@AsafKaragila Sure, there are a few more of these plugins and the internet becomes a much calmer place... Problem is that I'm no longer used to all these bells and whistles they add to the sites nowadays, so whenever I use another computer I risk an epileptic shock...
Let's say p = x^a A1(y) + B1(x,y) and q=x^b A2(y) + B2(x,y) where the deg_x B1 < a and deg_x B2 < b. Then pq = x^{a+b} (A1 A2)(y) + B(x,y) where deg B < a+b.
Now it remains to check if A1(y) A2(y) can be zero when both A1(y) and A2(y) are nonzero. That seems impossible, doesn't it?
Next step would be to look at the y-deg, I guess. Since the original polynomial is linear in y, one of the two factors is linear in y and the other is constant in y.
Let's say e=0=g, so that the second factor becomes a constant in y. Then we have ((ay+b)x + cy+d)(ex+f), where a,b,c,d,e,f are all integers. (I am mixing up e,f,g,h etc., hopefully it's ok.)
Er, peace was mostly a lingo that has stuck from my undergrad days. (I don't use them often, but from time to time, unintentionally). It doesn't really connotate "om shanti". ;)
i do not know much aboutit but....i was surprised to read the use of concepts from statistical mechanics in the recent attempt by Vinay (not sure of the name)......so does it involve any probability in it ?
That ClearDarkSky site is both cutely named and useful...
I'll make a tiny observation based on that "unanswerable question" from Reddit and the nutjob "arithmetic precedence" question from way before (and apparently also from Reddit): apparently it is sometimes easier to ask a question and wait for it to be closed as a duplicate, than to go through the trouble of searching if the question's been asked before...
Dunno. It's not like I'll take the trouble to stalk him. On the other hand, if he pulls that stunt of copying from MathWorld all over again, I'm blowin' the whistle on him...
i am not able to understand why he says these things.....he says that my standards are dar below compared to other students....and wont be able to reach it even after 6 years
for the first one year whatever i did he deemed it as useless....and later for next i.5 years i ve been doin exactly what he says without asking why....i even submitted 2 conf papers....in which the entire material was written by him...i just typed...and did coding and experiments...
"the entire material was written by him...i just typed...and did coding and experiments..." - the way you put it... exactly what ideas did you put on the table? Or all you did was grunt work?
i agree.....there could be wrong with me....but he gives very destructive critisicm and always dismissive.......he says that i cannot get any original ideas of my own and i am not able to write research level papers
after i realized that he doesn't care about others ideas i have stopped putting any new ideas of mine on his table due to the fear of developing a bad rapport
@RajeshD I don't have any impression/experience related to the culture of India, and clearly we cannot tell you here what to do. I am sorry about it, but honestly speaking there are two ways: stay within his group or escape it.
The hardest task is to decide which way to take - but you should know that sometimes (as for me, it is a kind of credo) the lack of decision is worthier then making each of them
also to mention please do not judge anything about my advisor...i still have a lot of respect for him....i do not complain he is bad...just that i do not understand things that are wrong with me
Like I said in a comment under Mike's answer in the Riemann sum limit question, I liked the estimate he gets. Any chance my answer can be souped up to get the same thing?
but they would always be given under the section integral as a limit of summation....so it used to easy since we know that this is the approach we should follow
cool.....it kinda rekindle my memory of those good old days
and also memories of my teachers
we used to pounce on these type of problems desperately trying to get it into the form of function of (i/n).....especially due to the highly time limited competitive exams
Bah, I have been making a number of slip-ups in commenting lately. Yesterday I posted a comment requesting the OP to accept an answer when she had clearly stated in the question that she didn't understand how to accept. Today, I posted a comment asking to add the [homework] tag when the tag was already present. Anyone been through this? ;)
So Rajesh, where do you study? City and college...