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@robjohn I think they started driving here at 730 despite my warning.... so it could be that they're just going to be very late.
@MikeMiller Could be. Where were they coming from?
730 mph... ohwait
Someplace in or nearby SD
@MikeMiller OMG, yes, they will be late. I left the West SFV at 7:30 and didn't get here until 9:06
I probably should have been more stern in my warning.
@MikeMiller Obama's in town and the freeways will be very slow through town
@robjohn Do you have any thoughts on 'TAOCP' D.E knuth?
Ok I back
I drive to hospital. Grandmother needs doctor
When does it stand that $f_{xy}=f_{yx}$ ??
But I brang my notebook
So I continue to solve in car.
Do you know what condition $f$ should satisfy so that $f_{xy}=f_{yx}$ ?? @robjohn @ThomasAndrews @DavidWheeler
Do $f_{xy}$ and $f_{yx}$ be continuous??
@AlexW: You survived your whirlwind visitation days?
You can prove a slightly stronger theorem, @MaryStar, but the standard hypothesis is that both second partial derivatives are continuous, yes.
So far, so good @Ted :)
I enjoyed meeting Bryan at Wisconsin! Very nice guy.
Good thing you're young and energetic, @AlexW :)
Did you find the visits interesting/enjoyable?
Yes, @AlexW, very nice, despite taking his 5th class from me :P
Can someone check? imgur.com/99fOo6I
I have little data left
Haha, well, I will admit the travel tired me out quite a bit. It's also a lot to meet so many new people at once. But my experiences these past couple months have been devoid of this kind of math oriented social interaction, so I really enjoyed it nonetheless.
I did, @Ted. There's one (possibly two) visit to go, but I think I have a clear answer in front of me after the last two days. :)
Rooting for UCLA ahead of Wisconsin?
I am looking at a pde and I want to write it into the canonical form.

So we have set $u(x, t)=V(\xi , \eta )$ where $\xi=at+bx, \eta=ct+dx$.

Does it stand in this case that $u_{xt}=u_{tx}$?? @TedShifrin
Owatch to control, is anyone receiving?
Yessir. I definitely enjoyed my visit to Wisconsin, but UCLA really blew me away.
Sure, in solving such PDE you ordinarily assume as differentiable as you need, @MaryStar, unless the course is very advanced.
It seems like the best fit for me both personally and mathematically.
Except for having to put up with @Mike, @AlexW.
Haha, one must put up with some difficulties, @Ted... ;)
Well, you must ... not I.
Hello!I am new to this chat room!
Can someone introduce
True, hahaha. In seriousness, @Mike was fantastic. We had a fun time, and he was able to show me around a bit during my downtime, which was nice.
Ok.. Do I have to mention that we assume it?? @TedShifrin
@Owatch: We honestly are not here to check each and every one of your homework problems.
You need to ask your professor, @MaryStar.
So what happens here?Can we discuss maths problems here?
Sorry. I will check when I get back home.
Hello @SanchayanDutta :)
@SanchayanDutta Are you a student?
Ok... Thank you!! :-) @TedShifrin
Hello Everyone!I new to mse!I am from india....high school student...preparing for iitjee...and i love solving mathematical problems
When do you take main exams?
introduce yourselves please?
main exams?
India has main and advanced examinations no?
oh well in 2016
You pass main, you can take advanced. Best schools take students who passed advanced?
I see. Ok.
well not schools...we call them engineering colleges here
anyway where are you from?
I am from France/Usa
and what do you do?
@Owatch France or USA ?
France, but I live in USA. I also have passport for the US
Vous êtes français?
Oui :D
oui oui vraiment
J'espère que vous n'utilise pas Google Translate.
Bien sur que non xD
Vous habite ou en France?
J'ai visité Paris l'été dernier.
Mais j'étais plutôt à Fontainebleau
gtg dinner, afk
Malheureusement, mon Français n'est pas au niveau d'un étudiant mon âge. J'ai grandi avec l'anglais pour longtemps et maintenant mon vocabulaire et grammaire souffre beaucoup.
I'll be right back.
I hope you don't use Google Translate.
I do not.
(too lazy to look for the cedille)
You said: This good.
Colloquial, formally, yes-ca c'est bien.
Approximately, in English: 's good.
C'bien would be that
It is hot in the car
Right. J'oublie
It's has been so longtemps, lol. oh, excusez-moi, mdr.
Is someone of you familiar with PDE's??
a bit. Not much.
I have to solve the following pde:

$$u_{tt}(x, t)-u_{xt}(x, t)=0, x \in \mathbb{R}, t>0 \\ u(x, 0)=f(x), x \in \mathbb{R} \\ u_t(x, 0)=g(x), x \in \mathbb{R}$$

I have done the following:

$$\Delta(x, t)=1>0$$

so it is an hyperbolic equation.

We want to write the equation into the canonical form, which is of the form $u_{\xi \eta}=D(\xi, \eta, u, u_{\xi}, u_{\eta})$.

$u(x, t)=U(\xi, \eta)$

$\xi=at+bx \\ \eta=ct+dx$

$$u_t=aU_{\xi}+cU_{\eta} \\ u_{tt}=a^2U_{\xi \xi}+2acU_{\xi \eta}+c^2U_{\eta \eta} \\ u_{xt}=u_{tx}abU_{\xi \xi}+adU_{\xi \eta}++cbU_{\eta \xi}+cdU_{\eta \eta}$$
@MaryStar could you define your notation ? What's $u_{ab}$ ?
$u_{ab}=\frac{\partial^2{u}}{\partial{a} \partial{b}}$ @PiDay
@MaryStar is $u\in C^2$ ?
(twice derivable with continuous second derivative)
I think so but I am not sure... @PiDay
@MaryStar Also, what's $\Delta$ ?? I know the $\Delta$ operator, but you're not applying it to any function here, so ...
It is the disciminant.

Let the differential equation be :

$A(x,y) U_{xx}(x, y)+2B(x, y)u_{xy}(x, y)+C(x, y)u_{yy}(x, y)+Du_x(x, y)+Eu_y(x, y)+Zu(x, y)=0$

then the discriminant is defined as followed:

$\Delta(x, y)=4(B^2(x, y)-A(x, y)C(x, y))$

If $\Delta>0$ then it is an hyperbolic equation,
if $\Delta=0$ then it is an parabolic equation,
if $\Delta<0$ then it is an elliptic equation. @PiDay
I believe it is the discriminant of the characteristic conic.
@MaryStar I don't know much about hyperbolic equations, sorry
Instead of having one linear operator $D$, one has two: $D_1$ and $D_2$.
Ok... no problem... @PiDay
Do you have an idea @DavidWheeler ?? Have I done something wrong??
Hallo @Theorem Wie war dein Tag heute?
@evinda Es war Ok .
Was hast du so gemacht? @Theorem
Why is $\cup_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ a good notation for both finite and (countably) infinite unions? An author uses it and I'm not sure why
Because any finite set can be indexed by a finite set of natural numbers
But the infinite case?
@evinda Ich hab mountainbiking .
If you have a countably infinite set, it is in one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers, and this correspondence can be used to index the set.
@Theorem Also hast du doch ein Hobby :)
@evinda Auf jeden fall ! laufen und Philosophie bucher lesen sind meine Hobby .
@DavidWheeler but for it to work (in the finite case) I need to have some "neutral element" (eg $\emptyset$ in $\cup$ and $0$ in $\sum$) - well I suppose I do so it makes sense.
I must learn German.
@Owatch What languages do you speak?
@Theorem Gut!
I'm learning! :) But it is very hard :/
One more question, is there a way I can write a $\cup$ but with a dot in the middle? (I don't know how I'd search for this)
and it proves brouwers fixed point thm
@AlecTeal Yes, that is one of the reasons why the empty set is so indispensable.
@Hermine Will you take exams?
No, I just do it for fun
@Hermine Interessant!
@DavidWheeler yes, good point, as for the dot inside the cup?
@robjohn Hi :) good morning
Are you a native german speaker @evi
Haven't seen that one-I have seen the one with a + inside
@Nick Where have you been? Haven't seen you in a long while? How's life going?
@DavidWheeler it's a start, how do you do it?
wait- \bigcupdot will work-let me see, $\bigcupdot$
How do I provide Mr.Wolf with boundaries for integrals?
hmm, mathjax must not support the MnSymbol package
$\biguplus$ (did that work? I need someone to confirm this because chatjax wont work)
$\bigudot$ - did this work?
that did the plus one, ya
2nd one did not
@Hermine I have 2 native languages, that is one of them. What's with you? What's your native language?
@TedShifrin the center is a fixed point no ?
@evinda mine is spanish, which others do you speak?
@Hermine Greek, english, french.
Spanish has words similar to French.
Many, in fact.
@evinda Nice, je parle francais aussi!
@Hermine Bien!
@Owatch, yes, that's the reason it was so easy for me to lern french, but not so easy to lern german :P
Tout a fois tout le monde parles francais.
@Hermine Now you used a german word ^_^
I would like to learn either German or Russian.
I think German would be easier.
Wow, so many languages :D
@Owatch I want to learn russian too
@Owatch Yes, I think so too
@evinda What use?
@Sawarnik What languages do you speak?
I downloaded duolingo, and used it a bit with German.
@evinda Hindi and English.
only :D
@Sawarnik What do you mean with "what use"?
But I think a instructor and courses would be better, if not living in a country that speaks the language.
What is the use of learning 10 different languages?
What is the use of learning any other languages?
With that outlook.
@Sawarnik I like to learn foreign languages.
ok :)
learn some non-european languages too then :D
Other languages are useful for travelling, communicating, and understanding what people say.
Russian is non-european, kind of.
It's Cyrillic based I believe.
But Eastern Europe speaks those types too.
I think
My Calculus instructor is Russian
$$\int_0^{\phi} \frac{d \theta}{\sqrt{1-\cos{\phi}\cos\theta}}=\int_0^{\pi/2} \frac{d \theta}{\sqrt{1+\cos{\phi}\cos\theta}}$$
This was a proposed problem ...
Oh my, $ \frac{dy}{dx} secx$ is no simple derivative.
@Semiclassical It's for a derivative problem. I'm supposed to use it in Trigonometric Substitution since it is one of the Expression substitutions: sqrt(x^2 - a^2), x = asec(theta)
I skipped that one for now.
ah, so you do want the derivative of secant
I checked what it was with Mr.Wolf. It's enormous.
what's the specific problem?
$\int \frac{1}{t^2 \sqrt{t^2 - 16}} dt$
ahh. you can make that a simpler by subbing $x=t/4$ in order to pull the 16 out, but it's still hairy
I will just pick another.
I have a topology question, why in R is this true: F is compact iff F is closed and bounded? Is it because R is hausdorff?
$\mathbb{R}$ is a metric space, hence hausdorff
thus every compact subset is closed and bounded
the hausdorff property alone doesnt guarantee that a compact subset is bounded
So in what other spaces is that true?
I know that for R and R^n
is the sphere is compact ?
My questions arises from the compactness of the unit square, because it is Hausdorff and compact
@Vrouvrou yes it is
Bou it does not have the same topology of RxR
(Unit square with dictionary topology)
@Owatch That integral comes out rather simply, believe it or not
@teadawg1337 I can return to it after.
what do you mean by dictionary topology? you topologize the unit square with the subspace topology of \mathbb{R}^2$ right?
Properties of a topological space depend more on the topology than the underlying set (with some differences for "small sets"-which consequently have fewer topologies to choose from)
I've solved it, tell me when you need some help with it @Owatch
The lexicographic ordering not the induce topology
Hi @Huy
Lange nichts mehr voneinander gehört...
jo, viel zu tun die Tage
In general topology, the lexicographic ordering on the unit square is a topology on the unit square S, i.e. on the set of points (x,y) in the plane such that 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. == Construction == As the name suggests, we use the lexicographical ordering on the square to define a topology. Given two points in the square, say (x,y) and (u,v), we say that (x,y) (u,v) if and only if either x < u or both x = u and y < v. Given the lexicographical ordering on the square, we use the order topology to define the topology on S. == Properties == The order topology makes S into a completely normal...
eww german
@iwriteonbananas Du bist ein Schlauberger :P
@Huy Was machst du so?
@Hermine Do you study algorithms?
@teadawg1337 disgusting
@evinda: Hauptsächlich fürs Gymnasium arbeiten. Nebenbei etwas Differentialgeometrie.
Besuchst du Vorlesungen diesen Semester? @Huy
@evinda: Paar fürs Lehrdiplom, und DiffGeo2.
@evinda I study math, and you?
und selber?
@evinda, why?
@Hermine Compactness is a topological property-"which" sets are compact depends on "which" topology you use.
@Hermine Because I saw that you posted something about lexicographic order.. I study applied mathematics and take the subject algorithms and complexity.
@Huy Ich nehme 5 Fächer diesen Semester
@teadawg1337 is $(\sqrt{2})^5 = 2^3$?
@evinda I'm studyng topolgy now! There is not applied math in my University :(
@Owatch No, it'd be $4\sqrt{2}$
@David I know, that's why I am asking what property is necessary for the theorem to be true
@teadawg1337 I see.
@Huy Algorithmen&Komplexität, Numerische Lösung von Differentialgleichungen, Kryptographie, Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Methoden der Angewandte Mathematik
ok, cool
For compact = closed + bounded?
@Owatch Need help with anything?
Soon. I am solving another.
Before I return to other.
I am near end
Alright, I'll be here
I have currently got $\int tanxsec^{5}x - 2tanxsec^{3}x + tanxsecx dx$
Does not look too promising.
Oh wait, I can split it
@Owatch Try substituting $u=\sec(x)$
No splitting?
You can split it
Better not to?
It'd be better to split
But apply $u=\sec(x)$ to all three
How's it coming along?
Not good
This will take several pages, should not.
Do you remember the derivative of $sec(x)$?
It shouldn't take more than a few lines
$\int tanxsec^{5}x dx$
u = secx
= $\int \frac{u^5}{secx}du$
Hold on, $du=\sec(x)\tan(x)dx$
So it should be $\int u^4du$, should it not?
Oh yeah
My bad then
I didn't realize secx in the derivative was u
You have a tendency to mix variables, be careful
Okay, next integral?
I have two more pieces to do.
Of the first
I know, I meant next integral in this particular problem
Same thing, just with sec^3
I do
Oh no
What's wrong?
It's actually $\int2tansec^{3}x$, my bad.
for which one?
second piece
It's fine, you can still apply the same change of variable
Wait, is it $\int 2\tan(\sec^3(x))dx$?
I missed an x after tan
Okay, so just apply $u=\sec(x)$ again
I have
What did you get?
$2[ \frac{sec^{3}x}{3}]$
Why are you dividing by 3?
My bad.
Ah, I see.
And the third one is straightforward
It became zero?
Or 1
Which becomes x
Well, it became $\int du$ after the substitution, so it becomes $u$
1 du
Okay, combine everything
I will, I must rewrite.
(On various pages)
It's spread out on various pages, I need to have it on one.
So I'll rewrite it there now, so I can combine it properly without sifting arund
It will take a minute to rewrite
Alright, I'll be waiting :3
Just wanna point out that it's been about 6-7 minutes, @Owatch :P
There is much to write. Just one minute.
I was just kidding around, take your time
It's very long
For an answer
It should only be three terms not counting the constant of integration, though
Yes it is 3 parts.
Constant not in there but I added it
Wait wait wait, where'd all the square roots come from?
I did not mention earlier
They are outside the integral so I thought not important for now.
Sorry, I mention next time,
You're fine, don't worry about it
... But please do warn me next time
Yes I will.
What about putting it back in terms of $t$?
Oh right.
Must I draw tri-angle?
I'd draw a triangle, yes
tan(theta) = $\frac{t}{\sqrt{2}}$
Triangle draw, with opposite t, Hypotenuse is $\sqrt{2}$
That should be opp/adj
No, the adjacent side would be $\sqrt{2}$
hyp = $\sqrt{2 + t^2}$
sec = 1/cos
sec = hyp/adj
sec = $\frac{\sqrt{2 + t^2}}{\sqrt{2}}$
Or $\frac12\sqrt{2t^2+4}$
@Vrouvrou Were you not in NSChat the other day?
Focus, @Owatch :)
I have to substitute
But I don't have space
I will write above.
By the way...Happy $\exp{\left ( 1+\pi+\frac1{e} \right )} \sin{(\pi e)} \pi^{-e} $ Day!
I got $\frac{4(\sqrt{2+t^2})^5}{5} - \frac{8(\sqrt{2+t^2})^3}{3} + 4 \sqrt{2+t^2} + c$
@Owatch let me check
Nope, that's not right :(
The whole answer, or the substitution?
The whole answer
Wait, let me check again
Took me an hour
What a waste of time,
@Owatch Wait, I'm not sure. Let me expand it and check
Nope, it's wrong :(
I don't know what work you did, so I have no idea where you went wrong
Everything was correct up until the substitution
of sec(theta) with it in terms of x?
I think you were correct until putting the final answer back in terms of $t$, but I can't say for sure because I don't have your work to check
I linked it earlier
Up to before substitution and solving for sec
I'm working it to see where you went wrong @Owatch, gimme about four minutes
Thank you
I will be back in 10m
@Owatch wait
I'm almost done
@Owatch you didn't take into account that $\sec(\theta)=\frac{\sqrt{t^2+2}}{\sqrt{2}}$
You didn't cancel out the common factor of $\sqrt{2}$ when rearranging the equation to be in terms of $t$
Either that or you messed up with distributing powers
I will be back and forth fleetingly, thanks I will check in a bit.
Okay, no problem
No I think distribution was fine
I'll substitute, and not simplify/
You forgot to raise $\sqrt{2}$ to the proper powers
I see
Stupid me
@DanielFischer You disappeared.
Please the sphere is convexe or not ?
One careless mistake does not make you stupid :)
Practice is key
Can someone help me at:
Q: How can we get a contradiction?

Mary StarHow could we show that the problem $$u_{tt}(x, t)-u_{xt}(x, t)=0, x \in \mathbb{R}, t \in \mathbb{R}, \\ u(x, -x)=0, x \in \mathbb{R}, \\ u_t(x, -x)=x, x \in \mathbb{R}$$ doesn't have a smooth solution?? Do we have to suppose that there is any smooth solution?? But how can we get a contradictio...

@Owatch Now, back to $\int \frac{dt}{t^2\sqrt{t^2-16}}$?

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