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Oh, you talking about the function I gave, or its integral?
No, before you helped me, I was trying to define my own convolution command, inputting two functions (not knowing it was a canned command in Mathematica). I was doing it on a finite interval, which was all I cared about.
I'll figure it out later.
@TedShifrin Ah, that will be hard for Mathematica to execute. Using Convolve with Piecewise lets Mathematica make many assumptions to make the convolution simpler
Really? It isn't just doing the integral of $f(t)g(x-t)$?
@TedShifrin did you look at f[3]?
Yes, sure ... it's basically a cubic spline.
\{ &
\frac{\text{$\#$1}^2}{2} & 0<\text{$\#$1}\leq 1 \\
-\text{$\#$1}^2+3 \text{$\#$1}-\frac{3}{2} & 1<\text{$\#$1}<2 \\
\frac{1}{2} (\text{$\#$1}-3)^2 & 2\leq \text{$\#$1}<3

oh, sorry, that's the quadratic one
I actually looked at the output for f[4].
Because it is piecewise defined, it can make new piecewise defined functions rather than computing the convolution for each point.
I see: They programmed it to be intelligent, is what you're saying.
Trying to keep the final mesh of intervals straight can be a mess in itself. I'd let Mma do it rather than do it from scratch
Interestingly, my code worked fine for f[3] and then gave me 0 for f[4]. So it must have gotten all messed up as you're suggesting.
BTW, I did also have it do the inverse/Fourier transform and it drew the pictures nicely for small n.
Can someone please un-duplicate this please:
Q: Proofs for $0^0 =1$?

NickEveryone knows the following: $$0^x = 0 \quad \wedge \quad x^0 = 1 , \quad\forall x \in R^*$$ One morning, I wake up asking myself the question "$\text{What is $0^0$, then?}$". So, I did what any curious highschool student would do, I tried to figure it out using algebra $$0^0 = 0^{x-x} = \frac{...

I'm not asking if $0^0 = 1$, I'm asking you to say $0^0 = 1$
@Nick For nonnegative integers $n,m$, $n^m$ is the number of functions from a set of size $n$ to a set of size $m$. There is one function from the empty set to itself.
Also, you're interested in a question from a year ago...?
@dorothy Hi there... I missed your greeting until I was reading back in the transcript
@MikeMiller Indeed. My question is 1 year 2 days old right now :D I'm cleaning up things from my past.
While the question itself isn't the same as the others, the answers you get will be duplicates. There's nothing left to say that wasn't said elsewhere.
@MikeMiller Agreed but there were these really notorious proofs out there for this. I'm sure a few people would have their own takes on it. Are we so afraid of repetition?
parenting.se will cause me child traumas lol
@Nick Note that $0^x=0$ is only true for $x\gt0$, not $x\lt0$, so that is not a good thing to look at.
My father did the exactly opposite of what they advise there
@MikeMiller Also, fearing new answers? that's the best reason to not unduplicate something clearly not a duplicate.
@Nick I think most people who really care, define $0^0=1$
Combinatorists, Set Theorists, etc
@robjohn can you check my steps here if they are correct ? :-)
@robjohn Yeah, I'm inclined to that definition and I asked that question a year ago to better validate it. So far only Khalid from BetterExplained has been able to give me any good intuition on it.
@Hippalectryon I sincerely hope so !!! :o
@r9m Yeah. It would be really sad otherwise :/
anybody know any theorems giving the smallest dimension of an irreducible representation when the field has order coprime to the group?
@Hippalectryon yes ! :(
@MikeMiller Oh yeah, I get it. The empty product is one. Cool.
Is there way way to download all of a user's questions and answers as pdf/latex/web page ?
@Hippalectryon ... who are you stalking? Should someone be concerned?
@Hippalectryon yeah, learn how to wget
@Nick I want to get all of @Chris'ssis 's Q/A just in case
@anon :/
note that even if a user's account is deleted, their answers and questions remain
But she might delete some of her Q/A
@Hippalectryon I've heard of stealing girls underwear but this is ridiculous.
@Nick WUT :C
What..... is the link..... :c
@Hippalectryon just joking dude. lol
@Nick haha nice one
@Hippalectryon users with valuable contributions are rarely able to permadelete their work from the site; even under manual deletion you could save as webpages the pages of answers in their profile, which will include links to all of them, and then 10k+ users can see them
@anon But i'd have to do all of that manually
Isn't there something out there for that ?
Btw I'm far from being 10K+ :/
@Nick not nice X(
@Hippalectryon yes there is, it's called wget like I said, but it'd take a bit of time to learn. if you're really serious about preserving the work, save as'ing 17 times shouldn't be too much to ask for.
@Hippalectryon Yeah she does this a bit but most often for the right reasons. Nothing of actual importance stays deleted.
@r9m I know but if you're offended, then that means you know what I'm talking about
If we want to check for closure through the axiom of closure do we check if a*a is in the group too? Or do we only check distinct elements of the group?
you check a*b for not-necessarily-distinct a & b
no need to split it into two cases
not sure I'd call it an axiom either
@Nick I said not nice .. not that I was offended I meant you could do better than that =P
@Hippalectryon the mods do not allow mass self-destruction of content, you don't have anything to worry about.
@AlexanderGruber Oh ok thanks
@anon so if $a=b$ we also check it?
@UserX why are you splitting it into separate cases? that's pointless.
@anon why not? I'd say "is a set with a function $G \times G \to G$" is an axiom
@r9m: Dear friend, bully-speak is rude. I know. Wedgies and Swirlies may break you physically, but words can never hurt you... unless you take it seriously and have it echo throughout you ever 5 minutes like an OCD patient.
@MikeMiller definitions and assumptions are different things
it's still a valid term to use for definitional properties, but I don't like it
I know they are; I disagree that any of this is an assumption rather than a definition
So $\{-1,0,1\}$ isn't a group under addition as it fails closure because $1+1\ni \{-1,0,1\}$
Does $\Bbb Z$ have subgroups then?
yes Z has subgroups
I guess the empty set is
no, it's not
@Mike, I did not say closure property was an assumption rather than a definition - I said the opposite
Oh not the empty set. The set with only 0.
What is a subgroup of $\Bbb Z$ under addition?
@anon I see your point
@Nick le sigh
@UserX I think it's better that you think about it for a bit and write them all down than that we tell you
@UserX have you tried generating any nontrivial ones?
@Hippalectryon: If you want to preserve the portions of the site containing @Chris'ssis content, then I suggest you use PageNest (difficulty: medium)
@MikeMiller I can't. They all but the one having only 0 fail closure. Did I mention I need subgroups of finite order?
you didn't, which changes things...
Ah I do now :P
so why aren't there any?
Because they all fail closure?
and why do they do that
They fail the archimedian property?
agreed with anon
@UserX you claim the nontrivial subgroups fail closure. okay then. given an example of a nontrivial subgroup of Z and two elements a and b for which a+b is not in the subgroup.
What's the name of the property that any finite number has a number greater than it?
(indeed, it'd be a contradiction in terms for a subgroup to fail closure)
@UserX dunno, you could have just said that
I thought this was the archimedian property :P It definitely has a name
Probably greek
the point of terminology and notation is to benefit communication
if nobody else knows the name it's worthless
Well yea. So what's the conclusion? Z has no subgroups of finite order?
@Nick No need :) Alex told me I had nothing to fear
$\Bbb Z$ has no nontrivial subgroups of finite order
@anon what are you up to nowadays
elliptic functions ish
finally getting pikmin 2
My point is to construct a subgroup of finite order to find an example forthe statement; The order of an element g of a finite group G is the smallest power of n such that g^n=I where I is the identity element
But I can't find such a group to test it
use proof by contradiction
My first step for more understanding is to find an example to test the statement
you don't know any finite groups?
if the claim you're trying to prove is true - there are no nontrivial finite subgroups of Z - then you won't be able to construct or find any example of a nontrivial finite subgroup of Z, obviously. you need to assume H is such a finite subgroup and derive a contradiction from that.
No I don't @MikeMiller
@UserX integers mod n are a good first example
it seems a bit silly to try and study properties of finite groups without knowing any
And the examples on wikipedia are quite weird
@anon you're a junior now, yeah?
How can a user with only one rep on MathematicaSE connect to the chat ?
I thought it required like 20 rep
@Hippalectryon chat.stackexchange.com is one chat server for all SE sites except SO and meta.SE (each of which has their own chat server). You need 20 rep combined on all sites related to the chat server. Source
@Rafflesiaarnoldii But the user has one rep overall
Link to profile?
Right here in the chat
Ah, entering the room does not require any rep. You need 20 to talk.
SE used to have a problem with 1-rep sockpuppet accounts with offensive avatars entering chat just to troll by showing up in the user list. This is why the users with <20 rep are now shown with generic "outline" avatar in chat.
@Rafflesiaarnoldii why don't you apply to become a mod?
You seem to have knowledge on the matter and a strong sense of what belongs in SE and what doesn't.
One doesn't apply; there are occasionally elections.
Don't you apply there? Also, how does SE afford itself with no ads?
I bet the storage needed for the whole SE network isn't trivial
@UserX Ads on certain sites (not here), Careers.SO job board. See this.
@UserX Yes, one has to nominate oneself to be a mod. But first there have to be elections announced. There were none since May 2013. In any case, I think I am too active and too opinionated of a user to be a good moderator. A moderator should be moderate. :)
I think you would be the most fitting moderator but that would be attacking the rest of the moderators as I don't know how they each work
20K users who review LQ posts may be interested in the statistics I compiled here. (tl;dr your delete votes go to waste in the queue.)
Im considering asking a new question ...
hi @Rafflesiaarnoldii
Hello everyone! I came here for a doubt on separability.(Field theory). Anyone up for it?
Im no expert in that
Whats 2+2?
wow. Don't ask me why it's 4. Same old Same old.
okay. thanks. i was confused about that in my calc homework.
Ok. So why should one use ubuntu when he/she has windows?
@NickJ. 4
My questions are usually harder :)
@NickJ.: A noob question. I'm thinking to migrate to ubuntu,
*of migrating
@Nick what!? I have posted at least one answer, maybe two, on MSE. There have been numerous duplicates.
your quite nice for a mean square ...
@robjohn: Can you help me out with my problem?
@robjohn ... Upon fully using the search functionalities of both stackexchange and google, I have dug up so so very much. Your presence on this matter is astounding. There are lots of questions that I will ask again, this will no longer be one of them.
Does anyone know of a web based graphing calculator, where I enter an algebriac fucntion like a quadratic or cubic polynomial and it will graph it in the cartersian plane?
@SwapnilTripathi which problem?
@mick @robjohn is the rms measure of the average mathematical joe. That's what he probably meant by "mean square"
a problem on separability
(field theory)
@Hippalectryon that's exactly what I was looking for many thanks
@robjohn If f is irreducible on a field of char 0, then f is separable.
@SwapnilTripathi is f an extension field?
it's a polynomial rob
No. I'm sorry to put it so badly. f(x) is the irreducible polynomial over a field K
do you know any conditions for separability?
Yes. The polynomial should have distinct zeroes. @anon
that's a definition not a condition
@SwapnilTripathi Okay, I was just about to ask what it means for f to be separable?
i.e. the polynomial and its derivative should not have any common factor.
@robjohn distinct roots
@SwapnilTripathi exactly
hi @robjohn I ran some experiments for math.stackexchange.com/questions/1023351/…
@anon sorry, the lines were moving, and you got pinged.
and it seems that P(Z=0| Y =0 and X=0) is approx P(Y=0|X=0) for n >=4, say
There's a third one, which I don't quite get. derivative is non zero! derivative at what points?
@SwapnilTripathi the derivative is itself a polynomial, don't care about points
can irreducible f and f' share a common factor if the characteristic is 0? why not?
what can happen to f' in char p that can't happen in char 0?
@dorothy and that is 2P(X=0)?
factors on the extension where they split? @anon
@robjohn yes that was your result! :)
@SwapnilTripathi huh?
answer my questions
@dorothy just nice to know that the experiments are getting the same answer.
ah yes :)
i don't think so
when char is 0
If f and f'share a root on a field of char 0, then the polynomial isn't simple
@dorothy what about n=2?
It has to be 100%
@SwapnilTripathi I said factor, not root, but true.
@anon: yes, i meant factor.
@robjohn yes. I am secretly only interested in large n here
@robjohn you always get to 100% once you have rotated n times
of course
@robjohn call A_i the result of the i'th inner product. I am interested in P(A_i | A_j =0 for all j < i)
call this prob P_i. It would be great to understand when P_i \approx P_{i-1} and when it isn't So far we know that P_1 = 2 P_0 but it seems that P_2 \approx P_1
@dorothy It has to be at least the same, and probably increasing; that is, $P_2\ge P_1$
@robjohn weirdly I don't think it strictly increases for small i
it just almost increases :)
@JasperLoy I went to a swimming gala.
@anon And about f' when char=p. f'could vanish?
@robjohn for n =4 the P_i are 0.75, 0.7777777777777778, 0.7142857142857143, 1.0
for n = 6 they are 0.625, 0.64, 0.625, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0
n = 8 they are [0.546875, 0.5542857142857143, 0.5493372606774669, 0.5710455764075067, 0.6995305164319249, 0.9463087248322147, 0.9432624113475178, 1.0
@Nick I know ... was a joke.
so not strictly monotonic
I was hoping oeis would find something magic for me.. but not yet
@dorothy It decreases for n=8? How can it possibly decrease?
@robjohn well ... 0.5542857142857143 > 0.5493372606774669
@robjohn Do you remember that sum with the $k_1+\cdots + k_n=k$ index?
but even for n =4 we have 0.75, 0.7777777777777778, 0.7142857142857143, 1.0 which is not monotonic
@robjohn I'll a bounty if I can with my 66 points when the time allows me
@dorothy I don't see how this can possibly decrease. Each case for $P_k(4)$ is also a case for $P_{k-1}(4)$. something is fishy here
hang on.. P_i = Pr(A_i | A_j =0 for all j < i)
@robjohn is python ok for you? I can send you my code
it is short and simple
and dumb :)
Monotonicity in the events implies monotonicity in the probabilities
@dorothy I don't use python. I don't have time to set something up quickly today
@robjohn ok no problem.. can I provide any examples to help?
all I do is compute the prob all the first i are zero for each i and then divide the ith value by the (i-1)th one
to get P_i
I have trouble finding a closed form for this number ...
Dayman Aaayyayaa
Q: Conditional iterations constant.

mickLet $f(0)=2.$ Define for positive integers $n$ : $f(n+1) = \frac{3}{2} f(n)$ if $f(n)$ is even. $f(n+1) = \frac{3}{2}(f(n)+1)$ if $f(n)$ is odd. We now have $\lim_{n->\infty} \dfrac{4* (3/2)^{n} }{f(n)} = C$ Where $C$ is some constant. Apparantly $C$~$\sqrt[11] {10}$ but I guess that $C$ can...

It reminds me of collatz ... not sure if related
@mick that always increases though
yeah ... I know :)
Collatz in reverse ... not really ...
But still , there are statements equivalent to collatz and it looks a bit like them ... or not ...
Maybe Im just silly.
Maybe its just the powers of 3/2 ...
@Alizter can you give a reference?
Anyway Im clueless how to compute a closed form for the value of C.
Once again I need to give credit to tommy1729 btw
@robjohn $$\sum_{\substack{k_1,\ \cdots,\ k_n \in \mathbb{N}_0 \\ k_1\ne\ \cdots\ \ne k_n}}\frac1{m^{k_1+\cdots k_n}}$$
I managed to evaluate
Gah. I want to find a nice upper bound on the probability of $k$ consequitive succeses, each apart by less than $m$ failures (success probability $p$, failure $1-p$). I realised it's the same as the probability of the $m$ different continous segments in $mk$ each having at least one positive answer in them.
It is not nice though
@Alizter hmm. I have not looked at it recently.
@robjohn After talking to combinatroicists I managed to get it into a generating function.
Which evaluated to something silly
I might try and formalise it so maybe there would be cancelations?
But I think $k_1+\cdots+k_n \in \Bbb N$ rather than $\Bbb N_0$ would be more natural.
@Alizter What's $\mathbb{N}_0$ ?
@Hippalectryon Computer scientists (and possibly set theorists) $\Bbb N$
Seems my title is not very catchy ...
@mick Replace it with 'topology of green chicken nuggets', I'm sure you'll get more views :3
People, what's your favorite prime number?
@Nick 27
@Hippalectryon This contradicts the fact that $3^3$ is the first composite number not evenly divisible by any of its digits.
@Nick But T.Tao said so :/
(I thought I'd break the news softly)
@Hippalectryon I'm sure even Grothendieck would agree with you. Too bad we no longer even have a chance to find out.
woot lol
@Hippalectryon According to Balarka, 27 is a prime power, and sometimes in analytic number theory, we count prime powers because it's easier
Since 57 is the Grothendieck prime, 27 might as well be the Tao prime.
@Hippalectryon Who is this person? Am I confusing over confucius?
Yu the Great (Chinese: 大禹; pinyin: Dà Yǔ, c. 2200 – 2100 BC), was a legendary ruler in ancient China famed for his introduction of flood control, inaugurating dynastic rule in China by founding the Xia Dynasty, and for his upright moral character. The dates proposed for Yu's reign precede the oldest known written records in China, the oracle bones of the late Shang dynasty, by nearly a millennium. Stories about his life and reign were transmitted orally in various areas of China, and first recorded in texts from the Western Zhou period (c. 1045–771 BC). Many were collected in Sima Qian's famous...
@Hippalectryon but probably many downvotes
@Nick He is correct
:O Who doesn't love the topology of green nuggets ?
green nuggets are orientable.
My questions are not :)
@mick and our names rhyme. What else is new?
@Nick my latest question
Q: Conditional iterations constant.

mickLet $f(0)=2.$ Define for positive integers $n$ : $f(n+1) = \frac{3}{2} f(n)$ if $f(n)$ is even. $f(n+1) = \frac{3}{2}(f(n)+1)$ if $f(n)$ is odd. We now have $\lim_{n->\infty} \dfrac{4* (3/2)^{n} }{f(n)} = C$ Where $C$ is some constant. Apparantly $C$~$\sqrt[11] {10}$ but I guess that $C$ can...

@Hippalectryon a person who is yet to be introduced to it.
I want 100k rep
yeah ! an upvote :)
@Nick This is blasphemy ! 炎炎炎炎☆┣o(・ω・
Thanks ... someone ?
@mick I've upvoted this question. I don't have the tools to solve it but I think I understand what you're trying to do. Good luck.
@mick Here, a downvote :D
@Hippalectryon thank you
@Nick thank you :)
@Nick Upvote me as well. I answer already accepted questions, for no good reason math.stackexchange.com/questions/1024379/… =D
@Hippalectryon What is the blasphemy here? (and don't me so witty as to give me the definition of blasphemy)
It is blasphemy to define blasphemy
@N3buchadnezzar ill upvote if you upvote me :p
@Nick Everyone should know the topology of green nuggets for ever !! ༼∩☉ل͜☉༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚
Now I understand how people get 100 k :p
Well it is also blasphemy to say that defining blasphemy is blasphemy ...
head starts to hurt
Like if you have 50 friends here that 50 upvotes :)
Well it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that it is blasphemy to say that ...
I answer questions every once in a blue moon :p I give a rats *ss about rep. I did not join the site to get repped.
thats 250 / day
250 * 1461 days = 365250 rep :p
@mick Why 250 ?
@Hippalectryon 50 friends => 50 upvotes => +5/upvote => +250 !
@N3buchadnezzar I apologize but never ask me to do that again (I've upvoted now but I don't understand laplace transforms, $\mathcal L$ or even that $\sigma$ thing... I don't usually upvote things I don't understand yet.. So, I'm holding you to this vote until you earn it.)
@Nick Never take anything I say serious ever! In chat!
(little things come at a price) =)
If I say things like eat a banana, and do the monkey dance. I do not expect or want anyone to actually do it..
@Hippalectryon your an electron in the shape of a hippo :)
@N3buchadnezzar I do
Like Hitler said "Himmler could you limonade my juice?".
@N3buchadnezzar I did half of that instruction a few moments ago. Should I undo it?
If so, where?
@N3buchadnezzar lol, I'm just kidding. Don't take me seriously either.
@N3buchadnezzar wrong forum :/
@KarlKronenfeld Upvotes should be sincere. If you feel the answer adds value upvote it. But be sincere =)
@N3buchadnezzar lolwat?
I was referring to banana eating and monkey dancing
@KarlKronenfeld Ah! Well since you are already dancing, I guess a banana would not hurt.
@N3buchadnezzar ... that's a hell of a conspiracy.
@N3buchadnezzar What is with mathematicians and bananas?
@Nick You always need a banana for scale
@N3buchadnezzar After reviewing your answer and reading up a bit, I've decided you've earned that upvote. Congratulations, man.
@N3buchadnezzar I got banned for my banana once so be carefull :p
@N3buchadnezzar I don't get that joke.
@mick Well yeah... Rule three of banana-club is never to show your banana in public.
@N3buchadnezzar Let me guess, Rule one and two is We don't talk about our bananas?
@Nick The idea is that the restrictions to use that theorem is weaker (easier to apply) than what Daniel Fischer used. Same with the frullani answer. You need dominated or absolute convergence for that to hold. My "theorem" just requires the function to be bounded.
@Nick Indeed
@N3buchadnezzar Ah, fight club references.
@Hippalectryon Seriously, this man's name was Yu? As in Yu-Gi-Oh sort of Yu?
@Nick Yes -__-
Hey guys
:O I just lost the game
i pwn u?
@N3buchadnezzar I thought it was rule 1 ?? what are the first 2 then ?
@mick 1. You do not talk about banana-club. 2. YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT BANANA-CLUB
@skullpatrol ( ◜ ◉ڡ◉)◜U G U U U U ♪.+゚*。:゚+
@N3buchadnezzar thats worse then illuminati ! :)
@Hippalectryon Nah, I'm more surprised about the Water bending thing but anyhow, I brought it up to share a chinese name joke.
@N3buchadnezzar Another movie to sell me toys. Yay!
Yeah. I have enough adult toys from all those children movies..
... wut ?
21 mins ago, by N3buchadnezzar
@Nick Never take anything I say serious ever! In chat!
@N3buchadnezzar I didn't take that one message seriously :c
Aye Aye El Capitaan
Is there among you someone who would be willing to proofread my paper on Robin's inequality?
@VincenzoOliva Only if it also contains the batman equation
The B in Benoit B Mandelbrot stands for Beoit B Mandelbrot
@VincenzoOliva I can proofread your typography. da-dum tshhh
@Nick I can proofread your proofreading. (゜ν`(∋─━ԅ(T_T ԅ)
@N3buchadnezzar The batman equation is a set of equations. It's mind boggling why it's referred to as an equation.
@Nick @N3buchadnezzar Batman is not happy with you two :/
@Hippalectryon I can proofread you proofreading my proofreading, you proofreading proofreader !!
@Nick щ(`ω´ щ )
@Hippalectryon I dare you to say that out loud ten times really quick without slipping your tongue.
@VincenzoOliva what is robin's equation ?
@N3buchadnezzar So, this is the batman equation. cool.
@Nick щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ ) щ(`ω´ щ )
@N3buchadnezzar: You've yet to tell me your favorite prime.
@mick *inequality
It gives an upper bound for the divisor sum function, and is equivalent to the Riemann Hypothesis
@VincenzoOliva and you proved it ?????

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