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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

yeah, i understand
my guess is that it's equivalent to the following: put a deflated balloon on a soccer ball, start trying to wrap it around the soccer ball (so there are two layers of rubber) until the crease contracts to a single point on the other side of the ball. at that point in time, twist the inner layer of rubber around 360 degrees. then do the original spreading-out thing in reverse.
i've got a picture, let me think to see if that agrees with what i'm seeing
i'm having trouble visualizing what you're doing... it doesn't sound like you start with image a point
oh, i see
imagine you deflated the ballon to a single point to begin with :P
i think that works.
here's one way of checking whether it does. a smooth map $S^3 \to S^2$ has Hopf invariant $d$ if, given regular values $x,y$ with connected preimages, the preimages have linking number $d$
so... find out if that's true
@MikeMiller just to check if I'm forgetting something
if $M$ were a manifold without boundary, then wouldn't this formula be trivial? math.stackexchange.com/q/1810136/137524
i.e. it's only an interesting question if $M$ is a manifold with boundary
I think my mind was just blown
This is not OK
@SemiC yup
send stickers? eh?
you can use ascii symbols like normal. you can still type the text-based smileys. chatrooms don't generally have picture emoticons. you can of course upload images in chat though. and in this one we have $\LaTeX$ we can use.
images using the "upload" button. you'll just have to link to pdfs you upload elsewhere.
right next to the send button, which is right next to the textbox I type in
dunno. why?
see room description

We have that $R$ is a commutative ring.

Suppose that $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\overset{f}{\rightarrow} C\rightarrow 0$ and $0\rightarrow C\overset{g}\rightarrow D\rightarrow E\rightarrow 0$ are exact sequences.

Then $0\rightarrow A\rightarrow B\overset{gf}{\rightarrow} D\rightarrow E\rightarrow 0$ is also exact.

I want to show that each exact sequence can be arised by short exact sequences as above.

Can we show that by induction?
@Liam no.
I replied to a particular message of yours. Obviously I answer the question in that one;
plus you could follow the link.
I do not share you assessment, but have no interested in further discussion of MO.
But if others want to discuss MO. More power to them.
Not really.
Hey guys. Hope i am not interupting! I have a quick question. When solving a limit in MVC can δ(ε) have the form of δ'+c ?
Hi @GeorgeSmyridis
Are you from Greece?
Yeah, is it obvious ?
Because of your name :D @GeorgeSmyridis
From which city? @GeorgeSmyridis
I thought you had to be greek to recognise it :P
So you are greek ha?
Who says that I am not :P @GeorgeSmyridis
And you also study there?
Yeah! This is the first year i study physics!
Evinda? That doesn't seem greek
It's not my real name
So from which city are you?
I am from Crete
Do you study there?
@Liam mainly I said two things: a) offensive content should best be handled discreetly. b) most of the time there is no need to follow up on unhandled flags with chat-messages to moderators.
So... I will go to sleep now... See you... Kalhnuxta :) @GeorgeSmyridis
So, can anyone answer my question?
Kalhnyxta :D
'Too bad ST had not read it...
In this room it likely will take you a bit longer.
But you sure are making a good start.
It was to cheer up the idle summer time.
@GeorgeSmyridis Does MVC mean multivariable calculus?
As a good observer you'll find out.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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