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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Sure, go ahead.
I am not sure I know something relevant though.
@quid I wrote an algorithm to heapify a min-heap. That's what I have tried:

@quid Could you tell me if it is right?
Ah, I miss the days when I actually understood what was going on in here :P
I am afraid this are the type of algorithms I do not know.
@TedShifrin Do you mean because of the algorithms?
@quid Ok, no problem :)
If you need to factor integers, find discrete log or perhaps multiply big numbers I might be able to say something.
A ok @quid
Well, those are among the things I don't understand, @evinda :)
@quid Are you a student?
Aha @TedShifrin :)
Perhaps somebody else knows something. In any case good luck @evinda
and hi @quid
Thank you @quid
Hi @TedShifrin!
re student: unfortunately not :(
well, I told my students today that I'd better not catch them posting their homework questions in differential geometry on this site :P
@quid why unfortunately?
@TedShifrin :p
you wish you were, quid?
@TedShifrin Why is that bad?
I think it is great being a student.
because homework is to be struggled with, not done by copying from someone on the internet, @mikeonly ... I'm very happy to help them.
@quid Are you a teacher?
@Lord_Farin Do you have an idea about algorithms?
Yes, among others.
What do you teach, @quid ?
Various kinds of math things; analysis, algebra, number theory, mainly.
Aha! @quid
@evinda How much time do you have to find an answer?
university, @quid?
@mikeonly Till tomorrow...
cool ... I'm just retiring, myself :P
@evinda How much is it in hours?
I want to finish as soon as possible but I could have at most 18 hours time.. why?
Hello @quid, @Ted
heya @Mike
Hi @MikeMiller :)
I noticed in conversations earlier. I hope you will enjoy your retirement @TedShifrin Yet, on math.SE their will be always remain work to do. :-)
Hi @MikeMiller
... or not @quid :P
hi @TedShifrin
failed hi
heya @Alizter ... How did the physics exam go?
mine to at Mike, @Alizter
I just noticed the winter bash blog post Two Mathematicians among the four winners.
I'm sure that makes @Mike happier than passing his quals on the first try did :P
What's up @Alizter ?
And, according to tie-break the principal winner is Mike
The other mathematician is Logan M, last year winner, and mod on HSM.
Why has everything gone quite so abruptly?
@mikeonly In which semester are you?
As if somebody has cut an umbilical cord of an unborn conversation child.
@evinda My very first one. And you?
In the 5th @mikeonly
@Ted Harsh!
I can't decide whether or not to sign up for the topology seminar, aka give a talk sometime in the quarter.
@evinda Pretty serious. What is your specialization?
@mikeonly Computer science
What makes you hesitate @MikeMiller?
I imagine it would be time consuming to prepare @quid and, separately, I'm terrified of giving an awful first talk!
@evinda I can try to catch a problem you have asked about if you want. I have never taken algorithm classes though there is some time to spare.
@MikeM well if it gonna be awful better be awful now than later!
@Ted @Pedro \o
@mikeonly Didn't you learn in school algorithms?
Yes, I am aware the terror will not disappear by waiting.
@MikeMiller so, take the plunge.
I held a 'talk' a month or so ago (we are required at the end of the degree) infront of the academic staff
@evinda Very fortunately that whatever it is it has a different name here. There is just basic programming. Tell me please, what language is that?
Besides someone mentioning at the very start of the talk that I shouldn't stutter, it went rather fine and in the end had some really constructive criticism.. So I'm sure you will do well.
It is not a specific language, it is a pseudocode @mikeonly
@TedShifrin this is news to me. I have an exam?
@evinda Hm, interesting. That's why I couldn't identify it. We don't ever do that. So in order to check efficiency of code you should translate it to a real one?
Yes @mikeonly
I've had a question that bothered me the entire day. If I have a set of sentences $\Delta$ that is satisfiable, so that for every sentence $\phi \notin \Delta$, $\Delta \cup \phi$ is not satisfiable, then $\Delta$ has a unique model. So, it feels like this $\Delta$ is some maximal satisfiable set.
I thought to show that for every attomic sentence $A_i$, either $A_i \in \Delta$ or $\neg(A_i)\in \Delta$. But it's not necesserily true, I'd think
@evinda Have you seen that?
I didn't see that.. @mikeonly Thanks for showing it to me!!! I think that my algorithm is right :D
@Studentmath I'm rusty on thinking about this, but... one of $A_i$ and $\not A_i$ is true in the unique model of $\Delta$. Suppose $A_i$ is; then $A_i \in \Delta$, since otherwise $\Delta \cup A_i$ is satisfiable (by $\Delta$'s model), contradicting your hypothesis. No?
@evinda Looks like it is a basic one.
Yes, it is. @mikeonly
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