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I can't study all day anymore, that's what's led me to this pit of pure exhaustion that I've been stuck in for a while. I need to chill and learn slowly, like @Ted says
yes, I know, @Ramanewb.
@teadawg: Ted isn't as stupid as he looks.
@teadawg1337 no, that just means it's time to start looking into medication
@ted of course you do... You don't have dementia yet !
I already take meds...
Gee thanks, @Ramanewb. You are as bad as Hippa.
why are u taking meds tho?
@ted He's even worse, you know it...
I'll try, @Ted. One of my friends from the number theory group is going to come. I think it's decently accessible, but I do use handlebody decomposition willy nilly.
Sadly, @Ramanewb, you have a few years to catch up.
@iwriteonbananas ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, and... I think that's it
That's perfectly reasonable in a geometric topology talk, @Mike.
@Ramanewbie are you french? you chat in english like a french person would
But I've been taking meds for almost 10 years
@ted You can't catch up someone who's older than you... a shame
@iwriteonbananas oui
@Ramanewb: He too will slow down.
@teadawg1337 oh....ADHD doesnt exist according to a book i recently read
I know, @Ted, I don't feel bad about it. They might, though :P
how old are u that ur taking meds for 10 yrs?
@Ramanewbie pt de mdr
There's way too much "practice of medicine" in this room for my taste.
Well that's a load of crap, ADHD does exist and has three subtypes.
@iwriteonbananas "taking meds" what do you mean ?
@iwriteonbananas I'm 18.
@Theorem $\varphi$ is a possible variation for $u$, right?
@robjohn yes .
Oy, I'm seeing stars again.
@ted did you bump yourself -__-
@Theorem so is there a reason that it cannot be a constant function?
@TedShifrin It's not night here. No stars :-)
@Ramanewb: Il ne faut pas beaucoup de temps pour que tu sois aussi méchant que ton frère.
The only drug I need is caffeine. And apparently insulin. Insulin is important.
@Ted I avoid talking about my problems, because I've learned that most people would prefer not to hear about them...
Hi all
@ted do you think I'll get more evil growing up ?
@robjohn It can be a constant function as well . Why would you not want it to be constant ?
am i right ?
Hey @Danu how is HSM going?
@TedShifrin What kind of medicine?
I just don't like people passing medical judgments, @teadawg. I want you and Jasper and anyone else who has problems to be as healthy as you can be. Math is hard to do when you're depressed.
@Alizter It's alright; We have to try and make something happen to increase activity though
@Theorem because that would allow $s$ to grow larger and make the Rayleigh ratio get smaller until it limits to $0$
What did I just say, @Ramanewb?
@Danu There was an initial burst but then everybody had most the stuff they were wondering about answered.
@ted haha what was evil in my sentence
@iwriteonbananas I'm 62
@Ramanewbie i'm iwriteonbananas
@Alizter Hah, right. I think that's very common though. The 'natural audience' for HSM is just not that large, so it's hard to get a lot of stuff going
@Ramanewbie Your picture says 42.
@Alizter I know...
@Ramanewb is 8, but he acts 14.
@Ramanewbie So 42=62?
I've got a small question about group theory; would there be anyone here who could help me?
@Alizter hippa gave me this stupid age on my profile
in fact I'm not 62, nor 42, nor 8 @ted ^^
@Ramanewbie why does hippa have access to your profile?
@Alizter He gave it to me
That's not a good sign.
@Alizter He's my brother
I stand by my point.
Or. You are Hippa
@Alizter: Hippa took the former imposter-of-me profile and turned it into his brother's.
Hippa is now socking himself?
I NEVER use hand-me-down accounts from siblings, NOR do I share my accounts with my siblings.
lol @ted
I think it's pretty clear @Ramanewb knows 0.01% of the math that Hippa knows.
Oh ok
@robjohn but that isn't clear . $s$ is in numerator and denominator .
Hide the stufff
hes here
That's because you're smart, @teadawg.
@TedShifrin I'm a magician then ? :D
Well, except for knowing logs :P
Il faut que tu lises ce que j'ai écrit au-dessus, Hippa.
@TedShifrin I lost all my data for my physics coursework
So I made it up
@ted I'm hippa, I've always be, this is my second account. I don't have a little brother.
@Alizter: That is not comforting.
I was efficient with the methods I was using, I just need to learn much more efficient methods @Ted
@Theorem if $\varphi$ is constant, $s\nabla\varphi=0$
Still can't tell the difference
Today was a good learning experience for me
@Ramanewbie Flee you fool before the sheeple eats you
@TedShifrin I performed a few regression tests to keep it neat
@Theorem I have to go for a while. BBL
It's sort of like grad students trying to compute Riemann curvature tensors for high-dimensional spaces and not knowing what Gaussian curvature of a surface or curvature of a curve is, @teadawg.
@robjohn Ok , see you later :)
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana wordreference.com/enfr/sheeple
maybe he has fleas, Hippa.
no @ted
sorry, @Alizter, I mis-pinged you.
@TedShifrin Do you think immersing him in a bath of acid will help ?
Mis-ping-apology accepted
sulfuric? Hippa.
@ted who ???
Hmmm nitric and hydrochloric should do
He is gold afterall?
yeah, those should all do just fine.
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana H_2O_2
My brain hurts from chemistry today
@Ramanewb: You're bleaching your hair at your age?
Had a test on nucleophillic and electrophillic mechinisms
@Alizter Those are cool :D
@TedShifrin I've heard of Gaussian curvature, know nothing about it, but I can tell that would be brutal
@ted I'm not a grandma
Especially when you get into HSAB and quantum stuff
well, @teadawg, you have to learn multivariable calc first, and then you can read my diff geo notes :P
Hetrologous catalyst sulphuric acid is?
or whatever
Depends on what they ask you about that acid lol
oh, come to think of it, you probably know almost enough. Do you know linear algebra through eigenvalues/eigenvectors? @teadawg
I still don't get how some catalysts speed up reactions by just being there
@Alizter By bypassing slow reactions
They change reaction pathways, @Alizter
@Ted Not yet, but I'm getting close
But they never react at all
They don't just stay here idle, they react
They're just reformed at the end
Some catalysts like sulphuric acid react then seperate
So, they do react. That's why it works
Wow, it's been almost 45 years since I've thought about this chemistry stuff.
but then there are other catalysts that sit there the whole time
@Ted I could probably focus more on learning multivariable and linear algebra now
@teadawg1337 I thought you hadn't done topo
huh? Hippa?
@TedShifrin wrong ping obviously xD
I just broke my understanding of chemistry again
Now I'm confused
Back to lie theory soon
after exams
@Alizter What's your new problem ?
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana I touched on a bit of topology when I first started learning some real analysis
I told my students what a Lie group was (after we were done talking about manifolds) and they freaked out.
Myself apparently
@TedShifrin Manifolds freak me out still.
That's because you don't know enough to begin to understand them, @Alizter.
But not enough
You guys want to know everything when you're in high school. It just doesn't work that way.
Hey, manifolds! :D @TedShifrin I was that guy that was convinced he was going to fail his diffgeo exam a month or so back
I did pass :D
I still don't see lie groups and manifolds yet
@Alizter In 57 years, when we discover that the RH is ZF independant, we'll freak out even more :3
I knew nothing in high school. I still know nothing
Congratulations, @Danu.
Shall I write you a harder one? :P
@TedShifrin I'm taking what you call 'real' diffgeo next semester (Riemannian geometry)
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana I would be more freaked if it was dependant
I'm also editing the lecture notes for this course to improve my understanding
(in my holidays)
@Alizter uh ? Why ?
so I'm not being a slacker ;)
Because then it wouldn't be as amazing
Yes, going through and rewriting proofs and filling in details helps a lot ... plus doing concrete computations, @Danu.
Ah lol. Anyway, if you need help on chem, I can try to help :D @Alizter
@TedShifrin There is a distinct lack of the latter in these notes, regrettably.
Hippa claims to be a chemistry expert ...
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana I had too many tests today
Examples, but no computations
Im fine
@TedShifrin Not expert q_q
I make my students do lots of computations, @Danu, both undergraduate and graduate.
I make my calculator do lots of computations :D
@TedShifrin Funnily enough, the exam was almost solely computation
@Ted I'll let you know when I get to eigenvalues/eigenvectors
(which saved my ass, because my physics background makes me reasonably good at computations in coordinates)
They're in my videos, at the very end, @teadawg.
Well, @Danu, the physics majors in my undergraduate diff geo class are a mixed bag. Several are doing very well, several not so well.
Polylog is like putting dog crap in a pink box.
@TedShifrin Sounds about right :) Many of my friends dropped out halfway through.
Why do people even take courses and then drop q_q
It seems common in the US
Only one has dropped so far, @Danu. We have lots of lazy students, and lazy students don't survive me.
Because they're too hard for them...
@TedShifrin Heh, you sound scary
Why did they take it in the first place ?
Or they're too lazy to work. These days students get through all sorts of stuff in high school and college being smart and very lazy.
...because they didn't realize, obviously
O_o I'm not smart nor not lazy :D
The physics guy who dropped my class could have done fine if he had actually started homework earlier than the night before it was due ... and come for help.
Dog crap - Comes from something you love and is useful. Has to be dealt with however as it makes a mess. You can combine dog crap in interesting ways, you still have dog crap though. You will never get another dog.
Ta gueule @Hippa.
@Danu: There's some guy on main who wants to calculate the poincare dual of CP^n in CP^{n+1} and wants to do it in coordinates. Sounds like your kind of job.
@TedShifrin That's rude
I meant it to be.
OK I will stop with my bashing of polylogs
@MikeMiller Meh :P
@Mike: I added a comment.
Back to watching pulp fiction
@MikeMiller can I take you up on that offer to help me out?
There is a computation (an integral) that needs to be done in coordinates.
@Danu: The blind leading the blind?
I'm going back to my nap, @Danu. Give me half an hour.
@Ted Oh goodness, eigenvalues/eigenvectors are near the end of your 3510 lectures... I've got a little ways to go
@TedShifrin Don't be mean!
well, you can skip all the calculus and learn that if you want. There's only one lecture that has some stuff on flows of vector fields and the divergence theorem. @teadawg
It's some stupid group theory detail in an example from the notes
I specialize in mean. Just ask Hippa.
And I just can't see it, even though I think I totally see the intuitive argument
stupid group theory example?
in diff geo?
The example is not stupid, me missing the detail is
@TedShifrin we did a lot of stuff with group actions early on
To demonstrate how the Hausdorff property can fail and stuff like that
(quotient spaces)
oh, quotient topology issues
that's not differential geometry, really, just topology
Yeah, but I think it's useful to discuss them here
@Ted I need to brush up a bit on multivariable first tbh
right, you need to know that you get a decent manifold structure on $G/H$ if there's a proper discontinuous action.
not for that linear algebra, @teadawg.
maybe you need to brush up on earlier linear algebra ... I dunno.
I dunno, I'm starting to question the effectiveness of my self-teaching
Right, and in this example there's some construction to show the projection is locally injective, and I just can't get one detail to work
@Ted: Thanks, that's a clear comment. I'm not sure if he'll understand your last sentence, but hopefully he can put what we say together.
well, @Mike, now that I know what it's about, I leave it to you (post nap).
actually, what I wrote is wrong. It should be $M/G$. :P
@TedShifrin So lonely :P
@TedShifrin True
I'm going to cook dinner ... you all will have fun without me.
le bye @ted
Well, I certainly don't have fun with you @Ted
@MikeMiller Are you saying my problems are no fun? ;)
Number Theory and Complex Analysis is killing me
No way, @Danu
@ᴇʏᴇs I can help (them) :D
I'm on my phone and about to stop at the store, but what's your problem? I'll think about it.
@MikeMiller We're considering a finite group $G$ acting (freely) on a topological manifold $X$. I just need to show that, denoting neighborhoods of $x\in X$ by $U_x$ $g\cap_{h\in G} h U_{h^{-1}x}=\cap_{h\in G} h U_{h^{-1}gx}$.
Hello @ted @mike.
@ABeautifulMind ted's just gone
@Ramanewbie OK.
@teadawg1337 and @iwriteonbananas I am not arguing about whether ADHD exists or not, but it all very much depends on different people's definitions of exist. Just like if Buddhism is a religion, it depends on the definition of religion.
Hello Jasper.
Hi. I hope I won't be flamed for the above statement.
Hi @ABeautifulMind
I think I have read enough of the literature to make the above statement and know the different viewpoints.
I think many misunderstandings arise between people because they have different definitions of things, among other things.
@ABeautifulMind I define -1 as a prime number
@ᴇʏᴇs Wow, that will surely solve Riemann.
I will solve Jasper
@ᴇʏᴇs Congrats for solving RH, here's your \$1M. UNfortunately, since -1 is prime, it implies that it is equivalent to -\$42M. Here's your $42M note, sir
I am drinking some coffee now and thinking of how to solve my mental problems.
IMAO, Jasper is harder to solve than Riemann.
@Chris'ssis Thanks Chris.
@ABeautifulMind Maybe by talking less about them ? I'm not criticizing or anything, but I'm not sure that talking about them every day helps a lot
@ABeautifulMind I hope you really watch it.
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana There are some things I should not think about and some things I should think about, yes.
@ABeautifulMind Be a winner! Defeat anything around you! Be great and think in a big style!
@Chris'ssis Yes, I hope to meet you at the math conference in a few years, lol!
@ABeautifulMind :D
Hi @robjohn you look very orange today.
@ABeautifulMind I hope you stop being blue soon
@ᴇʏᴇs That's a nice pickup line, lol.
@ABeautifulMind I also recommend you this one (if you fall one billion times, you always get up and fight till the end, you have the last word in everything, you're the champion)
@ABeautifulMind I hope you can pick yourself up soon
@ᴇʏᴇs I am targeting to be completely well by the end of next year.
@ABeautifulMind No more than usual...
@ABeautifulMind Maybe you don't realize now, but the difficulties in life make people unbelievably strong.
@Chris'ssis Hehe, sometimes I like to think that way, but I would rather live a normal, happy life. =)
why did I lose 30 rep with the explanation USER WAS REMOVED?
@TheEmperorofIceCream User deleted account and he upvoted you 3 times and his votes are gone.
oh I see.
I hope someone doesn't delete account and I lose 10000 rep or something
@Chris'ssis I think my problems have changed me slowly over the years and I don't even realise it.
@ABeautifulMind Life changes us.
@Chris'ssis It's also very unpredictable.
@Chris'ssis Do you know where your book will be published ? (what publisher, Springer ?)
@ABeautifulMind That is the entertaining part. :-)
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana Not sure it will be Springer for some reasons.
@TheEmperorofIceCream Plz gimme ice cream :3
@Chris'ssis I guess it might be difficult to be published by a known publisher without acknowledgment
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana sure thing
Salut @Iwriteonpeople
@Committingtoachallenge :D
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana Well, that might be changed over some time. Let's see what happens in the next period of time. I have a plan.
@Chris'ssis You sound like an evil genius, do you plan on taking over Romania ? :D
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana lol. I say nothing more for now. :-)
How are you doing?
@Chris'ssis ok ok :D
@Committingtoachallenge I am trying to get on the right path to recovery instead of going down the wrong path.
@ABeautifulMind I am going down the path of insanity now due to my work load at uni
I did 11 hours of study yesterday lol
@Committingtoachallenge Oh? Can you try to take less courses?
@Committingtoachallenge :D
@ABeautifulMind I can, but I don't want to
They are so fun, but tiring
@Committingtoachallenge Not good to overwork.
@Committingtoachallenge I've spent my last 2 hours on prntscr.com/6f9ic9
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana "evil genius" were the most often words I heard at one of my former jobs, from a certain colleague :-). You just made me recollect him. I know nothing about him at the moment ... (unfortunately).
@Chris'ssis Didn't you keep some contacts ?
Q: What is an odd prime?

user221304I heard the term "odd prime" often. Isn't it redundant? If $n$ is even then $2$ divides $n$ so it's not prime. Why is "odd" emphasized?

@TheEmperorofIceCream 2
really? This is the first question in the newsletter?
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana He changed his old phone number and then he doesn't use internet (for some reason).
@TheEmperorofIceCream Welcome to SE.
@TheEmperorofIceCream Yeah I saw that too :/
@TheEmperorofIceCream One of my questions was came back 3 or 4 times on the newsletter too :D
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana I have spent so many hours on this assignment that he had given us 6 days for in the first week of uni... prntscr.com/6f9j5t
They look so much easier than they are
(3),(4) are classical
(I've done those)
Except 5 it is probably easier than it looks
I doubt you have done 4 to be honest
I have actually I'm pretty sure
It was given at a 30 mins math oral exam for the competitive exams I'm preparing for
@Committingtoachallenge why is that?
Because apparently it is a really unconventional question
So it was in my exercise sheet
(for linear operators)
I haven't done much NT so idk about (5)
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana I'm a nice person, good to know (excepting the part when I'm annoyed). ;)
@Chris'ssis I hope I'm one too :DDDD
I got asked that question when I did linear algebra
All the questions are meant to be answered in terms of linear operators
It's for abstract algebra II
@Chris'ssis Our assignments (except small exercises) litteraly have to be more than 4 hour long
Although in a different flavor
They're 4h exam papers. Exam papers can't be finished in the given time :/
Although in a different flavor
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana I see.
@TheEmperorofIceCream Is this an icecream pun?
@Chris'ssis Do you still not believe I'm a student ?
@Iwrite Je étudie maintenant
@Chris'ssis You still think he's an old professional ??
@Committingtoachallenge j'étudie*
@Ramanewbie GO TO BED
Damn, it's 12:42 here
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana I am sleeping in another dimension
@Ramanewbie :D
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana désolé - j'étudie maintenant
Even I should go to sleep I have class tomorrow :/
@Committingtoachallenge Yeah :D
One thing I know is that if not for my mental problems, I would not have come to this chat and met so many amazing people in the world.
yes, noon 42, I just finished my lunch
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana Don't ask my about what I believe at this hour. I only believe in a good sleep now. :-)))
@Ramanewbie Bed now. I'm putting you on ignore.
@Chris'ssis You shouldn't stay up too late though, you'll get awfully tired. I had to take a 1h nap at 9 am because I was sooo tired today
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana Well, there is much work to do for my book.
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana Why ignore lui?
@Committingtoachallenge He's supposed to be sleeping q_q
It's nearly 1 AM here
@Chris'ssis Don't make it too big though, you can always make a second one :D
No more than 500-600 pages
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana Around 300 problems.
That's a good number I guess
I am going to eat something now.
I'm off to sleep, work well everyone :D
Oyasumi nasai
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana bonne nuit
@Committingtoachallenge 8=)
@iwriteonpeoplewhowriteonbanana It would be great to publish a second book too, or even more, but not for the sake of publishing, but for offering maximum pleasure to the reader in the area of integrals, series and limits.
@Chris'ssis Oui
find the linear maps $V\mapsto V$ such that $ff(v)=0$ for all $v$
@TheEmperorofIceCream Are you talking about my assignment?
Q 4?
@Committingtoachallenge It's really nice to have in hand a book and read it in silence trying to explore the amazing mysteries of mathematics.
@Chris'ssis Je suis non sure that people can just read un livre on those subjects though
@DanielFischer Could I ask you something?
We have the following pseudocodes:

     if p<r then

      for j<-p to r-1
           if A[j]<=x then
      return i+1

I want to show that if A contains distinct elements and is sorted in decreasing  order, then the execution time of quicksort is $\Theta(n^2)$.

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