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whew, feeling much better after the sinus-ejection buisness. sinusitis is being a huge pain in the neck.
@anon sphere minus a few open disks is just a wedge of a few circles. you can construct a cover of wedge of circles from any given subgrp of F_n.
by the correspondence theorem
Read the conversation before you jump in. It continued.
I didn't intend to read all of it. I just saw the question and answered. But since you want me to read it, I am looking.
I don't care if you read it for your own good. I care that if there's a question posed in the chat, and other people respond, you should read their responses before giving your own.
fair enough. sorry.
oh, @anon wanted examples of coverings which are compact surface minus disks
Presumably when he said 'minus open discs' he meant them to be small enough that the resulting space is a surface, so any covers of that are automatically surfaces.
hmm. that's interesting, I don't know of such a "good cover" off-hand. let me scroll on to see what you and PVAL discussed about branched covers (I've never grokked these)
Like you said, finite index subgroups give finite degree covers. It remains to figure out what the genus of these covers are and what the number of boundary components are. (And then once you have that, to draw the picture.)
Oh, the last results I got are simply toooooooooo amazing!!!!
I'm overwhelmed ...
What do you guys think of my answer to this question?
Does it seem reasonably clear without alluding to the actual answer?
seems nontrivial. btdubs, anon's questions seems to be answered by looking at the classical picture : $\Sigma_3$ covers $\Sigma_2$. so similarly, $\Sigma_{3, 2}$ should cover $\Sigma_{2, 1}$. or am I being silly?
i.e., take three torii squashed togather with two punctures at the end torii, and act by Z_2 using rotational symmetry
quotient : you get $\Sigma_{2, 1}$
He's asking specifically about $\Sigma_{0,n}$.
Regoodnight @MikeM. Hi @Balarka. Soon to walk out of my house for the last time after 29 years ... Sob.
oh, whoops.
@TedShifrin: Take the side door, it'll spare you the front door feels.
hi @TedShifrin. sorry to hear that. I guess that must be hard.
No side door :)
ok, I reckon I dunno anything about $\Sigma_{0, n}$
nah, it's fine ... My friends were sick of me anyhow :D
I guess it makes sense to think about branched covers. Those are precisely covers of $S^2$ minus $n$ punctures. But there's a whole load of rich theory about Riemann surfaces, and I don't know if something purely topological can be done.
I give up! interesting question.
Again, read the conversation...
Mike, I guess anon is seriously learning some topology ....
@MikeMiller yes, reading it bit-by-bit.
What kind of mathematical programming problem will it be if the constraints are non-linear, but the objective function is linear?
@TedShifrin the poor soul
ok. read it.
seems like it has been pretty well-answered. i don't know the answer to the genus-of-covering question, though.
apologies for re-answering (even though my answer wasn't the one desired for)
@MikeMiller if I haven't told you already, I learnt what Bass-Serre theory is a few days ago from prof. seems pretty cool, although I don't know what it's used for.
I've heard the name in the context of solving the word problem for word-hyperbolic groups. That's a good application if I've ever heard of one.
hmm. what's the word problem again?
I have a presentation of a group. I have two words in the generators. Are they equal?
ohh. whoa, I didn't know you can solve that for Gromov hyperbolic groups.
from what I understood from Bass-Serre theory, it's a nice way to visualize universal cover of spaces with fundamental group isomorphic to free product with amalgations. in case of $X \vee Y$, say (where the $\pi_1$ is just free product with no amalgation), the universal cover is a copy of $\tilde{X}$ stuck at each point of $\tilde{Y}$ corresponding to lifts of loops at $Y$ w/ some basept.
similar picture can be obtained for the general amalgated case, in which the resulting spaces is called the Bass-Serre tree.
for the amalgated case, you need something like a notion of an "edge space", which are intervals in the no-amalgation case. this is precisely $K(C, 1)$, where $C$ is the amalgation in the fundamental group of the total space.
You should tell me this another day. I can't think very hard about this right now.
ok, sure. how has the moving been?
I'm moved in. I just have a meeting later today.
oh, I see. well, have fun.
I have to go sleep. G'night.
I wish there was an "Approve edit with gusto" button. I can tell someone they suck when declining an edit, but I can't thank someone on behalf of the English language.
goshdarnit what the hell did i see now
[stabs eyes out]
Just a jewel! :-)
I have used my star allowance for today.
Can any of you guys say that?
chriss can you use a normal A4 dimentional paper to write that or are u using a chalkboard ?
@Agawa001 lol, not really, it's small compared with other stuff of mine. Really. That dimension is just resonable.
@Chris'ssistheartist i use large size papers pasted to the wall of my room when i concieve sophisticated graphs and equations for my projects that i do sketch them upon, try to do that its helpful ...... unless you have a memory of an elephant :D
@Agawa001 :D I hope to have a very good memory until I finish my book (at least).
I write the book but at the same time I do a lot of research that means tons of new problems. I need to keep them in mind somehow.
@Chris'ssistheartist not to my point, sometimes i forget my birthday, im serious it takes me a half day to remember it again
i need some help with one problem , i have this 104,04$ on my account
i know the Interest per year are 2%
i need to know the started money
104,04 is about 2 years
@Agawa001 Really? That's another thing.
i try do 104,04 = x (0,02)^1
@Chris'ssistheartist yes, my mind is occupied by many other things, so i cant mind what is it essential
5202 isnt the real money
@Agawa001 I see your point now.
someone can help me ?
and if i do a mathematical equation, sometimes i go so far enough that make me forget where did i get started from :p
so i use quick sketches on the wall of my room
to remind me again eachtime i wake up the morning
@Agawa001 can you try give me your help ?
@TiagoCoelho hmm about wwhat ?
i have one problem like that :
i have this 104,04$ on my account
i know the Interest per year are 2%
i need to know the started money
104,04 is about 2 years
@Agawa001 you understand my problem?
yes wait
you can do it using binomials
let r= 2/100
The Portuguese Language SE is now in private beta. area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/64172/portuguese-language . Visit the site! portuguese.stackexchange.com
where n is number of years
amount is 104,04
x is what u had in account before taxes
Hi, can someone tell me how the author gets (13.17) from the previous two inequalities on p. 391 of math.ucdavis.edu/~hunter/book/ch13.pdf ? Note that the t in the second inequality is in (-1,0), which he left out.
a closed form need more time wait
i try do that 104,04=x*0,02^1
why this is wrong?
wait im drawing pascal triangle
geometric progression is like for search a first term

it neeeds more simplification
m i wrong
some one correct me
its 104.04/1.02*2
i found it 108,32 ??
isnt the correct result is 100
yes im right
is like 104.04/1.02^2 = 100
value is 108,32986255726780508121615993336
isnt xD
is 100 :D
by geometric progression
i think i didnt understand u at first place
u got an account with an amount of money
after two years
u find 104,04
is it like that ?
so money u had is ~=108
with 2% interest per year are 2%
they take 0,02 so it becomes ~=106
100*1,02= 102*1,02=104,04
they take 0,02 next year from 106
and u get 104
so ????
who is right ?
me xD is my exam
i know the answer
plz clarify ur question
i need to know my money 2 years a go
on my account
if it is 100 it would be less than 100
since they take 0,02
each year
think logically
no ?
since when banks give you more money
you have the opposite when you deposit your money on a bank account your money
grow up
grow up ?
On portugal yes
is true xD
i must go to portugal
to make money
ahah xD
ok ok lemme redo my calculations
its is 100
formula is $x+(1C(n+1)rx+2C(n+1)r^2x-.......(n+1)C(n+1)r^{n+1}x)$
x= 100
do you get my method ?
i must pour loads of money in poruguese banks
ahah i need to know something why Interest per year are 2% on math are 1+0,02?
100% + 0,02?
if it decreases, it would be (100-2)/100
i really prefer to see such kind of questions in chat instead of posting something like this in main

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