@robjohn What i have done is differentiation with respect to $s$ and i have applied the fundamental theorem of calculus of variation . What i am afraid is that i am not getting some nice equations . :(
@Vrouvrou let $x_0 \in E$ and let $(x_n)_n$ be the sequence described in the assignment. since you know $x_0$ is an adherent value of $(x_n)$, let $x_{n_k}$ be a subsquence such that $d(x_{n_k}, x_0) \to 0$. to prove that $x_0 \in \overline{f(E)}$, it suffices to show that any $B_\epsilon(x_0)$ has nonempty intersection with $f(E)$. suppose toward contradiction that $f(E) \subset B_\epsilon(x_0)^c$. Then $d(x_0, x_{n_k}) \geq \epsilon$ which contradicts convergence
@robjohn In the first step , to find the necessary conditions i just perturbed the minimizer $u^*$ to $u^*+s \phi$ , differentiated with respect to $s$ and equated it to $0$.$s$ is a scalar , $\phi$ is a function that belongs to $H^{1,2}$.
@TedShifrin One hundred people line up to board an airplane. Each has a boarding pass with assigned seat. However, the first person to board has lost his boarding pass and takes a random seat. After that, each person takes the assigned seat if it is unoccupied, and one of unoccupied seats at random otherwise. What is the probability that the last person to board gets to sit in his assigned seat?
@Alizter He gets in his assigned seat iff it's the last one available. First peron has $(n-1)/n$ odds of not sitting in that seat; next has $(n-2)/(n-1)$...
The SELECT algorithm determines the $i$th smallest of an input array of $n>1$
distinct elements by executing the following steps.
Divide the $n$ elements of the input array into $\lfloor \frac{n}{5} \rfloor $ groups of $5$ elements each and at most one group made up of the remaining $n \mod 5$ ...
@Theorem I'm just trying to understand the first part. It looks as if we can simply add a constant to $u$. That doesn't change $\nabla u$ but changes $u$
@TedShifrin 1/n is too small. Thats as if the first pasenger guessed correctly. However there is also when he doesn't but possible the second and third swapped and rest were correct.
@TedShifrin he gets in his last seat iff it's available. the first guy has probability (n-1)/n of not getting in his seat; the next guy (n-2)/(n-1), ... the second to last guy 1/2
Another way of thinking about it: each assignment of seats is just a permutation of $[n]$. Precisely $(n-1)!$ of those preserve the last one - those are the permutations of $[n-1]$.
@MikeMiller As I understand homomorphic classes or whatever they are called can be morphed into eachother but classes are sepereated by holes and sticky-outy-bits. But in homotopy classes they are just holes.
The following pseudocodes are given.
if p<r then
for j<-p to r-1
if A[j]<=x then
return i+1
@TedShifrin I mean, it explains why I've been having so much trouble... Now I just don't know what the fundamentals are that I should learn before diving back in to where I was :/