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I've heard a lot of people using 'read' in place of 'study' when they refer to the course they're doing at university, @BalarkaSen. Doesn't it seem really out of place. I can never bring myself to say 'I read xx at blahblah'.
"reading" is vastly different than "studying"
I have another DBZ-theory @Khallil. Interested?
I think that saying read instead study is a direct translation from the native language of the speaker. In arabic language for example we may say I read something and it's a synonym of I study something. @BalarkaSen
Is that you in your picture, @Sami?
Not really, @Balarka.
That's a valid point @SamiBenRomdhane
@Khallil =(
Yes it's my picture :-) why? @Khallil
You're the man, right? I wanted to have a guess at where you're from, @Sami. Are you from Morocco or somewhere in the north of Africa?
Sorry, @Balarka. I'm doing a few things right now but I'd like to hear it later if you have time.
Eh, forget it @Khallil.
You're not far from in your guess, my country is the country of Hannibal and elissa;-) @Khallil
Are you Lebanese, @Sami?
I just typed Elissa into Google and it came back with a Lebanese singer. =P
No this is her origin but she traveled to the north africa! @Khallil
Did you figure out that $\Bbb Q^\times$ problem?
Do you know Carthage? @Khallil
I just heard of it. My mum said it's a place with a lot of history in Tunisia, @Sami.
I know hardly anything about Africa. I've lived in the UK my whole life, but my whole family is Moroccan, @SamiBenRomdhane. That's why I asked where you're from. ^_^
That's kind of obvious from you're name @Khallil.
It is, @Balarka?
mmhmm. Does it not sound a bit Arabian?
I thought that you have an arabic origin from you noun. Do you know its meaning. @Khallil
I think it means 'friend', @Sami. Somebody told me that my name means 'flute' in Hebrew.
@Khallil that would be me
You're here!
And it means 'dearest friend' in Arabic
I didn't see your avatar in the sidebar, @Studentmath. ^_^
@Balarka !
wow, so the word for flute in hebrew is "studentmath"
I just came in.
and it's also the word for dearest friend?
@Mick indeed
Exactly that, @Mick.
I can't play a studentmath
hello pals studentmaths
hehe do I mean I can't play a flute, or do I mean I can't deceive my loved ones? (I can hijack the star board now)
I am working on some problem, and I have an issue with something. $\lim_{n\to \infty} (1-p)^n\to 0$, when $p\in (0,1]$.
But what about when $p\to 0$ as well? $n\in N$
Oh wait.
There you go.
lol ok thank you
I would think it would go to $1$.
But I really can't say.
It goes to $1$
$0 < 1 - p \leq 1$
You're looking at a number in the interval $[0,1)$ being raised to a very high power.
I think it would go to 1 too, because actual 1 to any power would be you know...
I think it won't go to 1. I think it's not determined.
Yes, @Khallil
That's what I meant
@Studentmath Well, prove your claim ;)
That's the wrong inequality, @Balarka. My one is correct.
$p\neq 0 \implies 1-p \neq 1$
Ah I misread $(0, 1]$ as $[0, 1)$
Yep. So wouldn't it tend to $0$, @Balarka?
But if $p = 1$, $1 - p = 0$
in that case limit would go 0.
yes, @Khallil. typo.
Yeah. But if $p\to 0$.
Hrm, I will look at different lines of approaching it, shouldn't be too hard
what is $\lim_{n \to \infty} 1/x^n $ for $x > 1$, @Studentmath?
(Or more generally, $|x|>1$.)
$\lim_{x\to i \infty } \, (1-\Re(x))^{\Im(x)} = 1$
blah overcomplications
Well at least mathematica accepts that one
You lose a turn trying to figure out why you're laughing, @Balarka!
80 damage inflicted!
Yes your name in Arabic means friend and precisely the intimate friend and the kh in Kallil is pronounced like ch in Banach in the German language so this letter does not exist in english:-)@Khallil
Yep, that's why so many people here fail to say my name properly, @Sami. ^_^
Let (X,d) be a metric space and A a subset of X. Define x to be a closure point of A iff for every open ball centered at x , it contains at least one element from A.
Define x to be a limit point of A iff for every open ball centered at x , it contains at least one element from A differently from x.
Define x to be an isolated point iff x is in A and x is not a limit point.
My question, if i know x is a closure point, does it mean that it either is a limit point or an isolated point ? Could it be something else ?
Hi. I have a question in semidirect product, someone could help me, please?
@BalarkaSen oh, let me get your hopes up ever-so-slightly again
I've stabilized in my new job mostly, and last night I got a couple hours to work on the program :)
Hah. 1 it is!
@Khalil sometimes they write it as 7 (the kh, in arabic, over the net)
This says the following: Let $G$ a group and $N$ a normal subgroup of $G$. If $G$ it have a subgroup $H$ s.t. $H \cap N $ is the trivial subgroup and $H$ is isomorphic to $G/ N$ then $G$ is isomorphic to $N\rtimes H$ (semidirect product). I'm not completely sure here because if we let $g$ the composition of the canonical map from $G \to G/N$ with the isomorphism, is clear that its kernel is $N$ and permute the elements in H. But from here I'm not completely sure of how to proceed
Ah, I see. There's a double l in my name, so I didn't get the ping, @Studentmath!
$G \to G/N \to H $ so if we let $g$ be the composition, then g it has N as kernel and permute the elements in H. So I have to show that all the elements in G are of the form NH, but is not clear to me that this really happens in this case? (If so, with that and the normality of N is sufficient)
at least that I have to show that g is the identity over H and that's it. But I'm not sure how to do it
@Khallil I literally read.
@BalarkaSen Which one was that the noetherian one?
I know what you're talking about. @Balarka and I went off on a tangent to do with something else.
say huh, @Khallil?
Say wha, @Balarka?
@Alizter No. It was about deriving a structure theorem for $\Bbb Q^\times$.
Prove that $$\Bbb Q^\times \cong \Bbb Z_2 \times \bigoplus_{\text{primes p}} \Bbb Z$$
Hi guys
When is the following statement true $x^{x!}=x!^{x}$ and $x \neq 0,1,2$
@math101 Which primes divide $x^{x!}$, and which divide $(x!)^x$?
@math101 Look at $x^y = y^x$ in general.
Whoa @DanielFischer
You knew the answer ;) That could never have occurred to me.
@DanielFischer what do you mean by that?
@math101 If there is any prime dividing one but not the other, the two cannot be equal.
@BalarkaSen You havn't showed me that before
What does $\bigoplus$ mean?
@DanielFischer How did you know that if there's any prime dividing one but not the other, the two cannot be equal?
Does the division algorithm for $2/1$ proceed as $2=2\cdot 1+0$ or $2=1\cdot 1+1$
@nablablah Fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
@nablablah That's the unique prime factorisation of integers. Every nonzero integer has a unique representation as the product of a unit ($\pm 1$ for $\mathbb{Z}$) and finitely many primes [unique up to order of the factors].
I don't know about that theorem
Every number can be decomposed into primes uniquely, @nablablah
@BalarkaSen what does $\bigoplus$ mean
Direct sum, @Alizter.
@Alizter Google direct sum.
Why... do I always get beat by @DanielFischer?
@BalarkaSen You're typing too slowly today.
What are your wpm typing speeds
wait typing speed can be measured?
@BalarkaSen Try some typing tests on the internet
Let's make a MSE room on there
whoa, @math101
Congrats, you just typed 122 wpm! We have to ask everyone who gets over 100 wpm in a race to take a short typing test. This is done to discourage cheaters.
@BalarkaSen On this site you might be suprised to find out some know things you haven't ever thought of. (for instance, some see what I was typing - before you see this message)
@nablablah lmao Im like 40 WPM
The same things happen if you use the latex editor of the site. They see everything you write there, no one tells you that. (I realized that due to a mistake of someone)
race booked. will come back and test my speed. ;)
@DanielFischer So is this just by trial and error. How would you go about this?
But don't ask me about those mistakes, I won't tell anything.
@math101 Not trial and error. Generally, which primes divide $n^k$?
71 wpm
on this clunky keyboard
And I wanna add one more thing: I also know things some would have never ever thought of.
Now, this subject is closed to me.
Let me post a nice integral ... (hmmm)
@Chris'ssis but first let me see your wpm
@Chris'ssis Oh?
@BalarkaSen Please do not mention this anymore.
I don't think it's even true.
I didnt see it damn
Why would anyone do that?
what makes you so sure?
was it an integral?
I don't believe you have details.
I mean, it's such a far-fetched idea.
@Chris'ssis what is it Ahhhh
darn it's 31 wpm
@BalarkaSen :P
@BalarkaSen You should have typed shorter words, Mr. Sesquipedalian.
throws tables at everyone
catches table
Logarithm tables?
@BalarkaSen Why do i feel like im in a room with a bunch of highschoolers
sets table for lunch
@math101 not sure. have been baby-sitting lately?
@Chris'ssis don't post seeecreeets because I am now dying to know :P
@Alizter It was nothing important, and not about math.
nabla blah, that theorem is really intuitive
@anon throws a bench
the decomposition of natural numbers HAD to be into numbers whose divisors are only 1 and itself ... it couldn't be otherwise
unique decomposition*
@nerdy Why couldn't it be otherwise?
i like non-UFD rings
it wouldn't be unique
it fails in other number rings, and there's no eye-catchingly obvious reason why
@Alizter A very nice integral here $$\int_0^1 \frac{\log(1-x) \log^2(1+x)}{1+x} \ dx$$
it's true that factorizations into primes are obviously unique, but it's not necessarily obvious when they exist or if factorizations into irreducibles are unique or when the primes are irreducibles are the same (although we know PIDness is a good culprit to pin it on)
@nerdy it fails in many other number fields. is there any particular reason you see it to be true on $\Bbb Z$?
what is it? why do you think you can't generalize that reason to $\Bbb Z[\sqrt{-5}]$?
and then $$\int_0^1 \frac{\log(1-x) \log(x) \log(1+x)}{1+x} \ dx$$
Hi @JasperLoy
Hey @math101 so when do you graduate?
@Chris'ssis Weren't these on main about sixteen times in the last three days?
@nablablah Hello dear Bart.
@WillHunting Im not sure yet. Depends how busy I get
But hopefully really soon
If we have a circle. Do all triangle that inscribe that circle have the same area?
make the base of the triangle a diameter, then the altitude of the third point determines the area
@DanielFischer I'd like to see any of them only one time on main in the last three days. Do you have a link?
Hey @sarah, lol. Let's not post any more pics.
@anon if the base is the diameter parts of the circle will be outside the triangle!
@Chris'ssis No, I just had the impression that I've seen them on main recently.
@saadtaame oh, you want the circle inscribed in the triangle
answer is still no
@DanielFischer There might be some similar like this one http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/408270/a-challenging-logarithmic-integral-int-01-frac-log1x-log1-x1xdx/938103#938103.
Anastasiya-Romanova answered it 2 days ago, but not following my requirements (I also talked about it here).
think of isosceles triangles
what's the message you're referring to @sarah?
@sarah It's deleted. What is it?
it was deleted for a reason
does it involve you in some way @sarah?
@anon seems to know what happened.
Seeing if it would work
@DanielFischer this one comes from personal research, I think it would require some time for someone to answer it $$\int_0^1 \frac{\log(1-x) \log(x) \log(1+x)}{1+x} \ dx$$
@sarah what was it?
Let's give it to Cleo
no, let's not
Cleo is just an advanced version of mathematica
I think I should join okcupid, lol.
@JasperLoy It's not very fun
@nablablah I was referring to a complete solution. Cleo's answers mean nothing to me.
@nablablah You are the only person who pings me as that now, lol.
@JasperLoy what
@nablablah My username is Will Hunting now.
@JasperLoy Oh
Why you keep changing your username
Why do you still see the old username?
Did you refresh your browser?
@JasperLoy I see "Will" but I didn't pay attention to it until now
@JasperLoy it still pings you
@nablablah LOL
@Chris'ssis I meant this and this. Not quite yours, but close enough to mistake one for the other if one isn't really interested.
I think I will stop flagging the trio X, Y and Z. I have better things to do than get the Marshal badge, lol.
But the fact that X, Y and Z think their trivial answers are great shows how weak they are mathematically, lol.
I'm weak mathematically
@WillHunting I don't think being here shows you have better things to do
@sarah LOL, thanks.
Shots fired
I am desperate to find a gf, lol.
Unless porn + chat is open then touche
@JasperLoy why do you want one so badly
Aren't we enough for you
Anyway, I have planned to study English, French and German in Oct, Nov and Dec resp.
I guess we're not good enough :(
for cleaning to help
@nablablah Well, it's just natural, lol.
@Alizter at least girls can clean
I got a copy of "The blue book of grammar and punctuation" to improve my English.
@DanielFischer hmmm, very interesting the second one. I would have missed it. Thanks!
lets run away to number theory
I also got a copy of "Complete French" and "Complete German" to learn these two from scratch.
@sarah Are you in undergrad or grad?
Under. But I have a dominative personality.
@sarah AKA bitch
I also think of $$\int_0^1 \frac{\log(1-x) \log(x) \log(1+x)}{1-x} \ dx$$
@math101 OMG
@math101 that's not a nice thing to say
@IceBoy Shes a domineering personality she can handle a jab :)
@math101 still...
@math101 and @sarah make me laugh. You two can be my gfs, lol.
What if she dies like Harry Houdini did
@math101 ...be nice
@math101 Theres no need for such language you bastard
@sarah hahaha why is everyone soo sensitive here
Let's not invite the unwanted flaggers.
I sense they are coming to get us.
no more name calling please @math101 @sarah
@IceBoy Sure thing dad
@IceBoy ok mom
you guys can call me all the names you want np
Ice Boy
I prefer skullpatrol
not nice boy
@math101 fight me
Oh, you are @skullpatrol
I thought you disappeared
@sarah atta girl
@nablablah yep
picks up baseball bat
sticks nails in it
Hi skull, @nabla, @sarah
I just answered a lhf, upvotes please, lol.
hurts hand
Hi @TedShifrin
Oh, and Jasper
Hi Professor @TedShifrin
@sarah hahaha oh nooo not today
Sarah is almost as violent as @Balarka
Laura Ramsey plays @Sarah in The Covenant, lol
As shcawt once said: "Dad, I've got a gun in my room. It will be fun!".
Austin Powers
Hi @TedShifrin
@TedShifrin Moi!? Violent?!
throws a table and chair at Balarka
one hits @sarah
@sarah swears really loud
No more throwing tables, children.
@sarah You can't ping yourself.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
@TedShifrin Look who's talking.
ahhhahaha, @nabla
I was demonstrating @Balarka
no more name calling violence please
Guys, I notice I get more upvotes after I posted that post on meta, lol.
talk math
My aim's real bad, @TedShifrin
/me divides by zero
@Will You're getting famous.
@BalarkaSen Do they know I am Jasper Loy? I wonder...
I try, @skull. What post, Jasper?
Q: On mutual tactical serial upvotes and unconstructive comments

Will HuntingI notice that there are some groups of users on this site that like to leave unconstructive comments on each other's posts. For example, A writes "Great answer, +1" on B's posts and B writes "Short and sweet, +1" on A's posts. Often there are a few of these comments each day, accompanied by the u...

Hey any girls here looking for a bf you may consider me, lol.
Ah, the incestuous upvoters ...
My email is jasperloy at outlook dot com, lol.
@IceBoy You mis-spelled "violins".
That's inappropriate posting, Jasper ...
@DanielF !
@DanielFischer This one seems from the same family
Q: How to evaluate $\int_{0}^{1}{\frac{{{\ln }^{2}}\left( 1-x \right){{\ln }^{2}}\left( 1+x \right)}{1+x}dx}$

RyanI want to evaluate $$\int_{0}^{1}{\frac{{{\ln }^{2}}\left( 1-x \right){{\ln }^{2}}\left( 1+x \right)}{1+x}dx}$$ I run this integral on Maple, It does converge. How we get a closed form? Is that related to polylogs? $Li_{5}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)$

@TedShifrin I am sorry I said Munkres is "terrible". I should have said I don't like it. But I think Willard is much better, really.
@DanielFischer I finished it with a full nice solution today (very well explained). It requires some work, that's true.
what an exhausting weekend ... Now waiting in the airport to fly back to drive 90 minutes home ...
@TedShifrin get some well deserved sleep when you get home
I don't know Willard, so I shan't debate.
@TedShifrin Uh. I hope you don't need to lecture tomorrow morning.
Of course, twice. To make matters worse, in probability it's a problem/test review day :)
@TedShifrin Kelley is also good, but the language is a bit old.
Too hard, too terse, and not nearly enough exercises.
I like terse, lol.
The most compact book I have seen is Federer's Geometric Measure Theory. That book is like an address book, lol.
@TedShifrin I though you were talking about someone, lol.
Clearly you lie. Lee is the opposite of terse.
@sarah OMG
@TedShifrin OK, Lee is an exception.
Even experts cannot read Federer.
What about Bourbaki
It's a huge tome ... Far from compact.
overly terse is useless
@nablablah The level of generality kills.
Ok, almost boarding time ... Y'all misbehave without me.

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