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if you have self-correcting it is better
What's $Z^k_f$?
let us write it as $F_q^k = F_q (+) .... (+) F_q$ k-times
the book uses the notation I've written before
Ok, so $Z_f^k$ is the same as $\Bbb F_f^k$? That's weird notation, plus unusual to denote a number by $f$, so just making sure.
that is correct @BalarkaSen
Fine. So encoding is just a injective morphism of direct sum of finite fields, and decoding is a surjective morphism in the other way.
What're the mathematical structures arising from this?
(by that I mean, "what next?" :D)
I don't know yet I am still learning @BalarkaSen
give me like 1 week and I will tell all about algebraic coding theory xD
Ah, alright.
I will do my project on either gappa code or elliptic cryptography in that class
Can you define the noise thing you mentioned above?
yes, so for example suppose we send as above a orginal message which composed of bits
suppose we send (1,0,1)
but in the end after decoding we receive (1,1,1)
then we know that there was noise affecting our message, which changed our original message
Sure, that can happen. So how to deal with this noise?
with coding theory by implementing error correcting codes
for example you know ascii ?
they use something called even parity
the characters we use in the computer is 128 characters
but the ascii character has 1 extra bit they use for error detection
so what they do is that they change bits before sending such that the number of bits is even before sending
if you receive odd number of bits then something is wrong
you can do the even parity thing mathematically as follows
the encoding function is given by $E(x_7,...,x_1) = (x_8,...,x_1)$, where $x_8 = x_7 + ... + x_1$ where addition is done in $Z_2$
I have a good book for you if your interested to know mor
more it is the one I am reading from
Abstract Algebra
Theory and Applications
Thomas W. Judson
Stephen F. Austin State University
It is actually a more recent book done in 2009
@L33ter 1993 ed ?
Interesting, but not sure if I digest that. What's guaranteeing that if I send a message with even number of bits, and if I encode and then decode it, then if it's wrong it'll consist of odd number of bits?
Thanks for that recommendation, but I was merely curious about it. Not planning to study anything, I assure you :D
let us for example take an example
A in ascii is 65
65 in binary is 1000001
After encoding it is still 1000001, since it has even number of bits
now suppose we send this and receive 1000011, then we know something is wrong
@L33ter What if we receive 100001 or 10000011?
it will not detect error in this case
it is not a perfect encoding scheme the ascii
it has problems such as above you mentioned
but, using algebraic coding theory we get better methods
Certainly interesting, but I'd be more excited when you can tell me efficient methods to do this :) Let me know when you learn some of this stuff.
i imagine there are tradeoffs to be had, i.e. the more error protection you want the longer the encoding must be
i vaguely remember stuff like hamming codes but not in any detail
yeah that reminds me
we can put a metric on the information
called hamming distance
let us define something called a code word
a code word is just subset of the alphabet so in the case above it is subset of our field above in the decoded information.
I am confused. We were working with $\Bbb F_q^n$'s.
What are the codes here?
so a code word is subset of it
Subset? Or an element?
code word is the alphabet we use it doesn't have to be the whole thing
and a code is an element
we can define hamming distances on codes as follows
Oh. So a code is an element, and a codeword is an element of some factor in the direct sum?
Makes sense.
Go on.
now we can define a metric on the the codeword as follows d(x,y) = number of bits that are different from x and y
Yeah. Sure.
for example suppose x = 1100, y = 0011, so d(x,y) = 4
we can let $d_{min}$ define that minimum distance in all elements of the a specific code
@L33ter I think you mean code, not codeword here.
Morning, @MikeMiller.
morning @MikeMiller
we can prove the following theorem
C be a code with $d_{min} = 2n + 1.$ Then C can correct any n or fewer errors. Furthermore any 2n or fewer errors can be detected in C
the proof is actually easy
Interesting. Thanks, I think I get the idea. Exciting.
@SemiC: I seem to have lost the review you sent me. any chance you can resend it? I have time now
i don't, but i think i remember the title of the book being reviewed: "Fukaya categories and Picard-Lefshetz theory" (no guarantee on spelling)
yeah it is very interesting stuff @BalarkaSen
@MikeMiller trying to convince the internet to stop employing a certain meme seems a pretty sisyphean task
o that book
i'm curious what you get out of that. it's quite beyond me @MikeMiller
alan rickman died
ugh. that sucks
Could someone of you take a look at my question:
Q: Taylor expansion - How can we deduce that?

Mary StarWe have that $$\tilde{E}=\frac{u^2}{r^2}+\frac{Gv^2}{r^4}, \ \ \tilde{F}=\left (1-\frac{G}{r^2}\right )\frac{uv}{r^2}, \ \ \tilde{G}=\frac{v^2}{r^2}+\frac{Gu^2}{r^4}$$ and that $$u^2(\tilde{E}-1)=v^2(\tilde{G}-1)$$ By considering the Taylor expansions of $\tilde{E}$ and $\tilde{G}$ about $u = v...

@MikeMiller uh-oh
lol that emoticon buisness
@MaryStar you write By the Taylor expansion of E~E~ we get $\tilde{E}=\frac{u^2}{r^2}+\frac{v^2}{r^4}G+\text{ remainder }$... but $\tilde{E}=\frac{u^2}{r^2}+\frac{v^2}{r^4}G$ ! That's no 'expansion', you've just rewritten the same thing twice
@BalarkaSen you should be suspended for a very long time, and if the mods don't do it I send what you told me to MSE team.
Besides that I delete my account, and this is not cool for many users.
@SuperstarMonica as you wish. you were the one who attacked and called names, not me, so I'm not really afraid. I doubt action would be taken against me.
'I generally assume @SuperstarMonica is simply suffering from some sort of psychological trouble. I can't find any other explanations for the stuff she talks about. '
if you're rude to people, don't expect they would be nice to you.
@BalarkaSen Hope you're out for at least a year. Not for me because I don't come here anymore.
@BalarkaSen Do you realize that you would talk like that with mathematicians like Euler, Gauss, Ramanujan? Because you simply don't care the person you talk about.
@Semiclassical: Really enjoyable summary.
To be clear once and for all
@BalarkaSen I'M AT A DIFFERENT LEVEL!!! (my math is not kindergarten)
What the hell is going on here ._.
Hey @BalarkaSen
Hi everyone
I did quite a lot on my project on cohomology
@SemiC: See in particular the discussion on the bottom of page 6. Very cool.
I read about the "principal ideal domain" on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_ideal_domain):

Principal ideal domains are thus mathematical objects that behave somewhat like the integers, with respect to divisibility: any element of a PID has a unique decomposition into prime elements (so an analogue of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds); any two elements of a PID have a greatest common divisor (although it may not be possible to find it using the Euclidean algorithm).
Does anyone know any examples of domains in which it isn't possible to use the Euclidean algorithm to find a GCD?
@MikeMiller glad you found it interesting, heh
@BalarkaSen and if one day it happens to go crazy completely, well it was for the total dedication to the math, and that must be appreciated. You understand?
Learn what real dedication means. No one to ever talk about my math.
Now I'm definitely out.
@Hippalectryon But do we not get that when we apply the above formula?
@Ropstah: Any example? How would you take the gcd of 8554739202 and 57849208433?
@MaryStar No. Show me how you're applying it to, for instance, $\tilde{E}$
@MikeMiller: From reading Wikipedia I'd say using Euclid's algorithm, or using LCD
Oh! completely misread your question. To be exactly opposite what you asked. (I thought you were looking for an example where you can use Euclid's.)
Or is the answer simply a matter of computational feasability
I guess using complex numbers is a case?
There isn't bexessarily a Euclidean algorithm in an arbitrary PID.
No exactly, that's what I'm also getting out of the statement, however I'm looking for an example where this is explicitly the case (so where it is not possible to solve using Euclidean algorithm)
Take $\Bbb Z[-\sqrt{p}]$, $p$ prime. There exists some $p$ such that this is a PID but has no Euclidean algorithm. (Challenge: Write down a Euclidean algorithm for $p=2,3$.)
@Ropstah: The thing is that when I hand you an arbitrary ring "Euclidean algorithm" doesn't make sense until you write down an algorithm. Look at the Wikipedia page for Euclidean domain.
i guess 'which $p$' is the obvious question
Ok I think I get it
even in cases where one exists, you still have to find it. You can't just say "Use the Euclidean algorithm"
@SemiC: I don't remember, hence the existence statement.
163 is a case
Just a wild guess haha, thanks for the explanation!
Occasionally I should be adjoining 1/2 there, I forget at which primes.
I'm going to look at $p = 2, 3$ ;)
Try $p=2$. I wouldnt do $p=3$ because I mucked something up.
Does Euclidean domain = rign possessing a Euclidean algorithm?
@Krijn Hi.
@SuperstarMonica Look, I never said anything about your math (if I do, I do apologize), I do respect what you do. It'd be silly to say computing integral & series is not really math, even thought it's a rather isolated area of math (hell, technically any branch of math is - mathematics is big). I have issues about one and only one thing - calling good mathematicians like Ted and Tobias names. If you quit that, then I have no complaints.
@Semiclassical Yes.
from Wikipedia's page on PIDs, one has the statement "An example of a principal ideal domain that is not a Euclidean domain is the ring $\mathbb{Z}[(1+\sqrt{-19})/2]$."
I knew I was messing up the 2
i wonder if 19 is the smallest one?
probably else they would have had the smaller example
@Krijin What did you study in cohomology? :)
so far that's the only counterexample i've seen cited while googling
i'm sure it's not the only one, but the lack of other examples is a bit annouying
what about Z[\sqrt{-5}]?
For positive integers $p, n$, can the expression $$\sum_{k=0}^{p-1}\binom{p}{k}\left(1^{k}+2^{k}+\cdots + n^{k}\right)$$
be simplified?
@BalarkaSen Not a PID
oops, right.
done anything interesting?
I can prove the immersion and submersion theorem.
Dunno what that means.
@Hippalectryon dsl j'avais plus internet hier... Pour ton exo aucune infos sur la continuité de $f$ ou monotonie ?
@JeSuis Aucune info, mais tu peux commencer par le cas $f$ continue/monotone (en gros pour le cas général tu dis que c'est la même démo sauf cas pathologiques)
Suppose that we gave $x(t)=c+ \int_{t_0}^t \Phi(x, \xi) d\xi$.

If $x$ is continuous, how do we deduce that $\Phi(x,t)$ is continuous?

Since the left side of the equality is continuous, so will be also the right side, i.e. $c+ \int_{t_0}^t \Phi(x, \xi) d\xi$. So we deduce that $\int_{t_0}^t \Phi(x, \xi) d\xi$ is continuous. Do we deduce from that that $\Phi$ is continuous?
$M, N$ be manifolds with $\dim M < \dim N$. Then given a smooth map $f : M \to N$, if for a given $p \in M$, $Df_p$ is injective (i.e., $f$ is a immersion at $p$) then there exists local coordinates in which $f$ is the canonical inclusion $\Bbb R^{\dim M} \hookrightarrow \Bbb R^{\dim N}$ by setting zeroes on $\dim N - \dim M$ coordinates.
@Hippalectryon Ok je vais essayer ça
This is the immersion theorem. Submersion theorem is for $\dim M > \dim N$, $Df_p$ a surjection.
(then $f$ is locally a canonical projection, by deleting $\dim M - \dim N$ coordinates)
@Hippalectryon We have $$\tilde{E}\approx \tilde{E}(0,0)+u\tilde{E}_u(0,0)+v\tilde{E}_v(0,0)+\frac{1}{2}[u^2\tilde{E}_{uu}(0,0)+2uv\tilde{E}_{uv}(0,0)+v^2\tilde{E}_{vv}(0,0)]$$

Since $\tilde{E}=\frac{u^2}{r^2}+\frac{Gv^2}{r^4}$ we have

$\tilde{E}_u=\frac{2u}{r^2}+\frac{G_uv^2}{r^4} \rightarrow \tilde{E}_u(0,0)=0$

$\tilde{E}_{uu}=\frac{2}{r^2}+\frac{G_{uu}v^2}{r^4} \rightarrow \tilde{E}_{uu}(0,0)=\frac{2}{r^2}$

$\tilde{E}_{uv}=\frac{G_{uv}v^2+2G_uv}{r^4} \rightarrow \tilde{E}_{uv}(0,0)=0$
Cool. What's the correct statement for Banach manifolds?
@MaryStar Looks correct to me
@Hippalectryon si tout vas bien, quand $x$ est très grand, $f(x+1)-f(x)$ tend vers $0$
@Semiclassical Hi!!! Did you see my question?
(You may assume that the correct conclusion is "Is locally given by a continuous linear map", which is all you're saying above. I'm interested in the correct conditions.)
did, but it's not the kind i can help with
@Hippalectryon So is what I have done in my question correct?
@MaryStar I don't see any $G_v$ in your question, so I don't think so
@Semiclassical A ok... no problem...
Does anyone else have an idea?
@Hippalectryon Oh yes... I will change it and calculate again the taylor expansion of $\tilde{G}$...
I'm trying to think. Inverse function theorem holds just fine for Banach manifolds by previous discussion (I have a complete ball), so that isn't a problem.
So presumably something in the proof.
Right, well what about implicit, which is what you're using here?
But we don't use implicit function theorem in the proof of immersion theorem?
Ok, whatever, the proofs are literally the same. Feel free to think about the proof instead then.
Ah, ok.
One starts by choosing local parameterizations $U \to M$ and $V \to N$ and looks at the open set level map $g : U \to V$. $Dg_0$ is injective, and one changes basis so that the $n \times m$ matrix has identity in the $m \times m$ block and zero on the rest. I think this is where things start to fail, because this argument cannot be generalized in infinite dimensions.
($n = \dim N$, $m = \dim M$)
I'll have to study now, so I'll get back to you later. Sorry!
The xhange of basis is inconsequential. Especially if I only want the final result to be of the form "...is locally linear".
@BalarkaSen Oh just regular cohomology in Hatcher up to the Universal Coefficient Theorem
We have to present that in an hour, so that should be enough
When I take an upper or lower sum for a Riemann sum (I'm in Calc II), is there any special way to account for the fact that the sample points of each rectangle can be at different positions? (It's the "finding the area under the curve" precursor to integration)
As I understand it, upper sums use left and right endpoints for rectangle approximations based on whichever produces the largest area (and similarly for smallest area with lower sums). How can I express this mathematically using sum notation?
I figured it out now. The sample point positions don't matter.
Hi guys
I had a quick question on Taylor Series for e^x as shown on wolframalpha.com/input/?i=e%5Ex+taylor+series wondering why they put O(x^6) as a stand-in for the remaining terms if they are much higher order. How is O(x^6) an upper bound on those?
It's wolframs way of trying to prevent over calculation/designate infinite series.
At least, that's what I'm thinking
Does anyone know of a summation from 0 to x, that yields x^2 as the result?
the closest I have is the summation of odd numbers, but then at x = 0 I get -1
@user17753 $O(x^6)$ means that the absolute value of the remainder can be estimated by $Cx^6$ for some constant $C$. Wikipedia: Big O notation, Taylor's theorem.
@TheGreatDuck Is $x$ an integer? What about $\sum_{k=1}^n (2k-1)=n^2$?
A sum of 2k-1 does not work. K = 0 results in -1. Unless I am misinterpreting summation that should not work.
$n=0$ results in $0$ as desired
So, does the summation not add anything when n = 0, similar to how a for loop would not execute if the starting value is already at it's limit?
for (int i=1; i <= n; i++) {}
n = 0 < 1
@user17753 It's for $x\to0$. Hence $x^{j>6}<<x^6$
@Huy What about $\sum_{n=0}^x\delta_{n,0}x^2$ ? :P
don't know what you're summing over
So do I always assume x to 0 if they don't specify it?
@user17753 Look closer
@Hippa: where did you learn to tex
@Huy I'm too lazy to add \displaystyle
i said from 0 to n
@user17753 ^
why would you add display style
@TheGreatDuck then use Hippas cheat solution
So that the indices look better on the sum
@Hippa I was refering to the $\sum_0^x \to \sum_0^{n=x} \to \sum_n=0^x \to \sum_{n=0}^x$
Is there something I have to do to get the mathjax to show up in chat? Or do you guys just read it as code?
im not entirely sure what you just said
does this sequence split?
@TheGreatDuck $x^2=\sum_{i=0}^n\delta_{0,i}x^2$
i simply want a series with the lower limit of n=0, an upper limit of x, and a result of x^2
@TheGreatDuck he gave u1
@Hippalectryon: Sadly, I don't know how to read that math jax. Are you trying to do a composite function.
Huy: he slipped in before me. :p

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