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Hey guys, I am trying to show that an Algebra (closed under finite set operations) does not imply a $\sigma$-Algebra which is closed under countable set operations. The book gives the example of using $\mathbb Z$ as the space and letting the Algebra consists of sets $A \subset \mathbb Z$ so that either $A$ is finite or $A^c$ is finite.
but I don't see how this isn't a $\sigma$-Algebra.
@Axoren Could we prove like that the time complexity?
$D$ contains n elements, so the time complexity of Heapsort(D) is O(n*lgn).$E$ contains m elements, so the time complexity of Heapsort(E) is O(m*lgm). The while-loop is executed at most n times and the time-complexity of binary_search is O(lgm), so the time-complexity of the while-loop is O(n*lgm). Then the time complexity of the if and else statement is O(1).
In total, the time complexity of the algorith is $O(n \cdot lgn+m \cdot lgn+n \cdot lgm)=O((n+m) \cdot lgn+n\cdot lgn) \leq O((n+m) \cdot \lg(n+m)+(n+m) \cdoot \lg(n+m))=O((n+m) \c
Hold on, something's sketchy about your equations.
This part: $O(n \cdot lgn+m \cdot lgn+n \cdot lgm)=O((n+m) \cdot lgn+n\cdot lgn)$
$O((n+m)\log n+n \log m)$
There will be a long night to me ... much work to do ... (hmmm, some coffee?)
@Chris'ssis Try to sleep a bit or you won't be able to be too productive tomorrow :)
@Hippalectryon No sleep, but work, work, work ...
plot twist : @Chris'ssis is a plant
@Hippalectryon :-))))))
@Hippalectryon In my village there was a real math genius that went crazy after a while. So, some relatives often tell me to pay attention and work less, not to happen to me the same thing. :-)
@Laters: I use "trivial" only in the technical sense (like "trivial solution" or "trivial linear combination"). I have been known to comment that some argument or computation is straightforward.
@Hippa: Tu te comportes bien ce soir? :)
As you can tell, @Chris'ssis, most of us are crazy.
@TedShifrin Well said!3:-)))))
@TedShifrin >.> quelle question !
Oui, enfin, quelle bêtise de ma part.
@Hippa: So it seems one of your French friends is concerned that we "have a problem"? :P
Who is that ?
I went crazy before I realized I wanted to become a mathematician
I don't remember his name, @Hippa. I just saw a comment when I was checking on a ping last night.
@teadawg1337 You became a mathematician because you were crazy :p
Yes, @teadawg, you're a lost cause, too :D
@TedShifrin By any chance, Ramanewbie ?
Je ne me rappelle plus. Lui, il est français?
Oh wait, the Z is backwards.
@TedShifrin That's the account that was once named TedShfrin
Oh, would you come in pretending to be that person and ask why we don't get along?
Haha.The thing is, I gave him that account which had >50rep so that he could use the chat @TedShifrin. it's not mine anymore
@TedShifrin The body snatcher cliché? Every one who is an imposter clone has to be evil?
Je me méfie de toi, vraiment, @Hippa.
I think he might just be a young kid or something.
Does someone of you have the second version of the book Introduction to Algorithm?
@TedShifrin Je me demande pourquoi ! regarde par la fenêtre d'un air innocent
Good evening chat-team!
@evinda I might.
@Gato good evening
@Gato o/
@Hippalectryon qu'est-ce dont?
@Gato High five :D
Indeed, @Hippa, it's clear you're a sham.
@Hippalectryon ah! what's up?
Bonsoir, M le @Gato
@evinda I don't.
@TedShifrin He's not me, though. Don't you think that !! >:c
@Gato The sky :P
@TedShifrin It's true, they were having a genuine argument that was happening too fast to be him and himself.
Pas vrai. Le ciel est bleu.
I was reviewing some arithmetic. It states that a divisor is any number that doesn't leave a remainder. So 12,3,4,6,12 are divisors of 12, since when you divide them into 12, you will not have a remainder. if you divide 12 by 24, you will not have a remainder either. Why isn't 24 a divisor of 12?
@Axoren A ok.. I am looking at questions of a previous exam and one that was related to Depth-first search must be from this. I wnted to ask you if you could take a look at it and tell me what types of exercises there are that are related to Dijkstra's algorithm..
They were arguing, @Axoren?
@Axoren No problem... :)
@TedShifrin ... I think so...
@JohnMerlino: You have to divide and get an integer !!
So to say $a$ is a divisor of $b$ means that $b=a\cdot c$ for some integer $c$ !!
@TedShifrin 12/24 is the integer 2.
No, it's the non-integer $1/2$ !!
You're upside-down.
@JohnMerlino you're flipped sideways.
Now we'll confuse him, @Axoren: sideways and upside-down are not the same :D
Guys, I'm curious to know if you ever met someone that published a math book without having a math background. I'm just curious, maybe you know some in your countries. I'd feel more comfortable I'm not alone ... :-) -- maybe @TedShifrin knows some.
@TedShifrin le ciel est bleu-ciel
You are right, that will result in a decimal number or fraction
Certainement, @user153330
@TedShifrin Technically you were wrong because if you flip it upside down you get 1\5.
Or something to that effect :P
Flipping $\dfrac{24}{12}$ gives $\dfrac{12}{24}$, @Axoren, so shaddup :D
@Chris'ssis did you ever try to post it as a question in academia.SE?
@TedShifrin what did Hippa do to you ?
@Studentmath !!
@user153330 No
@TedShifrin I was making a jok-- OH MY GOD, HE'S HERE
And I can't prove he's not Hippa!
Uh huh, @Axoren, uh huh. :)
You should ask him, @Ramanewbie.
You could say that he's potentially HippaCompliant.
@Chris'ssis well try, you'll surely get an answer there
@TedShifrin I need some help, I would like to prove that two complement subspaces in $E_1$ a subspace of $E$ are isomorphic ($F_1+F_2=E_1$). I took a projector restrained to $F_1$ noted $u$. So $u:S_1\rightarrow S_2$ is a morphism right?
@Axoren he's a hippi (or hippy?)
Wait, @Gato. You mean $F_1+E=E_1$ and $F_2+E=E_1$?
Horrible notation, btw.
The seeds of doubt are planted and they bore fruit in an instant.
LOL @Axoren ... That is probably not universally understood, compliant or not.
@Gato: How do you take a projector? Are you working with a Hilbert space, or are you working with quotient spaces?
@TedShifrin sorry I don't know the latex code for the direct sum... $F_1+E_1=E$ and $F_2+E_1=E$.
Heya @JMoravitz
g'afternoon ted
smacks everyone
Ted is right
Imagine that :)
He had a doubt
@user153330 there is a first time for all things. I don't insist on finding out an answer though.
@TedShifrin alright. a professor of mine says that in his opinion using the words "trivial" etc is like using a weapon
Ted's been filling my head with doubts.
LOL @Axoren ... clever guy.
@TedShifrin so $F_1\oplus E_1=E$ and $F_2\oplus E_1=E$. $E$ is just a vector space.
Yes, @Laters, in general, making one's audience feel stupid is not well-advised.
he often says that one should not use them. nonetheless he uses it in the next sentence
Finite or infinite dimensions, @Gato?
Ah, @Axoren, you're from my old home. I spent 10 years in Boston/Cambridge area.
btw does anyone know about the gato derivative
I was just watching a video on youtube where 2 in the panel argued for a multiverse and the two others believed in one universe. And the two who believed in universe said that they cannot believe that infinity is real.
quelconque so the proof should works for any dimensions.
@TedShifrin Been to Somerville?
I no
It's full of Hipsters now.
actually there are quite a few people who spell it Gato
Of course, @Axoren, many times. Tufts, Steve's Ice Cream, and my car repair shop was there :P
I am not joking
It was slightly so even in the 70s, @Axoren.
Do you know about quotient vector spaces, @Gato?
@TedShifrin Now, it's entirely. They replaced the McDonalds in Davis with a coffee shop. Then surrounded it with two more coffee shops.
is the weak derivative (Gato's derivative) of the functional i(Fi). The formula of finite increments for the functionals permit to estimate (by Gato's derivative) .
If so, prove that any complement is $\cong E/E_1$.
I've never seen it spelled that way, @Laters, never.
Well, any time a McDonalds bites the dust, it makes me happy, @Axoren :P
@TedShifrin does it works as the same as group theory?
Yes, @Gato.
Same homomorphism theorem :)
@TedShifrin WingWorks is gone, replaced by a Shwarma Palace. That's where I have to draw the line.
The only place left for good chicken is Mike's now
apparently it is mainly used in translations of russian mathematical texts
Well, I don't know what those are, @Axoren. I left in 1981, and have only been back to visit a few times, last time 1999. :)
@Ted won't the proof be identitcal if it wasn't a Vector space, but just a group? Or would it be false then?
@Axoren That's because chicken run
@Laters: Translations of Russian notoriously misspell everything.
@TedShifrin Ahh, I misunderstood, I thought you meant 10 years ago, not 10 years total
@TedShifrin okay, cool :). Je commencer à essayer, see you later!
Shwarma meant Shawarma?
I never learned how to spell it.
Yup, high school, college, and then postdoc ... 10 years, @Axoren.
It's the vertical meat cycles
It's awesome. What do they give it with?
That they carve and make food out of.
@STudentmath is from the Mideast :P
I don't know, I've never been to it.
You should try it out
The owners of the place are really smart
I knew the past owners.
If it's Turkish and with Yoghurt, they are doing it wrong (though it's still awesome)
I was thinking Lebanese
The part owners didn't want to sell, but they kept asking. They put a ridiculous number on the table and they took it.
So the past owners were like "Oh, well damn. Sure."
Lebanese do it like we do it, with Hummus
It's in a perfect location where it gets lots if visage.
So everyone knows it's there and will eventually try it out.
I cook lots of cuisines, @Studentmath, but never have done Mideastern.
Where is Falafel from?
Pretend I spelled it right.
@Axoren: You're clearly not a native English speaker :P
Same part of the world.
Yeah you did, well we would claim it's form here. I have no idea where it is really from
I'm a native English speaker but I've only been spelling for the past 5 years.
LOL @Axoren. Oh. "gets lots of visage"?
visage = face or appearance, just as in French.
@Ted I don't know what would count as mideastern, really. We have here a mess of African/Asian/Iraqi/European food - I don't know which would count as true mideastern :P (besides Shwarma, and Flafel.. Kabab..)
"The surface of an object presented to view"
@TedShifrin Using the first isomorphism theorem (celui avec le Ker) it works perfectly. Thanks again.
don't forget gefilte fish, @Studentmath :D
Yes, @Gato, c'est ça.
That's so mideastern!
I love it. It's like a dessert as a main dish. I never understood those that hate it
dessert? huh?
I've had lots of bad matzo ball soup, too.
I tend to make a French version if it's my choice :P
@Ted don't you have it sweet, too? It's usually sweet here.
Seems like you've been through few Passovers :P
Oh, I hate sweet gefilte fish. Yuck.
Probably they put beets in it or something?
My last year in grad school, actually, I collaborated with my neighbor upstairs. She was also a gourmet cook, and we made the best Pesach dinner either of us had ever had :P
I heard few that actually put -sugar- in it. But yeah, that too.
That sounds awesome
Hi, @Ted
good old times huh
listening to spanier all day long
Good night, @Mike.
Oh - forgot my good morning
Hey guys I've a problem :
isn't $20−5y+4x=0$ equal to $\frac{4}{5}x+4$ ???
@teadawg: What?
Ah, that's better.
Also, equivalent
that's what I thought, tks
No ... An equation is never "equal to" an expression.
@TedShifrin forget the $=0$
my bad
@Ramanewbie wait what?
No, you need the $y=$.
Just talk to your buddy @Hippa.
@TedShifrin why should I need that ?
don't I have choice to put it or not ?
Well, it's not actually equivalent to $y=\frac45x+4$, since $20-5y+4x=0$ is asking for solutions $(x,\,y)$ that result in zero
NO. No choice.
If we're going to be technical
ok fine
@TedShifrin Kobayashi didn't have what we wanted. Do you mind walking me through something? :)
Well, they have the same set of $(x,y)$ soltuions @Teadawg
Let's try to be correct, @teadawg, especially when helping people less advanced than you.
I might need my martini first, @Mike.
Maybe, @Ted, I've gone through more than a few beers when trying to figure this out.
how does one prove that the tangent bundle of the sphere is trivial iff n=1,3,7 ?
Who here has some good experience with finite group theory?
Adams spectral sequence stuff, @Laters. Hard.
K-theory and spectral sequences. Hatcher does it in his vector bundles book.
@Ted Still super tired, not paying as much attention as I should be :/
It's ok, @teadawg. I still like ya :)
You drink when trying to solve? I find myself consuming tons of water but never alcohol
@Studentmath The trying to solve leads me to drink.
Wait 'til you're my age, @Studentmath. Grading exams is much more fun after a few martinis :P I guess I'm retiring before I become an alcoholic :D (just joking)
@Studentmath They say water is the alcohol of devils and demons.
I drink a lot of water, too.
@Axoren what are you hinting?
@Mike @Ted lol
@TedShifrin I thought the proof was hard, but I heard usiing K theory it becomes sort of understandable
@TedShifrin: I have $a \in \Omega^1(\mathfrak g_E)$. You tried to explain the other day what $a$ does as a map $\Omega^1(E) \to \Omega^2(E)$. I didn't understand it. Could you explain again and be explicit?
at some point I will understand it
@Studentmath We're math demons.
I use spectral sequences like other people use matrices
@Axoren that would mean I actually have some skill in Math, so I am afraid I have to disagree
@Studentmath There are plenty of demons from antiquity that had lackluster skills.
Actually, the proof I am best aware of doesn't use spectral sequences, now that I think of it
I'm pretty sure there was one known for just sitting behind people's eye lids and itching at them in the mornings.
uses certain automorphisms of the K-theory functor and Bott periodicity
But yeah, does anyone know a simple solution to this problem?
I didn't explain, and I didn't think it through thoroughly, @Mike. But given a connection $D\colon \Omega^0(E)\to\Omega^1(E)$, I gave you the rule for the induced connection $D^{(k)}\colon \Omega^k(E)\to\Omega^{k+1}(E)$. I claim you can sort it out in the terms you want.
@TedShifrin This is not what I asked about. $a$ is not a connection. I'm fine with $D$.
@Hippalectryon how do you say "repère" again please
frame, @Raman
frame ?
And wtf are you doing with that word when you can't do eighth grade algebra?
@TedShifrin I thought it was sth like coordinate xxx
@TedShifrin He's talking about basic frames
yes I bet I am !
Like $(O,\vec{i},\vec{j})$
@MikeMiller could you give me a link/reference for that proof?
exactly that
I'll leave you two to chat with yourself.
French Education system is odd
For a member $g$ of a monoid with presentation $\langle s, t\ |\ s^2 = 1,\ t^n = 1 \rangle$. How can I get the minimal string of $s$ and $t$ whose product produces that element $g$?
@TedShifrin I'm kind of busy atm sorry :/ I just checked the chat at that moment at random
One wants to derive a formula for the curvature of $D+a$ in terms of $D$. The formula I've seen is $(D+a)^2 = D^2 + aD + a \wedge a$. But to interpret the series of formulas correctly, one needs to know how $a$ acts as a map $\Omega^1(E) \to \Omega^2(E)$.
@Laters Hatcher's vector bundles book
If you're fine with Bott periodicity just jump to section 2.3

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