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It's noon here.
It's midnight here. Yikes. I hope it gets better :(
What Mathematics interests you?
@Committingtoachallenge I don't think I talked to you about her.
@JasperLoy There was some female member you were saying wasn't here for a long time
@Committingtoachallenge What did I talk to you about anyway?
@Commit Really all math but geometry based anything is interesting to me. As I move through my program I'm sure I'll develop a more detailed answer
@Committingtoachallenge Oh, there are many such members in my list, lol.
You were talking to someone with the username 'user........' with some numbers, who I am fairly sure is one of Eyes previous names.
@Committingtoachallenge I have the emails of a number of these ladies, lol.
Lol it's true. I saw your list of people you sent that email out to haha
They scolded me saying I should bcc instead. I think it's harmless.
It's just a bloody email address.
You are back to zero bans again in chat Jasper!
That's pretty helpful
Haha, I am also back to nothing in life.
To get well, I need a number of people to cooperate with me on certain things, and I hope they do.
You can't possibly have nothing in life. Everyone has something or someone to keep them going. That little something that puts a glimmer in your eyes
I sent 60 emails and got only like 5 replies, lol.
That says a lot, lol
I replied here, do I count?
Pedro replied here
Just joking.
No reply is needed.
I'm replying here too obvi
Meer cat replied here does she count
I always count. I'm fabulous. ;)
It's very sad. If I did not go mad, I might have won the Fields medal by now.
We're all mad here!
I prefer this picture to the other one.
You used to have another picture.
I prefer your old blue Jasper
@meer2kat looks pretty, doesn't she?
Oh I don't remember
Jasper, look at the message you left on the right LOL
Yes, I don't see how they are related.
I just thought it was funny since she comes back finally and you have left that there haha
Well, I have a dirty mind as well as a beautiful mind as well as a sick mind.
I actually dyed my hair to match my personality now. I should update this
Yes, more pictures, yay!
What colour matches your personality?
Needless, to say, blue.
$\color{blue}{\text{How old are you?}}$
@Committingtoachallenge already has a gf, so don't worry, @meer2kat.
Hahaha wasn't concerned
I turn 21 in a month or so here
However, I don't have any gf, so do worry a lot.
I don't think there is much harm me knowing that could do over the internet hahaha @Jasp
@meer2kat Ahh alright, for some reason I thought you were older. (Being that I was under the impression you were a Math teacher for some reason)
I'm working on becoming a math teacher actually! Once I complete my degree I'm going to start working on my Master's in education
I am working on getting well.
After that I will see if I still have energy to do a PhD.
That's good. Healing is a long journey
Math teacher is a pretty good job in Australia, but I hear not so good in America(which I also assume is where you live for some reason)
I haven't been working for so long. I am alive only because my mum is supporting me.
@JasperLoy In Australia it is normal to do honors->Masters->PHD, so I assume you would have to do this
But then again if my mum did not marry my dad who abused me I would not go mad and would be earning big bucks now
Yep! I wish I could teach overseas but if not I'd like to move elsewhere in America. It's a little better in other places
@Committingtoachallenge No, just a normal degree you can enroll in a grad prog in US.
@meer2kat 30k as a math teacher I believe Ted said, whereas in Australia a math teacher is paid 65k
(Dollars a year)
Yeah 65k would be like a college professor here. Where I plan to go I can make around 40-45k
~50k USD
College professor is ~110k AUD here or ~85k USD
Sorry for whining, but it's sad to see everyone doing so well when all I do every day is struggle.
Phew that's amazing
Jasper, it's okay not to be okay
Yeah I was surprised to hear from Ted about this
@JasperLoy I have friends who are struggling every day that go to my uni
@meer2kat Is being a teacher your dream in life, or is it the mission work?
Oh goodness. Speaking of which, we got our exam 1 grades and class average for it in my math 451 class
@Committingtoachallenge What do you think of your math ability? Do you think you will make it as a math prof?
@JasperLoy My grades are alright, and my passion is increasing. I think I will do fine with a lot of work
Is that your goal @Commit? College prof?
@Committingtoachallenge OK. I am not great myself, but there are so many people who are so bad that it just surprises me they even think of going to grad school.
Well in Aus we do honors->masters->PHD, so we get a heap of prep before phd
@meer2kat Well we don't have colleges here really, but university professor yes
(our colleges are private highschools)
@Commit sorry I use the words interchangeably
I've heard that's what a lot of places are like. That's what they call it in the netherlands too i believe
I am going out now, bye. Pray for me @meer2kat. I hope I get well soon.
I will
@JasperLoy See you in your dreams
if you are trying to solve x in an equation do you always have to have x * number = number or can you also have it number = x * number
i only find examples of the first way but never the latter but i see no reason why it has to be left hand side =/
@Dave can you figure out what x is from the information number = x * number?
yeah ill do division but the info says to simplify the expression first down to x * number = number
> you ill do division
so you've answered your own question!
Yes it can be either way
it can ?
oh okay thank you. :)
It's often written the way you see because it is more easily read that way because we like to think left to right
@Dave yes, you have answered your question. the goal is to find x, and you know how to find x, and you're following all the rules of math.
@Dave when we translate "x is number" from plain english to symbols in order it becomes x=number. stating it backwards just sounds plain funny out loud.
@anon i know but it just never shows examples written with it on the RHS
@Dave so?
but my solution came out that way
You can see that 2 sets of 5 things, is 10 things, and you can see that 5 sets of 2 things is 10 things
I've never seen anyone solve 283798235789345x=25793573957938 with those specific numbers, but I know how to do it
There's no reason to taunt someone. Everyone has the right to ask questions. At low level math, that's even a reasonable one.
So the number of things in the set and the number of sets is irrelevant(as long as the number of things is the same), it is only a matter of how they multiply
yeah i understand
More generally(or really more concisely) ab = ba (these things commute)
(This is only true with numbers btw, doesn't hold on other things necessarily like matrices)
Are you alright now @Dave?
im checking my answer to see if i got it correct
i got it wrong
What's the problem?
i checked my value for x and left doesn't match right
Oh I meant what's the question that you got wrong
oh i can't post it . its assignment.
Post it with adjusted values?
i just know my current answer is incorrect
did you check your division?
is it allowed to post a edited example?
You can post whatever you want?
You can directly post homework if you wish, but you may get in trouble by your teacher, but with adjusted value there is certainly no risk
x/4 - 1 = 4(x-26)

Thats what i have to solve
Oh a lovely algebra problem
or rather thats a made up one
So how do you 'get rid' of the 4 on the denumerator on the LHS?
I'm confused about the ordering of indices in determinants
Can anyone help me out?
Q: How can I determine the sign of a term in a determinant when the indices are out of order?

Stan ShunpikeI am reading Shilov's book linear algebra. He explains how to compute determinants. Basically, for the plus terms you write \begin{equation} x_{a1}x_{b2}x_{c3}x_{d4}x_{e5} x_{f6} \end{equation} and then permute the left side indices, giving \begin{align} &x_{a1}x_{b2}x_{c3}x_{d4}x_{e5} x_{f6}\\ &

@Dave what did you do first in this problem?
first i multiply both sides by 4

4 * (x / 4) - 1 = 4(x - 26)
x - 4 = 16x - 104
to remove fractions and brackets
there's your problem
oh ?
check what you did and make sure it follows all your rules
Also you forgot the 4*(-1) but you clearly operated it anyway
But yes, 4*26=104, but you forgot the other *4
as a hint, i would try distributing your four on the right before getting rid of your x/4
(try to do it step by step to avoid this until it is more comfortable)
Lol I've never heard the verb operated used quite that way
@StanShunpike I know, I am pretty creative
well i thought x/ 4 *4 = x
remember slow and steady wins the race! if you have to take more steps to get there then you won't risk as many mistakes and also will be able to help your teacher follow
so i simplified to x - 4 for left hand side
it does, but you have a x/4-1 which changes the rules
let's start from the beginning
@meer2kat unless ur racing Usain Bolt, then that doesn't work
x/4-1=4(x-26). let's distrubute out 4 so that we have x/4-1=4x-104
what can you do next to make it as easy as possible?
@Stan it's a good theory. shhhh. we're having a teaching moment
dont u mean x/4-4
you have to multiply everything including the 1
oh i'm just distrubuting the RHS first to simplify it. remember your order of operations? PEMDAS?
What is 4(x-26)?
4x - 104
So that doesn't do anything to the LHS
The LHS is unchanged
x/4 -1 = 4x -104, now what?
well remove the fraction on the left
See how we haven't multiplied by 4 yet and we have 104 on the RHS?
oh i see
Is that the simplest thing to do?
you simplified the brackets first
Remember if you multiply by 4 right now you have to multiply your "1" as well. it might make it messier
What other options do you have?
hmm add 104 to the left?
x/4 - 1 + 104 = 4x - 104 + 104
That could work. Anything else you could pick? A good plan is to always get one x by itself which is what you're doing, but would adding 1 to the RHS make it easier when you have to simplify x/4?
im not sure. i was never told to do it by adding 1 before
Because we have to multipy that tricky fraction at somepoint. What you want to do works perfectly fine if you want to do it that way, but could make it messy
Well let's see what would happen. That would be x/4-1+1=4x-104+1
Or x/4=4x-103
Do you think that looks nicer to work with? It's a personal choice
i don't personally find fractions as pleasant to work with
Yeah I always get rid of fractions asap even still
How could you get rid of the pesky fraction at that point? I understand. I don't like fractions either. They make life confusing
i multiply it all :
4* x / 4 = 4 *(4x-103)
Great! What does that leave us with?
x = 16x - 412
Perfect! Now all we have to do is get our x isolated. How would you like to proceed from here?
remove 16x
-15x = -412
Almost! Remember you have to subtract the 16x so we have a negative! -15x=-412
One step left! What's your last step?
Note: -15*x = -x*15
-15x * x = a
-412 / 15 = -27.466666666666666666666666666667
That's great! That's an ugly fraction that doesn't simplify well so we'll leave it as a fraction. Let's plug it in to our original equation to double check!
Does LHS equal RHS when we plug it in?
-412 / 15 = -27.466666666666666666666666666667 = -x, so remember that is negative x
let me check
Sure thing! We're in no rush here :)
x/4 - 1 = 4(x-26)
Left: -7.8666666666666666666666666666668
Right: -213.86666666666666666666666666667
thought not sure i got right calculation correctly
Remember that -412/15 is negative x. Let's multiply it by (-1) so that x=412/15. Try plugging it in again :)
why multiply -1?
2 mins ago, by Committing to a challenge
-412 / 15 = -27.466666666666666666666666666667 = -x, so remember that is negative x
Because you had two negatives but divided by a positive. See up there where you had -412 and -15x?
It's because you skipped a step again
If you divide by negative 15 instead of positive, we get a positive number that equal x. Does that make sense?
oh so its -412 / -15 ?
-15x = -412

-x = -412/15
So our x=412/15
plugging the new answer again
Try plugging it in again. I'm confident it's correct!
x/4 - 1 = 4(x-26)
Left: 5.8666666666666666666666666666668
Right: 5.866666666666666666666666666668
eeek it worked :D
Perfect! Does this process all make sense to you? It's a lot easier when we go step by step I think!
okay so my error was i didn't simplify the brackets first, which complicated my process
Exactly! The thing about math is that we want to make it as easy on us as possible so we don't make mistakes
Why don't you give it a shot on your actual problem and let us know if you get stuck?
will do :)
thank you
No problem at all!
@commit go team teaching!
You said you want to teach uni? This is the math group I want to teach :) Pre-algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, maybe even calculus. It's awesome to help build the foundation for all the big time math stuff
Me be a teacher?
I am starting to find algebra very enjoyable
i didn't say that :P
oh lol
Haha @commit want to be a teacher!
Well I want to do research, but lecturing would be fun
I find maths is easy, but finding a good teacher is the hard part.
Did you not used to like it @commit ? What math do you like?
@Dave exactly! a bad teacher ruins the whole class!
-2x / -2 = -x or x ?
Well I was interested mainly in optimization theory, coding theory and cryptography and some analysis for fourier series and stuff like that
That equal x Dave!
ok got that correct then
Because -2/-2 equals what?
But now I am doing what I consider to be a very hard course in algebra and it is really really fun
though following the steps i still got the same answer as before
Hmmm, why don't you type out your steps and we can check to make sure there isn't a mistake
What course is it @commit? I'm taking a crazy algebra course right now that's a blast!
ok but ill have to change the numbers
@meer2kat Abstract algebra II
@meer2kat It's a combination of linear operators <---> matrices, but we are doing lie algebras and a tiny bit of category theory
(Jordan form, nilpotency, bilinear mappings) stuff like that
oh that sounds fabulous @commit . I'm taking a course called problem solving through computational...something. It's basically coming at new types of problems in different ways. It's cool. We talked about immortal rabbits to discuss fibonacci, etc. Very good for future educators. Gets those creative juices going!
Sounds good(but I dislike the computation elements haha)
Hahaha a lot of the best math people don't. I just don't like switching back and forth between computation and abstract. It's a different mindset
hope thats easy to read
those are my steps
Double check your negative at the end there
I didn't read all of it, but the last line, x must be negative
What is 318/-11?
The rest is correct except for the end there
You really should wait until you have x= fraction, and then solve that fraction
He should to make life easier but he kept the order and all correct so he did alright
like -11x/-11 = 318/-11

x =-318/11 = -28.36363636
You can have more than one equals on one line as long as it is true
oh negative -28. etc
Well he went ahead and told you. Remember that 318/-11 is just like saying -318/11!
Does that make sense?
if all my steps are correct
They are :) I checked them all
then im so confused how im getting the wrong answer using the actual numbers
I think it's that pesky negative. Try plugging it all back in
im even more off course =/
Check LHS = (-16.2)/3 – 1 = -5.4 – 1 = -6.4
Check RHS = 2(-16.2 – 13) = 2 x -29.2= 58.4
thats using real numbers
Is there a reason you're converting them all to decimals?
i feel its the right hand side im getting wrong
what you mean converting?
thats with x as -16.2
Not a fraction?
thats me checking my answer for x
but they are way off
so your problem is x/3-1=2(x-13)?
might be :P
Alright let's go step by step like we did before. What do we do first?
i used the steps as the other example and got -16.2
simplify brackets
2x - 26
x/3 -1 = 2x - 26
good. now let's add one to both sides
to get x/3 on its own
thats not the step i was taught though
okay we can do it your way
i was taught to next multiply it all
go for it. what do you get once you do that?
so 3 * (x/3 -1 ) = 3 * ( 2x - 26)
now simplify it. where are we now?
that becomes:
x - 3 = 6x - 78
Looking good. What's the next step?
add 3
x - 3 + 3 = 6x - 78 + 3
x = 6x + 81
subtract 6x
Ah not quite
what is -78+3?
now i see where im getting confused
Great, so look at that last step again. We should have x=6x-75, yes?
i wasnt reading as a negative number rather just subtract + 78
There's your issue! Good troubleshooting. let's keep going. what next?
x = 6x - 75
so subtract 6x
Good! Next?
-5x = -75
Yep! Last step!
now i divide and check my answer
Yep, what answer did you come up with?
doing the math now
Perfect! Now double check!
L= 4
R= 4
finally :P
thats taken me 4 hours to work out because i wasnt using -78
Hahahha it's okay! You got it in the end and that's what's important!
You did it!
is there easy way to remember the steps
like order of operations has bodmas etc
I just use my order of operations, which I assume is your BODMAS. If you follow it the same way you should be good to go
im aiming to go on to physics at uni once i finish all this
and this is a struggle xD
Hhahaha physics is a ton of fun and you'll start it by learning using this kind of math so study hard!
physics sounds scary difficult
i've seen the equation for our current understanding of the universe and it looked like alien language
It is but it's worth it. That same kind of joy and adrenaline people get from solving a hard math problem is what you get when you succeed in Physics. Actually math will probably make more sense once you start Physics. It did for me :)
Yeah it still looks slightly alien to me haha and I've take 6 high level math courses already
If you have any other questions feel free to tag me and ask away. I'm heading to bed. It's about 2 a.m. here :)
i swear some people just "get it" and others like myself take forever to work out the logic of manipulating numbers
thank you for the help tonight :)
What up guys?
What's up is I need someone to answer a determinant question about indices. You know anything about that?
ask away bro
Take a crack at this: there's 25 points in it for you lol. math.stackexchange.com/q/1194949/197705
but extemely easy
Good, how do I deal when the indices aren't in order?
The method Shilov uses seemingly only works if I can write the indices in order.
And the problems he gave involve out of order indices, so I have no idea how to handle them.
@StanShunpike Do you understand the underlying principal behind this method? Sometimes understanding how the car runs can help you in timmes of trouble
@Nick maybe I do not. I thought I explained the basic method in my post. See the link above. Does what I say there sound like I understand it? I thought I did, but I must admit I haven't figured out this issue so I must be missing something.
@Committingtoachallenge GTFU?
What is GTFU @I'mGettingThere
Get the Funky Underwear?
Oh, no then, did you mail it @I'm
Did you get the post code right? It's 4301
@I'mGettingThere You think it is childish to drop a course because I find it boring?
@I'mGettingThere Also if you click the little reply arrow I can see what you are referring to in future
Are you gone now @Alec?
@Committingtoachallenge I'm here
@I'mGettingThere Where is this coming from?
@PedroTamaroff what?
@Committingtoachallenge mail what?
@anon It was just an unusual way of writing the limit. Anyway, that limit is annoyingly easy.
At first sight I thought that I derived by partial fractions something interesting, but no.
Is anyone here familiar with Turing machines?
Hi Anthony, Huy. Also bye.
How to prove that $ac+bd\le \sqrt{a^2+b^2}\sqrt{c^2+d^2}$ for all $a,b,c,d\in \Bbb R$?@MikeMiller
Hello, please i have a small question about sets: if i have $A=F_1\cup F_2$ such that $F_1,F_2$ are closed and disjoint, and $B$ closed such that $A\cap B\subset F_1$ why $F_2$ and $F_1\cup B$ are disjoint , please
@Vrouvrou You already know that $F_2$ and $F_1 \cap B$ are disjoint, right?
@DavidWheeler i know that $F_1$ and $F_2$ are disjoint
and $A\cap B \subset F_1$
Yes, but since they have null intersection, and $F_1 \cap B \subseteq F_1$, it follows that $F_1 \cap B$ and $F_2$ have null intersection.
o yes $F_1\cap B$ and $F_2$ are disjoint
So if $x \in (F_1 \cup B) \cap F_2$, it must be that $x \in B - F_1$.
B- F_1 ?

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