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@Semiclassical: For the applications I know of the formula I gave you, people certainly don't want to assume all the matrices commute.
fair enough, though as a first example application for me I can take the case of the blocks all being circulant matrices, and therefore commuting
It's fine for the experimental sciences, @DavidW, but it's a terrible model for mathematics (where there's almost no grant money) and the humanities. I'm not sure about the social sciences.
and that's actually physically relevant
Money-worship is a big problem in America.
@davidw I interpreted his statement to mean that the blocks commute pairwise, in which case it does mean that they lie in a commutative subring.
I concur, @DavidW.
I wonder why America is prone to it.
Why here as opposed to anywhere else?
People seem to have forgotten we obtain money in order to live, not live in order to obtain money.
one can presumably weaken the assumptions regarding commutativity---indeed, it's evident how to do so in the 2-by-2 case
Some of us got too rich, @Stan, and then the Republican selfish ethic took over a large portion of society.
but i don't want to assume 2-by-2 if i don't have to
@Semiclassical, what I told you is for $n\times n$, and the paper you linked did $n\times n$, too.
@Semiclassical: So, a good exercise for you (or for @Stan) is to prove the product rule for determinants using exterior algebra.
@MikeMiller Are you referring to the ring generated by the matrices we posit will commute?
Hmm....yes that would be a good one.
I did it for covariant derivatives :D
covariant derivatives? what?
you're bad about dangling antecedents :P
Yes, @DavidW.
@Stan: So are you at U of C now?
Yup, bout to start class in 15 days.
Wow ... well, you'll get a tough education. Good for you.
You won't need us here :P
Doubt it. Good teachers are hard to find :p I know. I've been a student all my life.
True story-Grassmann was so discouraged by the poor reception his work received, that he quit the field of mathematics.
BTW, I'll visit Chicago next spring, @Stan ...
I actually didn't know that, @DavidW.
Really! That's awesome. We should have lunch or something
For sure, @Stan ...
seems like it's nothing more complicated than wedging the $n$ column vectors together and counting how many times one has to invoke antisymmetry in order to get each term $\propto e_1\wedge \cdots \wedge e_n$
@TedShifrin He become a rather well-respected translator of Sanskrit. Funny how things turn out, sometimes.
Ugh, I really can't stand the classical tensor/physics notation. It obscures so much.
Wow, @DavidW, I had absolutely no idea.
Do you have a reference for that true story, @DavidW?
which is nothing more than the usual $sgn(\sigma)$ sign
Well, @Semiclassical, that shows you that $T^*(\omega_1\wedge\dots\omega_n) = (\det T) (\omega_1\wedge\dots\omega_n)$, where the $\omega_i$ are the dual basis to the standard basis. Knowing that, the product rule will follow.
@Stan: One of the great mathematicians/teachers at U of C died a few years ago, sadly.
Hermann Günther Grassmann (German: Graßmann; April 15, 1809 – September 26, 1877) was a German polymath, renowned in his day as a linguist and now also admired as a mathematician. He was also a physicist, neohumanist, general scholar, and publisher. His mathematical work was little noted until he was in his sixties. == §Biography == Grassmann was the third of 12 children of Justus Günter Grassmann, an ordained minister who taught mathematics and physics at the Stettin Gymnasium, where Hermann was educated. Grassmann was an undistinguished student until he obtained a high mark on the examinations...
Particularly, the "Linguist" section.
@TedShifrin Grassmann?
(lolol jk jk)
Who was it?
Huh? No, @Stan. Paul Sally.
He was a famously great teacher.
Only had one arm, too, if I remember correctly from meeting him.
ugh, I left out wedges in my formula above. Sigh.
"He was known to detest cell phones in class and has destroyed several over the years by inviting students to stomp on them or by throwing them out of a window."
That's original.
If that quote is about Sally, I like him even better.
He sounds like a unique character, something out of a book.
And now students walk out of class because it's just so important to take a phone call in the middle of class. Makes me livid.
for sake of clarity, by product rule do you mean summing over permutations of the matrix elements?
I mean $\det(AB)=\det A\det B$, @Semiclassical.
That's really the key to the formula we're discussing.
@TedShifrin Where in California will you live? Pasadena is nice :D
I am not fond of LA, @Stan, although I will of course visit. I'm moving to San Diego (although I spent 18 years in Berkeley and prefer northern) because of old and dear friends there.
misunderstood you, then
I'm often misunderstood, @Semiclassical. It comes from being unclear :D
That multiplicative property is beastly to prove by tracking matrix entries, and easy to prove using the alternating linear functional properties.
heh, and i'm misunderstood by not actually understanding how to say what i mean :P
Well, an undergraduate proof is pretty convincing by doing elementary matrices, which is the proof I like to give, @DavidW. But for these exterior algebra guys, yes, what you're saying is the best.
@DavidW I only ask because that sounds like a canonical sort of apocryphal story. That he became a linguist is interesting.
@Mike: Has Pedro been in evidence around here?
@MikeMiller No, I understand. I've seen it on other math history sites, too, just can't summon them fast in real time.
Are you going to do 5.18, @Kaj?
@AlexW: Have you submitted your formal acceptance yet?
leibniz's formula for the determinant gives the product rule pretty easily, if i remember right, though i suppose that's just exterior algebra in disguise
One of our students is about to visit both San Diego and StonyBrook.
I enjoy reading about the lives of mathematicians, trying to get a sense of personality. It's too bad we have so little information on earlier math greats.
@TedShifrin I visit the bathroom every day.
Is Boole considered a math great?
He left yesterday, I think.
@Jasper: Some things are better unsaid.
not really, @Stan
Not yet, @Ted. It's basically a done deal, but my visit to Penn isn't for another week or so, and it doesn't make sense to me to visit if I'm already committed.
@TedShifrin I thought you would say, sometimes you talk too much, lol.
I've said that to you before, @Jasper, yes.
René clearly thinks I talk too much, too.
Also, I was waitlisted at Michigan today, so I'll at least wait until I visit Penn to see what happens.
@Semiclassical You still have to engage in some godawful subscript stuff. Not too bad if you know a little group theory.
$\text{sgn}(\sigma_1)\text{sgn}(\sigma_2)=\text{sgn}(\sigma_1\sigma_2)$ and all that
But I had someone else giving me downvotes ...
@TedShifrin What did you say to him?
Nah, I don't want to go there, @Semiclassical.
i'm a physicist, godawful script stuff is my bread and butter
I haven't said anything to him in months, @Jasper. But he didn't like to be told he was wrong.
I want to think about composition of linear maps, @Semiclassical.
@TedShifrin You can tell me I'm wrong all day long. I may cry a little, but I'll get over it.
ah, cool, @AlexW ... Michigan is a great department, too, as is Penn.
fair enough, better to avoid invoking a basis if one doesn't have to
I got chewed out on Physics SE for assuming I was wrong about a problem when I turned out to be right.
LOL @DavidW. I'm not the arbiter of all things math, but when someone with a Ph.D. in logic answers things in differential and algebraic geometry with absolute garbage, I'm not going to sit by idly.
I didn't make that mistake again
For sure, @Ted. Excellent algebraic geometry, and very good number theory too. A little closer to home as well. But I still am pretty sure about my feelings, so I don't think much will change anyway.
@Stan: I look forward to chewing you out :)
LOL I'm ready, bring-it-on
@AlexW: David Speiser, who's active on MSE and MO, is an algebro-geometric guy at Michigan.
I'm used to it. That's what happens when you argue with smart people all the time.
@TedShifrin I got 100 points for a one line answer yesterday, lol.
I'm not that totally obnoxious, @Stan, although @Kaj might differ :P
Ted Shifrin - Knight of the Round Surface.
though you can also view index notation from an abstract perspective a la penrose (though i'd be lying if i said that i ever actually bothered to understand what that means)
@Ted: David Speyer? Yeah, he does very cool work! Algebraic geometry with a combinatorial flavor.
LOL, @Jasper: Pretty much the most votes I've gotten on this site were for the stupidest things.
Oh yeah, I messed up his name, @AlexW. Darn.
He asked a cool differential geometry question a few months ago. He apparently liked my answer.
Is Penrose considered a mathematician or a physicist?
Yes, @Stan.
@StanShunpike Yes.
@TedShifrin It's so sad to see that all my friends have already gotten PhDs and gotten married, and instead I am struggling with mental illness. It's very sad...
I understand, @Jasper. It has to torment you. But sitting around feeling sorry for yourself won't help you improve your plight.
I guess I'll just have to wait a bit more @Ted. A very long process. =P
A bit more for what, @AlexW?
San Diego and StonyBrook are both very exciting though. :)
I'm lucky in that I like most of my highly upvoted questions and answers. But I guess I don't answer a lot of stuff I wouldn't be happy about.
@TedShifrin Yes, you are right. So I try to get better, but it is hard, and the outcome is not certain. So I just keep trying and hoping for the best.
@AlexW: I'm guessing that Bryan is going to UW. I don't think he's committed yet.
To see things to the end and make my decision, @Ted.
I didn't realize I could downvote questions without losing points until 2 days ago.
Neat! That's what he seemed to indicate when we met at the visit day.
Oh, @AlexW, duh. Of course. In the overall scheme of things, it's not a long time at all.
Oh, you can downvote questions ... but if you downvote answers, you lose points, @Stan.
I wish I new some nice German words.
I want to use them as song titles
But everytime I google an English one, the German one just isn't as nice sounding.
@JasperLoy I believe in some sort of vague "conservation-of-energy" law: so, if you work on something, you WILL get a result.
So far I've used Italian, Spanish, English, Greek, French and Arabic
OK, I'm out of here for tonight. You all have fun.
oed und leer das Meer
Night, @Ted!
Night :)
I have a habit of sending emails without titles. Sometimes I don't know what titles to use.
@ted Yesterday the doctor said "Don't kill yourself, we can help you", lol.
I really don't understand simplification of expressions
my answer was so far from the actual answer =/
@Dave It's hard to know what you mean, exactly, without a little more context
@JasperLoy what's your diagnosis? I have schizophrenia.
@AbstractionOfMe OCD and PTSD
What caused the PTSD (if you don't mind)?
@Dave I suspect you are talking about "collection of like terms"
@AbstractionOfMe Jasper had an abusive father.
well i reorganised the like terms for this: 9x – 21y – 12x
so i did 9x - 12x but for some reason its actually 9x - -12x
not understanding why
Are some parentheses missing?
there was brackets but i expanded them previously
Perhaps at some point, you expanded incorrectly.
What was the original expression?
I think it's sad that antidepressant drugs aren't much further along.
let me try something first see if i can figure it out
@DavidWheeler The clonazepam helps me to calm down a lot.
The only thing that really worked for me was pot but it had the side effect of making me psychotic.
@AbstractionOfMe wut
@Committingtoachallenge I hope my new email and new SE accounts will bring me good luck, lol.
@JasperLoy They will bring you good luck if you answer heaps of questions, and also forward this message to 10 places in 24 hours or you will find an evil clown in your room tonight
@Committingtoachallenge I emailed almost 60 people last night and only a few replied. =(
@JasperLoy I didn't reply because you are here haha
Are many from this chat?
Yes, no need to reply. But I thought they would say more things you know, lol.
@Committingtoachallenge But yes I feel much less anxious after taking a few pills since last night.
I feel stressed :)
I'm going to blow up :)
Go take some pills.
fairly sure imma fail this assignment
I got 9 badges in 1 day, lol.
@Dave When is it due?
end of april
but im doing it early
@JasperLoy not really wise to send my personal email publicly along with 60 other emails.
You could at least have hidden the emails.
I did notice that @Pedro
@PedroTamaroff Is that a norm to hide the emails?
I went through that list, but didn't recognize many: Alizter, Ted, Pedro, (myself)
I'm therefore asking you to delete my email from such lists.
@JasperLoy when mass emailing, yes
Hi stranger.
or even just emailing two people that don't know each other very well
Chris's sis was in there and it had 2001 in it
Which was confusing
OK, but would it lead to disastrous effects?
How are you?
spam and harrasment
pretty good. get to go on spring break finally.
Why is Chris's sis's email a mans name with 2001?
I don't know Jasper. I don't want a bunch of people I don't know to have my email.
So last night I pissed off a lot of people?
Probably, Jasper. @anon Glad to hear that.
@JasperLoy Yeah I thought probably as well haha
How did classes go?
they continue on after break still. doing alright.
@Committingtoachallenge welcome to the internet.
@Committingtoachallenge Oh well, I am sorry. I just think it is pretty harmless. It's just an email, not a credit card number.
@Committingtoachallenge wut do you mean by that?
@JasperLoy Bcc, there for a reason.
By what Abstraction?
@JasperLoy I don't care personally at all
You said "wut".
@JasperLoy I have 6,000 emails to delete. The trouble with spam is it hides the stuff you want to keep.
You are psychotic as a result of pot?
Well, it brought the psychosis out, at least.
@AlecTeal Why are you welcoming me to the internet?
Welcome @Committingtoachallenge
Welcome @Committingtoachallenge
Emails are typically attached to multiple service (like banks, facebook accounts) which could be used to social engineer or even just get info stored in the emails. so people not knowing your email is your first defence to not getting your email broken into. Also spam is just annoying
Oh dear, I pissed so many people off.
Don't worry about it imo
People get over this stuff
imao or lmao
@JasperLoy You also sent the e-mails to yourself also on the list, lol
@ᴇʏᴇs LOL
I saw that aswell
I emailed my 4 professor separately.
I haven't had a chance to even read them yet @AlexWertheim. Is it a good problem?
@Kaj thanks for the update
@pedro Your mask is pissing me off.
I like his avatar.
@JasperLoy You never watched El laberinto del fauno I guess
@ᴇʏᴇs Nope.
If I find a course really really boring I should drop it right?
I mean, it'll just end up a crap grade probably since it is so hard to study
@Committingtoachallenge, maybe hold out until the last day to drop? See if things improve or not?
@KajHansen It's operations research, so the whole semester is just coding problems for optimizing stuff haha
Whereas my other 4 are pure math
@Committingtoachallenge I was gonna take that class but my friend who's taking it now says it's computational and boring
@ᴇʏᴇs It is exactly that Eyes
My girlfriend isn't in support of me dropping it
Which is my only real deterrent ahah
It's pretty much the gate to being able to do applied math out of uni(read: boring)
@Kaj: yes, a very cool one, especially if you are interested in doing algebraic geometry in the future. :)
That does look like a cool problem @AlexWertheim. I'll work on it tonight!
(I miss algebra dearly)
Haha, I thought you might like it for that reason, @Kaj.
@KajHansen I love algebra so far, so much
It certainly is one of the harder problems on that list. Granted, I haven't read all of them, but it looks significantly more challenging than almost any of those.
But it's great stuff.
hey guys
I don't understand why it is sufficient
that if {C}_n is sequence of bla why is it suffciient to prove this theorem?
Yes, I shall drop my 5th course so I have more time for real math
@JasperLoy Well that is too bad.
@MikeMiller Hello there.
Any of my old peeps here tonight?
@JasperLoy What's up bro?
@meer2kat Are you (possibly) the person Jasper talked about a few times?
@Commit Yep most likely! He recently sent me an email and it reminded me I haven't been here in a minute
Almost a year from the transcript
Yeah I was on here a lot when I was doing a programming project at work. I left when I moved back to my normal dwelling
What profession do you belong to?
@meer2kat Hi, did you go and do mission work in the end?
@Commit I was doing engineering. Now I'm back in school studying mathematics, english, and physics
@Jasper Not yet. Won't be for a few years yet if I get to
How are you doing?
Really bad. Might never get well, but trying to.

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