Although he missed a meeting
I'm still curious about the 2k figure, what is that?
The cost of the class?
You pay per credit
Like, up front?
Yes, as with all college classes
Even assuming he got 100% of that money, that's still generous
(he could take any old job that offers $150+/hr and make better money in that case)
@MickLH 150/hr would triple his yearly salary.
even if that's true for his current position, that doesn't detract from the fact that the "non generous" thing to do would be to say: Piss off students, I'm gonna go have real money now.
@MickLH I never made it into a generosity thing
I'm just saying I don't know if $2000 is worth it to me.
I got my summer tuition taken care of by the school, so it's not an issue
The way you expressed it earlier, totally came off like a generosity thing
@MickLH Do you see what I'm saying now?
I'm sure he's not making any money off of me
@0celo7 at which uni are you studying?
@CRAZYGAYSHERIFF Why do you want to know
@0celo7 because @CRAZYGAYSHERIFF comin to ENFORCE DAT LAWH
@MickLH ...
NFORS* sorry for such a horrendous typo
Hi @Alessandro
hi @balarka
How's things?
how are you? I haven't been here in months
doing well thanks, I finished this year's exam so I'm free until the new semester in September
So-so. Yeah, you haven't been here a while.
finally I have some time to study interesting maths on my own!
Nice. What are you planning to study?
@0celo7 just because which uni would require 2k for such a short course
in any case i agree with the sentiment of the others
@CRAZYGAYSHERIFF Summer courses are supposed to be condensed, you're supposed to get the same amount of instruction as in the normal semester
you should be happy even with 1/week
I'm trying to work my way through Shoenfield's "mathematical logic", I've started recently though
I see.
I've always been interested in logic and set theory but I have to wait 2018 before I can get a course on those topics at my uni
you know most profs are very busy
are you still dealing with topology?
once in a week is quite decent for a normal student
Logic & set theory are nice things. Though I barely know beyond the basics.
@Alessandro Yup, learning a thing or two about manifolds.
@CRAZYGAYSHERIFF during the summer?
topology sounds interesting but that's another field I know nothing about
I have an introductory course next semester
do you think research seminars stop during the summer?
Then you'll know about it pretty soon, I think :)
i don't think so
in fact there are many conferences during the summer
I'm looking forward to it
there also is a functional programming course next semester that I'm impatient to attend
@0celo7 People have their own work to do. Research/conferences. Respect that he's spending some time on you whereas he could have done his own research in that amount of time.
2 hours later…
@arctictern sorry about that.
@Alessandro!! Com'esta? I've missed you!

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