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@tb "I am not going to give more details here, since to flesh this out would be the topic of an advanced graduate course in arithmetic geometry, and I don't have time to write the notes for such a course!" :D
Hmm... maybe "know thyself" is meant in the Biblical sense, as in "go **** yourself".
(I meant indeed he has reacted to iyengar's comment on meta.MO)
Any bets on how he'll moan when Matt E's absent (becomes more busy)?
there are so few questions on stochastics... I wonder, what does Didier reply to in these years of starving
@JM It'll be hard. On the other hand I'm not too sure how much good it does, essentially for the same reasons as Dylan expressed yesterday.
I'm happy my question isn't answered yet :-).
@JonasTeuwen It is a perverse source of joy indeed... ;)
Well, it somehow means I'm not that stupid if I couldn't solve this over a couple of hours.
Well, you're a master now, aren't you?
@JonasTeuwen engineer ;)
Yes, engineer actually.
But I didn't really do much engineering courses. Two numerical analysis courses.
Well, I'm one of the very last Ph.D.'s in mathematics from ETH. Now you become Dr. sc. ETH. which looks ridiculous to me.
A doctor of sciences? Sounds good!
@JonasTeuwen ;D that's not so engineering. I took Hybrid Systems and Models of Systems' Design. I still don't how I managed. It's like @Asaf taking class in numerical methods
@tb The "ETH" is part of it?
@Srivatsan Yes, thanks. :)
and hi.
I would drop the "sc. ETH." part...
@tb "Dr. sc. ETH" isn't as bad as mathsexchange.com!
@Srivatsan hi!
I would never!
hi Ilya.
Good evening, @tb, @JonasTeuwen, @AsafKaragila, @Srivatsan @JM, @Ilya, @robjohn : Can I tell you something?
Hi all.
@Mattilda Yes.
@AsafKaragila do set theory again?
hi, Mattilda, sure.
Can you delete that please.
@JM I would never never do set theory again.
@Mattilda Delete what?
So you knew already?
@Mattilda just tried to guess what was you confession
@Ilya: You said you found possible photos of me.
omg! I was not serious
I thought I was obvious anyway.
@Mattilda puppy?
@Mattilda By your middle name? :-D
Did everyone on the list see it?
@AsafKaragila Yes, for example.
@Mattilda see what?
@Ilya What you wrote above.
I see nothing. Do explain.
don't think so
Ilya: [a question that is so terrible that we can't repeat it]
Mattilda: "Please delete that"
What is going on? Please?
@TheChaz: delete it, please
Thanks, @Ilya.
I don't understand this...
@Ilya: Again, where did you find my photo?
@JonasTeuwen Matt apparently does not want to share it
Shoot. Can only change display name every 30 days. I don't feel up to answering questions with a female name : (
@TheChaz: thanks
@Mattilda: it is nice to meet you. Unfortunately, I have to go. And sorry again, it was just a guess, I was not serious
@Ilya Likewise, though I believe we've met before : )
@Mattilda Yes, you have. You're not the only one with name-changing rights... ;)
@Asaf I feel like in 10 days each of us will be killed, carrying this secret to the grave
@Ilya It is extremely windy! In front of EEMCS I could hardly keep standing up.
@JonasTeuwen what can I do? I want to get home finally
@Ilya: If there is going to be a nuclear world war, then perhaps.
@Ilya Just go home :-).
Ok. Now I feel less dishonest.
@Mattilda you can certainly write an email to [email protected] and ask to change it back.
see you all later
@Mattilda: good luck with solving the problem
See you, Ilya.
Bye Ilya.
@tb Or just not use SE for 30 days.
@Mattilda But then you'll miss the math and nutty banter...
But how will I help you with forcing then?
What do you mean?
If you go away for 30 days, how can I answer your forcing related questions?
btw, @AsafKaragila: After telling you my middle name, did you realise and play around or did you not realise and really think I'm gay?
@Mattilda Neither...
Anyway, can you tell me who of you knew already before today or before the name change business? I was never really sure how obvious I was.
Somebody ping me when the androgyny discussion is over.
I never really cared, actually.
@TheChaz: Sure. :-P
@TheChaz Sorry for this, going to go in a minute.
I can't speak for "obvious", since I tend to see the subtle bits...
Starting now! :)
@Mattilda I am not sure why you switched from the handle this to that. But, having done so, do you really want to go back?
@Srivatsan Yes.
@AsafKaragila Nice : )
@Mattilda Ok.
Ok, have a good evening you all. And I'll see you around.
I mean, if it was the same university and we would sit together in the same room it might have mattered. This is the internet, we're all dudes... :-)
@Matt, If it counts, I think I've said my thoughts yesterday: "I don't even care if you're a dog."
I'm with @JM on that. I hope that you're not gonna disappear...
@AsafKaragila I have to, I have a friend over for dinner so I have to cook something.
Cooking is fun.
Not so much but it can't be helped.
@Mattilda I presume he meant, disappear forever.
Depends on your kitchenware, I'd guess.
Okay. Have fun, Matt, and see you around.
@Mattilda As I said, write an email. They can certainly do something about it.
@AsafKaragila Agreed; having the wrong tool can be disastrous.
@tb Ok. Will do. Not sure how to explain it to them without making them think I'm mental.
Gross @JM
Holy crap monkies, the smartcard reader of my bank doesn't work with Linux. This needs USB sniffing.
@JM Yeah, cutting cucumbers with a wooden spoon is nearly impossible.
@TheChaz Which one?
Don't worry about it too much, Matt. I don't think the mods would care too much either. =)
@Mattilda Just say you changed the name out of a whim and you didn't know you couldn't change it back immediately.
@JonasTeuwen Unenlightened... ;)
@JM Maybe I'm stuck on the androgyny thing, but that comment (and the "kitchenware" one) seemed quite colorful
@TheChaz It was literal, though.
Standby - asking my smartphone to explain the humour
Siri doesn't know.
Looking back, this comment is real funny.
Oh are we talking about trusting God again?
:2644750 I still can't believe they agreed on implementing maths.stackexchange.com ... :)
I put the "s" about the one JM's mentioning. Sorry.
Just an s in the wrong place.
Silly me :)
Ah the proposed site.
@TheChaz I thought it was Andrew Stacey's idea, but it isn't.
Do people really say things like "We study maths"?
Well if you study more than one math, then yes, @Srivatsan
@Srivatsan The Brits certainly would.
@JM Well, actually, Indians say that. But I assumed it was just an Indian thing.
About to trend on reddit/f
@Srivatsan The Brits hung around a lot there too (once upon a time), you know... ;)
@TheChaz So... you're suggesting we have to kill all Brits, Indians and Ozzies? Including Ozzy Osborne?
He urinated on the Alamo. And as a native Texan, I find that unacceptable!
That. Was. QUICK : D
@TheChaz Yee-haw!
@Mattilda - what was quick?
@Srivatsan Cutting a salad with a knife, instead of a wooden spoon.
@Srivatsan Matt's appearance, that's what.
Oh, I was deceived because the name hasn't changed in chat.
Matt is back. Thought I would have suggested "Mr. Matt" or "Best Matt" to avoid confusion with others.
Who receives those emails anyhow?
Yeah, really.
Can you merge accounts?
The Chaz wants a golden badge bestowed upon him :)
But not the emails to the mod team of m.SE, the emails from my students I do get.
Another golden badge, mind you :)
I want two more badges, I need three votes and an accept for that, though.
Not very subtle, Chaz. ;)
I actually don't mind them being separate, as I suspect such an answer by "The Chaz" would not have been as well-received
Wait, what? You have a dual account?
Yes. "Altar Ego"
@TheChaz Reminds me of Roofus McLoofus...
Well, Asaf wasn't around during the "imperative mode" session.
Yes, I think Asaf was on the tracks at the time...
On the tracks? Was I hunting vector spaces or something?
Well, when the König no longer knows what his underlings are doing.... REVOLUTION!
You were on a train ride weeks ago, no?
So am I Roofus, or Razborov? ;)
@JM Oh yeah, on the way to my girlfriend's parents.
@TheChaz Dunno. :) But why not, say, "The Chuck"?
As the alter? Too close :)
Roofus is, and always will be, George Carlin's character in the Bill And Ted movies.
What's the point of this answer? Not only is it repeating the previous answer, but also it explains a single idea twice. [answer deleted now.]
But I don't understand the new answer.
D.M.'s answer?
I hate repeating myself but: lol
At least he knows what tag to use...
Yeah, small consolation...
Why doesn't the engine catch the Complex Analysis thing at the beginning? I thought it filtered such stuff out.
@Srivatsan it's gone.
Yep, I noticed. I had also commented on the answer.
I saw that. Thanks.
Begging the question = petitio principii, right?
(assume what you want to prove)
Yes, that's the proper Latin.
@JM I don't really like: "In fact, what that question is actually asking is: "How do you make money?"." That's simply not true in general.
I left a comment on the main question.
How do you get links to a comment?
@tb Yeah, but some people use "what do you do?" as a "polite" version of "what's your source of income?".
It sucks. But you can usually tell by their tone...
"I chat on MSE all day. Oh wait... you want to know how I pay for the internet connection? "
@JM Sure, some people do. However, not those people who I tend to meet at parties and they ask the same question.
@tb Have you met someone interested in what you do not just as a source of income? [Of course, non-mathematicians.]
Then you're in nice company, @t.b. :)
@Srivatsan: Yes and @JM yes (at least I try to be).
@tb You try to be what?
It's part of the reason why I don't talk much about this hobby...
I was once told at a party that I don't know how to sell myself. He couldn't conceive that I couldn't care less.
@tb That guy you speak of is precisely the sort who asks "what do you do?" as a loaded question...
@tb "All humans are vermin in the eyes of Morbo!" - Morbo.
@JM It's getting harder and harder for me to believe that you're just a hobbyist. Afficionado would be a better term. And a damn versatile one at that!
@tb I told you; I'm not a mathematician... :)
If I'm having a conversation with an attractive woman at a party, inevitably a friend of mine will interrupt with a comment about how I like math. Party pooper.
@TheChaz I'd treat that as a litmus test (for the girl). But still, with friends like those...
Seriously! I've had to formulate a rebuttal in which I accuse him of recently having a vasectomy.
@JM - what do you mean by "litmus test for someone"?
I have a feeling all of us are talking about different things here. =)
I understood it to mean that you could tell something (significant!) about the girl, depending on how she responds to the fact that I like math.
What Chaz said.
@JM Yes, exactly. Hate those guys. Gave him verbally what amounted to a kick in the scrotum... Turned out to be the boss of the one throwing the party. Whoops.
I don't see why people really care what you do. =) We should be able to do away with all these explanations.
I was once talking to a MS friend over lunch. He certainly couldn't believe how worthless my Ph.D. sounded to him.
@Srivatsan "should". That's the sticky point.
Worthless in what sense?
After meeting someone, isn't it natural to want to know how they spend most of their time, or what they enjoy?
After all my efforts trying to explain what an approximation algorithm is, "So what real-life problem do you solve?" I had to lie to him that we solve practical problems affecting airlines and such. I am sure some people do, but I don't.
@TheChaz Yes; unfortunately, people also use that to figure out which "box" to put you in...
That's why I usually start the conversation with a loaded political or religious statement.
:) :D
Now that's cojones... ;)
@tb Well, I am not saying my Ph.D. is worthless. But I couldn't translate whatever I am doing into terms he can relate to -- I am guessing this is the usual trouble.
"I couldn't translate whatever I am doing into terms he can relate to" - hit the nail on the head.
@JM I am somewhat hard to get along with.
Low hanging fruit is my favorite part of the math food pyramid.
I will have a PhD in obsolescence.
Now I feel a little bad (Jason's last comment to his answer)
@tb - why do you feel bad?
Because he took MaX's job of petty revision?
@TheChaz I have a feeling you have too extreme a view towards what's petty.
@TheChaz Exactly...
Perhaps, the other extreme. =)
I welcome your input!
Petty as in here? Or is that already plain silly?
I feel that someone discussed that recently on the meta...
@tb Yikes.
Do suggested edits list stats like: how old is the post?
@tb That's petty. I don't think typos fall under the same category.
I think math.stackexchange.com/questions/89158/… is a horrible question and shouldn't be allowed
@QED - why forbid the question altogether?
because it sucks
@Srivatsan If you look at the guy's activity page most of them are $\leq 10$ characters changed, the longer ones are hiding links using markdown and "edited title" means capitalization of the first word.
MaX and I have since discussed this.(@tb)
@QED It's uncomfortable, I'll grant. But still, on-topic.
I think it is a good question. People that provide funding are often no professional mathematicians, so it is a good skill.
What Jonas said.
In the meantime, I need my shut-eye. Later, y'all.
Later, JM.
Bye JM
Bye JM
"Why repeat what's already been said?" - Bill
I was SO tempted to copy that verbatim right below.
Because I like to be an idiot.
^_^ ;)
(btw, the ^_^ is my way of emoting repeated raised eyebrows)
Now foods ready and friend is late.
How was dinner?
What did you cook?
Does anyone else find "Every Ramsey family is happy." an amusing fact?
@TheChaz thanks for that
For my emoticon definition?
your chat with M.
the questions on this site are too advanced to answer
Oh, right!
stack land on a smile, nice!
@tb I already did a smile, $\stackrel{\odot\angle\odot}{\smile}$
@TheChaz Ya, thanks for the update.
@AsafKaragila feeling happy?
@robjohn When?
@AsafKaragila you just posted a lot of smiles.
Do you guys also get a problem after about two seconds?
@robjohn Hi. Your answer attracted a downvote :)
It's snowing here. Looks great.
One "good" thing about Skullpatrol's edit is that the question now has an answer posted: math.stackexchange.com/questions/11267.
@Srivatsan Is it proven where Grigory says? I don't see it.
That is also a terrible question
How come all these non-math questions are being allowed? They all used to be closed
@robjohn No idea, rob. But when Mike said something about generatingfunctions, I assumed something like what you show. [I didn't downvote.]
@QED Look at the date. It's over a year old.
@QED seen this?
@Srivatsan I am guessing that Grigory is the downvote.
@robjohn Perhaps. I briefly posted "Downvoter, care to explain?". I deleted it soon afterwards because G.'s comment appeared in between.
(shameless plug) @robjohn Did you see this?
Shameless plug-starring.
(Or would that be [shameless plug]-starring ?!?)
@robjohn It is pretty close to what Mike does here
@JonasTeuwen I like the way you phrase your questions. =)
@tb Oh, I missed the first link. I was looking at the two further on.
@Srivatsan How do I frame them? 8-).
@tb I guess I should delete my answer, as it doesn't present anything new then.
@JonasTeuwen I don't know. I just feel a little more involved while reading it. =)
You use an area (L - 2x)(W - 2x) to frame your answers, with a border of x around them
@TheChaz As much as I would love to find a mistake in that comment, it looks correct. :(
Love me some applications of polynomials.
∈ {high school math}
I just stated that $\binom{2n}{n}=(-4)^n\binom{-1/2}{n}$ follows by induction. I left out my derivation of that fact because I thought the rest was more pertinent, but I guess not since Mike had already given that part.
@robjohn It's your call. But it's somewhat sad for the wasted effort. Why not repost it in the other thread, explaining that you mistakenly posted it in the follow-up by Mike without seeing his answer? It is a slightly different take, I think.
I may do that. Thanks, it does take the sting out of the wasted effort.
@robjohn: to encourage you: I won't vote on this answer, but I will on the re-posted one!
@tb Well, now that I look at Mike Spivey's old answer more closely, it is pretty much the same as what I gave. I don't think it is really worth adding there. The only thing that I could add is the formula I stated a few messages back, which neither Mike nor I proved.
@robjohn I see. In any case leave a comment to Mike's question so that he'll see it.
(the answer)
Oh, he won't be pinged because the answer is deleted?
Normally he won't. He might see the beginning of the answer in his inbox if he looks closely.
@robjohn Sorry about this, robjohn. You should have a go at the combinatorial interpretation though. =)
@Srivatsan I wil do that, thanks.
The good thing is that Grigory, if indeed he is the downvoter, actually left a comment about why he downvoted :-)
@robjohn Aw, that was nice. I would've told you, of course -- had I noticed it myself. I hadn't seen the first link myself since I assumed I knew what kind of proof Mike is talking about.
That would have been one of those cases where I'd just have left it at a comment without downvote. It definitely was posted in good faith...
@Srivatsan: out of curiosity: were you notified of picakhu's comment to the bounty question?
No, I was not. I was notified of robjohn's answer, and I noticed p.'s comment only then.
Good to know. Then it's probably worthwhile to edit the question and hope that commenters will add a ping to the one having set the bounty.

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