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@TedShifrin oui je parle de ma somme
With you as a teacher, @Pedro? Couldn't be worse than the tennis lesson.
@Mike Our presence seems shift-like, because my leaving often occurs close to your arrival :).
Non, @pourjour, il faut diviser la somme par $r$.
@Lord, @Mike often arrives at 7 AM his time.
@TedShifrin oui exactement
OK, @pourjour. C'est fini, alors :)
@TedShifrin I tend to leave 12AM my time.
@TedShifrin oui, merci pour votre temps
Pas de quoi, @pourjour. Bonne chance!
@TedShifrin Merci
pas de ç :P
@TedShifrin I have something you might like ....
I like nothing.
@Chris'ssis $42$.
@TedShifrin ta langue française est bonne
Merci bien, @pourjour. Je fais de mon mieux :P
@PedroTamaroff How did you get that?
@TedShifrin Merci pour la correction
He got it facetiously, @Chris'ssis.
@TedShifrin I wanna add it to my book.
@Chris'ssis It's trivial.
@PedroTamaroff Not really, not this time.
Well, perhaps not trivial, but still any average high school student could get it in an hour? :D
That will be all for tonight, folks. Good night, and see you around :).
night, @Lord.
shakes the room to see if it's dead
@TedShifrin Rises from slumber.
Wanna practice Spanish Ted?
Read the notes I wrote. =D
which notes?
@TedShifrin bonne nuit
bonne nuit, @pourjour
@TedShifrin à bientôt
@Pedro: I can read mathematical Spanish. That's different from actually having a conversation with a Spanish-speaker who knows no English :P
@TedShifrin Well, so far I've written three set of notes: Fourier Theory, Hilber Rings, and the Structure Theorem of finite modules over PIDs.
LOL, @Pedro. I read through the Fourier stuff ages ago.
Hehehe, sure.
@TedShifrin The last one is the ST over PIDs. Wanna take a look? It is not finished but ended up looking pretty.
OK, forward it to me. But that doesn't count as teaching me to speak Spanish.
Can you "roll the r", @TedShifrin?
Sure. The French "r" is a bit more gutteral, but I have a tongue to trill. :P
Ah, true. I momentarily forgot you can French.
@TedShifrin What was the name of the student that knew Spanish?
Um, I've forgotten. Was it Daniel?
I don't remember. He was the oldest of them, I think. He was graduating.
Oh ... graduating. Hmm ... Oh, duh, Eric. He's waiting to hear from grad schools now.
Yes, Eric!
I was going to say Ethan.
He actually spent part of a summer in Peru and speaks Spanish pretty well, I think. Plus he learned to cook :P
Yes, I remember talking to him.
He's gonna take lots of my math books :P
@Pedro: you're graduating this year, right?
@AlexWertheim No, probably next year.
Wrong @Alex.
Most surely!
Oh, you've moved it up a year, @Pedro?
@TedShifrin You can pay me in math books.
@TedShifrin What do you mean?
Well, sure, but you gotta deliver.
Damn, I was double wrong! I see.
I thought that you were going to have two years after this one.
I finished second year just now. Starting third year.
@TedShifrin Yes.
So I should be graduating 2016.
Oh, I see.
@robjohn I modified and uploaded the new version of L+3 and then I also put L+4 that is simply amazing, I mean it's too nice to be true, definitely, but it's pretty hard without using the proper approach.
@robjohn I still investigate other possible ways for L+4.
The calendar is different from ours, of course, @Pedro, so I'm confuzled about which year you apply to grad school.
@TedShifrin As soon as I have concluded my thesis, I should be starting, I suppose. I don't want to get ahead of myself, anyways...
In the US, people apply by December 1 or January 1, @Pedro. I guess you can still do that, no problem. You just have some free months.
hi @Julian.
@Ted Hello.
How is your afternoon?
I veto your proposal.
Just fine, thanks :)
But you've got another year and a half before you even start your thesis, right @Pedro?
@MikeMiller Yes.
@Ted. Ok. That's good! School starts tomorrow and I have to prepare.
@Pedro: Are you emailing me those notes?
@TedShifrin I just did, silly.
Yes, @Julian. You'd best do that! :P
@Pedro: just arrived.
@TedShifrin Well, it had to cross the border you know. =)
@Mike Hi
I'm sure they had to check for weapons and drugs, @Pedro.
@JulianRachman So, are you JUlian or JuliÁN?
@Ted yep, but I actually do not have to do much. I have to prove the field $\mathbb{R}$.
I wonder if I should write up my notes on Donaldson's book. I can't imagine I'm the only one to get tripped up in details.
@Pedro Julian.
@JulianRachman I read that as "Julián."
haha. what did you read?
@JulianRachman "I have to prove the field $\Bbb R$"? Some words are missing there.
My name on the left
@DonLarynx Please flag that next time instead of engaging.
I have to prove the propositions that have to be satisfied to have the field $\mathbb{R}$
@Pedro: Why are you going to San Diego in March?
@TedShifrin SHH!!!
Hey, that was my first lesson.
@TedShifrin It was!
I will visit with my father, Ted.
Ah, cool. Well, you'd better plan to go back once I'm there :P I need lessons.
It's not 100% a fact.
But hoping it is.
@Pedro: First of all I did flag.
@Pedro: Your comment was not constructive.
@DonLarynx Hello there
@Pedro. You can go and visit Stanford or Caltech while you are in SD
Stanford/Berkeley are quite a ways away.
@Modded: You haven't done more PE problems.
no, I'll start again soon
What have you been up to @Modded? I effectively retired from partying last night.
I've also quit drinking and smoking @Ted.
I'm very proud of you, @Don.
I still drink, though. :)
@Ted: There are better things in life ....
Indeed, @Don.
OK, I'm going to cook dinner. You all behave without me.
@TedShifrin good appetite
Enjoy dinner, @Ted. :)
Thanks, all.
Bubye for now.
@user153330 Thanks for the flag. We'll decide what to do.
@PedroTamaroff it appears more users are "engaging".
I think this is the third post of his
what happens to tags that are created like that?
like the tag this-is-still-pleasant
Please stop posting things here guys. Just flag.
@DanielFischer Suppose that we insert 55 at the following tree:
You need urgent attention?
I've already flagged these posts.
@MikeMiller Disregard, the mods already see this
@DanielFischer Can we now just rotate around the node with key 50 so that after 60 is 50 and after 50 is 55, so that we don't have red-red?
@Clarinetist Hi
Okay, it's under control. The user is suspended.
Hi @JulianRachman. How are ya?
See ya.
@DragonLord yawza
He got suspended
Sure seems busy right now.
As ridiculous as this sounds, I think I'm going through a quarter-life crisis. :P
@Clarinetist Good, good. You? I am currently working on math
I managed to do a oap today, I had been training four years for that.
Doing fine. Getting tax information together. TIS THE LIFE!
This is the first time I'll be hiring someone to do my taxes...
Are any of you here into data science?
[I know, I know, it's not Stats SE... thought I'd just ask :P ]
Hey @MikeMiller: would it be alright if I emailed you a few questions about grad life at some point?
Quarter life crisis? @Clarinetist
Yep. No idea what I'm going to do with my life at the moment.
I'm out for now. @robjohn, the answer there is $\sqrt{2}$.
oaps are cake, but try ohp's...no way I can do that @Modded
My greatest fear is that I will be stuck as an actuary for the rest of my life.
@PedroTamaroff not 42, but $\sqrt{2}$
what's the difference?
@Chris'ssis $42=\sqrt 2$.
Everyone knows this.
oap's I just grab one arm with my other arm and pull up lol :)
@PedroTamaroff You might arrange that a bit using the fractional part of $\sqrt{2}$ and get some approximation near 42 ... ;)
@DonLarynx that's for noobs
I meant ohp then
@Clarinetist That's normal.
I went through the same thing.
@AlexWertheim You're always free to email me. I warn that I'm often slow to respond and usually don't check my emails during the weekend, but I'll read and respond.
@MikeMiller: cool, no rush. Just looking for some information. Thanks! :)
@Clarinetist I suggest you try engaging in new interests and see what works for you. That's what I did.

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