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I guess you need to prove this recursively. Right? If you take $Y=P(E)$, then you have the tautological line bundle. I haven't thought about this in almost 40 years.
Is the commutator always defined as $[a,b]=ab-ba$? and what does it mean to speak of a 'commutator subgroup'?
You need to actually know the algebra structure of $H^*(Y)$ as an $H^*(X)$-module, most likely.
No, @Incurrence. For groups, that makes no sense. That's for lie algebras.
For groups, it's the subgroup generated by $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}$ for all $x,y$.
Oh wait they have a wiki page, I was on the commutator page before
@TedShifrin Ahhh okay, that looks familar
Yeah. I think this is a non-trivial part of the argument. I will have to look into this. Thanks.
@Incurrence it's also the smallest normal subgroup such that when you quotient by it you get an abelian group
@MichaelA: It looks like you'll keep me busy thinking once I've retired. That's either good or bad :P
@TedShifrin Good haha
@TedShifrin You will stay here forever, and enjoy it
not necessarily ...
@Incurrence so $G/N$ is abelian if and only if $N$ contains the commutator
@JC574 That's interesting thanks
@MichaelA: Did you do well on your orals?
I'll have to explore that since I am not overly comfortable with quotient groups
I haven't had them yet. I will do them in August/September.
yikes, @Incurrence ... how much algebra have you had?
ah, ok, @MichaelA
@TedShifrin Linear A I&II, Abstract algebra I
@TedShifrin 50 pages of axler, 60 pages of cohn
axler isn't helpful for this ... I don't know Cohn ... Did you do group theory for Algebra I? Our first course is rings.
By the way, when I ask you to look at a question, you should feel free to say no.
@MichaelA: Our interests overlap quite a bit. I'm just removed from thinking about a lot of the stuff, sadly.
But I hope all my grad course notes I sent you might be of some help somewhere :P
@TedShifrin I was still in the engineering mindset so I did badly in Abstract algebra I
ohhh, @Incurrence
@TedShifrin I am still trying to recover :\
They have been so far. I'll take a look.
Quotient constructions are highly important in math ...
@TedShifrin Which sucks since Algebra is my favourite area right now
That won't help for your question here, @MichaelA.
@Incurrence But if you don't know algebra how do you know it's your favorite
I am fine with modulo arithmetic and isomorphisms of $\Bbb F_p$
OK, I'm gone for a while. Have fun.
The quotient constructions or your notes?
LOL, good point, mr eyeglasses
my notes, @MichaelA :P
I would suggest looking at Hirzebruch, though.
@ᴇʏᴇs I am fine with linear operators and jordan form stuff
That's where I first learned the splitting principle.
That's not algebra, @Incurrence. Linear algebra is quite distinct.
If $D$ is a degree zero divisor on an elliptic curve, and $b$ is a point of our curve, then by Riemann-Roch we see $l(D+b) = 1$ and so $L(D+b) $ is just the constant functions
Fine, I am good at linear algebra at least :)
we've been here before, @JC574
If $D = \sum n_i p_i $
What exactly is the Hirzebruch reference? I've been struggling with the splitting principle as I've only seen it done for the tautological line bundle on an infinite grassmannian. I imagine the general splitting follows from this, but I haven't seen why yet.
@Incurrence Don't engineers like linear algebra
suppose we have at least two $n_i>0$
@ᴇʏᴇs I would make a good engineer :)
Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry is the title, I believe, @MichaelA.
then let $f$ be meromorphic with its only poles being simple at two of these $p_i$
Now $(f)+D+b \ge 0 $
this is a contradiction, so we must have $D = p_1 -p_2$
Some sign is wrong.
Wait, I'm confused.
Where is the contradiction?
maybe i've made a mistake, um $f$ isn't constant
but it's in $L(D+b)$
@ᴇʏᴇs @Ted You guys are demotivational lol
I am a rat, @Incurrence.
a mean rat.
Hi @ᴇʏᴇs @Incurrence @TedShifrin.
Hi @JasperLoy
I see, @JC574. So, if $D=p_1-p_2$, then we must have $b=p_2$.
Yes, you're right.
rehi @Jasper
@JasperLoy Hey Jaspen
@Incurrence What classes are you gonna take next semester
I'm not sure we have $b = p_2$
@ᴇʏᴇs Algebraic methods of physics, honours advanced algebra, graph&design theory, PDE's
if $p_1 = b$ would something go wrong?
I found out yesterday because I started university in the second semester, even though I will have done all of the required math courses for either of two majors, I can't graduate until halfway through next year :\
So I will be taking research in Nov and in Feb
$(f)=0$, if $f$ is constant, @JC574, so you need $D+b\ge 0$.
If you really want to learn some serious math, @Incurrence, being in a hurry to graduate isn't good. Take more courses.
@TedShifrin Wasn't in a hurry, I want to do honours afterwards
@TedShifrin and drag it out :)
So $b$ has to cancel out $-p_2$, @JC574 ...
Yea @Incurrence I'm trying to draw out my graduation as much as possible that my financial aid would cover
Lecturers give way more attention to honours students
oh, just saying courses instead/plus research would be advisable, @Incurrence.
hmm i'm not sure about my earlier argument. The reason I didn't see that was because i forgot the definition of $\ge$ here
@TedShifrin Oh yes of course, I will be doing half research half courses I think
@ᴇʏᴇs @Incurrence I would need to do some very embarrassing things to resolve some of my mental problems, and I pray for the courage to do them when the time comes.
@JasperLoy Embarrasing?
Night for now, y'all ...
@TedShifrin Good night
@Incurrence Yes.
@TedShifrin Bonne nuit
night @TedShifrin! I've fixed my argument, thanks for all the help
@Incurrence Most people in the world will not be able to do them.
@JasperLoy Any examples?
@Incurrence I cannot describe them to you, it's too complicated.
@JasperLoy I hope you may succeed!
@Incurrence I will do all those things in the month of May. For now, I need to prepare myself mentally.
Hi @Owatch is that you in the picture?
Hi @robjohn you look handsome today.
@JasperLoy (-_-)
@r9m Why are you making faces at JL?
@r9m I see. Too bad, I was planning to date her.
@JasperLoy ?? :P You can't date sarah greene ?!
@r9m Why is your blog empty?
@Incurrence I am really scared I won't be able to do them. I guess only I can help myself now.
How do you define embarrasing in this case?
@Incurrence People will know that I am crazy.
@Incurrence sorry (I changed my domain name last night .. I was fedup with an Aztec God :P) try again ..
Random people?
@Incurrence Strangers I need to speak to.
@r9m Yes that works now
@r9m Robjohns thing doesn't make your math render
@Incurrence I am sorry once again .. if you are using firefox .. the latest updated version has been troublesome when it comes to disabling security .. if you are using google chrome .. just disable the security option :)
@r9m Oh yes of course, I had encountered this long ago on my blog
@r9m How many views do you average a day would you say?(non-unique)
@Incurrence lemme check .. :)
@Incurrence Anything else you would like to say to me about this matter?
@JasperLoy I don't have enough information to say much about it
@Incurrence I guess I just have to muster the courage somehow.
@JasperLoy What strangers will you be talking to? I usually don't get embarrased with strangers, since I don't care what they think of me
As opposed to people I know well of which I consider important
@Owatch Too bad.
It's also in mockery of another user.
How can I show $G$ is a subgroup without being told the operation...?
@Owatch Are you the user called Oracle?
@JasperLoy If you're interested, search for Sarah Greene.
No, I'm not affiliated with Oracle.
@Owatch Sarah Greene is not going to come to this chat to talk to me.
@JasperLoy That is the user Fermé somme now(once Oracle)
Afraid not.
@Incurrence If I don't succeed in May, I don't know what I would do.
@JasperLoy Start working on mathematics with me :)
@Incurrence I must succeed in May, so I must prepare myself mentally to do the difficult things the next few days...
@Incurrence It is very hard for me to imagine a future. Because I think I only have a 1 per cent chance of getting well and a 1 per cent chance of getting into grad school...
@Incurrence 88 views in total this month (uptil now) .. before that 46, 57, 105, 168, 134, 22, 104, 67. :P
(total number of monthly views since August 2014)
You have gotta get those blog role buddies I think haha @r9m, get those view counts up
@r9m Blog views mean nothing.
The user Eric stucky has a really interesting blog, and he and I link to eachother to share interested traffic
(although he is much more advanced in math than me, and is on the end of a thesis now)
@Incurrence I have finally heard The Three Tenors 1990, 1994, 1998 and 2002.
@JasperLoy I haven't
@Incurrence I guess there is nothing else for me to say about next month. I will need to spend time in solitude to muster the necessary strength and courage to do what is necessary.
Or you can share more information about it in email if you wish
I am pretty sure spending time in solitude will just make it more difficult to talk to people...
@DiscipleofBarney That applies to normal conversations, not abnormal ones.
Usually if I don't talk to people for awhile(5 hours), I become highly antisocial until people talk to me for 20ish min, so I don't know what would happen if the isolation dragged on for days.
Fortunately I have a girlfriend who breaks me out of my study isolation, otherwise people would think I am weird
I think it applies to abnormal ones too
Well, I am going to trust myself on this one.
@DiscipleofBarney I think spending time in solitude however makes you better mathematician
@KarimMansour Maybe, probably depends on the person and how they are spending time with people. Collaborating can be very stimulating...
@KarimMansour I have read studies that show strong evidence to support the theory that intellegience is heightened in an environment of continuous social interaction.
I do not think much of these studies, which have many underlying assumptions that may not apply. Social science is different from hard science.
One day, one study says this and the next, another says the opposite.
Many are just trying to publish for the sake of publishing.
You look at the numbers of studies published and you wonder how many of them are rubbish.
Sure, but mostly in non-reputable journals
I know I sound like a crank now, but it is OK what you think of me.
Maybe 90 per cent of research is rubbish.
There is a study about this :P
working with people is alright, but studying with people I don't think that works really well.
@Incurrence Maybe I will end up as a beggar on the streets in a few years, still mentally ill.
@JasperLoy Maybe I will be wealthy enough to get you over here in a few years
@Incurrence Lol, Your planning on going to grad school in math, right?
@Incurrence If I had a gf, maybe she could be a great motivation for me to get well, but I don't have one.
@DiscipleofBarney Yes, but my girlfriend is very kind and will be starting on 110k next year
@DiscipleofBarney And grad students in australia get 60k as tutors
lol @Incurrence solving h.w for money
She has a mining job with the largest mining company in the world already lined up
@Incurrence You should rename your account "Gold DIgger" ;P Plus having Jasper over will break your relationship
And tutors here get $60 an hour
Or "Gold Miner"
Hahaha, she said she will go back to uni and do something better after I start earning money
I think only @ᴇʏᴇs and @Incurrence understand me well enough in this chat.
And I might sell out, you never know
what about me @JasperLoy ?
I understand you !
@JasperLoy What about ol' skullpatrol?
So there isn't really any point in sharing my problems with anyone else.
@Incurrence No, he doesn't understand me. He just says random deep sounding stuff.
@JasperLoy Yes indeed haha. This is called pretending to be wise and there is a really funny chapter in a book I like about htis
@Incurrence Many people in my country pretend to be wise but they are actually extremely stupid.
@JasperLoy I don't think that is restricted to your country
"Well, sounding wise wasn't difficult. It was a lot easier than being intelligent, actually, since you didn't have to say anything surprising or come up with any new insights. You just let your brain's pattern-matching software complete the cliche, using whatever Deep Wisdom you'd stored previously."
Hi superman@JasperLoy
'"Headmaster," Harry said solemnly, "I would rather not define myself by my enemies."

Somehow, even in the midst of all the whirring and ticking, there was a kind of silence.

That had come out a bit more Deeply Wise than Harry had intended.

"You may be very wise, Harry..." the Headmaster said slowly. "I do wish... that I could have been defined by my friends." The pain in his voice had grown deeper.'
@SayanChattopadhyay Hi, calculus is hard. Take your time to master it.
'Harry's mind searched hastily for something else Deeply Wise to say that would soften the unintended force of the blow -

"Or perhaps," Harry said more softly, "it is the foe that makes the Gryffindor, as it is the friend that makes the Hufflepuff, and the ambition that makes the Slytherin. I do know that it is always, in every generation, the puzzle that makes the scientist."'
I am taking my time........@JasperLoy
@JasperLoy what, my orange is more orangey?
@robjohn I should become the nice square :)
I am waiting to install Debian 8 on Apr 25.
@JasperLoy Debian, I have heard of this from my crpytography class
@JasperLoy Is that when it is released?
@robjohn Yes, probably. With Debian, you can never be sure, but that's the current date set.
Debian had DES
@Incurrence The best linux distro in my opinion.
@Incurrence What is DES?
An old symmetric key algorithm for the encryption of data
@Incurrence Maybe if I were well, I would have won the Fields medal by now, or maybe I would have gotten into an accident and died. Life is unpredictable.
@robjohn Yes, like I said.
@JasperLoy If I were pretending to be wise, I would say "Yes indeed, life is a mystery, the only way to know what will happen is to let it happen"
@Incurrence LOL.
"Let yourself be free Jasper, the only way to free the mind, is to free the heart"
@Incurrence LOL
Yes, many "wise" people say that.
I made that up and when you said that, I thought it was an actual thing already so I googled it, but yep, I am original :-)
"When you know yourself truly, then you will know the world"
Sometimes, context matters too.
I am a generator for this garbage :)
@JasperLoy is there any kind of a problem if I do linear algebra
@SayanChattopadhyay Linear algebra can be done with only set theory as a prerequisite
@Incurrence youtube.com/watch?v=bWtUM1J9eSc always inspires me.
@SayanChattopadhyay Finish calculus first.
I cannot do it that means?@Incurrence
@SayanChattopadhyay You have not done set theory?
Done and dusted
@SayanChattopadhyay What @Incurrence means is: do you know what union, intersection, elements, and what it means to be a subset or equal set?
I tell him to finish calculus first because he already has enough books.
No I just have two in which I have finished one @JasperLoy
@SayanChattopadhyay Linear algebra is very pleasant, probably one of the most pleasant subjects
The rest are soft copies
@SayanChattopadhyay Then finish the other one first, full stop.
Ok....that means I have to revise continuity and do its exercises again......
If you jump here and there, you will never finish anything, and you would have learnt nothing.
Kids these days like to study algebraic geometry without knowing how to solve quadratic equations.
@disc What is the commutator subgroup of $GL_n(\Bbb R)$ I don't understand this concept yet, is it all elements that satisfy: $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}=$ what?
@Incurrence it is the group generated by those
@DiscipleofBarney Generatred by $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}$?
With what $x,y$?
Every $x,y \in GL_n(\mathbb{R})$
i taught myself Quadratics when i was in 5 grade @JasperLoy
Can you walk me through some trivial example @Disc
An example of a commutator subgroup? For $GL_n$ or just any group
For any group
I just want to understand what you mean
I am going to bed @Incurrence, I will see you in my dreams.
First if we have a group $G$, then the commuator subgroup $[G,G]= \langle xyx^{-1}y^{-1} \mid x,y \in G \rangle$
@JasperLoy one sort of funny thing: you'd never find a physicist with a knowledge of field theory under their belt not knowing to solve quadratics, if only b/c gaussian integrals are such a huge part of that (and that relies on computing the square)
It's 10 am here. I will probably go out for a walk tonight.
Oh its 5 am here
And come back in the morning.
@JasperLoy 10pm you mean?
Oh wait nvm
It is 10am right
@Incurrence It is 10 am here now.
You mean a nap now? Or you never slept?
@SayanChattopadhyay Great night is very weird to say lol
Well, I don't differentiate between sleep and nap. My sleep is intermittent anyway.
I sleep a while, think a while, and so forth.
@JasperLoy Alright Good night Jaspy
@DiscipleofBarney I don't get it, I actually have to try every element??
That is what the group equals, I am not sure what you mean by try every element.
I will see if I can find a suitable example
Well if I want to actually build the group I mean
Like enumerate the elements
What do you mean build?
Find all the elements of
basically, yes. Depending on the group though there might be more structure to take advantage of to make it easier
Or atleast find the classes as arbitrary matrices for example
or to describe the elements
I am fairly sure it is also unsolvable in general, by algorithm, to say whether or not some element is in the commutator subgroup.
Hmmm that is unfortunate
For matrices it probably is not difficult, not 100% sure. For example all such matrices will have det=1
@robjohn does usernames of an account ever change on their own ? :o
@zeror9m Indeed, I changed it my bad
@Incurrence oo !! how did you do that ? :D
@Incurrence now it won't let me change the username for another 30 days ! :O
@zeror9m Sorry :\
:| .. I'm glad you kept that r9m part atleast :P
@zeror9m Yeah I didn't actually mean to change it for the 30 days, but I didn't change it back fast enough
My method gives me a minute I am fairly sure(but haven't verified)
sigh :|
@zeror9m The names not that bad anyway
@Incurrence :) that was a relief :P
@zeror9m just making you feel better :)
@Incurrence you know lie groups.......sorry this is the question out of my reach because the name always makes me feel really weird about it......what are they.....
@SayanChattopadhyay I don't know to be honest. I have worked with them, but I have never worked with manifolds
They are groups on manifolds?
@SayanChattopadhyay I don't even know what a manifold is sorry
@SayanChattopadhyay They are topological spaces of some kind, but I have never worked with them
Yeah, all I know is, Lie algebras have something to do with a differentiable topological space
And they make for interesting exercises in algebra :P
Oh, don't mistake me for an expert if that is what you have done
I am a third year student lol
For me everyone who learns math with passion is an expert
You can change names.....how?
@DiscipleofBarney given a group G what is there a way to figure out which topology one can assign to it to make it a topological group ?
@KarimMansour The discrete topology always works, but I suspect it is difficult (maybe impossible), to classify all the topologies one can give.
I see that would be an interesting question
Did you take a look at that paper I posted a while ago (we were talking about these sort of thing, I believe with David)
no @DiscipleofBarney
@DiscipleofBarney do you still have the source maybe I want to have a look on it
You should, the first couple of pages describe what they are answering and some things that are known about these sort of problems (in a reasonably non technical way), plus it could give you some ideas of what to study further.
Thank you @DiscipleofBarney
Yo I have a math question.
So the question is to utilize the uniqueness of prime factorization in $\mathbb{Z}[i]$, show that if $\tan z_1 = 1$ and $\tan z_2 = 2$, then $z_1$ and $z_2$ are linearly independent.
My work so far: observe that $z_1 = \text{arg}(i+1)$, $z_2 = \text{arg}(1+2i)$. Suppose that there exists $c_1, c_2 \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $c_1z_1 + c_2z_2 = 0$ which is true iff $(2+i)^{c_i}(1+i)^{c_2} = k$ for some $k \in \mathbb{Z}$, which clearly isn't possible.
I am confused what to do next??
@DiscipleofBarney Thanks, I'll read over it properly after lunch
alright it is just a simple example of commutator subgroups.
Can anyone answer my question???
@zeror9m they don't, but if someone has an objectionable username, the moderators may change it.
@robjohn Incurrence seems to have changed my username somehow .. :| 'zeror9m' I don't quite like the ring to it :P is there a way I can revert it back to r9m before 30 days ?
@zeror9m Well zeror9m is an extremely derogatory word, so they will probably have to change it... ;)
:P lol ... okay
there's a nice formula for the minimum value of a quadratic polynomial with positive leading coefficient.. is the same true for critical values of quintics?
if not the minimum, I wonder if substituting the roots of the derivative, for which there is an explicit formula, into the original polynomial will simplify
@DiscipleofBarney is this considered derogatory ? :P
@zeror9m Haha, I did find a post sort of about that though, meta.math.stackexchange.com/a/8889/29123
@robjohn you remember the a,a^2,b,b^2 question?
If I turned super meat boy into a drinking game, and had a shot every time I died, I would die.
Hello, I'm new to this community and I've posted a question on Math.Stackexchange. If anyone is interested, can anyone give me advice regarding my question? math.stackexchange.com/questions/1227983/…
It's about the importance of exercises for self-studying
@cheeseinthetrap This question seeems relevent (I didn't read your whole question) and there are a lot of other similar questions on the site you might want to browse.
Many of those questions can be seen on the "side bar" related on the far right of the screen, for your question and the one I linked @cheeseinthetrap
Thank you very much @DiscipleofBarney
@cheeseinthetrap It sort of seems like the guy was maybe having the opposite problem you are having, wondering if they should lay off the exercises a bit.
@DiscipleofBarney Yes, it is interesting. I guess both extremas are not optimal. I just hope I didn't join the party too late :)
@KarimMansour you can endow stuff with profinite topology.
can you explain I am not familiar with the terms @BalarkaSen
it's not very interesting as a topology, so i dunno if this is what you want but let me try :
A: Eight points are in/on the circle of radius 1cm. Show that distance between some two points is less than 1cm.

marty cohenI agree with your brother. You have shown that your particular placement works. You have not shown that any placement works. This might work: In your heptagon, since you are putting 8 points into 7 segments, there must be a segment with two points. If you can show that the diameter of each segme...

Kindly see this.
$G$ be a group. the topology obtained by considering the basis of left cosets of subgroups of finite index is called the profinite topology on $G$.
so, for finite subgroups, the discrete topology coincides with profinite topology.
oh I see
a nontrivial example of a profinite group is $\mathbf{Z}_p$
are you familiar with inverse limits?
$\mathbf{Z}_p$ is defined to be inverse limit of $\mathbb Z/p^n$s for all $n$, with obvious bonding maps.
It's called the group of p-adic integers.
What's more, the profinite topology of $\mathbf{Z}_p$ is actually ultrametrizable. Google "p-adic norm"
that is awesome
my favorite example of a profinite group is $Gal(\overline{\Bbb Q}/\Bbb Q)$, the group of automorphisms of the algebraic numbers fixing rational numbers pointwise.
you'll get to know about them when you study galois theory.
that is awesome I am doing that class next year
next fall I should say
but I will study them independently over the winter.
@DiscipleofBarney I have kind of wondered if there is a Uryshon-like theorem for ultrametrizability of profinite spaces. You know anything about them?
I just remembered that I wanted an answer for it a long time ago.
@BalarkaSen Maybe I am misunderstanding you, but all ultrametric spaces are metric spaces which are all normal
Maybe I am thinking of a different theorem
I am aware of that, but it doesn't say anything about my question.
Uryshon says if a space is Hausdorff and second countable, then it's metrizable. A profinite space is both of them.
So every profinite space is metrizable -- doesn't necessarily mean it's ultrametrizable.
Okay, I see what you are asking now.
2 hours later…
@DiscipleofBarney why is your avatar not purple?
Oh, it is... I hadn't looked close enough
@zeror9m no sweat. Chat is all one thing; a mod on any site is a mod on all chat sites.
@robjohn ? but is Incurrence is not a mod is he ? :o he seems to know a way of changing my username without letting me know :|
@robjohn Hi, it is Friday today.
@zeror9m The record looks to say that you changed your name.
@robjohn :O I didn't .. not to my knowledge :( chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/21016454#21016454 did you see the deleted message after the linked one ? :o
@zeror9m there is no way they could have changed it.
@zeror9m Nobody can change unless they have access to your account.
I was surprised ..
However, I can change my username before 30 days is over.
@zeror9m That doesn't say anything
@zeror9m If that really happened, he has your password.
@robjohn oo .. holy cow !
@robjohn You look as delicious as an orange.
@zeror9m he names a script. I have no idea what that script does, but I doubt it changed your username.
@robjohn could you tell me what it was ? :o
@zeror9m If he really did that, he is very smart.
mmm .. okay !
@robjohn You there?
@Anthony what's up?
Do you know very much functional analysis?
@Anthony not a lot.
Ah, nevermind then.
Here's a different question.
How do I minimize the maximum of $|\sqrt(x)-ax-b|$?
Where $x$ is in the unit interval, and a and b are free to vary?

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