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@evinda If I'm understanding the question right, it seems like two nodes a and b will only maintain the same relative order under all topological sorts if the path(s) between them are one-way only, eg there is a path from a to b but not vice versa
so working that out algorithmically would probably mean running something like Djikstra's and checking what paths turn out not to exist
@Ixrec I want to find algorithmically the number of nodes, that are not connected to each other with any path, and have the same relative order.
Suppose for example that we have graph and the nodes are a,b,c,d,e.
b and c, b and d, c and d, a and c, and d are not connected to each other.
if they aren't connected by any path, how do they have any order at all?
I mean something like that @Ixrec
ah, ok
seems like after the first "fork" in the graph you can rearrange the remaining nodes however you want
We apply DFS and we compare the finishing time and create a list with the nodes in descendind order based on the finishing times @Ixrec
so traversing the graph until the first fork gets you the list of "stable" nodes, in this case just e
ah no we also have a < b no matter what
and we can do things like diamonds
assuming you're only interested in DAGs
an arrow from a to b means that a and b always have the same relative order
and that property is transitive
so that's easy to calculate
@Ixrec I am only interested in DAGs... but calling the list that we can get from a topological sorting isn't unique so there isn't only one possible path
@Ixrec And it doesn't hold that two nodes always have the same relative order
if it's a DAG, there is by definition at most one path between any two nodes
just because one topological sort puts a in front of d doesn't mean there is a path from a to d (there isn't)
er, wait
correction: in a DAG, all paths between two nodes go in the same direction
so if there is at least one path from a to b, then a and b always have the same relative order
your statement implies that the result of a topological sort is a path through all the nodes; obviously that's not true for graphs like the one you drew above
@Ixrec Always doesn't the list that we get contain all the nodes?
it contains all the nodes, but it's not a path
I meant that the result will be a list @Ixrec
@Ixrec And since at some steps we will have different paths that we could follow, there could be several lists
I think I got that part when I saw your diagram
@Ixrec And I want to find from two different lists the number of nodes, that are not connected to each other, and have the same relative order.
wait, you want to work out if two nodes are connected or not based solely on topological sort output, without any further access to the graph?
I doubt that's possible
also, what do you mean by "not connected"? if you mean "there's no path from one to the other" then that's the same thing as having the same relative order
@Ixrec What do you mean with "without further access to the graph" ?
in which case if you had all the topological sorts you could do it; only some of them wouldn't work
@evinda "without any additional information about the graph"
@Ixrec I mean that "there's no path from one to the other"
ok, then I'm pretty sure this is only possible if you have all possible topological sorts; just two of them won't tell you very much
Suppose that we have all the topological sorts. How can we find the number of the nodes that have the same relative order and the number of nodes that don't have the same relative order? @Ixrec
in that case, you just look for pairs of nodes that always have the same relative order in those sorts
I don't think there's any way around brute-force checking every pair in (potentially) every sort
and g2g now
@Ixrec So do we have to look at each topological sort the number of pairs that have the same relative order and find the minimum?
2 hours later…
Hello @SayanChattopadhyay
How are your jokes going......@DiscipleofBarney
@JC574 I got the value for epsilon yesterday and computed the proof
Is it right
Q: Complete example of haar measure on compact groups like $GL(n,R)$

Karim MansourI am currently reading the proof of existence of haar measure, but I learn better mostly by examples so I would like examples of explicit computation of haar measure mainly on any $Gl(n,R)$ or any lie groups and please also explain the details as I didn't take a course in harmonic analysis I want...

added bounty
Hi @JC574
1 hour later…
youtube.com/watch?v=HtWvNvcTFys the best song i ever heard
Dear mods, drawing your attention here
Downvotes on 5 different answers within a total of 3 minutes probably qualifies as serial downvoting, no?
@robjohn (Pinging to draw attention, for the above.)
Hi @Ramanewbie what are you working on?
One has
and therefore
When |x−c|≤2 then |x|≤|c|+2 and therefore
independently of x.
Now let an ϵ>0 be given. I claim that
δ:=min{ϵ(1+|c|)^2, 2}
does the job.
Hence proved@Balarka
True, but would have preferred if you had done it yourself rather than getting the answer from here.
You have merely copied and pasted Christian Blatter's answer :P
Oh i have just checked my answer from his by posting a question
hard to believe :P
@Bal What can you believe
anyways, i stick to my opinion : you should revise the chapter on continuity, seeing that you're having trouble with the proofs. a bit carefully this time, and do all the exercises.
i took |x-c|<1 and only change i made was |x-c| greater than or equal 2
hi @ᴇʏᴇs
hi Mr eyeglasses
but @BalarkaSen i still didnt understand something about my definition of continuity why is it wrong
the limit one
your definition of continuity is correct, but it does nothing to help you prove that a function is continuous.
try reading the chapter carefully, you'll get the ideas.
@ᴇʏᴇs how are your studies with topology going?
@Bal Okay I guess
ok i will come back to you again
@Bal I'm gonna try to get to the fundamental group section in Munkres by September
@SayanChattopadhyay then you also have to show regions of convexity/concavity and increase/decreases of $x/(1+x^2)$.
ya i remember
@ᴇʏᴇs Definitely, it's cool stuff. But make sure you know Uryshon metrization theorem and Tietze extension theorem before it. They're the most nontrivial theorems in point-set topology.
@Bal Okay
@Bal Actually my topology class might do those next semester
good, 'cause they are cool stuff.
uryshon's theorem actually tells you that most hausdorff spaces are metric spaces.
@Bal next semester we cover metric spaces, topological spaces, continuity, Hausdorff condition, compactness, connectedness, product spaces, quotient spaces, basic category theory, basic homotopy theory, fundamental group, covering spaces, homology
sounds nice.
How you doing, @BalarkaSen?
so-so. what about you?
My back hurts. I think I slept in a bad posture. Apart from that pretty good. Haven't done any serious maths for a while though.
What are you studying these days?
Linear algebra, mostly. I have ignored fundamentals for too long.
Like what exactly?
I can't imagine you not knowing the important stuff about linear algebra.
I don't know about rank-nullity theorem, for example. :P. Barely know about inner products.
Wow, really? You never used linear algebra then, right? :D
I even taught my students rank-nullity theorem, without proof however.
Technically, never. I know, it's pretty sad to not study such basic stuff but doing algebraic topology.
I see. Good for you you're looking at it now.
I'm sure it will be useful in whatever field you'll decide to focus on in the future.
I will be studying forms in the far future, so I guess some knowledge in linear algebra will turn out to be helpful.
Differential forms? You'll be too ashamed to tell Ted though, I suppose?
I have told Ted :P
I will be studying multivariable calculus.
I see. I should do that again too, at some point. I hardly remember anything about it.
@Huy You've ever done Artin's algebra?
@BalarkaSen: No, I did Bosch's algebra.
Our professor was German, so we used a German textbook.
Ah. Artin actually does loads of linear algebra alongside algebra, so I am studying it from there. It does linear algebra quickly but steadily with many nice exercises and has the added advantage of me getting to revise algebra.
I see. But you've done loads of algebra, right? :D
Yes, but a little revision doesn't hurt. Gone through a few exercises this week.
@BalarkaSen the function will be concave up for all values of x>1 and concave down for all values x<1. Am i right?
@Huy Artin teaches algebra pretty unconventionally. I goes through basic linear algebra, talks about group theory and then says a lot of stuff about symmetry, finishing with billinear forms and linear groups in chapter 8. The later chapters goes through rings, fields, basic algebraic number theory and galois theory.
@SayanChattopadhyay sorry, was a bit busy with other things. no, what you say is not right.
let me try again
I only know the "popular" approach, doing groups, rings, fields and Galois theory.
I have personally never studied all of Artin. Going to do it this time, I guess.
Nice picture @Disc
I liked his style in group theory because while Dummit-Foote rambles on and on about semidirect products, Artin says almost nothing about it but gives a short intro to Todd-Coxeter algorithm to make sure that the groups he gets by counting extensions are well-defined.
It's cute.
@Sayan How did you find $x > 1$ and $x < 1$? Maybe writing down your approach will help?
@BalarkaSen will it be concave up for x>-1 and concave down for x<-1
no, that's false. How're you coming up with these numbers?
Do you know how to inspect convexity/concavity of a function?
using inflection points and the second derivative
So what have you tried so far for x/(1+x^2)?
Sorry but can you wait for a minute i am checking my computations
are centers limit cycles?
I made a mistake in computation
OK? So what are the inflection points you get now?
i just found the mistake
i have to solve it
is it $\frac{4plus or minus \sqrt{20}}{2}$
Hell, no.
@Incurrence It sure is
Please post your approach so that we can point out what you're doing wrong.
@BalarkaSen the second derivative is this right $$-\dfrac{2x}{{\left({x}^{2}+1\right)}^{2}}-\dfrac{4x{\cdot}\left(1-{x}^{2}\righ‌​t)}{{\left({x}^{2}+1\right)}^{3}}$$
@DiscipleofBarney You downvote a heap
i can't read that.
i know thats why i am typing it again
@Incurrence I do my share, I clean up. You clean up more than I do though
I have no idea what you did with that latex lol
why is this not coming
Something like that??
is this the second derivative
@SayanChattopadhyay yes, that seems ok.
Not sure how pizza has so many more votes than I do though @Incurrence
@DiscipleofBarney He does more than 40 a day
set this = 0
I have 360 and pizza has 507. How does he do that
@DiscipleofBarney He only downvotes questions that are there on the day
and he votes to delete some of these
If he downvotes and then it is deleted
@BalarkaSen you will get the points
It still counts as a downvote, but he gets the vote back
inflection points right?
So he gets $2$ downvotes for the price of that $1$
Ah yes, that has happend a few times, to me
yes, @Sayan.
If he downvotes 40 in a day, and 10 of these get deleted he can get 50 now(and then some of those 10 can get deleted. If I had deletion privileges :\
So how the hell did you find $\frac{4 \pm \sqrt{20}}{2}$?
@Incurrence I am a little surprised, I only really started voting a lot in the past couple weeks and I am already a top voter of the past year.
oh wait the inflection points are plus or minus root 3 right
@DiscipleofBarney Oh so am I xD
Yup. Seems like people don't vote enough, no wonder there is so much crap (not even upvotes)
@SayanChattopadhyay yes. now determine the regions of convexity/concavity :P
:p i feel so ashamed of myself
@DiscipleofBarney Yep, maybe +.1 rep for each vote :)[jokes, I don't know what incentive would be good]
@Sayan The rest you can do by yourself, no need to tell me about it. The regions of increase/decreases is really no big deal either, you just have to inspect the first derivative.
Just study continuity carefully once again.
Fine...then can i start algebra pls....
No. You still haven't mastered calculus.
Struggling with a single problem for two days is a sign.
Onlyy continuity took me that long thats it...
And continuity is the most basic calculus.
If you don't understand continuity, studying about topological quantum field theory is pointless :P
THats why i am saying after doing continuity
i will do linear algebra:p
or multivariable
No, after doing continuity, you will revise calculus by doing exercises.
Not sure if you've studied the required set theory either.
oh my god i have finished set theory atleast calulus also but.......
Doing linear algebra after studying set theory and calculus is a good idea perhaps but I can't really say anything about it because I am studying linear algebra right now :P
@SayanChattopadhyay Well, you weren't able to count dearrangements then.
You are studying that now????
why you have done till homology that means you have finished everything behind it right
Oh that was a different case i was just going out of sorts on that one
Nope, I haven't. I never studied linear algebra in depth.
But Linear algebra dosent apply calculus right?
@SayanChattopadhyay OK, then count the number of bijective functions from $\{1, 2, 3, ..., n\}$ to itself.
@SayanChattopadhyay Calculus is a requirement for studying linear algebra, if that's what you mean.
@BalarkaSen Why are you testing him on this?
@Incurrence Because he claims to have studied set theory. He should be able to count bijective functions if he knows basic combinatorics that is in Hammack's book.
No. of injective functions are $n!$ right @BalarkaSen
Prove it.
Injective to a set of the same size
Plus, prove that all the injective functions from a finite set A to itself are bijections. You need a theorem in Hammack's book, so we'll see if you have studied it properly.
@BalarkaSen You can do this without any theorems
so lets see f(1) can take n values,f(2) can take n-1 values ,f(3) can take n-2 values and so on so the total number functions will be:
n*n-1*n-2*n-3............*3*2*1 and that is n!
The other one lets see
Very good.
Now prove what I have said above.
Thanks a lot
(he said sarcastically)
What textbooks have you already finished @Sayan?
i did Hammock at the verge of finishing apostol only calculus as balarka sen told me not to do linear algebra
@SayanChattopadhyay Study whatever you want, learning mathematics is not some linear path where you got to finish calc first and then do something else.
Its not that.......but i do require calc in higher mathematics a lot and i think you require it Topology which is what i want to do
huh, and where does taking nonlinear path leads me to? going back to linear (no pun intended) algebra after studying algebraic topology.
as an aside I disagree, I think putting off linear algebra is silly, and its nice to know linear algebra for just about everything you would study, either directly or through analogy
@SayanChattopadhyay i never told you not to do linear algebra. i told you not to do abstract algebra.
That does include linear algebra :p
no, it doesn't
linear algebra is way fundamental
Are you saying you didn't learn any linear algebra while trying to study algebraic topology (in which case I am guessing you didn't understand much or going to linear is a breeze)
I also disagree with not going to abstract algebra
@DiscipleofBarney Well, I was only familiar with the basics of linear algebra.
oh wait why is the breeze flowing the other way ....do linear and abstract algebra first then calc.............................
I am not saying that
It didn't hamper my understanding of algebraic topology as far as I studied it though.
Do what your interested in and what you got to learn to do what your interested in
I am satisfied with the amount of understanding I gathered while studying it.
But I don't believe it's possible to understand cohomology without knowing forms, which finally leads to knowing a load of multivariable calculus, to study which I need to know linear algebra.
Having some background in analysis or calculus is nice for studying topology (you didn't mention what sort of topology) is nice for concrete motivation and examples
I disagree : no analysis whatsoever is required for topology. calculus is enough.
I'll be back later, going to go for a walk
No calculus is needed either, its mostly just having some maturity and it is nice to have some examples to draw from
well, i don't believe you can understand continuity in the sense of maps between general topological spaces if you don't understand continuity for functions from $\Bbb R$ to itself (nudge : @sayan)
@TheDarkSide This should be taken care of automatically.
Q: What is serial voting and how does it affect me?

Cody GrayI just noticed that I lost a bunch of points from my reputation score on Stack Overflow, and I used the "reputation" tab on my user profile page to try and track down the cause. During my investigation, I noticed there was an unusual event of type "reversal". In the normal place of a question ti...

Topological spaces are so absurdly general that its that continuous functions $\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ are not that comparable to continuous functions in general topological spaces. Like I said its nice to have as examples, but I don't see why learning about continuous functions and then learning about specializations to metric spaces or just $\mathbb{R}$ would be more difficult than learning continuity in calculus, which tend to try to "hide" or obfuscate the topology.
(and every general topology book has those examples)
Wait a second. Rank-nullity theorem looks like a mere consequence of the splitting lemma. What the hell.
Its not harmful to at least try if that is what your interested in, that is basically what I am saying
Blergh. It's just splitting lemma.
Are you studying linear from a particular book? @BalarkaSen
@DiscipleofBarney I dunno, one might wonder what the point of a function that pulls back open sets to open sets really is.
@DiscipleofBarney Yes.
Hoffman-Kunze and alongside Artin. I prefer Artin over Hoffman, though.
Is it Artins Algebra? or does he have a linear book too.
That is it. Artin talks about a lot of linear algebra alongside abstract algebra, though.
Indeed, half of his book is about linear algebra.
wondering what could be the point of renaming a fundamental result in algebra by rank-nullity theorem
@DiscipleofBarney Thanks!
It doesn't have exercises, so you might have to make your own or use relevant sections of hoffman and kunze, and doesn't do a ton with matrices. Also you may have to suplement some relevent sections that the book assumes you have some experience with, but I think it might be a better alternative for someone who has some mathematical background
Because people normally study the concrete example of the splitting lemma first!
Thanks, I am checking it out right now. As I said, I am familiar with basic linear algebra and have some experience with vector spaces as I have studied modules (sounds lame to study modules before vector spaces, right?), so I guess that's the book I want.
(repeats whole conversation with you had with sayan to you)
@DiscipleofBarney Well, you can guess how much normal my study is.
But splitting lemma is really a general nonsense theorem, there's no apparent connection with rank-nullity theorem.
I've never seen rank-nullity given as an example either in Dummit-Foote, now that I think about it.
Thats alright, as you might guess I don't think necessarily studying things in a strict order is good, most learning is done through necessity to do what your interested in or studying what you are interested in.
@DiscipleofBarney I have background in calculus and set theory, mind you. :P
i thank jesus for the exercises in hatcher. praise the lord
How much set theory do you know?
Familiar with naive set theory pretty well. Axiomatic set theory, only the basics.
Why, though?
@iwriteonbananas They're good, indeed.
Have you done 2.1.10?
Just curious what you meant by set theory, plus I like set theory
@DiscipleofBarney ah. you're interested in axiomatic set theory + logic and those stuff, then?
I like those things, also descriptive set theory and infinite combinatorics seem really interesting, although I don't know much
@iwriteonbananas Before doing 2.1.10, you might want to have a look at the paragraph on pg 108-109 where hatcher talks about geometric interpretation of cycles (bordism!)
you'll get a good motivation for doing that exercise then.
@Chris'ssis Hello. I feel better today.
@JasperLoy Hi. That's great! Did you do anything special?
it took me a few days to digest what he said though, so dive in at your own risk. most students just skip his "rants".
@DiscipleofBarney cool.
dunno anything about that stuff.
@Chris'ssis I think I need to start all over in life, and change all my old habits and old ways of thinking that are destructive, like dwelling too much on the past. Someone said something very powerful to me yesterday which helped me.
@JasperLoy Well, yeah, dwelling too much on the past is not a good idea. The present and the future matter only.
@DiscipleofBarney You're a grad student, I guess?
@BalarkaSen No, not in school at the moment
ah, i see. self-studying right now, then?
@BalarkaSen He is a disciple of Barney.
@BalarkaSen ok i wasnt gonna do 2.1.10 but i'll do it now
Hello @JasperLoy
@BalarkaSen Yes
@DiscipleofBarney Hi, Barney is cute.
btw. isnt $H_0$ the same thing as $\pi_0$?
just the set of path components
yes, that's true.
kk just checkin
@JasperLoy I will tell Barney that, I am sure he won't be creeped out at all... ;P
@iwriteonbananas If you haven't done it already, 2.1.22 is recommended after you do 2.1.10. It is essentially a baby-version of cellular homology.
After you've done 2.1.22, let me know and I will give you a problem.
@BalarkaSen Hatcher seems to have many many exercises.
Yes, it has a lot of exercises. That's why I like the book.
ok 2.1.22 looks a bit nasty...
whatever, i'm dong 10 now
When I write my book, it will have no exercises.
@iwriteonbananas the keyword is the long exact sequence
ok, have fun with 2.1.10
for ex. 10?
no, 22.
@Chris'ssis Will your book have exercises?
@JasperLoy My book is going to be a collection of problems with integrals, series and limits major part of them coming from personal research.
@Chris'ssis My book will have no exercises, but it will be written in 30 years time.
@JasperLoy A lot of time needed though ...
@Chris'ssis Hehe, maybe I won't write any at all. But it is my wish to write a whole series on all major branches of math.
@JasperLoy Well, get a wife, have some chidlren, and then, if you don't manage to finish it, they might continue your work. It might be like a legacy in your family. ;)
Jasper Lang.
When I write a math book all my "exercises" will be of the form "it is obvious ___" and "it is trivial to show ____", etc.
@Chris'ssis I won't be able to find a wife, unless it is someone like you, lol.
lol @DiscipleofBarney
@JasperLoy russianbrides.com
@JasperLoy lol, I don't see myself as a wife, but I prefer to be alone as long as I live.
@Chris'ssis OK, why is that so anyway?
i like to consider myself a wife
eventhough im male and have never had a girlfriend
@Chris'ssis Sorry, maybe I should not ask you so many personal questions. I apologise.
@JasperLoy No pb.
I'm preparing for some tutoring. BBL.
@BalarkaSen Maybe I will get you to add all the exercises, Balarka Lang.
@BalarkaSen im not sure i understand what is written on page 109
if $\zeta$ is a cycle, all the (n-1) simplices of $K_{\zeta}$ come from canceling pairs, hence are faces of exactly two n-simplices of $K_{\zeta}$. Thus $K_{\zeta}$ is a manifold
why is it a manifold then?
@iwriteonbananas it's a manifold away from it's codimension 2 points, you're cutting out the whole statement
you have to prove it : this is precisely exercise 2.1.10 (a)
@BalarkaSen Long time no see :)
@BalarkaSen How you doing?
1 hour later…
Think I've solved the problem I was stuck on in elliptic functions
@JC574 Hi.
hey Jasper!
I've solved the problem i was stuck on for aaages
i missed a simple solution
being stoopid
I have been stupid for 33 years. It's time to change.
@evinda Aha!
@JasperLoy Aha!
@JasperLoy Did you listen to the song?
@evinda No, sorry.
@JasperLoy Aha! :p
I am waiting for May to come. From 01 May to 31 May I will try to solve 99 per cent of all my life problems.
I have made some plans and I hope I succeed this time.
Why don't you begin this month? @JasperLoy
@evinda Because I am not quite mentally ready to do those difficult things.
@JasperLoy What is for example a plan that you have?
@evinda It's too complicated to describe here. I need to write an entire book to explain.
A nice idea to write a book @JasperLoy
@evinda I have been making these plans for the past few years, but never succeeded. So I hope I succeed next month.
Good luck
@evinda Aha!
Hello @did. Good to have you on MSE.

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