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@skull turned pink ?! :-)
@r9m until my team wins, yes >8(
What would a physical interpretation of $\int_{C} δ\hat F \cdot \hat n ds$ be where the density of the fluid at each point of the plane is given by a function δ? My guess is the mass because density * volume, but since it's varying I'm not sure
@skullpatrol o?~! which game(sports?) are we talking 'bout ? :)
@skullpatrol oho !! playing bets ?! pink was the price ? or was it by decision ? :)
@r9m pink is a girls' color, so until they win they are playing like girls
@skullpatrol haha :D okay !!
hi @Ted
Aren't you ignoring me too, @Mike?
No one listens to @Ted :P
Of course not!
@Mike, did you tell Jacob you liked his talk?
Of course.
Hi Professor @TedShifrin
then I guess he figured out my "source" 😛
Hi pink @skull
How many people at UCLA talk to you? I can't imagine it was very hard. :P
The Tao appearance on Colbert was pretty stupid.
His send-off joke was really, really funny though.
He seemed incredibly ill at ease, too.
It was a pointless interview. I don't understand why Colbert invites someone that he's not going to engage with.
Why are @MikeMiller and @ZachSaucier ignoring @PedroTamaroff as written?
we're not :P
all humor and no content ...
a tv personality he is not
Ah well, just another attempt to engage the public about math that didn't do so hot.
I always set my expectations low, and so I wasn't disappointed.
Same reason you're ignoring me, @Jasper :)
6 weeks to the new year, I am very excited.
@TedShifrin I was a little upset about you yesterday, but I am fine now. =)
That explains a lot, @Kaj.
How kind
The past few months I have mostly switched from tea to coffee.
Like positive course evaluations?
ouch @Kaj...
I have made several people upset with my bluntness recently, but in the end what I've said was truthful and honest and needed to be said. More reason to retire :)
I am now thinking of using Assimil to learn languages. But the books are quite expensive and they are undergoing a revision.
You do expect little from courses, @Kaj. 😁
So long as 35XX doesn't end up going the way of 24XX @TedShifrin
what're those
I am very sad in my country. I should move to Antarctica and live alone.
@Kaj, I created and then taught 2400 13 times, and the last 2 it was clear to me death was imminent.
@MikeMiller, 24XX was a more theory-oriented first/second semester calc sequence at UGA that was taught out of Spivak. Ended up dying off since too few people were registering for it.
@Committingtoachallenge Monash or University of Adelaide? Which one would you recommend...
That's awful.
@Jasper, your personal issues notwithstanding, the world is a very f*****- up place.
@TedShifrin Yes, it is. Sometimes, I wish I could rule the world. I will make it a much better place.
@JasperLoy where are you from? :)
It died at Berkeley and Rice over a decade ago, @Kaj
@TheArtist It is a secret, for secret reasons.
@Ted The analysis course at SCU in my senior year had to be turned into an independent study because only 3 people signed up.
@JasperLoy oh ok :)
Do you think it has a lot to do with AP becoming more widespread @Ted? And thus more people skipping right into multivariable? I know that was the case for me.
@TedShifrin Rice is what I eat every day.
Yes, BC Calc is an insidious disease, @Kaj. Plus people not wanting a challenge (why 3500 shrinks by 1/2).
(It gets worse. My high school taught Calc III.)
The only reason SCU math students still learn some theory is because the diploma requires it.
Math is a growing major, @Mike, but most places on the applied sides.
I think it is better not to learn calculus than to learn it too improperly first.
whoever thought of this AB BC thing?
i have students who took so-called calc III in high school. They don't learn much and they don't get college credit. Shrug.
Calculus is still part of the standard high school syllabus here, but it is only a little.
I mean, to be fair, when I compare how I was taught to what's strictly written on a syllabus here, it's much the same. It's just the way through which it was taught that doesn't sit well with me.
@Jasper: Most people don't learn things until they see them a second time.
42 mins ago, by Zach Saucier
What would a physical interpretation of $\int_{C} δ\hat F \cdot \hat n ds$ be where the density of the fluid at each point of the plane is given by a function δ? My guess is the mass because density * volume, but since it's varying I'm not sure
Eh, I learned enough calculus to get a 5 on the AP exam, but I don't feel like I've learned calculus.
even college faculty mostly teach calc 3 badly. Lots of mathematicians don't understand it well.
I don't know calculus, and they're having me teach it.
@TedShifrin What are some signs of a poorly taught calc 3 course?
if $F$ is velocity, the flux is rate of mass transport across the curve, @Zach.
What I'm looking for is a source to learn calculus from that starts from $\epsilon-\delta$ and works up from there.
And the sad thing is, I'm not finding it.
I'll rant about it some other time, @Karl.
I am genuinely interested though
Is Merriam Webster the most popular dictionary in the US?
Try Spivak plus my Multivariable math book, @Emrakul :)
People don't use dictionaries anymore, tbh @JasperLoy
dictionary is now strictly a programming term
@Ted Of course you'd want me to buy your book ;)
don't buy. Libraries still exist.
...huh, I wonder if my library has it, then.
@KajHansen OK, I am obsessed with books, as you know.
Second choice is Apostol Calculus vols 1 and 2 ...but for various reasons I prefer the first choice.
@JasperLoy I'd say it used to be
but Kaj is right, not many people use dictionaries anymore
I still like American Heritage Dictionary ...
unless they're translating to a foreign language with a dictionary
@TedShifrin, that's actually the dictionary I own
ok, g'night, all.
@TedShifrin sleep well!
We'll misbehave without you :D
@AlexanderGruber Thank you, you're doing a great job as a moderator, specially for banning me from the chat for 30 minutes for no reason.
Here comes @twink, lol.
@Twink How did you know it was him? It could be automatic.
it wasn't automatic
and he had previosly accepted that he deleted one of my comments
just because some people flagged it
If enough people flag a comment, you're banned from chat for 30 minutes.
@Twink What did you say this time?
This is unrelated to whether or not a moderator deletes your comment, even.
longer for the second time
@JasperLoy I don't think I should repeat it
@Twink I have been banned from chat 5 times. It is not a big deal.
people is so sensitive these days
hi pal
I guess they're on their days
hi pal @skullpatrol
I have also been arrested by the police before.
@JasperLoy why?
@Twink I did something wrong, but it is a secret.
come on, tell us
we'll keep the secret
@Twink huh? I didn't ban you from chat.
Well, I shoplifted, but when I was very young. They let me off later on.
huh? They took me to court :(
Every kid shoplifted at least once
Did you go to jail?
@skullpatrol why pal?
@Twink shoplifting
are you sure?
However, what I am thinking of doing these days is not wrong, but I still could be arrested.
tell me the truth
Now that is a real secret.
what are you thinking of doing @JasperLoy?
@Twink No, killing someone is wrong.
@Twink he is sure, the system does it, automatically for certain words
pal, I said that word before, and the mod just removed it
but I wasn't banned automatically
so the system counts
the second time I wrote the word, the mod banned me
second offense etc
I'm right here, @Twink. you don't have to refer to me in the third person.
I wasn't banned automatically
and it was the third time
I'm sure someone banned me
a person, not the system
well, @AlexanderGruber since you said you didn't banned me, I don't know who did it
shrug could have been another mod, idk. That doesn't mean I won't suspend you in the future if you break rules.
that's why i refer to that person as the mod
see^ I'm on your side pal
@Twink when you're flagged by five users, you're banned for half an hour. I wouldn't quite call that the system but it's not a moderator either. when alex deleted your comment he said it had a number of flags.
there you go @AlexanderGruber, now you threaten me for no reason, good job.
@Twink I'm just tellin you the facts, bud.
I am a lenient mod in this chat. most people don't realize I am one, because I don't do very much of it
considereing the fact that I already know that I will be banned if i break the rules
@Twink nobody is threatening my pal
i don't think i've ever seen a chat moderator actually do stuff here
but that doesn't mean that I can ignore flags
@AlexanderGruber does it show you who flags stuff?
you don't need to tell me that
@MikeMiller it doesn't directly but i think i can find that if I dig around a little bit
when I said the word for the first time, 5 pepole flagged the comment, I know that because @AlexanderGruber said that, and I wasn't banned by the system, he just removed my comment
so I don't think I was banned by the system
someone banned me, and I'm not saying it was @AlexanderGruber
could have been another mod
let it go pal
who cares
I do
in any case, one thing you should know is that every mod from any SE site can moderate every chat
because I was banned for no reason
so have I
and they can also see every flagged comment, even if they are in another room
and I'm a drama queen
and you're not, pal
so it's not just the math.se mods that do things in this room
that's the difference
I know that @AlexanderGruber, I was banned for 7 days once by a mod from an English chatroom
and I wasn't able to enter any chat
i remember
you do?
that was unfair
it was someone with a picture of a demon
but they are mean in there
I don't even remember what was the reason why he banned me, but it was ridiculous
they gang up on people
and then they laugh about it
where is Jasper?
is he online?
I like when they try to gang up on me
I just use the ignore button on all of them
@Twink see ya later pal
@skullpatrol bye pal.
....What is going on?
@KajHansen Drama, lol.
How on earth does drama arise on a math chat? I guess I'll go back to my analysis...
@KajHansen What book are you using?
@JasperLoy Rudin's PMA
Anyone wants to weigh in on this Real World Application of math? (At Home Improvement site):
Q: How do I calculate the length of a ladder I need to reach a certain height?

shuflerMy roof-line is 24' from the ground. What length ladder should I purchase to ensure I can reach the this height safely? I'm guessing there is a "safe" angle (a) for a ladder, regardless of the height (h). So more generally what is an easy way to calculate the length of a ladder (l) to safely r...

I firmly agree with the guy decrying the use of math here.
Does anyone know if this is true?: Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $S, T$ be bounded operators on $H$. Then $\langle Tx, y \rangle = \langle Sx, y\rangle$ for all $x, y \in H$ implies $S=T$.
yes; because then $\langle (S-T)x,y\rangle = 0$ for all $x,y$; now take $y = (S-T)x$ to see that $Sx=Tx$
@MikeMiller Thank you :D
so the operators don't need to be bounded
@cxseven I guess not, and also $H$ doesn't need to be complete
is there an everywhere differentiable function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ such that its Jacobian determinant is never zero, but is positive at one point and negative at another?
It's just that that's what I'm working with
hi Anthony
How goes your research?
Or have you even started yet?
I know nothing of graduate students.
It doesn't and no
I've only an idea about the field it'll be in
I see.
Are you buds with Terence?
@cxseven I suspect the answer is yes. Play with the standard examples of everywhere differentiable functions that don't have a continuous derivative.
Terence actually posted something about this and when he was asked for an example, didn't reply
Q: Does the inverse function theorem hold for everywhere differentiable maps?

Terry Tao(This question was posed to me by a colleague; I was unable to answer it, so am posing it here instead.) Let $f: {\bf R}^n \to {\bf R}^n$ be an everywhere differentiable map, and suppose that at each point $x_0 \in {\bf R}^n$, the derivative $Df(x_0)$ is nonsingular (i.e. has non-zero determinan...

not so surprising he isn't responding to comments on years-old posts :P
Is there some kind of geometric reason why the Fourier transform isn't unitary?
Well from time to angular frequency. I realized there's the $2\pi$, but to renormalize I think you use $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}$....
I'm no help here
Yeah it's alright. Hopefully someone will see.
@Anthony what do you mean by unitary?
I was just reading wikipedia, I'm actually a little confused at the moment.
you're the one.. you're the policeman?
@Anthony does Wikipedia say this?
It says that you need to split the $\sqrt{2\pi}$ to stay unitary
what is your job?
Who are you talking to?
no, you are the one
why are you so upset?
I still don't know if you were talking to me.
@Anthony That depends on how you define the Fourier Transform... If you define it as $$\int_{\mathbb{R}}f(x)\,e^{-2\pi ix\xi}\,\mathrm{d}x$$ then it is
That integrand.
do you know where i am?
Ah. @robjohn So I mean to use angular frequency instead of frequency, so you get the factor of $2\pi$.
@Anthony The inverse transform of that is $$\int_{\mathbb{R}}f(x)\,e^{2\pi ix\xi}\,\mathrm{d}x$$
i am at work
@robjohn Why are unitary operators isometries?
Oh nevermind, that's easy.
by definition
That's so strange.
Adjoints are strange beasts.
@Rafflesiaarnoldii I have my doubts that question you answered that I just commented on (re: closed forms of $\zeta$) was asked in good faith.
@MikeMiller can you please help me to understand something about integrals with respect to a complex measure?
anyone know why "continuous semigroups" are called semigroups and not monoids?
Aren't monoids different from semigroups?
@JasperLoy @robjohn I need a lil bit of advice :) In my question : math.stackexchange.com/questions/1018672/…
@TheArtist I have forgotten all my math. I am only a banana.
@robjohn please take a look at the commenter Alex.H on the accepted answer
@robjohn Is he correct or am I correct? Should I listen to him?
@JasperLoy It's not about math
I mean even new readers, if they don't understand the accepted answer they can all look down to see other perfect answers. He's talking like users answer questions to make it accepted. @robjohn Help center tells me Im right. Tell me if I'm wrong, I will accept a different answer :)
@TheArtist It is about math, lol.
@JasperLoy It's about a user telling me about site rules :p
@JasperLoy: yes, a monoid is a semigroup with identity
and part of the definition of a "continuous semigroup" (really a kind of representation) specifically refers to identity
Who is Rafflesia Arnoldii?
@robjohn My comment was deleted from this answer (From meta) may I please get to know the reason.
1 hour later…
I'm on a search for Emirps with added mirror properties! Can you find one?
Q: Sheldon Cooper Primes

NickOn the $73^{\text{rd}}$ episode of the Big Bang Theory, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, an astrophysicist portrayed by Jim Parsons $(1973 - \stackrel{\text{hopefully}}{2073})$ revealed his favorite number to be the sexy prime $73$ Sheldon : "The best number is $73$. Why? $73$ is the $21^{\text{s...

$73$ is the largest known one less than $100,000$
@PedroTamaroff Im my exercise sheet it's tagged as a mean one after all :)
@Nick @Nick @Nick !
@Integrator What was your comment?
@MikeMiller I deleted the CW "answer", since there is another one posted now. The question looks odd, but the user has nontrivial activity on SO with reasonable contributions, so perhaps it's just that: an odd-looking amateur question.
I would like to add a bounty to math.stackexchange.com/questions/1023351/… but I don't see the "x hours left " thing at all
do I not have enough rep?
@Sawarnik yes, yes, yes?
@Nick Hillo. Still here/
@Sawarnik A hello to you too. How are you today? ;D
@Nick Do you eat rice with hands too?
@TheArtist You can accept whatever answer helped you the most.
@Nick Great :D
@Sawarnik I try to avoid it but yes, generally at home.
@Nick Avoid it where?
anywhere else I'd have to eat at, like at school, a friends house or at a restaurant.
i don't think eating rice and curd two to three times a day is good for one's metabolism. There are loads of other stuff I'd prefer as meals.
:18642165 That is stereotypical thinking of stereotypical thinking. Dang, now I'm doing it.
@Nick I eat once during a heavy lunch .. rest of the times its roti.
i suppose if your hands are perfectly clean
@Nick Is roti eaten in Kerela?
roti is eaten by hand
chop sticks are too small
@skullpatrol It's wet food, if you have rice, you have to add some curry/thoran and roll into a ball before you put it into your mouth.\
@Sawarnik I eat roti, I prefer naan or chappathi. For some reason I always end up eating parrotas and egg roast at a local diner.
@Nick Aren't they too oily-type? I prefer plain simple rotis.
@skullpatrol My point was if you're indulging in such a practice, washing your hands properly becomes a subconscious sense.
@Nick That's not a very great choice :/
@Sawarnik Yes, a bit. But I don't like those hard, dehydrated crunchy rottis.
@Sawarnik I know, I know, but it's once in a while.
No, not dehydrated, fresh :D
@Nick Philae.
@Sawarnik Well, I love fresh warm rottis. Haven't had one in ages though.
:O Y?
@Nick true.
@Integrator You had deleted a number of comments and the comments remaining seemed to be off-topic so they were deleted. Your comment that was not deleted by you was not about the question but about a particular user's voting habits.
Jeff Atwood on January 04, 2010

I noticed that the Stack Overflow question Strangest language feature has been closed and reopened several times now. The text of the question is brief:

What is in your opinion the most surprising, weird, strange or really “WTF” language feature you have encountered?

I agree this is not exactly an ideal question for Stack Overflow, per the FAQ:

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered! …

Interesting picture :-)
@robjohn I knew that was going to happen!
@Sawarnik It was something about particular user's voting habit!
@Integrator Which one can you tell? :D
@Sawarnik He/She has 5 up-votes
@skullpatrol The photo is funny.
^long word.
could make a good avatar?
nah, not till my team wins
they're playing like girls
hence the pink
Q: The Riemann Hypothesis not even wrong?

user193262The ref Article updated. For the generalization of the RH we try to build two set which allow us to generate the zeros of the zeta functions and in the other hand to describe the perfect convergent series such that the LHS depends on $s$. The demonstration is too long $50$ pages, then we started...

How did this get upvotes?
Famcy vocabulary&symbols mean upvotes?
That's what I'm saying.
There's a deleted post by a user with a different name on the same topic, too.
@AntonioVargas Thierno M. Sow creates a lot of sockpuppets, I think. Unfortunately, enough to have raised the score above the threshold for immediate 20k+ deletion again.
how does the system allow that?
If my bounty question goes unanswered, will it be reasonable to ask MO in a similar manner to this question, mathoverflow.net/questions/186288/… ?
Hello!!! :-) Could you explain me the following sentence?

The p-adic numbers are complete with respect to the p-norm, ie every Cauchy sequence converges.
Whoops, didn't mean to ping early.
@DanielF I assume it's been flagged for moderators?
Was just going to say, I don't think "invited article" is a real thing, either!
@MikeMiller Don't know. I voted to delete (before it was re-upvoted to $-2$).
It's back at $-3$, any 20k-ers around?
looks like there was an historic KO in Germany on Saturday night
He's very... hostile, which is even worse than his 'questions' themselves, i think.
In general is every statement of the form $\forall x\forall y P(x,y)$ equivalent to the statement $\forall y\forall x P(x,y)$ ? That is, when using two universal quantifiers in a row, can we interchange their order without affecting the statement made?
Yes, that's correct.
I'm rather sure that's an axiom in (standard) first order logic, but if not, it's at least provable from them.
Can anyone tell me the sequence which has the following generator ?
A(x) = 2 - x - 4x^2 + 8x^3 - 16x^4 + .....
Sorry to ask in such manner but I ve stuck for ages, I can't see the answer
@MikeMiller is GF(•) the same as Z/•Z?
No. For every prime power $p^n$ there is a unique field of that order; for $n=1$ it's $\Bbb Z/p\Bbb Z$. But for, say, $p^2=9$, the latter thing is not a field (why?)
Why was my uninteresting sentence starred?
ask on meta lol
I should ask on chat meta, lol.
Where is the chat meta?
@MikeMiller it seems like a field to me. Finite fields only exist when the order is a prime power p^n. There is a $p$ for your case. I assume I'm dead wrong but why
@UserX Well, what are the axioms of a field?
A field is green.
Ass comm dis id in
Does is fail one of them? I can't see it
The above are shortcuts I use for myself, I hope you understand them
what about equality?
and closure
@skullpatrol addition identity axiom ensures equality
Oh multiplication too
Check inverses again...
I must really suck at this because I'm not sure I'm checking the correct (candidate) field. Can you show me why it doesn't have an inverse?
$3^2=0$. Good luck inverting that.
@MikeMiller HARRO.

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