Today I told one of my students, a female, that I would challenge her to a drinking contest after the semester ends and whatnot. She said she could easily take me on, not knowing that I am 60% liver :-P
@JonasTeuwen there are about ten million incarnations of that song... On youtube you find Tom Waits and about a dozen horrible country versions. I didn't dare posting any of them here.
In NL it is common that after your defense you have to take the commission out to a restaurant. My advisor said he had high expectations of the wine which I will serve :-/.
Not me. Possibly a female imposing to be me, but perhaps not. Regardless to that, I am not in Switzerland. I may eventually get there, though. Heads up for the Swiss, I expect a drink, and possibly to be ditched in the snow!
@JM So you know how you said that the perverted random messages in forums made you feel ashamed to be a guy? I think they are easy to ignore. On the other hand, I have an anecdote based on a true story that I find not so easy to ignore:
@JM: Girl studying maths undergrad is asked by classmates if she's taking any courses apart from Lie groups. She says "yes, for example 'set theory and logic'". They answer "huh? I didn't know women were capable of logic."
Today at the office hours a female student tried to explain a proof she wrote, and it was completely awful (and she knew it), so I told her that it would be sexist to say that I couldn't follow the logic because she is a woman, and in fact there are women in mathematical logic, instead I related it to the fact she is a freshman.
@JM The full context is: he's the maths olympiad sort of person and is a year younger than everyone else. He was hitting on me a year earlier and because I don't like games and beating around the bush I told him straight that "no". He seemed grateful at the time that I didn't waste his time... but maybe not.
@robjohn: I noticed a strange bug in the MathJaX engine here, unfortunately I lost the cached toy example by the closure of a thread :) Let me try to build another one.
(I know it's probably far from minimal, but I wanted to make sure it works) here's the code $\stackrel{\stackrel{\Large\stackrel{\frown}{\smile}}{\cup}\stackrel{\wedge}{\bigvee}\stackrel{\Large\stackrel{\frown}{\smile}}{\phantom{\cup}}}{\huge{\frown}}$
Hmmm, does a question about Euler characteristic / genus count as general topology, geometric topology, or algebraic topology? We don't have a tag for combinatorial topology...
@robjohn: this one's stable on the main site, but it isn't here: $\stackrel{\stackrel{\Large\stackrel{\frown}{\smile}}{\cup}\stackrel{\wedge}{\large \vee}\stackrel{\Large\stackrel{\frown}{\smile}}{\phantom{\cup}}}{\huge{\frown}}$
@JM Sorry I was distracted. That was in all seriousness... I especially appreciate to have the place previously occupied by people like Rush and whatnot (as Asaf would put it)