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Is it hidden for other people
when mathjax is on lmao
$\not\to $
@Usuki can you read my message with mathjax on above Disc's "No"?
Lets see if this works, $%@usukidoll$
Can you see that incurrence?
I don't see anything
That's very cool :) $% @ᴇʏᴇs I see into your soul $ $%@usukidoll hi $
ok got all my alignments done.. now to get my proofreading in check and then put the diagrams and models in... well I already drawn and got them... so it's mostly proofreadng and citing stuff
$%@usukidoll, can you see this?$
Secret messages, that will only go past people who do math here... lol
Is the Frobenius normal form easy to learn?
Never heard of it
Rational canonical form?
nguh anyone know how to increase the font size on a report
I got

how do I increase the font.. I want to increase it to 14 point
Heard of that, I have covered it before, don't remember the details, but I don't think it was too hard
@DiscipleofBarney how do I increase the font of a report?
@usukidoll Why do you want to increase the font? you do \documentclass[a4paper, 14pt]{article}
I think
it looks too small when I print it out
Did that work?
wait let me restart
no ,.,
what happened
the font is still the same
it's too small ... how can I make it 12 or 14 pt ?
preferrable 12... 14 was a bit big
What happened when you tried the above? you replace the 14 with 12
ok that helped
it got 12 working yay
I think it depends on the font, if they don't have that size then it goes to its default size. Not 100% sure though
I think only 10-12 pt is supported
anything else has to be used with a package
12pt made it look nicer and easier to read
ummm do you know how bibtex works?
I know I have made very small text, I probably had a package to help me. I was printing off a document a couple times after I revised it, so decided to save on paper with very small text
@usukidoll It depends but normally you have a separate file with all your references and load it ( I think there is a way to do it all in one file though). These are things that you should really look up, since it is all easily searchable
Okay so we just rational canonical form if we can't get all of our eigenvalues
Ahhh companion matrices
@Incurrence I am not sure I would say that, but it is sort of the rough idea, you don't have to leave the field you are working in to get to the form
I think I understand how to create my companion matrices:

$$\begin{bmatrix}\alpha&1\\0&\beta\end{bmatrix}\to \begin{bmatrix}0&-\alpha\beta\\1&-(\alpha+\beta) \end{bmatrix}$$
So all matrices in $GL_2(\Bbb F_p)$ are similar to the three jordan forms $\begin{bmatrix} a&0\\0&a\end{bmatrix}$,$\begin{bmatrix}a&1\\0&a\end{bmatrix}$,$\begin{bmatrix}a&0\\‌​0&b\end{bmatrix}$$
I want to find how many elements there are in each of these conjugacy classes
What was wrong?
With the matrices? Nothing it seems
The commas seemed to be the problem somehow
Now I have $p$ elements in the first similarity class and second, and $p^2-p$ in the third respectively
Now I guess I want to find the orbit of each of these
Where the group action is conjugation
But, the orbit of the first one should be all of $GL_n(\Bbb F_p)$?
(because its a scalar multiple of the identity)
That's not right at all
Then everything would be similar to the identity
and everything would be diagonalizable...
@Incurrence So somehow some random, invisible unicode character got in that matrix, u200b
1 hour later…
testing: $$ \left[ \begin{array}{cc|c} 1&2&3 \\ 4&5&6 \end{array}\right] $$
bah, why is that rendering here but not on the main site
Hi guys
@Semiclassical I copy and paste and it worked on main for me
Hello @KarimMansour
i believe you. probably just something weird with the PC i'm sitting at right now
Do you have $ signs around the whole thing?
yeah. i copy-pasted what i tried to put in the main site above
because I don't think \left and \right will render when by them selves
well, what i specifically wanted to do was this
and while that renders fine here, it doesn't when i put it on the main site's editor. i found a work-around, but still weird
Although I think for that you are suppose to do \begin{cases} \end{cases
at least as a "best practice"
no big deal anyways.
Hi @DiscipleofBarney I decided to return to this chat after all.
hi jasper
Hello, how is your exam?
good jasper got all my marks back pretty happy about the results
@WillHunting Why?
@DiscipleofBarney No particular reason. But I like Barney.
Did you see the other plagiarized answer @WillHunting
what happened
did I miss something while I was gone?
Not really @KarimMansour
@DiscipleofBarney Yes, it has been deleted.
@DiscipleofBarney 3 plagiarised, 2 deleted, 1 edited to show source by @DanielFischer.
Did you flag it?
I flagged 2 but not the 1 you mentioned.
I guess someone realised it too.
Hmm, maybe he saw the post and decided to delete it
Yes. Anyway, I was thinking, why did I get involved in all this online drama? I have better things to do, like trying to get well.
I think the mods probably emailed him to tell him nicely this time.
But what he said in that room shows he was trying to deceive me.
So I am very disappointed in him.
I do not like to be deceived after being abused for 20 years.
OK, enough drama for now.
I wonder if he will come to this room to talk again.
I think he just left
I wonder how he is feeling though.
Is he 13 or 18? Can't recall.
Not sure, probably not good. I don't know
I was wondering why 1 was edited and not deleted as well. Since he added nothing new.
I started to suspect after I saw the way they were written.
It's like a different person altogether.
Yah that is how I came across the one I found
Funny thing is, I only came across it because of what he told me himself.
I think it is hard for someone to study math on his own without mathematical maturity.
I think it is best for him to learn in an institution.
Oh wow, that makes it even more embarrassing, just found the situation you are talking about.
I don't think he really understands the stuff in Apostol, even the calculus bits.
It takes great maturity to understand epsilon and delta.
Copy and paste as proof of mathematical maturity...
But Balarka and I were really trying to help him learn math by telling him to read the books in order from cover to cover.
But he will not listen.
I am afraid he might dig into a copy of algebraic geometry next.
Yah, I am always suspect of a person who says "I want to solve the Riemann hypothesis." it smells of crankery.
Anyways, tired of talking about it
I say that too, but as everyone knows, I am a nutcase.
I saw the massive stuff you wrote in that room.
Hello @WillHunting. Good to see you here again. :)
Hey there @AlexW, I got started on A&M; I think I've seen a proposition or two :P
Hey @pjs36! Excellent, glad to hear it. It's dense stuff, so it takes time (at least for me, haha). Let me know if you want to talk about any parts of it!
I am having a rough time getting through it so far. It's not bad, but it hasn't exactly been my cup of tea; I'm not sure what's wrong
Nothing might be wrong at all - not everyone likes it. Definitely happy to talk through parts of it, if that interests you. I'm also writing some companion notes which are a little less brief than A&M's style, which I'm happy to share.
Ah, I see, that is interesting! Well, I studied quite a bit of group theory, but my profs were all finite group theorists, and I don't remember spending much time on rings; I just never digested a lot of the material
So perhaps I don't have enough examples of rings to play with, or perhaps it's just excessively dry in the beginning
Lol, Balarka was none too happy about that either. It's a bit dry, to be sure, and that doesn't seem to change throughout. A&M aren't chatty, and this is personally to my taste, but others may well disagree.
A solid grounding in basic ring theory will help a lot here, both for examples and appreciating the results.
I found the ring theory portion of my first abstract algebra course kind of boring, but it gets better once you appreciate those basics
once you get to noetherian rings it stops being boring, I think.
Wow finite group theorst? I am sort of ignorant of finite group theory outside of the classic, classification of finite simple, representation of finite group, and computational stuff. What sort of things do they research nowadays? @pjs36
@DiscipleofBarney One was working on representations of the symmetric group over finite fields; he was interested in a lot of combinatorial group theory as well (I can't remember, generalizing some kind of Moon and Moser result; I can't quite remember what it was about)
The other was a $p$-group man; I know he had one of his (master's) students working on something to do with wreath products, and another working on bounding degrees of characters, in some context
They both got their PhD's under Isaacs, whose advisor was Schur, and whose advisors were Frobenius and Fuchs, so the group theory was strong with them, to say the least!
Ah, nice, it seems like finite group theorists are a dying breed, at least as someone from the outside, I am sure they are doing tons of stuff though.
Indeed, Ted and I briefly touched on that the other day. But I'm off for the night, and shall talk to everyone later!
@AlexWertheim Hello Alex, thanks.
@MikeMiller Hello Mike, thanks for your email.
3 hours later…
How do I get compactness?
I need every open covering to have a finite subcollection that also covers my space
Can I choose one open covering and find a finite subcollection that covers the space and I am done(as the textbook seems to do in its example)
I find the wording strange though. I need every open covering
You need every open cover to have a finite subcover (not just one)
Are you CC?
there are infinitely many open coverings
well lets say there are, how would I show that all of these have a finite subcover?
It depends on the space
Well lets say we are looking at the compact subspace of $\Bbb R$, $X=\{0\} \cup \{\frac1n | n\in Z_+\}$
Hmmm now latex
no latex
Go to the latex thing pinned to the "star" board and follow its instructions
Okay good.
You show for an arbitrary cover normally, you don't have to consider each case individually.
Try an example and see if you can get it to work in general (if you can't see how already)
The textbook says that given an open covering $A$ of $X$, there is some element $U$ of $A$ containing $0$. The set $U$ contains all but finitely many of the points $\frac1n$
Okay, is there something you don't get about it?
Then we can take every point of $X$ not in $A$ and stuff it into an element of $A$ that contains it. This collection $A$ along with the element $U$ is a finite subcollection that covers $X$, done
So they put infinitely many points without specifying into a set and then took finite elements to finish it up
Mmmm, I am not sure I get your proof or it is worded strangely.
I don't see how this proof even used any other fact that $0$ being in $X$ and seems like it could be applied to pretty much anything, which makes no sense to me
Munkres page 164 if you have it handy, or I can screenshot
Example 2
It uses that any open set around $0$ will contain all but finitely many points (which I will assume you understand), then you only need finitely many more open sets to cover the finite number of points left over (and you know you can pick those since we are talking about an open cover)
If you tried this on $\Bbb R$ or $[0,1)$ we would have a different story, since neither of those are compact.
@OceansBleed Yes, and once you have $U$ containing infinitely many of those $1/n$s, you can use finitely many more open sets to cover the rest of $X$.
@DiscipleofBarney Yes I understand now, maybe it was a matter of exposure, thank you
That's actually quite easy
No problem
@BalarkaSen Hey
how's your day?
Its okay, not much happened, and didn't do to much. How about you @BalarkaSen
@OceansBleed So you are not CC?
not good. I am slowly recovering from a stomach-related disease I caught up with.
That always sucks
@DiscipleofBarney What's CC?
@WillHunting i am really sorry pls forgive me for the last time
sorry @BalarkaSen
i have deleted all the posts
don't drag me into this...
pls forgive me now i am really not feeling good
@MikeMiller right, i was being stupid. $Y \stackrel{g}{\to} \bar{X}$ be the induced isomorphism of $X \otimes Y \stackrel{f}{\to} k$. Then the following diagram is commutative :
$$X \otimes Y \to X \otimes \bar{X} \\ \!\!\!\! \downarrow \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\,\,\, \downarrow \\ \!\!\!\! k \;\;\; \longrightarrow \;\;\; k$$
The top map is $\text{id}_X \otimes g$, the bottom map is $\text{id}_k$. The side maps are $f$ and $eval$ respectively.
Since the top and bottom maps are commutative, $f$ is necessarily equivalent to $eval$.
Did you do that diagram by hand? @BalarkaSen
yeah, kind of.
@Rememberme does the opinion of strangers on the Internet really matter to you ?
@BalarkaSen What do you mean kind of? Looks like you put quite a bit of time into it. Or do you have an outline cd to copy and paste?
@Rememberme No worries, I will still talk to you. I am sorry for talking badly about you. Take care.
@LeGrandDODOM Actually, they do to me.
Hello @Chris'ssis how is your book?
@WillHunting Hi. Not bad, thanks. Working on it. :-)
@Chris'ssis My mental problems are still bad. Working on it. =)
@WillHunting Keep working on them. :)
@PaulPlummer nah, it didn't take that much of a time.
@BalarkaSen Do you use any latex graphics packages for your own work?
i haven't installed latex on my machine. whenever i need to make notes, etc, i just use some online latex composer to do the job for me.
i use tikz to draw commutative diagrams, though.
Are you aware of the package tikz-cd?
I haven't seen that way to do diagrams, it looks nicer than the typical matrix/array commutative diagram
Although looks like a pain in the ass
People use xypic or pgf tikz for diagrams. Not many use pstricks, which I like.
@PaulPlummer it takes much less time if you already have some practice :)
To me pstricks is the most powerful latex graphics.
haven't heard of 'em
Superceded by tikz, LOL.
But tikz does not have the full capabilities of pstricks.
True, never practice with using tons of white space manipulations, it makes sense
I just ate the worst burger in my life. =(
It was free though.
Hi @WillHunting I am really sorry it was my first answer and I really did a mistake by doing that
@PaulPlummer I am sure you are disciple of barney if you are that I am really sorry and take back all my words I am really sorry
@Chris'ssis: By deriving a rough version of Stirling, I have a pretty elementary derivation
@robjohn Nice (+1)
@Chris'ssis Your list of method is nice, too
@robjohn The comment by Ron was a bit annoying, he said "No need to reference Barnes G-functions. These are integers after all.", but at the same times he employed a lot of stuff to get the answer.
@Chris'ssis Yeah. That is why I wanted to find something simpler than that answer.
@robjohn Yours is really simple.
@robjohn I think you're somewhat like me in terms of solving problems, and you simply don't attend the things you don't like much. :-) I also refer to some of my problems that you probably don't like that much.
@Chris'ssis or the ones I don't think I can do :-)
@robjohn I'm very confident you can do a lot of stuff, much more than you say you can do. Maybe you don't like things that become ugly at some points. :-)
@Chris'ssis I also deal with ones I can handle easier first, then save the harder ones for later. However, sometimes I start on one of the harder ones and work for a long time one it.
@Chris'ssis I definitely like things that have simpler proofs, but I have tackled some pretty ugly things.
@robjohn I know, and maybe you also prefer to attend easier ones than spending a lot of time on harder ones.
@robjohn It depends on the stuff I meet and the mood. Sometimes I like to work on something very hard, but not always.
@Chris'ssis I don't know about that. It might be that I spend too much time on the harder ones and they get answered before I can post my answer.
Then I get frustrated and answer some simpler ones just to feel I can do something.
@robjohn However, no matter how things go, every such work is precious, maybe you meet some new results, interesting approaches, see connections with other problems met in the past.
@robjohn Why should you be frustrated? This site is just filled with trivial questions not worth your time. =)
@Chris'ssis In the end, I just hope that someone learns something; either a reader or me.
@WillHunting I don't answer the trivial ones, unless there is something important to say about them. I said "simpler", which is a subjective term.
@robjohn I was talking about your greatness, that all the questions are trivial. =)
@ᴇʏᴇs @Incurrence Barry Simon did reply to me after all, LOL.
@WillHunting robjohn is the mind that impressed me the most on this site. When he wants, he can come up with amazing answers such as those you never think of.
@Chris'ssis Yes, after me, of course. =)
@Chris'ssis You mean the most, not at most.
@WillHunting Yeah.
@Chris'ssis I thought you said yeah to the previous line, LOL.
@WillHunting :-)
@Chris'ssis I don't like Monica Belluci. =)
@WillHunting lol. Maybe a younger version of her? :-)
@Chris'ssis Is she the one who acted in La Vita E Bella? I think so. I watched that movie.
@WillHunting Yes.
@Chris'ssis I tried first to use $$\frac{(n!)^n}{(0!1!2!\cdots n!)^2} = \frac1{n!}\prod_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}$$ but couldn't think of anything easy.
@robjohn You may be interested in Barry Simon's 5 book treatise on analysis published later this year.
@WillHunting I'll read it right away! ;-)
My 20 volume treatise on math will take another few decades to write. I have not started, lol.
@WillHunting Then start right now.
Bourbaki never managed to cover all of math.
:21406690 what was that? OK
Must be a secret formula.
:S Why isn't the mathjax favorite script thing working
It used to work for me
@JustGreg Maybe click it again?
Did that one. And again. And then again. And then refreshed.
I think we can use a remarkable limit $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{\displaystyle \left(\prod_{k=1}^{n}\binom{n}{k}\right)^{1/n}}{e^{n/2} n^{-1/2}}=\frac{e}{\sqrt{2\pi}}$$
Whoops false alarm. Suddenly decided to work.
@Chris'ssis The truth is that every time I see limit I get scared.
@Chris'ssis did you mean product?
@robjohn Can you correct that pls? Yes, I had in mind the correct thing.
Does anyone know a source that can help me construct a pmf based on some requirements?
@Chris'ssis That follows from my earlier answer (using Stirling) and that last observation
I'm doing some programming-related stuff, and I need to test some code for different numbers, but I want different numbers to show up at different frequencies. I'm not sure exactly what I want, though. So I want to play with it a bit.
@robjohn Yeap, it seems so. You can get the result mainly using the limit definition of the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant.
@Chris'ssis I have not worked with that constant. I know you have mentioned it before.
@robjohn It's actually a problem from Ovidiu's book, namely the problem 1.5
@WillHunting Are you serious? Do you think people are scared in general by integrals, series and limits?
@Chris'ssis Yes, I am very bad at such things.
@Chris'ssis I think some people like them, like you. But I think your book will be very hard to understand.
@WillHunting Then I failed to publish a good book. The aim is to make things easy there.
@Chris'ssis That limit is pretty scary, but limits and integrals are kind of bread and butter :S
@Chris'ssis Well, I think you are a genius.
@JustGreg Whose bread and butter?
@WillHunting Not really. I'm just a simple person. I only worked some more, I can admit that.
@JustGreg :-)
@mew Sorry to hear about your suspension.
oh yeah, that was a few days ago
for 30 minutes
but you better be sorry
I hope you have gotten over the shock.
@WillHunting I don't know. Maybe we're not talking about the same thing. Some of those things are pretty complicated, but in general they're fairly straight-forward.
you know I was suspended for saying "you better be sorry'
@Mew I got suspended for saying that I had a great shit.
@Mew Are you a cat? Meow.
I really can't believe how quickly I forgot probability. I got a great grade and everything. Used to like it. It's like all the rest of the courses pushed it out of my head. I guess it's as good a time as any to remember.
I am a rare pokemon
What's a pokemon?
A kind of beetle.
a pocket monstor
statistics is easy greg
statistics and probability is the most useful branch of mathematics too
The most useful is actually arithmetic.
Mew makes the sound "mew"
Oh, you're named after the pokemon!
Your suspension was more ridiculous than mine.
That looks like a cat.
I remember I used to be addicted to that show when I was a kid. I remember I missed the 2nd episode and I was broken ;_;
@Mew one could almost flag that ;-)
i have to eat dinner for 30 min anyway so it is ok lol
gtg all laterz
gtg get my pizza
@Mew however, I never realized that was what it stood for.
Is it true that without flash one can play most videos online now? But flash still needs to be installed to play the remaining few?
I don't know how it works, but one day a video just played without me having installed flash.
Well. In the internet there are a lot of relics, so some videos require ancient things like quicktime or windows media player streaming. But in general, that's true. You don't need flash for most up to date things.
Can you tell me what enables them to play without flash?
Well, in the new version of HTML (HTML5, you probably heard of it) the people who make the internet standards incorporated video playback into it. And now all the browsers are implementing that standard themselves, instead of using flash.
So up to date things use the new HTML5 commands. Older things still require flash because they haven't been updated. Still older things use different streaming technologies.
OK, I am waiting for flash to die out, since it is closed software.
But I like Microsoft products. But I use Debian.
@AlexanderGruber I wonder if it was the change in Google Maps that messed up our Chat Map.
@robjohn My location is meant to be a secret, so I don't pin myself, lol.
@WillHunting Google Maps discontinued their "Classic Maps" compatibility mode, so now everyone is forced to use the newer version. This may have had an effect on our chat map.
@robjohn I see. Anyway, I live in Antarctica, as everyone knows.
Hi @WillHunting are you back
can any one help me please with my probability question? math.stackexchange.com/questions/1260394/…
@ᴇʏᴇs Bart.
The Floor function fooled me again.
@MatsGranvik The floor always confuses me; vertigo.
@Mew I see you and you see me. I know it's my destiny. I have to catch you and squeeze you into a ball no larger than my fist. Then, I'm going to torture you until you become a rabid fighting monster who can destroy every challenger. Oh, you're my best friend in a world we must destroy.
lol i'll never be capture
@Mew There's a ball for everyone or atleast a net.
Are balls and nets math references
you need a master for me
\or special event
you need a doctorate to understand eyes
@ᴇʏᴇs Yes, they're variables which hold constants. Idk, you perv.
"Nichts ist getan, wenn noch etwas zu tun übrig ist."
Do you agree @ᴇʏᴇs ?
I didn't learn enough German to understand that @evinda
@ᴇʏᴇs Aaa I thought you were from Germany...
@ᴇʏᴇs Where are you from then?
@evinda I wish I was from Germany but I'm just a dirty American
@ᴇʏᴇs Aha
Stupid American
Don't think so :) @ᴇʏᴇs
Hello @AlexClark
guten Tag, @evinda ... hi, mr eyeglasses
Guten Tag @TedShifrin
Wie geht es Ihnen?
ganz gut, und Ihnen?
Ganz ok... @TedShifrin
Hi @TedShifrin
Any good questions today, mr eyeglasses?
gives a preemptive good night to @MikeM
Ego cogito, ergo sum. Ich denke, also bin ich.
Das ist herzlich gut :)
@TedShifrin Are Fourier series pointwise convergent?

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