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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

hey hey
is anybody here?
I am here, you're somewhere else.
have you heard about Einstein?
yes, that one. he talked smth about relativity - don't remember exactly. smth about here and there
anyway, I've received a letter from one prof. from cambridge where he wrote at the end 'regards, john'
how do you think, can I write him 'Dear John' without 'Dear Professor Surname'? I know it works with Dutch professors - but don't know about others
If I've received a message with a casual signature, I usually address the next message that way.
good evening )
Is it Dr. John A. Zoidberg?
Professor Zoidberg
@Gortaur and to you :-)
I should me correct about your time - but 'good evening' is much more cosily than 'hello'
you may think that there is evening now and it's cool
@robjohn: with casual you mean 'regards, John'?
It is 13:29 here, but I accept all forms of greeting
@Gortaur yes
13 29, unbelievable... you will spent 11 more hours in 11-10-2011
10.5, but yes, quite a few.
I keep telling him not to live in the past. He insists to keep it up.
I guess he doesn't have as much choice as he thinks he has :P
@AsafKaragila forgive him
I cannot. I have no choice.
@anon first read spent 20 min looking for my parts
had a feeling that he is a robot
The past is pretty nice this time of day.
@robjohn press F5
Nothing happens under OS X.
actually it reloaded the page.
@AsafKaragila Mac OS X
I know what that is.
I've been a computer geek since I was 12.
I just shivered :P
I wasn't sure what the ? was for. I used to work as a graphics programmer at Apple.
I worked on QuickDraw GX which was quashed by Adobe just before Jobs came back to Apple.
It made it too easy for third party software to imitate Photoshop and Illustrator.
@robjohn F5=quick save. works for any OS, because it's about your life
I go sleep
@Gortaur ah, okay
c u all tomorrow
sleep well
3rd advice for today
I try to follow them all
@AsafKaragila I am mentioned in that Wikipedia article under the developers.
Wow, you were living in the Apple office?
I worked there, if that's what you mean.
It says that you were a resident :P
:-) ah
been a while since I read it.
Do you have iOS 5 installed on your iPhone yet?
It was a good graphics system, and it is the basis for skia in the Android phones
not yet
I will wait to see if it has any problems with the older iPhone 4
I am sure it works great with the 4S
Yeah, that makes sense.
I'll probably update right away though.
I am still running OS X 10.5 and 10.7 is now out
There's a reason I am using Arch Linux and run pacman -Syyu 50 times a day :P
I'm used to the edgy systems
I used to be, but I've grown more conservative in my old age.
Not too conservative, though.
Heh. I sense my own conservative side grown with time...
Shh... It happens
I think that we grow used to things as we get older and like what we're used to.
I was never good with change.
Garth: "we fear change"
Utopia cannot be changing, or it was not ideal to begin with.
Utopia is perfect, so why would it need to change?
If not, then it wasn't really Utopia.
Yes. I told that to someone a few days ago.
My cats are going bonkers chasing a fly around the house.
How many do you have?
I have one.
mother and daughter from a rescue
My cat is from my brother, they couldn't take care of her anymore so they gave her to us.
the daughter is bigger than the mother. Dad must have been big.
Makes sense.
we have a dog, too. I have mentioned going to walk the dog upon occasion.
Indeed you mentioned the dog.
I am not a dog person.
she likes going to the park and begging treats from people there.
she is quite cute.
At one time, we had two dogs, two cats (all different ones) and a toucan.
and an assortment of fish
A toucan??
What are you? A Guinness banner? :-D
indeed. It was quite entertaining, but a bit noisy for my wife.
So you fed the bird and the fish to the cats, and the cats to the dogs, and the dogs to the shark?
We have a big vat in the back that we used to make dog treats, for people.
poor taste
but not really ;-)
Ah, just found Toucan Brew. Didn't know what you were talking about. I don't think those ads made it to the US.
Hmmm... seems that I will hit 200 rep again today.
I'm slightly over 1/5th towards Epic :D
I did that 4 times last week, but that is it. I made 195 sometime during my first week or two.
I have a long way to go for Epic.
Can those 200 come from acceptances and bounties?
I've only hit 200 twice without acceptances and bounties.
Sure, I think.
Of course, while I have been hanging out on chat, my per diem reputation has declined :-)
today it is only at 105.
Mmmm... a few more votes and I'm spent for the day.
Today will finish in half an hour regardless of the votes
Hey Srivatsan!
Hey Theo!
Hey Asaf. Bragging about your rep, again?
Nah, just getting one day closer to Epic :-)
Congrats! Slooow day today for me.
Considering that you're much less addicted than me to this website, and you still got much more reputation and whatnot... I bet you can take it ;-)
I'm not sure if I'm less addicted, but probably. Only 30 so far, for today
I have an iPhone for a year now. I think that the longest I have gone without checking the site was at most 10 hours.
Woow. Well, I'm not even a member for a year :) Beginning of January, I think
I've only been here a few months. Feels like I'm late to the party.
Yeah, before that iPhone maybe 20 hours was the longest...
anon, do you wear your pants?
when I go outside
Are you outside now?
Well, we have established outside -> pants; is that an equivalence or do you wear pants inside as well?
when others come over or someone turns the heat down
Give me your address, someone will shortly be there to turn off the heat. :P
no :(
Show of hands, folks. Another beer, or arak+pears juice?
@Asaf you're pretty quick when it comes to accepting edits, then you leave it to others to clean up the mess created by over eager editors, hrmph
I'd go for a beer right now
I hate beer. What's arak?
@t.b.: I usually overview the edit, sometimes it's just pretty hard to review tex fix ups.
I love beer. And arak is an anise based liquor. Kinda like whisky only made from anise and not barley.
Yeah, others call it rakı
Raki is something else.
That peach thing sounds awesome. Can you get arak from local grocery stores?
Very annoying waiting until you're 21 in America...
Kinda like how there are different types of red wine, there are different types of anise based liquors.
Wikipedia sez: "Raki, zivania, and ouzo are aniseed-flavored alcoholic drinks, related to arak, popular in Turkey, Cyprus, and Greece, respectively."
That's what I thought
Arak is the best, though. The others are too sweet.
@anon What peach thing?
Oh, I misread pears as peach. I like peach. :/
Peach is a good fruit. Not something I'd put in a drink.
goes awesome with Arizona tea imo
Too heavy. Kinda like mango, at best it can be used to cut very cheap whisky...
But why bother to buy expensive one if you disgrace it with ice :)
Tea should be drank black, strong, without sugar and without milk. At most if you're sick then some lemon and honey, and you better be damn sick.
There I agree.
bleh. I don't like tea if it isn't iced and flavored.
I usually disgrace is with a very small amount of ice. It's just that Israel is very hot, and whereas the room temperature of a European room is 20 C, which fits fine for scotch, in Israel it is closer to 30 C during the summer.
During the winter I'd add a few drops of water at most.
Then I'm relieved. I wish I were in Israel right now, temperatures are ghastly around here, below 10 already
centigrade, of course
I'm sitting in a 28 C room.
Yes, a rough 6 months ahead of us. Hate winter had too much of it
I envy you
Yeah. I should go for the beer, it's cool and refreshing.
prosit, prost or whatever people say around here
I can't wait for next year. I'm going to actually study descriptive set theory.
Oh, no --- that notorious Kalle numbers thread was reactivated, bleeh
Decline the edit!
Uhm, I don't see it!
Oh drats, it was already bumped.
Too late, Gerry already approved it. Ben on the editing rage again
@tb if i may ask, why the name change?
Google sorted my SE account a bit too near the top hits
Hm. My user as well, although so far I have nothing else worth mentioning on the web...
Is that kalle number question like the most downvoted in MSE?
@Srivatsan, yes.
-24 now
Should we vote to delete?
I mean, there are some decent answers there...
that was fast, I just looked a minute ago
Cool. At least it was a historic question then.
I still regret bringing nonstandard analysis into that thread. And I'm not the kind of person that regrets many things...
That's odd, it's not even listed on the page of lowest-rated questions: math.stackexchange.com/questions?page=477&sort=votes
@tb, But if I view all the questions sorted by votes, I don't see this particular question on the very last page.
@anon, Exactly my point as well.
So, it just means it's waaaaay below par
I don't think that finitely many a's would suffice in the description of how "waaaaay below par" that question was.
@Asaf I am not sure you want to say: infinitely many a's followed by a "y".
What's wrong with that? omega+1 :-)
first you must invent nonstandard linguistics
My girlfriend studies linguistics. I'll wait until she'll be in grad school and give her that idea.
Just read the comment thread: "Please forgive me if the actual math went over your heads abit. This is the nature of new discoveries."
Oh lord, this guy won't stop with the edits.
I must lack your superpowers because I'm not seeing a thing.
You indeed have only 380 reputation. There's someone suggesting edits like a Fibonacci sequence.
Wait, it's the same guy, kalle, editing it now? Holy crap that's funny.
@Jacopo: Look forward to it, as soon as you have 10k you'll see a big huge annoyingly distracting orange blob showing up in the header of the site, every now and then whenever someone suggests an edit
didn't know that...
Oh crap. I didn't even notice that the edit I just improved (and meanwhile you rejected) was of a post from a year ago.
I bet he's trying to get Archaeologist.
That's what I look at first: the date
@tb: lovely! I'll comfortably stay at < 1k
I try to do that as well, but sometimes I slip and let them pass by.
Sometimes I wonder if the OP reads my overly long and complicated answers to some questions.
@Asaf: Speaking from experience as OP to one of your answers: no, I only skim it, in hopes that some day I'll get around to actually reading it.
Hm. I see. I sometimes put a lot of work into an answer... oh well, I enjoy writing these things.
It's there for posterity, and I like that.
In particular I am proud of that answer I gave to that question you speak of.
Holy everloving... that "kalle-numbers" bit is all zombified?
Hey @anon, can you post a link to the question, the one that you mentioned a few minutes back?
"no, I only skim it, in hopes that some day I'll get around to actually reading it." - I wonder how many of those 25 voters said those exact same words...
@anon Thanks.
Under the reasonable assumption that a couple are actual set theorist, I'd say roughly 20 :-D
least I'm upfront ;)
Oh yeah, Andres surely read it. ;)
@Asaf You should perhaps plant a bug in the answer, and see who uncovers it, and when.
Maybe put a reward. "If you read this, I'll mail you $5."
@SrivatsanNarayanan Well, I really rather not. I did find bugs in other answers though.
Somewhere in the middle of the answer
@Jacopo: That works well for libraries. On the Internet... not so much.
The one with every set can be totally ordered, it had a bug for a weak in which I got 10 votes, none found it; and that huge choice-determinacy thread...
@Asaf Yeah, you are right. That was a silly (and irresponsible) suggestion.
The answer I wrote there had a bug that stood for a long time.
the perks of being the resident set theorist...
@SrivatsanNarayanan Well, that for one... However I also know that I am being very sloppy and make enough mistakes as it is. Be sure there is something wrong, or to be improved vastly and easily, hidden in most of my long answers.
Calculus/analysis is somewhat easily checked. Set theory, well... :D
Yeah, in exams too.
I was a TA in an introductory course of logic and set theory. Grading the exams was a pain in the ass, with all the long long proofs...
Then I TA'd a calculus II class for engineering students.
I hated every moment of it, but grading the exams was a piece of cake.
@SrivatsanNarayanan: Google Translate has problems with your "about me" message. It gives "The fox is a fox otura nariyila"
@robjohn Oops, I was under the impression no body would read the message.
It's supposed to be a pun... right @Sri?
@Srivatsan: Also, cool rep.!!!
@AsafKaragila Indeed!
I didn't notice that when I was there.
The message says nothing about me. It is just a tongue twister in Tamil (my native tongue) that translates to: "Of the foxes that are running, one is an old fox".
Ah, thanks guys!
I am quite proud of the rep actually. :)
Tamil was the only language choice that gave anything.
Q: Map from $SL(2,\mathbb C)/SU(2)$ to $SL(2,\mathbb C)$

MaryI am trying to write a map $s$, such that $s: SL(2,\mathbb{C})/SU(2) \to SL(2,\mathbb C)$. Using Iwasawa decomposition, I see that any element $g$ in $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ can be written as $g = su$, where $u$ is an element of $SU(2)$ and $s$ is a matrix that is a product of two matrices $a$ and $k...

So you had no choice, @rob?
this made me wonder, what is SL(2, C) topologically?
@robjohn Google translate is not that great for native Indian languages. (For Hindi, it is marginally better though.)
@AsafKaragila I made my last choice when I got married.
@Alexei: What is SU(2) topologically?
@AlexeiAverchenko An ordered pair of sets, such that the right coordinate is a subset of the power set of the left coordinate.
(they are homotopy equivalent
@robjohn Touche. :-D
I am glad my wife doesn't read this chat.
aka S^3
so it is possible that SU(2) has a global section in SL(2, C), right? :D
Huh. Main site's loading slowly...
@Alexei: Yeah, sure.
now i want to construct it too :D
Well... this beer is empty like a can of devils.
oops, not with contractible fiber
with contractible base
wait, now i'm confused!
Unfortunately, I need to venture outside. BBL
ok, so the action of SU(2) on SL(2, C) gives us a locally trivial principal bundle, this much is obvious
now it is sufficient to show that SL(2, C) / SU(2) is contractible
if so, then by a well-known theorem this bundle is trivial, so it has a global section
suffice to show that SL(2, C) / SU(2) is weakly contractible
@Alexei: read the comments I made there. It is true that SL/SU is contractible it's an R^n
Hmmmm. I think I have a beginning of a solution to this question.
@Alexei A connected semi-simple Lie group is always of the diffeomorphic to K \times R^n, where K is the maximal compact subgroup. That's what the Iwasawa decomposition tells you
alright, this proves that i'm still a noob :D
Maybe you want to check out the page on symmetric spaces as well
Hmm, yeah it is a slow day. The front page lists only the stuff posted in the last five hours...
Ok, ok... I'll post my question
@J.M. A very slow day. Liked your Limaçon answer, by the way
@t.b. I managed to think of yet another alternative answer, but I'm still fleshing out the details...
Oh, great! Looking forward to it.
Uhm, does @nickname ping even when in the body of an asnwer?
@Jacopo: nope
@Jacopo: Nope, @ is comments-only.
Ok. Thank you both!
Well. It seems that it is a good point in the night to go to sleep.
Tomorrow I'll work out the quirks of this permutation model, and then I'll start working on an atom-less counterexample. It's gonna be fun on the bun.
I'm gonna write yet another answer that no one will ever read :D
Who knows, you might come up with something short in your dreams... ;)
Hah. If only it was that simple.
Have you seen Inception?
Yeah. :)
Well, my dreams are vastly more complicated to begin with... and they are far more realistic. I mean seriously, that kid from 3rd Rock shooting guns? It is obviously a dream or a moovie.
I once had a 7 layers dream, and I woke up from all of them sequentially. It was like getting up (actually sitting up) seven times in a row, whereas the last time the room was finally my real room. Took me a while to be sure that was not another dream.
Recursive dreams... interesting.
What exactly were you drinking before that? :P
Yeah. I once had a dream in which I dreamt something, then I woke up and told many people in my dream about that inner dream. Or once I was dreaming, I woke up and went back to sleep only to tell people on that part from which I woke up as though it was a dream as well.
Actually alcohol makes me dreamless and helps me sleep better and deeper.
My brain is wired wrong, I have a headache for like... 12.5 years now.
Maybe you mean "wired properly for fringe set theory"... :D
Well, my intuition and ability to visualize things both go pretty much against every possible stream... so I'd say there might be a connection :-P
Question posted! But should it be wiki-hammered? I don't think it has a definitive answer...
Q: Different ways to simplify the structure of a graph

Jacopo NotarstefanoLet $G = (V,E)$ be an undirected finite simple graph with no loops. Definition Let's call a subset $U\subset V$ autonomous if every vertex of $V\ \setminus U$ is either adiacent to every vertex of $U$ or not adiacent to any of them. This notion is used in J. Körner, G. Simonyi, Zs. Tuza, Perfec...

@Gortaur: that's what we were discussing a few days ago. I finally posted it as a question!
I would rather that it isn't a wiki question.
@Jacopo: I don't think so.
No definitive answers, sure, but it's not those run-of-the-mill big-list things.
@JM: You have deleted two whole characters from Isaac's old post? Incredible! :P
@Asaf: Weirdly enough, that restored the pics...
I don't understand why either.
Weird indeed!
The whole post had imgur logos instead of fractals before editing. I wonder...
Maybe imgur had bandwith/downtime issues.
Nah, it was the "This picture doesn't exist" bit...
Well, I'm gonna hit the hay now. Ciao.
(...and I realized that I should've taken a screenshot)
ciao asaf
See you, Asaf. :)
Notte, Asaf!
I'll go to bed too. Good night to you all!
Hmm, funny how "see you" and "ciào" look almost parallel.
Good night to you.
didn't get that parallel bit
The actual pronunciation is something like "tsow", but if you read it phonetically, it's like a mangled "see you"...
...but just a coincidence, apparently.
ah, I see. what are phonetically false friends called?
I've forgotten the English term... sorry. :D
something's wrong with my browser settings. I can't edit or delete comments around here
Usually, if you're still the last one to reply, pressing the up arrow key lets you edit
...but only for a limited time, like in the main site.
hm. when I click on the triangle on the left, there is a popup appearing for a fraction of a second, but I can't click any of those links there. but up arrows seem to work, thanks for the tip!
As with most other features of this site, the discovery was accidental... :D
I know what you mean...
t.b., if you don't mind a somewhat personal question: how many classes are you currently teaching?
none, at the moment, why?
Oh, you're on sabbatical?
as I wrote, I'm taking a break
Oh! I thought it was just from the site... :D
slow me...
well, it was sort of a global break.
What sort of classes did you teach at ETH?
kind of everything as a tutor: analysis, methods of mathematical physics, functional analysis, complex analysis, differential geometry, mostly analytic stuff, though
Quite wide... :D
but analysis is your favorite of them all, I guess.
oh, well, we have solid analytic foundations around here. I liked measure theory and functional analysis the most. They were the most challenging
I prefer to teach topics about which I actually have to think
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