@anon Mind checking a proof of mine
Q). Prove that a star convex set is simply connected.
Consider points $a_0,a \in A$ where A is star convex. Now by the definition of star convex there exists a path between $a, a_0$ lying in A. That is,
$F(a,t)=(1-t)a+t(a_0)$. Consider a path $p:I \to A$ . Then the composition defined by $f:I \times I \to A$, $f(s,t)=F(p(s),t)$ such that $f(s,0)=p(s), f(s,1)=a_0$ is a path homotopy between the constant map and p. Since the straight line homotopy is the path homotopy here, $\pi_{1}(A,a_0)$ is trivial. Also A is path connected . These two show that A is sim…