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@David You're welcome for that edit XD
Yes, thank you!
My textbook says that if the $n \times n$ matrix $A$ is invertible, then let $I$ be the $n \times n$ identity matrix, the reduced row-echelon form of $[ A | I ]$ will yield $[I | A^{-1}]$

Is this true for all invertible $n \times n$ matrices?
Oh no, I made a typo in that edit description.........
@teadawg1337, just claim it's the English (UK) version. ;)
There's no excuse for spelling "symbol" wrong
"e" and "o" are on opposite sides of the keyboard....
@SalehenRahman Yes.
@MikeMiller @PedroTamaroff thanks!
I found an intriguing new question here
Very intriguing. The guy should invent a new type of bike lock.
I have performed a world-record breaking calculation of the prime counting function pi(x), with the double-check completed today. I was considering posting this on MSE in the following fashion: Q: How many primes are there less than or equal to 10^26? A: ... announcement of a new world record for pi(10^n) ...
It would probably be closed as 'not a question'.
OK, that's the kind of thing I was worried about. I'm not sure why the "Answer your own question – share your knowledge, Q&A-style" option exists on this site, but I'm not interested in getting into an argument regarding on-topic / off-topic MSE questions.
It would've been in Q/A format, i.e. Question: what is pi(10^26) = ?, Answer: pi(10^26) = ... Anyway, thanks for your opinion. That supports my feeling that such announcements would not be welcome here.
Frankly, it has to do with the content of the question. You're right, those announcements do not make for appropriate questions here.
Anyway, congrats. :P
@DouglasB.Staple What do you mean? You actually computed them all, or you have found a more accurate approximation?
Wonders what other relations besides $ax=xa$ work here
@UserX You're right, I'm gonna have to turn to MO
What ever happened to our guy who was two steps off proving the Riemann hypothesis?
Some 19 year old second year I believe
I finished that off a while ago
It'll be in the Annals in about 4-5 months
Now I'm busy working on the Severi-Baum conjecture
I may have made a new discovery, I'm gonna have to check on MO. I'm really nervous...
Does noone actually remember him though, he was outsourcing every element of it
What is your discovery in regards to @teadawgggggg
I try to forget
@Committingtoachallenge Dilogarithms and the Basel Problem
I encountered it while taking a different route on Tom Apostol's proof of the Basel Problem
It's the question I've been linking in chat for the past day or two
Why declining all his awards? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigori_Perelman
Oh wait he says
"I'm not interested in money or fame; I don't want to be on display like an animal in a zoo."
@Commit I admire Perelman, he's inspired me to be modest about my skill set
Ugh, I'm afraid of posting on MO... What if it turns out to be a new discovery? I don't want significant attention from a large amount of people....
I don't understand what you're upset about.
Is my worrying unfounded?
I don't even understand what you're worrying about.
MO=MathematicsOverflow, I'm afraid of posting this on there because it's either a new discovery or something that's already been found, neither of which are preferable to me
If A is over a fifth less than B, it means A is less than B times 1/5 ?
What's your motivation for posting on MO? What question would you post?
Hello, so I have a final coming up in 16 days and I'm curious whether anyone would have a few study tips or techniques?
I've been searching online, and I can't find anything identical to what I've found in the answer I've posted. I'm curious to see if there's been any papers on exactly this, and MO is one of only places I have to turn since I'm not in college yet and I therefore don't have many other resources
So your question would be "has this proof been written down somewhere before"? Then why is a yes answer bad, and why is a no answer bad?
Yeah, I'm kinda thinking irrationally...
Hmm, I wonder if I should make a post on the MO Meta before actually posting on the main
Note that I'm not commenting either way on whether or not your question is appropriate for MO (since I am not a regular user, and because I haven't looked at your question for more than a second). I just didn't understand your worry.
If you want to do due diligence on whether your question is appropriate, you should search and see if similar questions (in the spirit of 'is this proof written down somewhere') have been asked before, and look through their help center to see what's on topic, &c.
Oftentimes, even I don't understnad my worry...
@Mike I found two so far: this one and this one
I also can't find anything explicitly disallowing this type of question on the Meta, and I'd say it's worth a shot considering the positive vote count on both of those topics I've linked
@teadawg, I think that question belongs on SE, not MO. BTW, I have that exercise in my multivariable calculus/analysis book. I guess I don't get your point. I think it's symmetric, whether you do $dv du$ or $du dv$. But some tricky trig substitutions are indeed required ...
Oh, I see, it's not quite symmetric. You're ending up with $\log$ instead of $\arctan$. What happens if you integrate by parts?
@TedShifrin It actually does turn out to be symmetric. Hang on, I see my intent wasn't entirely clear with the post
By Fubini's theorem, this MUST be true: $$2\int_0^{\arctan{\frac12}}\sec\theta\ln\left(\frac{\cos\theta-\sin\theta+1}{\s‌​in\theta-\cos\theta+1}\right)\mathbb{d}\theta-\ln^2\left(\frac{\sqrt5-1}2\right)-‌​\ln^2\left(\frac{\sqrt5+1}2\right}$$
Shoot... Editing in chat is a pain
Yeah, it is ... and I see David H's and your answers, so now I'm really confused about what you want.
At first I was trying to solve it by integrating the other way than Apostol did, and I encountered the integral that I was trying to prove
Maybe this will clear some things up (it's a document I linked in the original question), unless you've already read it
It is a common phenomenon that certain iterated integrals can be done in elementary terms only in one of the two orders ...
The standard sort of example is $$\int_0^1\int_x^1 \frac{\sin y}y\,dy\,dx$$
But I guess I'm still missing your point :P
By Fubini's Theorem, the mess of symbols I've written above is equal to $\frac{\pi^2}6$
So I moved the constants to the other side and found an expression for the integral I was trying to prove
Right. And from your question, I thought you and DavidH had it sorted out.
Yes, we did. But I can't find any papers or articles online showing what I did, and I was going to ask on MO if there were and I just don't have the proper resources
I'm sorry I didn't say that earlier, @Mike and I had a mini-convo about it an hour or two ago
But wait, you said that that problem is in your multivariable calc/analysis book?
did you prove a knew thing?
@beginner yes and/or no, that's what I'm trying to figure out
Oh, I see. You'll find that lots of math that we "mortals" do doesn't get published when there's a better way to do it. :P Unless there's a serious reason for independent reasons to be interested in your approach/calculation, it's a wonderful exercise for you but probably not of great impact. :)
Hi @beginner
hey professor!
@Ted Dang, I knew that something like this had been done before
@teadawg: A baby version of this phenomenon is this. I tell you to find the average distance from the origin to points inside the square $[0,1]\times [0,1]$. I tell you to do it in $xy$-coordinates. (The reasonable person would use polar and be done in a few seconds.)
what does addition of subspaces mean? i know direct sums but it is not one of them
Direct sum is a special case. It just means take all vectors $v+w$ where $v\in V$ and $w\in W$ @beginner
Direct sum is the case where $V\cap W = \{0\}$.
what about just $U_1 + U_2$? instead of $U_1 \bigoplus U_2$ not sure if that shows cause my mums tablet doesnt render the math
I just told you $V+W$, @beginner. :)
oh sorry i miss read the full stop as a comma sorry
Well, I punctuated not at all ... mea culpa :P
OK, I'm out of here for now. :)
At first, I thought the $du dv$ approach was impossible and went with $dv du$, which was unsatisfyingly simple imo
okay thank you ted bye
So I challenged myself and went the other way
It's a shame it's been done before, but it sure feels good to solve it :D
I should share that with my old calc teachers in high school xD
Nobody would solve it as a challenge problem at the end of a test
Thank you @TedShifrin
Ted's messages get 7 stars and 3 stars. The people reading the transcript are too serious, lol.
Now maybe they will flag what I just said as well, lol.
flags Will's message
In 3 hours, I will be seeing my shrink for the last time.
And in 3 hours, I will be asleep :P
In all seriousness, congrats!
I am not well yet. I just decided to stop taking my meds and stop psychotherapy, because the former does not help and the latter I can do on my own.
@WillHunting Meds help more than you realize, trust me
@teadawg1337 Have you been taking them too?
I was nearly institutionalized a few months ago...
I've been taking antidepressants for about 10 years
I see. This explains your genius.
This year is turning into a 5-month-long existential crisis
I just want it to stop already, lol....
What is your condition exactly?
major depressive disorder with suicidal ideation, generalized anxiety disorder, major OCD, ADHD, etc.
@teadawg1337 I see. I am mainly affected by my OCD. You are free to take your meds if you think they help you. But after taking them for a year, I don't think they help me.
@WillHunting Meds can't really help with OCD, I'm pretty sure
@teadawg1337 I went for two sessions of therapy, and I told the therapist that I already knew everything he was telling me.
@WillHunting Therapy doesn't help me much either
I'm heading to bed, night everyone
i wish i could learn faster
do i have to do psychology to learn faster?
I actually got OCPD
what is that
a personality disorder
why did you say that all of a sudden
@beginner LOL I don't know!
@beginner That's perhaps OCPD in action :D
I ctually read OCD,so I continued
i don't have any disorder i think. how do i learn faster ashwin?
You have to make your mind free of distractions
"You have to be fast only to catch flies"
does the second thing you said mean that i have to take my time to learn, and makes you think of a car smashing bugs?
Don't worry about the speed
i am too young to have coffee but everyone says it is amazing and makes learning easier
LOL @beginner
is it not true??
i have forgotten what a span is, kaj taught me and now i am confused
is the span of $\mathbb{R}^2$ just $(x,y)$
or is it $x(1,0)$ and $y(0,1)$??
do i say $(3,9)\in\operatorname{span}((1,0),(0,1))$
@Ashwin where did you gooo, are you making coffee?!
i think i got it span$((1,0),(0,1))$ is the span of $\mathbb{R}^2$
i think that is one span and cause it is linearly independent it is the basis of $\mathbb{R}^2$
and a non basis of R^2 that is a span would be span((1,0),(0,1),(a,b)) for any a,b
@beginner get coffee only if you are tired
@beginner it doesn't make learning easier
@beginner it just increases the time you can spend studying
i want to study less and learn more
well i mean i want to study a lot but i want to learn faster when doing it
is that the thing monks do where they sit down and hum for days
not only monks,most people do
does it make you faster at learning?
not for days lol
15-30 minutes is more than enough
oh i will look it up then, i will do it if it makes me learn faster :)
@beginner why are you so obsessed with learning faster?
just because it seems good to learn faster
i get sad when i take a long time to learn stuff
In the long run,it isn't always
and it makes me want to give up
I will give a link to an article
wait searching
ok thank you
Point 6 is especially for you @beginner
read the entire thing if you can
point 6 is good. i will read all of them but i like point 6 you make a good point
Not me,it's William Thurston
im only 11 so i am already ahead i think doing vector space stuff. maybe i should slow down and do the pages multiple times and i wont have trouble learning the next stuff
oh okay thank you for showing me though really cool!
yes sir
why am i sir?
i have never been a sir before hehe
Thurston's a great writer.
mike can you look at my span and basis thing above is it right?
after 'or is it' i think is right
@MikeMiller Yes
my parents say coffee is bad for me at my age, is that true or are they lying
It is true!
ok i thought they just wanted me not to be hyperactive or something
are video games bad they banned me from them too
if you get addicted to them,thy are bad
ok my friends play them all the time so i guess it makes sense
then they are loosers!
I was probably spending most of my times playing video games at your age, and I have a rotten brain now.
@MikeMiller Same goes here!
they play outside too but i cant show them math cause it is lame
@MikeMiller which was the game that you specialized?
Ah, I don't remember anymore. That was a long time ago. And my brain is too rotten to remember :)
I ruined my past 5 years coz of games
@mike is a basis a linearly independant span? like $span((1,0),(0,1),(3,3))$ spans R^2 but since the first two vectors make the third, the basis is $span((1,0),(0,1)$ because i cant make one into the other
what game? my friends play league of legeends
mine was San Andreas,COD,...
what is good for the brain for fun other than the maths?
that is not not absolute,I must mention!
i always ask other people to make sure things are true :)
especially if someone disagree i ask more people
I am afraid I do not know @begineer
ok thank you for all your help :)
I gtg bye
cya @ash
@UserX you need a bit graph theory to understand how that works.
balarka is the message about basis and spans 10 up to mike correct?
more than that, you need to recognize groups, @UserX, which you haven't done yet.
@beginner ?
i cant copy and past on my mums tablet pc, but it is just above ashwin saying San Andreas thing, that one @mike
basis elements are by definition linearly independent, yes, @beginner
and the basis of R^2 is $span((1,0),(0,1))$?
basis of a vector space doesn't really make much sense. i'd rather you read the correct definitions first.
i mean of a field then
a basis of a vector space V over some field F, you mean
right, in that case the basis B of R^2 over R is {(1, 0), (0, 1)}
yeah sorry, i got them confused
so it is $\{(1,0),(0,1)\}$ not $span((1,0),(0,1))$?
no. i told you to read the definitions first.
so it is a set with two elements(vectors here) and not a span of those two vectors ok
yeah ill reread them when i get the book again
yikes, i gotta go. @anon ping so you keep in mind the analogy between gal(\bar q/q) representation and monodromy.
thank you cya balarka
can i simplify $\frac{(2n)!}{n!n1}$ somehow??
my brother texted me it as a challenge problem if i am to get chocolate from him
@beginner hint: binomial coefficients
@beginner $$\binom{2n}{n}$$
Good, and?
hello @DanZimm
Howdy, how's it going?
so-so. what about you?
hanging in there - unfortunately have a paper to write and no time to learn what I want to learn mathwise ;P
@Raff I did not know where to ping you (I cannot ping you on a deleted answer), so I tried here. I wonder whether it was necessary to delete your answer here. Mainly because the other answer references your answer: "and, as another answer says ...". Feel free to ping me here if some further discussion is needed.
@BalarkaSen Are you there?
Hey @Ashwin, I don't think we have talked before
@AshwinGokhale Yes
given random numbers, without knowing each individual number, only the sum of the entire set, is there any way to calculate the absolute value of the sum of their differences? pastebin.com/R8GsEhzF
All I have is the sum of set A, and the sum of set B, and the knowledge that each set will always contain 50 numbers.
Now, it deviates from the standard definition of a set in that numbers can repeat themselves.
It differs from sequence in that they're not ordered
Probably better to call each a sequence though
@DanielAmaya Have you asked this on main? This chat isn't very active these days.
I am done with all meds and shrink appointments for now, yay!
@WillHunting Now you are back in control of everything
@Committingtoachallenge My one year challenge will start soon, lol.
@WillHunting Will you document it :)?
@WillHunting I would be interested to read how you are going honestly, especially with some of the books I have taken from you
@Committingtoachallenge Are you studying group theory?
@BalarkaSen Now, or eventually?
Hello guys, I'm having trouble solving a fifth-degree polynomial, which has no solution in closed form. I is a polynomial of two variables, but one of them is made a parameter, as it is bounded with 0<a<<1. The paper, I am reading, states: "simplifying a to the lowest order, we find..."
What does it mean to simplify something to the lowest order? Thank you
Now @Comitting.
@BalarkaSen I have done some group theory before in my courses, but I was still thinking like an engineer at the time, so I barely remember any of it. But yes I am just reaching some group theory again now in my texts
@BalarkaSen Why do you ask?
How much have you learned, @Committing?
@BalarkaSen In classes I had done rings and fields etc. Now I am just learning the term Monoid now
Much of the words used in Cohn aren't what we would use in an Australian uni
monoid is a well know term
It appears to just be a semigroup
right, with an identity
We never covered them for some reason in class
@user147163 can you care to be explicit? what is the quintic you want to "solve"? what do you mean buy "solve"? which paper?
We just did Binary operation -> Semi group -> Group -> Abelian group -> Ring -> Morphisms, if I remember correctly
how much have you studied about groups in particular? upto Lagrange's theorem? further? group actions?
@BalarkaSen Some group actions, permutation groups, orbits, stabilisers, all in class, but I was graded a 4/7(pass), so I really do need to relearn it all in my texts
@BarlakaSen I sure can. The quintic is this one: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1046774/approximate-solutions-for-quintic-equation
And the paper is this one: http://www.physics.montana.edu/faculty/cornish/lagrange.pdf
By "solve" I mean finding zeros (at least that's what I think I mean...)
Next semester I will be doing Abstract Algebra 2
what do you mean by approximating solution where the quintic is not even on Q[x], @user147163?
the best you can do is to write down a series solution. is that what you want?
in that case, simplify the quintic to a standard form and reduce to Bring-Jerrard normal form, after which you can apply Lagrange inversion to get your "approximate solution".
I would like if you would read 10 lines in the paper i linked to. It's on page 4 - just from the quintic and down to the L1, L2, L3.
At least to make sure, I'm not understanding it wrong, when I ask you.
it seems like a whole bunch of words from physics. i can't read that sorry.
It is. Okay, well thanks for your help, then.
if you want to approximate the solutions, google with the keywords given above
or here's an algorithm to do it explicitly : math.stackexchange.com/questions/540964/… you can approximate the p-functions using their laurent expansions (google and you'll find them on wiki)
I will try that, thanks.
Are groups part of your primary interest @Balarka
yes and no @Committingtoachallenge. my (primary? probably) interest are about some "special" type of groups called galois group and it is conjectured that every group is a galois group (roughly).
don't take what i have said above literally.
@BalarkaSen are you working on proving such a conjecture?
(I'm familiar with it)
i'd be mad to try to prove any of that.
i am not even familiar with the approaches out their, some of which has been successful to resolve some weaker cases
@BalarkaSen Maybe in a years time I could discuss such things with you haha
I will have done atleast two third year courses in Algebra within the next year, and much of my textbooks
no hurries.
@ZachSaucier Thanks for that link, that is amazing.
@ZachSaucier I would be interested in seeing this merged with the game slay
Hey @Chris'ssis
How are you?
Not bad, thanks. I develop the little master theorem of Ramanujan (well, it doesn't belong to Ramanujan). You?
@Chris'ssis Pretty bad actually haha, I slept for 11 hours for the first time in years since I stayed up for my grade release, and I have gotten little done as a result
I see.
What is this theorem?
@Committingtoachallenge Something inspired from this one mathworld.wolfram.com/RamanujansMasterTheorem.html. If things go well, I'm going to create an article with it.
Wait hold on, I need to restart my browsers
Why don't you have a website? I would be interested in reading some of your work. Or you want to put it all in the book?
@Committingtoachallenge Well, maybe I'll have sometime. In my book I only wanna put some gems, I wanna my readers do not regret any of the money spent on it, but to deeply love it.
@Chris'ssis I am looking forward to it personally ;)
@Committingtoachallenge :D
$$\int_0^{\pi/2} x\cot(x) \log(\sin(x)) \ dx$$
this is nicely connected to another series I love ...
@Chris'ssis After next semester I should be able to talk to you about such problems haha.
$$1+\frac{1}{3^3}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)+\frac{1}{5^3}\left(\frac{1\cdot 3}{2\cdot4 }\right)+\frac{1}{7^3}\left(\frac{1\cdot 3 \cdot 5}{2\cdot4 \cdot 6}\right)+\cdots$$
@Committingtoachallenge I think you have to work hard then :D
@Chris'ssis Definitely haha. I mean talk, not necessarily be able to solve many of these things
@Committingtoachallenge Do you study at some mathematics uni?
@Chris'ssis Yes, I just finished my second year. But this semester was the only semester I worked with the mindset of a Math student, instead of as an Engineering student, like I was previously
I see.
I have done two years of math, with many passes and credits, but this semester was two high distinctions and two distinctions
Still 2 years?
I have one year until I complete a bachelor of science (pure mathematics), but the last year is the hardest, and then I may do honours year
The third year is pretty much all of the math
They throw in: Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Abstract Algebra II, Applied Mathematics II, PDEs, Differential Geometry and a few application ones. Also Optimisation theory, but I did that this semester for fun
@Committingtoachallenge It would be interesting to see what books you have in your contry on integrals, series and limits. I'd be very curious about that. Maybe you also have such books at the library of your uni.
@Committingtoachallenge Cool beans. Complex analysis is fun.
Beans ?
Oh nvm
@Chris'ssis I could see when Uni starts again in a few months xD
@BalarkaSen Yeah next semester seems a little intense haha. Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis, Abstract Algebra II, Coding and Cryptography and Operations research overload)
better finish this semester quickly. do lot of exercises though, @Committing, keep the theory level as minimal as possible.
Knock Knock!
@BalarkaSen Minimise theory?
@BalarkaSen Isn't that the opposite of normal advice? Also my semester is done until March
@Integrator Who is there?
It is the opposite of normal advise, but it should be the ideal advise.
@Committingtoachallenge Nobody!
In any case, we mathematicians are... nowhere near normal.
@BalarkaSen Depends
@Committing If you just read a bunch of theories, you might not know how they come up naturally and end up just remembering a bunch of names. If you do exercises, the theories would come up naturally, making you really understand that stuff.
@BalarkaSen We're orthogonal to many people
@BalarkaSen So exercises first and then the theory
@Hippa I guess we need to be tensored by Q to rationalize.
It depends @Committingtoachallenge
@Committingtoachallenge Not really.
Doing exercises first takes more time and can be a bit useless sometimes
How about taking the theorems you have in your book as exercises?
However, it isn't good either to learn by heart things whose use/origin we don't know
I second @Hippa
I second @Hippa too :D
My study method usually involves doing all the exercises until I can do them instantly, and then working out why
@Committingtoachallenge If you can do them instantly, they're probably not hard enough :-)
@Hippalectryon 'Until' xD
Even if you know your theorems.... well, some exercises will take some time to solve
Hippa has more expertise in mathematical pedagogy than me. zips lip
I mean for example solving a time optimal control, the first time you do the problem can take over an hour, do the same problem the next day and it can still take half an hour, do it the third day and you can do it in <10 min
There is only one way to get on top: you need to work crazy hard and be driven by a completely crazy passion.
@Chris'ssis That is true
@Chris'ssis Maybe in 10 years people will use your book in classrooms :D
another 10 years there will be no book on mathematics except @Chris'ssis's book, @Hippa
@Hippalectryon That's a good joke. :-) I doubt people will be very serious as regards the book of an amateur with no background in math (there might be some exceptions though :-)).
@Chris'ssis That's up to you to prove they're wrong :-)
That is, supposing you do not take 10 years to publish your book :c
@Hippalectryon lol, not really. The problem is that I'm waiting for some articles to be published.
I've probably said it 15 times already, but do notify me when they get published :D @Chris'ssis
@Hippalectryon :D
Well I'm off, I have a 4h math exam on euclidian spaces :c
See you
@Hippalectryon See ya
@Hippalectryon Good luck

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