I have to find the normal vector of <7cos(t), 7sin(t), 7ln(cos(t))> at point (7, 0, 0). That point is t = 0. The normal is T/T' and T is r/r' where r is the vector I was given. I get r’: <-7sin(t), 7cos(t), -7tan(t)>
|r’|: 7sqrt(sec^2(t))
T(0) : <0, 1, 0>. This is correct.
T: 1/7sqrt(sec^2(t)) * <-7sin(t), 7cos(t), -7tan(t)>
So only the center coordinate can change since sin(0) and tan(0) are 0, but the derivative of sqrt(sec^2(t))cos(t) is 0. How is the normal not <0, 0, 0>?