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I am dying. I just cannot understand to save my life what $V^*\otimes W$ is if $V$ and $W$ are finite-dimensional vector spaces.
I know that elements of $V^*\otimes V^*$ are just functions $V\times V\to\mathbb R$.
well, bilinear functions, @JosuéMolina. What are elements of $V^*$?
Elements of $V^*$ are linear functions $V\to\mathbb R$.
Cool. Tensoring with $W$ should then mean you have linear functions $V\to W$. Can you show that?
If $\varphi\otimes w\in V^*\otimes W$, I suppose I would show that by letting $\varphi\otimes w:V\to W$ such that $v\mapsto \varphi(v)w$?
(I have no idea what definition of tensor product you're working with, but you should be able to sort it out, if necessary, by using $W \cong (W^*)^*$.)
Right, for a simple tensor, yes, and then extending bilinearly.
That is, by saying that elements of $V^*\otimes W$ are linear combinations of maps of the form I wrote above?
See, you're not dead yet :P
Hmm... more generally, then, still assuming $V$ and $W$ are finite-dimensional real vector spaces, does $V\otimes W$ have a "nice" interpretation, too? Or do I have to use the fact that $V\cong V^{**}$ to make sense of it?
Yes, I would use that interpretation.
Well, if you want to use linear maps, you need to use $V = (V^*)^*$, yes.
Otherwise, though, what would an element $v\otimes w\in V\otimes W$ look like? Is it a map? o.o
(I know not all elements of $V\otimes W$ are of that form)
hi chat
hi @Semiclassic. You can think of it as a map (acting on elements of $V^*\times W^*$), or you can think of it as a "bivector" (especially when $V=W$). You can think of it as vectors in $V$ that are "twisted" by vectors in $W$. This will make more sense when you get further in certain fields of math. :)
Phew! That makes sense (the first two sentences, lol). Thanks for your help, guys!
Sure thing, @JosuéMolina.
2 hours later…
So d(e)/dx = e^x
meaning the y value of e^x is it's slope
so then you have (1+e^x)^-1
what's the purpose of adding one? Why do we divide by it?
what's the derivative of like.. x^3? is it 3x^2? Seriously trying to remember calc
I'm pretty sure that's it
so if you had a function to tell you the probability that something is like A or B (classification)
and it looked like this (1+e^a)^-1
I guess why do we even use e in this formula to begin with if it's transcendental?
meaning all we have is a rough approximation of it
No idea. I know nothing about probability theory!
this is used for artificial neural networking
a is like a cost function
That sounds cool, but know nothing of that either :-P
@tylerl-uxai seems like the answer depends heavily on the specific context where that function appears
I mean they do various functions for getting the probability
one of the most popular is sigmoid, which uses Euler's number
but I don't see the point if we can't even computer it algebraeically
by the way, I'm really sorry to call you one of those anonymous people
you seem like a good enough guy to be a mod of a chat about math
Hi @Ted.
Are you worrying about inexact numerical methods?
Studiosus commented on my answer, told me a source about how to find a manifold that has no affine torsion-free connections that are locally symmetric.
I guess we use e since it shows growth rates?
He knows everything.
how long would it take me to understand what Mike Miller just said?
It depends on what you know.
basic math
Do you know about topology?
My friend says what I did for fun was topology
I drew a circle, square, and triangle
@tylerl-uxai I could parse that sentence a year ago. I started learning calculus about six, seven years ago. One could take a less circuitous route than I did, if they wanted.
@tylerl-uxai I don't see what its transcendence has to do with anything. All exponential are equivalent up to scaling of the input parameter, and exp is naturally normalized. Presumably neuroscientists considerations yield a heuristic differential equation with the logistic function as it's solution.
circle + circle = sphere
circle + square = cylinder
that's what I doodled and my friend told me that was topology
transcendence by definition means we can't make this number from algebra
so it's never going to be precise
It's never going to be infinitely precise. What's your point?
if we use 3, it's precise
if we use 2.7123123123 it's not
I don't see why we use e^x when we are doing +1 anyway
and taking its inverse
is the logistic function what e is raised to?
i can comprehend "parameters", but normalization to me means making... it between 0 and 1 (I think)
oh so like they take a ... differential is derivative I hope... they take d(e^logistic function)/dx to see something for some reason
3 is an exact value for 3, while 2.7123123123 is not an exact value for e. but what is your point? the purpose of these values is not to have exact values, but to approximate real-world phenomena. I don't see you criticizing the usage of pi because it's transcendental. Would you seriously claim we should use 3 instead for the area of a unit circle because it's exact whereas 3.14 is not an exact value for pi?
Probably is a function that was obtained by solving an ordinary differential equation that modeled the system, but I cannot say for sure.
anon, my dad is abusive. Sorry, I can't talk to you
@tylerl-uxai again: presumably neuroscientific considerations yield a heuristic differential equation with the logistic function as it's solution
that sort of makes sense, Josuè
I wonder what other things the equation was before they solved it for the probability
If that's the case, then your argument becomes: "Why does y'=y have solution y=c*e^x instead of y=c*3^x?"
The number e is an interesting one.
I guess the number... hmmm.. Like if you take e^x, it doesn't also equal x?
only when you take the derivative
oh I see, you're substituting 3 for e
I need to show that $\mathbb S^n$ is orientable using the fact that if $M=M_1\cup M_2$ is a manifold, where $M_1$ and $M_2$ are open, orientable submanifolds such that $M_1\cap M_2$ is connected, then $M$ is orientable.

My idea is to say that the set of all open balls in $\mathbb R^{n+1}$ each intersected with $\mathbb S^n$ forms a cover of $\mathbb S^n$ comprising open, orientable submanifolds with connected intersections.
To use the fact to prove $\Bbb S^n$ is orientable, you need to split $\Bbb S^n$ into two orientable open submanifolds whose intersection is connected no?
like, say, M_1 = S^n minus north pole and M_2 = S^n minus south pole
Oh! I see what you're saying.
I don't know why in the world I was also thinking about cutting the sphere around the equator, lol. Thanks.
well, that is essentially what I said, but each region needs to be a little bit over the equator to be a covering, and for simplicity we might as well go all the way to the poles
4 hours later…
Can someone please verify my solution?
Q: Approximate spectral decomposition

Valery SaharovSee attempt below I am interested in effective computations in finding approximate spectral decompositions in some suitable format. Let $A: H \rightarrow H$ be a Hermitian operator on an $n-$dimensional Hilbert space $H$ with the spectrum $\{\lambda_1, ... \lambda_m\}, m \leq n$. Then, $A$ can ...

Why does Wolfram's Gram-Schmidt compute the result using the rows of a matrix and not the columns?
My book uses column vectors
Hi @AkivaWeinberger
I can't read Hebrew :)
g.translate can
i v just completed a perfect "fur elise" symphony that of beethoven just using keyboard :D
Is there any name given to a column vector whose elements are the unit vectors i,j,k ?
@Albas Uh? What do you mean by an element of a vector being a vector?
@Balarka Okay. Got it. I was thinking of a three by three matrix with each column being a basis vector
That's the identity matrix. Or if you arrange the columns differently, any permutation matrix
@Balarka If you do not mind can i ask you something about curl. I have been introduced to it in electrodynamics. The book says that it is extremely useful in physics. But mathematically why do we care about the curl of a vector say $h$
I am not familiar with curl yet.
@Albas Well, do you know what curl intuitively measures?
No@TobiasKildetoft I just know curl is defined to be $\del \times h$ for a vector h
@Albas Ok, are you familiar with what curvature is intuitively?
How much curved something is. By curved I mean with respect to a straight line how much is the deviation
@Albas It is better to think of it as how fast the direction of a tangent vector changes (relative to how fast you move along the curve)
Okay. So more curved implies more change in the tangent vector
curl is then intuitively the part of the curvature that is orthogonal to the curvature
sorry, not to the curvature
Sorry, let me start over.
Curvature is the speed with which the direction of the normal to the tangent changes
and curl is the speed with which this changes orthogonally to this (so how must is "curves" away from the direction it was going)
Sorry, but with which what changes orthogonally to what?
Same question here
@BalarkaSen yeah, I am mangling this pretty bad
so curvature is how fast the direction if the normal to the tangent plane of the curve changes, and curl is the part of this which is orthogonal to the direction of the curve.
I am still unsure what that means. I agree curvature is how fast the normal of the curve changes direction, that's fine. But what do you mean part of it being "orthogonal to the direction of the curve"? I assume by direction of the curve you mean the tangent vector of the curve, but normal of the curve by defn is orthogonal to the tangent vector.
So that still doesn't make sense to me.
@BalarkaSen The curve has a tangent plane, and one vector in this plane gives the direction the curve is going
Your curve lives in $\Bbb R^3$, then?
@BalarkaSen Yeah, that is the only place I can offer intuitive ideas
OK, and by tangent plane you just mean the plane orthogonal to the normal of the curve?
now fix a normal to the tangent plane of unit length, and see it as a vector starting at the chosen point on the curve
@BalarkaSen Isn't tangent plane the natural thing to start with in order to get the normal to the curve? I might be misremembering, as it has been like 10 years
I don't know. To me normal is unit vector orthogonal to the tangent vector of the curve, which is the most natural thing to start with IMO (it's the image of the derivative). Curves are 1-dimensional, so tangent lines should be more natural than planes.
anyway, we can see the curvature as a measure of how fast the end-point of this normal moves. And the curl is how fast it moves in the direction orthogonal to the direction of the curve (still along the tangent plane)
@BalarkaSen The tangent vector of the curve has an entire plane of orthogonals
You're right, I was thinking of the principle normal.
@BalarkaSen But the important thing is that we have a distinguished plane with a normal vector
and we can intuitively see the curvature as a measure of how the end-point of the normal moves around (well, how fast it does so), while the curl tells us how fast it moves if we only consider the direction of movement orthogonal to the tangent vector of the curve
Wait. Let me get this straight. In the tangent plane there exists this vector which gives me direction of the curve and and how fast the normal to the tangent plane moves along the direction of the curve is the curl. Right?
@Albas No, the curl is the part orthogonal to the direction of the curve
so in some sense we always expect to have the normal move at least a bit in the direction of the curve, as long as the curvature is not zero. But it might only move in this direction (think of the curve of sin embedded in 3-space)
But isn't that just the normal at that point
on the other hand, it can also fail to just move in the direction, as can be seen from a spiral
isn't what the normal?
(this would be a lot easier if I had a blackboard to draw on)
@TobiasKildetoft Starting to make sense, but not quite as much rigorously as I'd want it to be.
@BalarkaSen Ohh, this is completely non-rigorous
I am still having issues with the direction of a curve at a point. The direction if a curve at a point is given by the tangent vector at that point . Now curl is part orthogonal to the direction of the curve. That means the curl is orthogonal to the tangent vector at that point
In a nutshell, you look at a curve $\gamma$, it's unit normal $\mathbf{N}$ at $x_0 \in \gamma$, and curl measures how much $\mathbf{N}$ moves forward (as we go from $x_0$ to $x_0 + h$) towards the direction of the tangent vector at $x_0$, yeah, @Tobias?
@BalarkaSen Not quite
Oh well. I need to get to work.
I don't think I can explain this properly without drawing stuff
Thanks for you effort @TobiasKildetoft I have to go . I have spent too much of time . Have to study
I will come back and try to understand this again
1 hour later…
Is there an explicit way of finding an orthonormal basis of an m-dimensional subspace S of C^n if projector P onto this subspace is known?
@ValerySaharov Sure, the projector gives a basis, so do Gram-Schmidt on that basis
WTH is going on:
How do I determine which columns of the projection matrix to use? I don't have a concrete matrix, I only have a formula $P_i:=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint\limits_{\mathcal{C}(c_i, \varepsilon)} (A-z I)^{-1}\,dz$ that project onto an m-dimensional subspace
Q: MathJax broken in "Related" section

Martin RThe MathJax/LaTeX rendering seems to be broken for question titles in the "Related" section. Example from Show that 1 + $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $I + A$: (Observed with Safari and Chrome on OS X, Firefox on Windows.)

Hi @Krijn
@DanielFischer Thanks; BTW, I'm using Opera.
@DanielFischer Physics is also infected with it.... I'm citing it there....
Btw, is this $P_i:=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint\limits_{\mathcal{C}(c_i, \varepsilon)} (A-z I)^{-1}\,dz$ really a projector? How to show it. Suppose, we know that A has m eigenvalues within the circle C(ci, eps)
@ValerySaharov if $A$ is diagonalisable with $B$ st $BAB^{-1}$ is diagonal, check out what $B^{-1}(A-zI)^{-1}B$ looks like. If you calculate the relevant residues you should see that the integral becomes a projector onto the eigenspaces of $A$ with eigenvalues inside of the contour.
In the case that $A$ is not diagonalisable look at Jordan form instead, I can't see it without pen and paper but maybe the same arguments will go through
I am trying to develop the decomposition in approximate format in the first place. So I can't rely on diagonalization, let alone Joran normal form
Here is my question.
Q: Approximate spectral decomposition

Valery SaharovSee attempt below I am interested in effective computations in finding approximate spectral decompositions in some suitable format. Let $A: H \rightarrow H$ be a Hermitian operator on an $n-$dimensional Hilbert space $H$ with the spectrum $\{\lambda_1, ... \lambda_m\}, m \leq n$. Then, $A$ can ...

I was suggested to use the contour integral around several roots of det(A - lambda I) to find an approximate projector
I think I misunderstand, when checking to see if a general statement is true, do you care about what theorems you use to prove its truth? Because what I wrote is a way of seeing that the formula indeed gives projectors.
In your question you also write that you cannot decide what multiplicity roots have, but this is easy. Just take derivatives of the polynomial, if the first $n$ derivatives have a root at $x$ then the original polynomial has a root at $x$ of multiplicity at least $n$. If the $n+1$ derivative doesn't have a root at $x$ then the multiplicty is exactly $n$
hmm actually that last thing may not be true sorry, if it has root $x$ of multiplicity $n$ then the first $n$ derivatives have a root $x$, but the converse could be false.
also isn't matrix inversion more expensive computationally than eigenspace decomposition?
@BalarkaSen You're projecting a vector orthogonally.
Sorry, but projective which vector orthogonally to which plane?
In any case this was Albas's question, not mine.
What are you reading?
Differential forms.
I studied a bit of basic algebraic geometry for a couple weeks few days ago. But not right now.
@s.harp I don't care about computational complexity.
All I am trying to do is, to find an effective method of computing an approximate spectral decomposition
I was suggested this cyclic integral as a projector. But it's also cyclic reasoning -- using this integral requires the diagonalization to exist
I try to find an approximate diagonalization
My question is: is this a legit approximate projector and how to find a basis of the subspace that it projects onto
If $A$ is diagonalisable, these things give the projectors you want. If $A$ is not diagonalisable, consider a jordan block $A=I \lambda + n$, ($n$ nilpotent) then $(A-zI)^{-1}=((\lambda-z)I +n)^{-1}=\sum_{k=0}^\infty (-1)^k \frac{n^k}{(\lambda -z)^{k+1}}$.
The sum eventually terminates because of the nilpotency of $n$. Only the first term contributes to the residue.
But the first term is exactly the projection onto the Jordan block.
So the same argument will go through and the formula will give a projection onto the generalised eigenspaces if the matrix is not actually diagonalisable
$1/2+1/2^2+1/2^3......\infty=1$ correct or not?
@DeNiSkA no, it is a finite number
oh i thought you had written $=\infty$, but yes it is $=1$
thanks @s.harp once again :)
@s.harp I do not assume existence of neither diagonalizations, nor Jordan normal forms. That's the point
I need to develop them in the first place
But approximately, so that they are effectively computable
jordan normal form always exists in $\mathbb C$
@MAFIA36790 nice to see you in math room
are you looking to construct a proof of its existence using your constructions?
@s.harp Just look at the question
What's the point to look for an approximate decomposition if I can build the exact ones?
I need an effectivel compuational apparatus that computes them in approximate forms as I specified them
Heya @AlexClark.
Hey @BalarkaSen
What're you learning?
Symplectic, but I'm terrible with differentials
Help me with this, if you want to: $M$ manifold of dim 2, $p\in M$ and $\alpha$ a differential such that $\alpha_p \neq 0$
So for some open $U \ni p$ we would have that $\alpha_{|U} = a_1 dx + a_2 dy$ for smooth $a_i$ right
@DeNiSkA nice to see you in SE
By a differential, you mean a 2-form or something?
Oh sorry, $\alpha$ is a 1 form
So forget that $dy$
No wait
Do not forget the $dy$
No, that's right.
Now, why is $\alpha_{|U} = fdg$ for some smooth $f$ and $g$
2-forms would locally look like $f dx \wedge dy$.
I'd say $dg = g_1 dx + g_2 dy$ as well?
Where $g_i$ is $\partial g/\partial x_i$, yes.
@BalarkaSen Hi there. Doing Bifurcation homework atm
So $fdg$ is just $fg_1dx + fg_2 dy$?
Now I'm wondering why I thought this was a hard question actually.
@MAFIA36790 haha :)
@MAFIA36790 what happened to jee mains?
Have you really proved that $\alpha$ locally looks like $fdg$ yet? I don't think so.
@ValerySaharov if you have a hermitian matrix and you know some EV lie in an $\epsilon$ ball around some point, then the integral as an expression will give you the exact projectors onto the corresponding eigenspaces. If you use some algorithm to calculate the integral you will get something as close as you like to the projector in operator norm. If you then write
$$\|(A-\sum_i \lambda_i P_i)\|=\|\sum_i (\tilde \lambda_i \tilde P_i - \lambda_i P_i)\|≤\sum_i |\lambda_i| \| \frac{\tilde \lambda_i}{\lambda_i} \tilde P_i - P_i\|$$
Ah no, so the question becomes, why are there $f,g$ such that $f \partial g/\partial x_i$ is equal to some $a_i$ on $U$
I don't see it
@Krijn This looks wrong. Are you sure you want to prove that $\alpha$ looks locally like $fdg$?
It should be a sum of such things (which is more of less obvious).
I'm very sure that it says $\alpha_{|U} = fdg$
i read this question on MSE but i am unable to find it now the question waas something like this : how does integration gives us area under the curve
Maybe ask someone else. I am barely learning all this, so possibly I don't know what's going on
@Krijn You haven't really proved anything yet
@s.harp So do you mean that this projector is not an approximate projector?
@ValerySaharov if you can exactly calculate the integral you will get an exact projector onto the eigenspaces corresponding to the eigenvalues inside the contour (provided no eigenvalues lie on the contour itself)
@MikeMiller That was rephrasing the question
@s.harp and you can't show this integral converges to the right projector without assuming diadonalization and/or Jordan normal form?
What does $\alpha_p \neq 0$ mean, if I may ask? $a_i(p) \neq 0$?
@BalarkaSen That's my guess, yeah
Why are you guessing?
What is $a_i(p)$?
$\alpha_{|U} = a_1 dx + a_2 dy$
In a chart, yes. Do you really need to work in a chart to make sense of "$\alpha_p \neq 0$"?
No, not really
But I thought a chart might come in handy to prove that $\alpha_{|U} = fdg$
@ValerySaharov I can't/don't know how without assuming that a diagonal form/jordan normal form exists. But the proof does not need you to know the explicit way in which the matrix you are considering is diagonalised. What I understand is you want a computational method to calculate the eigenspaces, not a computational proof of this expression being the same. I confess here that I have no idea what a "computational proof" is supposed to be though.
@Krijn Don't work with coordinates. Do work in a chart. As a hint, start by proving that there's a nowhere-zero $f$ such that $d(f\alpha) = 0$.
@s.harp No. I don't want to find a computational proof nor do I want find a computational method of calculating eigenspaces. I need to find eigenvalues/eigenvectors/eigenspaces in APPROXIMATE format without any reference to exact eigenvectors/eigenspaces. Approximate in the sense as I described in the quesstion. In paritcular, for a vector it's || Av - cv || <= eps
where v is an approx. eigenvector
$\rm Ext$ is confusing
and c is an (approximate) eigenvelue
@AkivaWeinberger Where do you feel confused about it?
So is Doopler's Ear-Scrambling Sensation, but we don't complain about that
@MikeMiller iwut
What, in particular, is confusing about the definition? @Akiva
Doppler is quite intuitive.
Wait, isn't Doppler the color-changing and/or pitch-changing thing?
I don't know about ear scrambling
Yes. For any waves in general.
@Krijn I think the given hint is too hard. Let me try to think of something more elegant.
I don't know about ear scrambling
Theoretically, doing exercises on $\rm Ext$ will help with my understanding
or examples
but I'm so tired and jet-lagged
Then do something else with your life lol
Like sleeping?
By the way, I now own a copy of The Martian both in Spanish and Hebrew
I find the construction of Ext and/or Tor quite exciting, philosophically.
Tor is also confusing
What does "exciting, philosophically" mean here?
Same idea. You measure how much tensor product functor and the hom functor fails to be exact, in both cases.
@AkivaWeinberger You start with a left or right exact functor, use a injective or projective resolution of objects and apply the functor to get a chain complex and extract out the homologies which turn out to be independent of the resolution.
To me, that's a nice construction.
@Krijn OK, I have a much cleaner tip, if you want it.
@MikeMiller Do tell me, please
Start by finding a $g$ such that $\text{ker}(\alpha) = \text{ker}(dg)$
Without using charts?
The best way of doing this would probably to be to use a specific chart, not a random one.
What do you mean?
Are you sure you don't want to think about it first/
I am thinking about it, but I don't know how to parse your comment
There is a specific chart in which it's easy to find that $g$.
did you kill your brother?
So like, a chart where $\alpha = da + db$?
we're not interested in $\alpha$ at this stage, remember - just its kernel
we want its kernel to be in a particularly nice form in this chart
@s.harp I didn't expect I couldn't find answer literally nowhere
@MikeMiller This is probably a stupid question, but a chart describes $\alpha$ locally, so how do we pick a chart that is nce for the kernel of $\alpha$?
with gusto
Hey mike!
hi Saal
I just finished asking a question on MO
Took me two hourspretty heavy but I'm sure you could help
Q: A careful roadtrip from locally symmetric spaces to algebra

Saal HardaliI'm trying to break the classfication of locally riemannian symmetric spaces to little steps to make it more comprenhesible (and s.t. the technical details can be verified without drowning completely). The first big step which I find difficult to break to concise litlle pieces is how to get fro...

It's again about this symmetric stuff
it's not true that locally symmetric spaces are automatically complete unless it's secretly part of your definition
there's a geodesic reversing isometry on every small ball in $\Bbb R^2 \setminus \{0\}$
which is not complete
I got that from nomizu somewhere
I think he uses there analyticity but I wasn't sure
unclear to me that writing everything in 'the most modern language' actually helps intuition, but sure. de Rham's decomposition theroem is proved in Kobayashi-Nomizu
I need to go back there.
what's your goal with all this, out of curiosity?
No, I was about to tell you
I got into lie algebras and representation theory and I just realized It could be very useful there.
I want to be comfortable with going from the riemannian world to the algebra
So I could relate stuff back If I needed it for intuition.
ok. I'm not sure how important it is but you might want to get some more familiarity with actually working with and thinking about Riemannian manifolds, maybe - I say this because your isometric extension theorem is clearly false
It's from nomizu
Wait a sec.
your proposed* isometric extension theorem
pick a metric on the plane, say, that's the flat metric near the origin, that's got nonzero curvature away from there
you can't possibly extend the identity map on the ball (where the codomain is the plane with the flat metric) to a local isometry everywhere
could do something similar on the sphere if desired
Yeah I realize it's wrong now I'm looking back at the source to see what I translated wrong,
Aha, I need to add analyticity.
So decomposition theorem doesn't work for general locally symmetric space?
I'm trying to understand why the function f(x)=x^2 for x in the reals does not satisfy the definition of DIScontinuity. I know that it is obviously true because I can prove it is continuous (which is the negation of continuity) but I can't see how I can show the definition of discontinuity breaks down for f(x)=x^2. So why does x^2 NOT satisfy discontinuity at a point c in R?
What is the definition of discontinuity and how does it differ from the statement "A function is discontinuous if it is not continuous"?
@MikeMiller Actually the example with punctured plane doesn't work because I assume simply connectedness.
I'm trying to think of an example with a sphere.
@s.harp Take your favorite definition of "continuous", and negate it
Or just say "not continuous"
@AkivaWeinberger yes I was asking a pedagogical question
"There is an open set whose inverse is not open," I guess
It's easy to find such open sets for most discontinuous functions
@SaalHardali All I said was that your isometric extension theorem fails
The question @GridleyQuayle asked was how he could show that a function is not discontinuous, he said he had shown that it was continuous but did not see how to show discontinuity fails. The point is that proof of not (not A) is the same as a proof of A
But you'll still be able to extend involutions on locally symmetric spaces
Here's an even better example of a locally symmetric space that's not complete: unit ball, flat metric
@GridleyQuayle So what definition of discontinuity are you using

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